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Now doth the busy microbe Employ bis utmost skill To tix npon all people A great big doctor's bill. Oliver Lutz is the new collector for the Farmers' & Mecnanics' Bank. A calm lias settlcd down over the town sinoe the exciting scènes of yesterday. The April Fooi Social at the M. E. cniirch Saturday -evenins will be a cliarmer. Tlie maai who does.n't want any poHttas in his'n better keep off the sttreets these days. Hereafter none but citizens of the United States wffl be alliOAved to vote at school meetings. Henry Lodholz lias opened iip liis store No. 6 Broadway in whicli he Bèlls coniectionery and stationery. Tliip Aveekly oditioai of the Comrier h:i beein. ddayed thi week by the non arrival of ;i canB3ginniiit of paper. The Lotus Glee Club cancert Frlday nlght fully demonstrated tlie ïact that the great masses of the people are still loiere of melody. The youaig ladies' society of Bethleh?m Evangellcal church, will meet next Thursday evening with Miss Marie Weber, of Pack&wl st. It niakes no diííeremce whether a man earns his living by the sweat of his brow or by the sweat of his brain, it takes indomitable perseverance lo ■win success. Miss Emma 0. Collier, who has been In Detroit for the past few montlw, is noiv in the city for a few days y i si t ing lier home. 8he will go trom here to Kalamazoo. Wolch Post G. A. K. are talkmg -rcry strongly of going to Ypsilanti on Memorial Day, to be present at the dedicnt'on of the new Soldiere' Monument in that city, at that time. About twenty or mare of the iriends o!' Mr. in Mrs. John W. Mnroney,, of No. 71 Broadway, dropped in on them Weüneisday eve. and reminded Mr. Maroaey o.f üis Sist birthday. It was a geauine surprise aad a genuine good time both. A burning clilmney between the stores oí Chas. W. Vogel and Wesley Hicks, ooi E. Ann st., ïlliursday a. on. oalled out th.e fire department Tliere was considerable smoke but no flre visible. It made considerable iaconvenience for Charlie Vogel 's family, but there was no special damage. Deaii & Co. gold daring the yeaajust passed, 2,500 pounds of their onvn make of Cream Tartar Baking Powder in this city alone, without camvaselng. They are now canvassing the towas on the T., A. A. & K. M. R'y as far north. as Cadillac, and we meeting with great success. When an oííicial doe&n't do anything,. thea there is silence írotn a certain portion of the eomniunity. Wlien he does do his duty, thein there come lcicks by the bushel. Reasoning frorai these p remises alone Marsiial Banfield is a good officer. They are kicking at him. There was a sirn upon a fence - That siLn waB Paiöt," And every mortal iliut weut by, sinner nd saint, Put out :i fluger, touched thefeuce. And onward sped. And as they rlped their finger-tlps- "It is," tbey snid. Next JIoaiduy is April lst. The candidates tfor office woiild do well 1 o reniember tliat fací. The ladies' society of Zion Lutheran church wlll meet on Tliursd-ay of next week witli Mrs. Kodi, 011 E. Liberty street. Tlie examination of Ex-County Treasurer Suekey FrMay a, ni. beloie Justice Pond, was again postponed, tliis time uatil April 19th. The clothiers complain tliat they ha liad no demand for raackiatoshes for a long time. LikO every one else they are praying for rain. Died, on Friday, Marcli 22, '95, Miss Patience I!. McCauley, beloved sister of Mj-s. J. M. Wheeler and Mis. A. E. Warden. FuneraJ at Mire. Wheeler's ïosidence Sunday at 3:30 p. m. Excursiiom ticket-s, at tlie rate of ome fare for the round f rom all poimts in Michigan will be given to Amn Arboir for the May Festival ocouiring May 17 and IS, good to return on the lí)th. nio Aan Arbo-r playera in the chess contest that has been going on some weeks Ihrough the columns of the 'J'iiiiL1.-. i:i Ypsilaiiti, gave up the game last nlg'ht, fO'i-ty moves baving been made. NO'W the Ypsl. Club is looking more victlins. The Free and Opeq Church Asociiition of rhiladelplii;!, Pa., were so pleased with t.lio sermón of Ro.v. Henry Tatloek in regard to Free Seats, that tlicy have oraered five hundred copies of the same. Tliis s a great compliment to the red ■ "i St. Andrew's church. Arrangeni' n' i .-n made with the. Broadua liot 1 at Danver. Col., a; the buèndqüatrti tor Mkhigam teachers dturlng the meeting' of 1he ratianal teaclu-.'.s association this nummer. The ratee ar O$1.50 per ilay. La dies deeiilng to do xo can secure rooms in private residences iK-ai' the hotel at 50c per day. Representativo I. B. Ricih, of Jackson who was herc atteaidimg the legislative visit, says oí tihe prospecta of Hou. Chas. II. Sanitli Uk state senator is excellent in Jacksom -:ounty, ■herc Mr. Smith is lonown he is well liked, aoid will poll far more than liis party vote. If Washtemaw will do her duty Mr. Smith wiU h& the next statO senator. It is annoiiiK'ed at Toledo that Jas. M. Ashley, Jr., is a caindidate ïor U. S. senator irom Ohio, to succeed the Hou. Calvin Brice of New York, whose term expires next year. White the many frie-nds oí Mr. Ashley hete in An-n Ar hor WOUM rejoice to see him in the United States sonate, the people of Ohio will tak particular pains to see that a good, staunch republican Mr. Brice's place. ' The proposilion to raise $5,000 to purchase a stoJie crusher and team io Ier Wifch whirh to make some decent ïtie:.'ts In our city was one that woulil ccunmond its&li to practical people. If there is a.ny oae thing more. another Ln our city that ueeds tion it Is our etreets. Money expended, lor t-hat purpose, if wisely expended, is a thing that eo-inniends itaelf to the good seinso oí aJl the people. AVe have received from the ínter Oeean advance copies of their new series oi Axt Supplemetate be given free wltïi Sunday tesne. Tliey show the hlgheet excellence ia the art of lithography, and the subjects are Uin evldence of the eleva tvl taste of the piibllsher. This magnificent gift of the ínter Ocean can ïiot ba duplicated by ajiy newepaper publiühed, and we advise readers to have their orders In early. The proposition to raise $5,000 to purchase sites fo-r buiMnigs for city purposes in the lst and 2d wards, is cene the people will havo to pass judgment on at the coming clection. If the city ever propases to buy such sites now is the time to do il. In a year or so values will be increased ome-fourth if not one-lialf. Lots that can be purchased now will be out of market in a short time. It seems as though it wouM be cconomy to buy now, while desirable locations are obtainable at a reasonable price. It is ruimored fhat the secret bocietiee propoee to "hold together," at tlie Mgh school, and if any meanber of any sotiety is suspemded, the en tire body of secret (society members propose to go 011 a strike. Their idea is that there will be so maay of them Uiat the graduating class wül be very light. The question quito naturally suggests itself wlio would be iniureil by euch a course, tlxo participante, or the school ? Such action would in Ho way embaiTass the scliool, for it would malte no diíference whether ome or fifty graduated, but it will make a considerable differeoice to the young men and young ivomen themselves whether they obtatn a diploima or not. Come ijithiT. pretty Spnln, and teil Jast wby iluit gun expioried - '1im('s thai? Goud rncious mel AVell, well! You dldn't kcow 'i w;is loaded! On Eastei Suruiay at St. Tliounas' ohurch, the orehestra "will present a gn'.nü mass. St. Thoimas church is ahoal just :pl(H) by reasom oí the St. Patrick'e da.y comcert iiui lectui'c. ITie junior B. Y. P. U. wffll give a taífy irall Priday evening next from 7:íÍU to 'J:80. at the Baptist church. Be Vi Chías. M. Brcnvín, o f Tecumseh, will iqea.k at the Y. M. C. A. Ilally at tho Cojigregalioual t'hui'Cli nexfc Suiulay ovenlng. Miss Alma. Sehmidt and sister Marie, of MaaicJiester, are guests for a lime of their aunt Miss Sophia Sehmid oí S. Mala st. Tile Epworth League will give am April Fooi Social aiext tíaturday evtiiing i u the M. E. cluirch parlors. Anetxfllent musical program will be rendered. Some real eistate in Chelsea j ing to Joími M. Letts, was sold at mortgage sale at the eo'urt liouse at O'ne o'clock. Tlie property, about leu acies oí land, brought $2,0üj. The democratie party was entertained by Jolm V. Hheehan d uring tlie lcgUlative visit. That i.s Kepresentative Donovan accompamed by Mrs. Uonovau, ware guests oí' Mr. anti Mis. John V. S-heeü-an. Department Commamder Kanitz has publicly thanked Aid-de-Ciunp John M. Perkins ül Ann Arbor district No. 22, G. A. R., for liis efforts in keeping up tJie interest amo-ng old solnie;s in tlieir superb orgnaizaition. On Tuesday vening April 'Jtii, liev. A. AV. Manu, the deal mute missionary wili hold services in öt. Andrew's chapel, at 7:30 p. m. All deaf mutes in the continu nity, and all otliers are inviled to attenil. The service wiil be oral, and trunslated in sign language by Mr. Maan. Jo&h'ua Buell, a fornier resident of tln.s city, diecl at Briglitoii yeeterday moiníng, aged a bout 50 years. He as a brother of Miss Helen Buell, ,of jST. Fiíth ave. Mr. Buell was oiie oí the early members of Fraternity lodge F. & A. M., aaid iievw seveixd liis coiimection therewith. Proí. A. (i. SctLrajn will begin classes in the science of raemory in j besrry Hall to-morrow. The ' sor has no doubt met with some opposHiiKi to his scienoe here on account of the excellent memory lessons some of our citizens received a few yeais ago in this line. One weet frojn next Firiday, April 5th, Mr. Yen, ol' hangiiai, Cliina, Wil) spoali at Öt. Aiidicw's cliurcli der the aas-pices o the Womam's Auxiliary, at 4:30 o'clock p. m. This gentleman is a native of China, a ïluont talker aud will have mueh to say of interest to the people. The iii'usic ïurnished by the Chequamcg-on orcliestra at tho Coiigregatioiiial ohurch Sumday evening undeaUu; leadership oí León Jom'.s, was simply sttperb, and gave tJi audieace lh.c greatest of p-leaeure. 'Ilie Yonng Meii's (Society under "vliose a-uspices tiie meeting was beid, ieel very gratel'ul ior tlie favo'r. Wliilo cr-oesinL tlie bridge over the i M. C. R. -E. tracks on Broadway. day afteraoon, the wheels of the vtíücXe in which Dell Wetherbee. was ridinjï strack one of t.he planks nailed over one of the holes in that bridge in suith a manner as to acare the horee. The animal ran away and thiew Mr. Wetlieibee out and sprained his ankle. But little damage was ■ done to the norse or rig. This bridge i is In a daiigeious coudition and OUght to ha iixed by some oae. ïhe J.-otus Clee Club gave ons of the most coijoyabls coaeérts- that is (or the uiasses who are not yet suffüeiently cultivated in the musical scieute to forgct all the beauties of melody- that has been glven this seasoo. The Club is even better than ii was üve years ago when it appeared hea-e in the S. L. X. co-urse, and thfii everyone iell in love with it. The elocutionist who assists in giving variety -to the program, Miss Vora liurpee, is au artiet in her line. She was obliged to repond to eacore after encoré, ana then the audience was &o greedy that it was diffloult to give ilier up. There was not a nuimber on the program that was not encored irom one to four times


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Ann Arbor Courier