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, St. Tlioraas orchestra aftd clioiv will gire a concert to-niglit at Dexter. Muere are a large number of new water takers being added the already long list, this spring. The. Mock Tria.l to be given by J. T. 2&-oti6' camp S. of V., takes place on ÏLtireday eventng of noxt week. Ihc dog that weais a beer check in place oí the regularly Issued city licensc tag, is liab'.e to come to his bier if hls ownor do'a't -o-atch out. Thafs ï'iglit. Piek owt the faults. It is a. g-ood occupatio.n for tliose wh.0 aro built that way, and it has a ten(fiiry to make people more careful al&o. ' Frel II. Beteer lias Ihmmi appointed agent fot the Detroit & Cleveland fiienmship line, and also for the Anchor line, running froun Buffalo to Duluth. The three yonngsters -winning the suits froni Iindenschmidt & Apfel were : Clareince Fingerle, 30 S. State s1 .. lst ward ; HaTOld A. Phelpe, IK Gott st., 3d ward ; Julius AVeist, "jOi E. üniversity ave.. Gtii ward. :Next week Wednesday, 5Iay lst, about fifty members of the Ladies' Aid Society of tlio ir. E. clwirch of 1hi.s city, will visit the society in Ypsüanti, and partake of their l,opitality and good things to eat. On May 2d, Peter Manke, coloi-ed, vili answer befare Justice Pond to a charge oí peeping into people's üows niglits. It wlll probably prove pittty expensive peeping tor Peter. The city editor of the Courier partook oi asparagus out of his own garCen. yesterday. It was not grown 1.x der a glass either, but out of tloors witli nothing to foroe its growth but Mujshine and shower. Aecording to tlie Sunday Chicago Iuter-Ocean they liave bearded co-edsat üic Chicago University. The i a in Eockef eller's coal oil could noti Lat produced euch au effect as that, of course ! Just a freak of nature probably. Johr D. Archr, for gilding along on bis Avheel, o.u thesidewalk on tbe weet Bide oi S. st„ Moada-y, pai(! $2 coste, Justice Gibson's tendei' hearfc remitttag tlie customary $5 filie But woe unto ■tfliose who come tlic second time. Elisha Stewart the co:ored manivlio shot liis wife a.nd theii killed himseli at Jackson yesterday, formerly re sidea here. Tliey were both empioyetí at the Cook House a number, oí years ago. Jealously was suppos. ed to be the cause of the deed. J On Mo'iida.y evening of next week Anii Arbor Ixdige No. 44 K. of P. vil] repair to Ypsilaoiti, taking Avitb. theni a candidat-e, upoa whom the Ypsilarili brothers will conier the. 3i fgree- oine ol the prettiest degrees, by the way, which aay secret order centers. Harry W. Hawley, forimerly of thi city. Oías $275,000 inveeted in the gicat Chicago newspaper combine coeeifitlng oí the Times, Herald antt Evening Po.t. That is pretty good for a boy who Avorked his way througb the L'niversity oaly a few jcarii ago by newspaper woi-k. "A Friend in Need," is tOie title of z: ïine picture in pasteUe painted yy Misfl Umma Kemper, oí the Argus office, and on exhibition in Jjindenhmidt & 'Apfel's window1. It reprssents two aged Germa,n people sittmic "at a tablet The man is vainly endeavoring to tliread a needie, v hile the woman is laughing at him. It Je wry life-like, and considering tha-t Miss Kemper lxas never taken, lessens ïi. the art,, it is truly a wonderful picture. Rev. C. M. Cobern will begin a new series of evening lectures Sunday evening, May 4, his new subject being "In the Land of Philistia." Five years ago Dr. Cobern spent 11 months in fureign lands, and these lectures will contain personal reminiscences of bis travels in tlie desert, among the ruined cities of Philistia, inMos!em villages and in douiu cainps. Philistia, although scarcely ever entered by the tourist, is part of that "Fifth Gospel," wliich so often assistsj to a better understanding of the Bible narrative. TImj local lodge of ICnights of l'yth-, ioS made Momday eve: a memorable cue ir. its histoirj". 'JChiey me at the, usual hour ia tluelr Oastlo Hall and, ecnferred the second degree, liter wliicli. bemg wearied by the fatigue, ot tlic journey, they all repoired tq (jiasier's restaurant and enjoyed a, spread which had been prepared foi; thcin. Tlio inner man being abun7 dantly refreshed the ieast of reason, was eet in motion ly Cdiancellor Com-, njonder E. F. Johnison, ■who acted, as. ttoast maeter for the occasion, and, callod iupon a, ammber of brotherg present ïor responses. 'JCliose -wIiq aiiiwcred to their mimes in this line ■svcre Sir ICnights McHarg, Dichl, Hen üc-rson, Ivingsbury, Kearns, Keese, Atherton et al. Tlio members, one and all, pronounce the occasion one of tthe most enjoyablo ever lield by iLfin. i


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