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The Compulsory Education Bill Has

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passed the House. It provides a penalty of $50, for every parent negleoting to senil his or lier child to school at least four months in the vear. It is understood that John Buil has erdered Uncle Sam to keep his mouth shut in regard to Venezuelan affairs. Now there remains to be seen how uiuch backbone there is to Mr. Secretary Gresham. The 'Ho-welt Republican is fat, fair and forty. It is In. the very primo oflife. Editor Ba-mes isgiving tliepeople of Livingston county a paper that is yaluable for tliem aiad a, credit to. Mmself. The mext Tuesday's edition of tlie riymouth Mail will 'be issued by the í&áiea of that village, ajid is already au .assured success. TJiO ladiés ncver iail in making a Biicoess of wliatever. tibey undertake. Ui dn aiicago tho peoplo votod the republican ticket so numcrously that Uie iniajorities are liablo to be rolling ■np ïor a week or tem diays yet. Mr. Swiit ,-vvlio was elected mayor two years ïago, bat couinted out in the slums, lias a majority tüiis time that wiïï aidmit of no dispute. It Is up■wards of 41,000. The cigarette habit is becoming an tmbearable nuisance, every little boy and a good share of the big ones, that one meets on the street has one of these deadly little rolls of tobáceo in tbeir mouth. It is acknowledged by every one that they are injurious to both health and mind, and if peoplechoose to smoke them it is their owu lookout, Imt they should go out in the allej' or soine ether byplace and not compel people who come into stores and other places te) inhale the villianous smell which eonaes frotn the smoke of these things. There is a cigarette law in tliis state that boys under 18 cannot buy them . Why not enforce it, 'twould help some. - Eaton Rapids Herald. The salary anieiidmenvt never should, have been submitted at a time w-hen. the country is so depressed in a business way. It was unfortunate. The jalaries ishould be higker. Tliere is Be qupstion about that, but this was not the time to aak tho people Tor a; raise. 'When the country is prospering ilieu there may be soino hope for favorable öction thereotí, bat not it is clear down at tho heel. Ouv Iriendi at Laaslng wore warned that the ameaidment would be sèoweö 'undcr, a.nd wliat Is more unfortumate for the people of Lamstng and Ingliaiu 'county, the amendment to give them another circuit judge lias gono down with it. At least it looks that -vay. Had that been submitted alone it would have carvied without the least doubt. The card of thanka custoin will soon ■fee a reminiseence. A Milwaukee paper iiasreferred to itas "a peculiarity of the jeople of little country towns to publish aids of thanks in the local paper after any bereavement, the notice being made to include all who contributed in any way tothe alleviation of their misfortune. The Milwaukee paper ironically refers to one recent uotice found in a eountry paper in which the undertaker was tlianked for the prompt and satisfactory performance of his duties. The absurd practice of writing and requestïng the publication of poor and almost meaningless verses in connection with the annouuceuient of a death, is also related to the card-of-thanks inflection and is referred to as a country cüstom that designation will bring both customs to a sudden end. That which remonstrances and advice from nevvspaper editors could not do will be done by the reference to "country town peculiariües."- Cadillac News and Express. Hou. Chas. H. Bniith, Btate senator froni this district, will del i ver the Memorial Day address at Xortli Adams, Hillsdale county. Mrs. Bruce Watson, Gedar Springs, Mich., says : "Whenever I am real tired and nervous I take about seven drops of 'Adirontla" and I ahvays obtaiu instant relief." Sold by John Moore. Th? 'majoritj; for Han. Chas. H. Smith for state senator In this district ís 2,161. The eenate will aot be Domovanized, you eee. Tho bo.rd of supervisors in Monroe county stands 12 republican, 5 democrat and 1 citizeai. AVhat's the matter witli Mtwiroe ? She's nll riglit ! The imports of woolen cloths, through the New York custom house during the first five nontlis of the Gorman tariff reached 6,155,22 lbs. a& co.mpared wlth imports of 2,090,546 lbs. during the corresponding five months a year carlier. The moveinent in the South for the enconragement of immigration from the Xqith is making deéided headway, and tlie resulta can not fail to be beneficial to that section in more ways than one. It means the development of a "new outh" in the full sense of the expresson. China will undoubtedly be a large purchaser of silver after the war ends. This is one of the reasons why that netal is advancing, and another reason B the general iinprovement in business. Fhereisa chance that the increascd irices will lead to increased produc;ion, in wltich case another drop may take place. A recent writer suggests that if there is anything in the law of averages or historical precedents, it is about time for the United States to have another war. The average period between wars heretofore has been about twenty-five years, and thirty years have now passedsince tlie civil war. Never before in our history, that is to say, has there been so long a period of profound peace as the one through which we are now passing ; and if history is going to repeat itself, a war must soon ensue. China has succeeded in inducing a nation one-tenth as large to grant an armistice, pending the conclusión of a peace which is certain to give Japan money, lands, and ships which formerlv were Cliinese. It is only about eight months ago that the Emperor of China, the "Son of Heaven," who is too wouderful and miglity a potentate to be seen by ordinary mortals, corarnanded liis generáis and viceroys to expel the "pestilential pigmies," as he styled the little islanders, from Corea. Seldotn in üistory have arrogance and vain selfconfidence been changed more suddenly and completely to fear and defeat and abject supplication for mercy. The announcement that the sales agents of the little group of companies which control the production of anthracite coal in this country have decided to limit the output of the mines for April to one-half of the ordinary June production, inay not mean as much as it appears to on the surface. These reiulators of a great monopoly meet and agree to pluck the public in certain ways but it usually turns out that the ions fixed for the mtliracite coal industry are not observed, and tliat there is more coal and cheaper coal ior the masses than there could be if ill the monopolista did as they pledge theuiselves to do. One thing which mitígales the evils of monopoly, Btrange to say, is the slipperiness of many of the monopolists, and, their disloyalty to one another. Their "uuderstandings among geiitlpinen" are sonietimes very weak and useless compacts, fortunatély for the public. Tlic fa.moiis case of Mrs. Florence E. Maybriek which ereated so mucli interest in Iingland and this country somc years ugo, is bcing ag'ain agitate by fiiends who believe tlie ivo man innocent, and there are thousaaids wfoo do, and another appeal is beiaig made for a aiew trial. There -vvn.s mot evldenoe cnougli to convict n,ny oae brousht out in the first trial, aind it was only the prejudice of the infirra and enfeebled old judge who goor. alter was obligad to retire because of imbeciüty, and the other members of the court, tliat ever convfcted hor. Xo Amerieaai court would ever bave co-nvicted on the evidence pa-eseait-ed by Uie cro-wn's attorneys. 1+ hvas a conspiracy by the family oí Mr. Maybriek prevent his wife, ■who is aa American, from receiving the benefit ol liis property. Th ere is evidence upon. evidence to prove that Maybrlck took arsenic continually aa a tonic, lie sprinJded it upon bis bread the same as pepper, and if he died by slow poison, Ue died by his om. hand. And yet the womaa who became lils wife, aa American -woman, is fslowly dying in. an English prison, accuised ot poisoning him. How will sucli fearful -wronigs as this ever bc righted ?


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Ann Arbor Courier