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It Has Finally Been Definitely Settled

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that the next state fair will be held at Grand Rapids, Sept. 'J to 14 inclusive. Attorney General Maynard saya that under the new general charter luw any Tillage in the state can close up its ■whisky shops if it desires. The decisión of the Supreme Court in the income tax case is another condemnation of the recent Congress for its lack of capaeity to perfora the ordinary work of legislation. Secretary Carlisle has tired of his portfolio it is asserted, and will become a candidate for TT. S. Senator f rom Kentucky, to succeed Blackburn. Xo tearswillbe shed by the public. The wise Presideutial aspirant is Keeping silent nowdays. Of course, this refers to Republicans only. Xothiug that any Democrat can say will saake his chances of eleetisn worse than they are. Before the summer is over seventy new sliafts will have been sunk in the lúeariville gold belt. The time is coming wlien it will be impudent to say anytbiiig disrespectful of gold bugs within the limits of Colorado. One of the most urgent duties of the fifty-fourth Congress is the repeal of the emasculated income tax law. Even theanarchists and Populists who were responsible for the act must be disgustcd with it in its present shape. The custom house returns show only a ]art of the gold exporte. The Engineering and Mining. Journal estimules that die real net loss in gold coin 'Sitíing the last four 'year.s is .fTÖ.OOOjOOO, or about.ilouble thejoss offiuhilly estimated- It is significant that about the time 'lien the Illinois DetboCracy announced its purpose to declare for free silver the business men of that state's chief eity invited the President to a reception in reeognition of liis courageous and intelligent fight against free silver. Senator Blackburn intends to canvass Kentucky for free silver, and Secretary Carlisle and Senator Lindsay will take the other side of the question. The State will be carried by Republibcans on a sound platform, so the quarrels of the minority will do uo great harin. An attenipt is being made to secure the next. ropublican national ■convention for Detroit. As Detroit is now one of the banner republican cities, tlied now no reason why she should not capture the pluni. Hurrali for Detroit and Gen. Alger'. One of England's demanda on Yenezuela is for possession of the Island of Barimas, at the raouth of the Orinoco, whicli would be a fine location for a great fortress sueh as England has created at Halifax and Vancouver. That little island looks insiguificant on the map, but it is the key to a fourth of the inland trade of South America. A wri ter in the "Medical News" suggests tliat epidemics are transmitted in the form of germs accompanying the thousands oL tons of meteoric matter and cosmic dust which fall annually upon the earth. One consolation abou this theory is that good as well as bad germs can íind an entrance, and there is no reasou why a feeling of cheerfu expectation inay notbe cultivated in the matter. AVe notice by the Pontiac Daily Ga zette that the saine tbing happens there as here in Ann Arbor. When the demo rats have a majority on the counci a democratie office gets the printing when the republicana have a majority the lowest bidder gets it. The republi cans look out for the tax-payer's inter ests, the democrats for the interests o the party organ. Cleveland is likely to have another international complication on his hands. The Courier exposes a seheme for "Stiehriauizing China," and not even a whipped nation could be expected to stand that.- Ypsilantian. Behold a cyplier ! Tranpose the letters a la Shakespeare-Bacon, and yon will "Christianize" it. A new Chinese word, tliats all. Hundreds of the friends of Harry C. Tillman throughout the state will learn of his death at his home in Detroit, Wednesday, April 10, with sorrow. As secretary of the republican state central commiltee for a numbor of years he made acquaiatanees throughout the state, and to know him was to like him. He was a native of Detroit and 41 vears of age. His death was caused by bronchitis superinduced by an attack of la grippe. One of tlie provisions of the new genial incorporation bill for villages, assed by the legislature, is that every uch village may vote for local option, f it chooses, whether the county in rhich it is located be a "wet" or "dry" ounty. This little provisión slipped irougli without attracting attention ud consequently without opposition. t will give such places- as Stockbridge or instance - a chance to decide by wpular vote whether or not they will llow saloons to be established within ie Corporation. The ladies edition of the Plymouth lail, edited and managed by the L. O. M. of tbat place, is a handsome 1(3age paper, fllled with good things. 'his edition had one editor in chief, one iterary editor, one fraternal order ed;or, one woman's organization editor, ne society editor, one business manger, one circulatiou editor, four assistnt editors, ten associate editors, one dvertising manager, with three assis,ants, twenty-six reporters, and three roof readers, anarmy of fair ones that lie paper gives proof were irresistible, 'he L. O. T. M. Mail is a beauty. AVhoever sees a stitch of arrny blue 'm the almsho'use, sees a blot oa the Americain flag that the rains of the sweet lieavens cairnort. wash out. ■Whoever sees a retired soldier suffering and doies nothing to relieve hlm, Ls -no true Citizen,, and does not degene the protectiaa of citizenship. - 'Cedar Sprints Clippei-. And the Clipper might with prcupriety have goue fm-ther and stated that Avhoevei' teees any hunian belng suffer and no move to aid or relieve, is no tru: citizen, and is undeserving of the proaid name of an American. The decisión, of the supreme court on the income tax cripples that unust law so that no one wlll now have anj oonfidcnce in the validity of any art. of it. A great manjr vill not pay it at all, and those who do will uader protest. Many euits will te staa-ted to contest other points. Tlhe court decided om tlie unconstitutionality oí the taxing of rentáis and on state and municipal bon ds by a vote of 5 to 3.' Tliey verO a tic on the rest lof tJie bilí. Justice Fields' opinión is a etrong one against such .discriniiiiatinig laws. Thie populists 111 have to tvy amother method of coaifiscating property.


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Ann Arbor Courier