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Dastardly Work At Azalia

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Cu Friday night last an attempb iva, made to blow up the creamery atj AtaVia. Two bombs were placed un-í der the ea-stern port ion of the building and fired. but for same reason; tr.t: building was not damaged aq inuch a.s might have been expected.! 3'bía is said to liav resulted frorn thej weak foundation on which the buildir.'j; íested. Two la.rge holes -vere b ov.ii in the building but the machinCiv as noL damaged. Thore were two persons sleeping in the room at tl c Ijme of the explosión, but neither ene were injured. About one year apo this creamery was bumed to the gi obiiid, 110 one knowing how it cuiight fire. ïhe oreamery is the pioperty of .iarmers residing in the Mcialty. A Dundee dispatch says that suepiciou is attached to two persoüs. but no arrests have as yet bfccii made. Mis. Stalker and two dauigh' ters, ivho have beein visiting MirgL S's f;. Uier, Samuel Hendiriekson, on S. State Bt., returned to Detroit Monday. noming. Mrs. Harry W. Hawley returns lióme to Chicago, 111., Monday morning', ralled there to attend the funeral of the late John Wl Scott, the; partner of Mr. Hawley on the Hèrald Detroit has to raise this year $3,28J.00O. If Amn Arbor had to raise as mnch in proportion, 8he would be cailed upon for $164,000. About öouble what is now raised ior all püjposes. Wm. A. Hatea who has been. ill ill for over a year hos aoweo far recovered that he has taien a posi1on with Mack & Scbmid,1. It looks rih.tural to see Will behind the counter once more. lt is understood that the Reform Lebgue of thiis city is soon to hold „ meeting and that the people of Ann Arbor who declined to sign thein plitígi; will be scalped, decapitated, quartered and hung. In which event tLpre will be few left to teil the tale. Our sportsman will be interested in. 4 ün annual tournament and challenge sliool, at Battle Creek, April 23 and 2-i. Tliere are nine "events" in trap shot.ting eacb day, and a contest betwíen the Grand Itaplds and Battle Crerk teams for shootinig and fisliing trophy. l'eginning ■witíi. iiext Sunday oven iiiig, Pro; Daweon will give hls '.admirn Die course of lectures oji Temptation. 'Jhc first will be ThO Tennptatioai of Job, the next The Temptation of of Macbeth, folio wed by Teniptation oí Faust. These lectures will twi held at tlie Emglish Lutheran cturch. l'vcf. C. S. Deaison wlio bas just bcrji re-elected secretar? of the vestry of Si". Aadrew's Episcopal parish has seip(l iu tliat capacity oontiiniously for twenty years. Every member of "U'ft vestry, either as worden oir vestrymnn, at the time he was first olectcd. has been taken away by the hand o1" cieath. A lady from the west revisitlng this city for the first time in' some thjrty or more, weffljl down to th a Aorthside a,nd found the old house iu which she ljved ae a girl some fifty ycars ag-o, and said tlKit it had not rhanged a partiële in all that timej beJD4' altercd neither by paint or whitewash, she thought. aiis.i: Louise Reiclieinecker of this city, and Mr. Jolm Ferne, of Pittsl;ui.n_. l'a., were niarried to-dny row at S o'clock, at tlie home of the bridr's parents, No. 50 "W. Secoad st. Kr. JoJim Neuinann wiü perform the ceiemony, and a reception to relatives and intímate ,friends will be given at -4 o'clock p. m. TJiey will lea o for tlieir future residence at PittibUTB, Ta., ou TJiursday noon. The bride has many warm friends in this ity, and plenty oif good wishes wil] follow the couple to bheir new home j A n?w branch board oí the St a minió í-ayino-s and Loan Asso-Hation, of Lerioit, lias been orgnaized here. Tfoere. are 235 ehares represented in, tliis city. The office are : President - August De Fries. Vito president - Emamiell Wapiee. í-u'y antl Treas.- I-Ved H. Belser. Aitoiney - Thos. D. Kearney. luí íct-ors- Chas. Tessmer, Eugene OesterUi). W. D. Stevens, Gkrttlo-b Lulck anti Herman Gundert. At the meeting oí the Wasditenaw County Union of Young I'eople's Societies to be lield at Chelsea oa Fridaj-, April 19th, a good program, ha,s been arranged for the occasion, inciuTTing an address by Bev. C. B, 'tiwman, oí Detroit. T5ie train lea-e tlíifi city at nine o'clock a. m., and iretuniinig will reach Ann Arbor at 10:25 p. m. Tlie Chelsea Societj; will entertain all who attend. Tlif: fare Irom Ann Arbor vrSl be aixly cents for the round trip. At piCfent it looks a.s if thet'e would) l)e guite a delegation from Ann Arboi. TIn; Boston Herald remarks about gonx; ei our girls : "Tüie womem student.s in the Umiversity, at Ann Arbor, Mich., are gettkig tKeimselve3 into. Lot water, bj wearing their bicycle bloomers in the house. Of course the i.ssu u was to be expected, everybody. knew it must come, for girls who oucü enjoy thO freedom of tlus debaTable costume are boiind to try, ir tinder other conditions tlan skimmiug over the ground on a bike. It remainí to be eeen if Ann Arbor is cqval to the straln upon its cthical taste, or wliether the profeeBOrs', ■ivis, -vho Champion the innovators, are to come out eecond. best iiii this ■iLeiry iight, which may extead ea&tTard." A nice little surprise was worked upon Prof. E. H. Kempf and wiftj just after tlie morning servioe at the Cougiegational church yesterday. A, va of carnations decorat.eI the pulpit o' the church, and after service VU purposely placed where the flowers w ould attract Mrs. Kempi's at-N tention. TVliile she wt" koking at them, Eev. Mr. Braidshaw enquired if the admirea them, a fact she read; il.' ronfessed to. Then, he handed Ilieni to her wltU the statement that hf: - as authorized by the church society to present them to herself and busbond. While admiring them s,he noticed that there was no water in lbo vase and slie removed the flowers U üll the vase with water;, she öteiovered $50 in gold - which went wltli tlie flowers. It ivas an Easter g;if1 from the congregation. Prof. Kemp: has acted as ot-ganist for the ehurch tor ten years, and Mrs. Kempf ha been a niember of the choir ior llu. sanie length of time, and this gift va, a slight token of appreciation, ior their services.


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