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Aretais Dunn is consldörably undcr tbe weatlier. J. D. Stimsoin i.s very ill at hls home om W. Harón Mr, nnd Mrs. Waler C. Mack left Siinday íar New York. Mm. Wim. ABaby is quite ill at Iict liO'me on E. Wu.sliiiig-ton st. Epp A. Matteson leaies íor a week's western trip MJoowlay. Mrs. A. M..McGee oí Jackson, is visitiiig her &O'ns her e in Ann Artxw. Edward Meyers, of Guelph, Ont., ts spending a few days in thO city. Mrs. Dr. Wm. A. Campbell went to Detroit Monday for a short stay. Mis? r.lanrhe Ba.nta, of Jackson, spent Sumday with Ann Arbor friends. Miss Inez Stocking, oí this city, is visiting Mrs. Mark Onmsby, of l'ontiac. Mrs. "tt'iil W. spent S'Unday with her sister Mrs. Parshall in Wayne. R. F. Samford, who has been east for gome weeks, returned liome Satnvday night. Miss Margery Knowlton. is slowly improving. Slie is able to sit up occasionally. Miss 'Katie Warner is ia Detroit today attending the Epworth "League convention. Miss E. Neuberger, of Clielsea, is a gTiest at John ünumgardner's on E. Catharine st. Mr. ;m;l Mrs. Geo. 8. Yandawai-ker spent Sunday witli Mrs. V's motlier at South Lyon. Mtee S'usie Wliedon, who is tcachüic iu Mt. Clemens, is home for a couple ot week--. Waltcr H. Sinith, for the Daily Courier and Journal, will spend Sunday in Lansing. Misa Annie Leiand, of Eanery, went to Detroit Tuesdiay mornmg as an Epwoith League delégate. Mrs. Alirer al the north side, has been called to Dayton, Ohio, by thO seiio'us illnea oí lver sist-ea-. E. J. Sager left lasfc night íor his home in Ies Moines, Iowa, after spending the winter here. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. "Whiting liave returned from a Aveek's visit -vitlx friends in Barry county. Gregory Dibble, of E. Washington ist., is receivLng a visit fronn his motlier, Mrs. Dibble, oí Fentoa. Martin Seabolt, of Manistee, arrived in the city Saturday niglit, to visit his father, Moses Seabolt. Mrs. JoJin. "VÏ. Good.peed left Thursday for a couple of wejek's stay at her parents home at Clarkston. H. A Hopkfns prees cleirk of the sanate was t.lie guest oí E. J. Ottaway d'urimg the legislative visit. Mi-s. Claude S. Larzelere, of Willard gt., was called to QuLncy. Mich., Tues (l:iy a. m., by the illness of lier par ents. Mts. AVni. Meacli, of Bellevue, ivho has been visiting her aunt F Hairii, reiuinad to her home Tuesday Miss Niaa Drake, of Brigüiton, came to the Ysaye concert, aad was the g-uest of Mrs. (xregg1, on Fountah street. Mise C. F. Bronson' is spending a week' vaeatkxn trom tww -ool duttee at Lii.nsing, with. Ann Arbor fiieiids. Miss Mary Hunting, of the KalamnzO'O SemJnary, will spend a few dny's vaoatioiii in this city the comiOg week. Miss Murcia ' House, wV- has been visittag Mire. M. C. Petereon lor soine e ks, retiirned home to Richford Spi-ings, New York Friday a. m. Miss Haven, of the Owosso public schools, will be the guest of Mre. Osbonie, of E. Aan st., for a few days. Mías Una Abel, of the "Young Mis. WinMirop troupe," is in the city for a few days, the guest of lier mother at the S. A. E. house. Dr. Guy Kiefer, of Detroit, telegi-aphed to frieinds here this mornlng: "A girl- motlier doing well." Tlie motlier's name was Miss Josie Henion. Miss Mrámie Eoeam, of Chicago, stopped o-er in tlie city Friduy, viisiting oll friends, on her way to Phdiadelphia, Fa., to remain a few moiiths. Prof. C. M. Moss, of the University of Illinois, is visiting Mra. O. E. Haven, 27 E. Jefferson street. He will read a paper during the classical conference. Superintendent Evans, of the west side schools, and wife, left to-day for a week's hoüday ■ visit at Ana Arbor and other points.- Jackson Citizen, March 23 d. There came to the home of Will McGee, on Kingsley et. Friday morning a beautiful little baby girl, and what is more, ehe makes herself at home and proposea to stay. Wtth whieh proceeding Mr. and Mrs. McGee seem to be very much pleased.


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Ann Arbor Courier