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Mrs. E. ir. iWelsh, of E. Hurón st., i.s entertaming her párente, from California. Miss Grace Hawn has returned ir om her vislt with Cliicnig {rienda. Mrs. Wirt Cowiweü is entertaining Mrs. Boynton and son, of Chicago. Mrs. L. M. Palmer lea ves for an extended trip to Earope about June lst. H. M. Tabor left for his North, laLotaïarm at Jamestown last Wediieeday. Mrs. Sarai J. Otaiej-, formerly oí Hillstlale, is now a. resident o'f Ann Arbor. Miss Mary Galloway, of Brighton, i% visiting lier brother-in-law J. T. Ryan. Mrs. Dr. Kendrick has removed f rom Plymouth to this city, for permaaent residence. It. Howell, of Alpena, is visitang liis öaugihter Mrs. A. C. Nichols, of N. Thayer et. Lewls 'Miller, of Mooreville, expectq to remove tp Aaa Arbor soon, to r&; side permajiently. Andrew Gruaer is quite eeriously ill at the home of lier daughter Miss Mary Miley. Mrs. Wm. Porfcex and daughter Maud, DÏ ilt. Clem'ens, are visiting friends and relativos on the Xorth.side. Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Haber wül be among the European visiteurs from Anti Arbor thU summier. A. B. ScJimidt, of E. ICiagütey st., Is eaitertaining his niece, Miss Paul-, lue Waltz, of Graaid Bapddis1. Mr. ujxd Mr, üeo. W. Miley of E Inhersity ave., are J. L. Hagadorn and wlfe, oí JIunice, Ind. Bev. S. Breed, oí E. Amn st., is tertaining his soa, President Wesley, Breed of Benzonla college, for a short time. Urs,. M. L. Perrine returned on Satvuday eveaiag írom lier visit to Minneapolis, St. l'aul and Stilhvater, Minnesota. Ex-Justice Noah. ü. Butts is settling up liis business inlereste here, preparatoiy t-o removing from tlie city niunently. Mr. and Mis. A. Black, oí Hastlngs, wili spend the coming week with their daughter, Mis. W. F. StimsoJi, of E, Liberty st. Ira fievereoice wko has beea visiting- Ana Arbor friendo íor a time, returned to his home in lied Wlng, Miau., t-o-duy. Mark W. Hai-riington, chieí of the Bureau, at Washington, D. C, lia heen greeting oid ftrieiwls liere ior a day or two. Edwin BaU, superviso.r of Webster is quite ill witli. ui attack of quiasy. He was obliged to liave liis tliroat lanceU a íew days ago. Miss Emily, Lodliolz luis returned lionueto Marshall af ter a tow weeks' vteit witk lier aunt Mrs. S. Lodliolz, Sr., oí the Morthside. Miss Ottie Hillis, wbo lias speait the past yea.r witli her aunt Miss Mate Olaa-k, returned to her home ia Pittsburg, Kas., last Wedmesday. Mis. Harry W. Hawley auid sou ,of Chicago', aiïived at lier father'S (.'Jiristiaai Mack's, this morning', to remato a few weekst Frank Man-tin ajid wife, guests ol Mr. and Jlrs. M. J. Ix_vliinaii, want to Detroit this a. mi, on thetr wa-y honie to Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Jennle Harvey, of Sagiuaw, "V. S., will ba tbe guest of Mts. E. A. Keith, of S. ïhayer st., aoid othc- relatlves anil friends in the city for a few days. L-ewis ï. Cutclieoa, who was in the l'nhersity u. pare of laét yoar, is spetnding ia few Uays in tlio city. He has lately been doiiig woa-k ou the (li-aut; Rapids Horald. MIbb Eiseamann, of 'Momroe, is visiting her Heavy Eisenman, oí Mact & Schimid's, ac H. J. Mama's, cor. of W. Wu-sliiugtoix attici . Ashley st.s. Huideon T. Ellis writee from Texas City. Texits, thiit bnsiaess is boomlug ilown tJiere and everythiug bids fair for itlnat new town. Mr. Ellis is with the Texas City Improvemeat Co. CJia.. B. Daviso'a, W. 'M. of FrateraLodge, has received a n in ii.ation irom Edward C. Pitkin, W. M. oí L. M. ()p( jihüimei' Chapter Xü. 2. oi Hos-e Croix Bcottish Rite, to attend the ajinual celebration oi tho Mystic Banquet, Maunday Thursday, April 11, at Galveston, Texas. Mr. Pltkin is a. tonner Ann Arbor boy and. gi-aduate of the U. of M. From tlie Macoa, 0., News, ive leara th;it Prof. C. O. Twvjisend. formerly a resideat of this city, and gradaatej of the U. of M., wil close his connec tion with tho Weileyan L'mversity oí tJiat place, auid in, campan y wita1 Mrs. Townsend, will epend a year in; Europe, mostly Gerniaaiy, pursuing studie. Beforo depaa-ting ion Bil rope tJiey wil! Bpémd a, few days ia Anr, Arbor visiting old friends.


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