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Sarah, the 14 years okl daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fisk, of Chelsea, lied xVpril 3d, with measles. The young folks around Chelsea are reaking out with measles. In revising the registration list last Saturday it was found that 45 voters had either died or removed from the townhip since the last registration ; of tbis number34 were republicans and 11 denocrats. - Chelsea Standard, Wlien a man playfully points a pistol or gun at you knock hiin down, don'.t be articular what you hit him with only see that he isthoroughly knocked down. f a coroner's inquest must be held, let it )e on the other fellow - he won't be nissed. The Michigan Academy of Science vill make an official investigation of Orion's sea-serpent on May 1, providing Orion people will bond themselves to not turn their new band loose on them on that occasion. They will not have he courage to face two such deadly langers in a single day. - Northville Record. Jacob Itrause died March 29, at his lome in Webster, aged 71 years. He vas a native of Wurteniberg, Germany. and came to Üiis country 49 years ago. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Buckelew, of Dexter, made the 50th mniversary oftheir marriage very pleasant for them on the evening of Aprti lst. Considerable exciteuient bas been created in Exeter township, Monroe county, by tbe rebpening of the Gierman case. A year ago Henry Gierman, township treasurer of Exeter, was robbed and bis wife shot dead in bed. Au effnrt was made Monday to reimburse liim for the amount of which he was robbed. Tliis failing, a resolution was adopted offering a reward of $1,000 for the conviction of the murderer. This action it is said will be legalized by tbe township board at its first meeting. Eoland I. Bell died at his home in Dexter village, March 29th, aged 94. He came to Lima to live in 1846. He had been married three times, and leaves a wife and nine children. Wliat? Republican? Manchester republican? Well, where am I at? Shades of the immortal hickory Jackson, what's the matter witli Manchesier? Ifanyonehad said a week ago that the republicans would carry Manchester this spriug, he would have been looked upon as a proper subject for Pontiac. - Manchester Enterprise. One of our local nimrods while duck buutiug recentjy saw a whole band of mallards in a cove on Vineyard lako. He crawled a lialf inile on his hands and kuees to get a good shot, and blazed away, bnt not a duck or a feather flevv. ïlie decoys were there for the day. - Enterprise. The codling inolli has made its pearance now, that the frost s coming aut of the grouud. The best way to :atch them as well as customers, is to use printers' ink. Girdle the tree with ink, it is better than tar. - Enterprise. Those who are in a position to. know claiui that it has beon several years since the Dexter merchante did as good a business as they are doing this spring. - Leader. S. E. Woodworth, of Battle Creek, writing to the Grange Visitor says : "In regard to the wide tired wagon I have used one on the farm for twenty-two years. Fourteeu yeara ago I liad all my lumber wagons made over into four inch tires and have used them ever sinee. I consider them a great benefit to both farm and road. I can draw fully one-third more on a wide than on a narrow tire, and it is less work for the team. If all farmers would use the wide tire wagon it would not cost onequarter what it does now to keep the roads in repair. I w-ould exempt the four-inch tire írom one-half of the road tax, the six-inch tire from all road tax. I believe there ought to be a law passed to compel people to use the wide tired wagon." Parties are expected here next week to put in the foundation for the Soldiers' Monument. By the way, where is the monument to be set ? Where is the best place for it? Wouldn't itbe a fine thing if ground for it could be had in the orchard just east of the Grand Army ot, which must some day be addéd to the cemetery, and wliere an entrance would naturally be? Then it would be n front of the lot and in view of such entrance. When the monument is located is the time to lócate itright. The codling moth, which is so injurióos to the apple erop tliroughout the state, has already made its appearance in the vicinity of Floshing. Farmers there are not worrying over what to do, as they are catching them as fast as they inake their appearance. ïhey liave girdled every liee with printer's nk, and when the female comes out of the ground and crawla up the body of ;he tree she gets caught in the ink aud s killed. The ink is not injurious to the tree, like tar is. The moth makes ts appearance as soon as the ground aegins to tliaw.


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