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Harvard defeated Dartmoiitli Tuesdiiy in a elose gaine by tlie acore of 3 lo -. A!d. Shadford oí the Northside has jr.pToved Ín place with a fine neiv ícuce. Elocutiou Recital, High School hall, Friday evening, May ;. Best home talent on the program. Adinission ö and 10 cents. Wiien o many people are taking and deiiving benefit froni Hood's Siirsapurilla, why don't yon try it yourself? It is highly recouiuiended. The mem wlll l'uniish, make and BCire the tea at the Baptist clmrch Flowei Sale Friday eveoiingr. It will he fun- for tlie wonLeni It Li quite probable tliat the Aan Arbor Concert Company will soon give u concert in Mt. Pleasant, the peo]■]( oi' that place baing anxious to Uk; Annuai Flower Festival, givp:i by the ladies of the Baptist churcli place on Friday evening, in thb churcli parloi-s Tea will be serveil at half-past six o'clock. ïhere are ninety-five cases on the Maj term docket of the circuit court of v li ie li twelve ore criminal. The tiTni eonvenes next Monctay, the jury Iving called for Tu".-d;iy. 'j'lic missiou at St. Thonuis' Catholic oliureli is a very successful ome. Th Miuich !b c-rowdi'd at e very service, ■j lii wcek'.s meetinge are ior men and are lielu at 4:30 a.. m., and 7:'-i0 p. m. On May Tth almoB all oí the rallroada of tliis state sell first class l k(fe. for one ïare for the round trip to any po-iat in the state, tlie tickct loing good for twenty days. 'Hiat is a g'O'Od time to go visiting. 'Keep at the Street Kprinkling ques'jcai,'.' sníd a prominent gentleman t'alurdey. "Yon are on the right ti&ck and this city caá be made model city in th-at respect at very -jttic expense. Keep the subject agitaied." A willow tree in the Street, at the corner of E. Univeiwity ave. and Paekard st,, is nof ooly In tdia highw.iy tut also i,n tht! way oí the) electric ;ght, and pople down there desire l have it removed'. "Respectíully refe! reci to the Board of Public Works. A. large audience was very üiuch dijappointed Sunday morning :it St. Audrew's church in not hearing Hou. Jtmes O'Domnell, of Jaclíson, as had been announced. Mr. O'Donnell sent word that the grippe liad got hlitt' and he could not Cill hts eaigagenieut. Tlie p.iippe did a bad job all around. I'i et "Wuerth of Üeo Wahr's and fm. Kuele with. Jolm Goetz, Jr., made a trip to Manchester and return on íLíir wlieels yesterday. - Conrier. Did 1liey ? AVe think that they hired a wam to take thein back.- Manchester Knterprise. AVell, if that doesn't ïüaike a man tired. The boys never fcfcltl a word about it. li is beconning cuetom&ry for farmer and almost every class of people 10 use prinbed stationeiry tliat is, noto and letter paper wifcli address piinted at the liead, amd envelopes v.itl'. retuirn address fhicm'. You cou procure printed istattonery at the C'ourier office as ohcap as you caniget thu blank stationerj-. A lady followed lier lrasbaaid into a prominent saloon, one day last week, but found him not - lue was in a &e.-.'.uüed spot. But she improvod the opportunity to invite the assembled multitude to listen to Murphy, and. le.ft The husband and hls -hum left by separate doors, and the crowd reiii.-uneC- Ypsilanti Sentinel. Iwo o( tlie Flying Roll coloiiy of Detioit, called upon Prosecuting Attorncy Itandall 'Monday and desired to t&vn May Webster, the girl --.vhose tvjdence lielped to co-nvict Trince Mifliael, in this circuit, arrested for L.iy. It was clairned by them that th:; girl now Bays tliat she swore füJsely and is willkig to be trietl and punislied for her crime. She is back i.gaiu iu tlio colony, and "svO'iald probably make that i.acrificO to free oll J'ritco Mike. But the scheme ■vvon't vork. Prosecuting Attorney llandal! declines to liave any more costs saddleü on the county in this case, e&pecially as it is thO almost lainanitnoilf opinión of the public that the t-ooalled Prince Michael is getting just wüat he deserses. Friday afternopn oí tliis week there viu bc held a reunión of former teachers and scholars oí Fractional Dibtrict Na. 3, of Pittsfield, Lodi and ABii Arbor towns, being tho bride síliool house een ithe gráiel road, in v.-Lat is knO'wn as the Mills districtt 'J his -will be ArbOT Day and this :neans is taken by tlie teacher Miss Lena Mallory, to secure aa interest in the occasion. Secral trees will be planted, ano a flag s-taíf raised. Go-od i pt akers wlll bo present, including Schooi Commissioaer Cavanaiig'li, and Cominissioner Elect "Wedemeyer. Miss ('ole., oí Aun Arbo.r, lias been giving lt&Eons in music there this yeaa-, and wíiich have been very successful, and her class will give somo entertaiuing ;mt'. patriotic songs. Tu (i spectera met in shadow-space. Askedoue, "Wbat brinus youhíther? Tin; otber with i mournful rece: My i eig) bor plnyed the zlther, And yon.'" The other shook bia hoad. witli ttccenia deep with meaning- "The ro.son í left eurth," he said, tü escape liouaeclettuinji " A. V. RotiiOa has gome to Chic .■ fier ano-Uiei' car oí Uorses. Fred MacOuiber collects and solicits insurance ou a new Columbus wbeel. Miss Flora Finley Jias been enaged to edil one page in the American Voinii. a CEïcago publlcation. A pension Ivas been granted to the . íiiow of Joilin l-'lyim, oí Beakes st., thiougl W. lv. Chihl.s' ageiu-y. Uoödyear has Btaa-ted up his soda ío'intain. and it tastes pretty fine, 'oo. Try it M you dan't it. Jolm Bíumigardner is relayiog, Lor tlie city, the stone walks in frout of the Warner und Toop blocks, on State St. The next íaculty concert of the school of niusic vvill be given one week froin next ïhursday eveuing iu Frieze hall. H. Ilandall lia beon engaged to i,k(! a numhei of views oí Praternlty Hcuses and scènes in and about the campus tot' Harpei's publications. TIn-, lecture oí Senator Daniel, wliich was postpomed ironi the original date, vi. bc givejj on FiiJay ovenlng in l niversity Hall. The infaat child of Geoge and Adelia Ricliarils, wlio live on the contiiiuatiou of S. State st., in Pittsfield, died Saturday, and was buried in Forest 11 11 cenietery. Gottlob Luick, of Xo. 21 E. WUliaim ! tl., is improving liis house considerc.Ujj- putting on a new toffer :md a l;uge veranda. It will be mucli iraluovoo avilen eompletod. Andrew J. Fuller, of 29 S. 13 st, died Sunday, April 2'S, aged 46 years -1 months, of consumptiou. Funeral services were held ïuesday morniiig at 9 o'clock, froui St. Thomas church. Michael O'Mara, who Hved at No. 83 E. Ann st., died Friday uight, of the grippe, aged 7' years. Funeral Monday inoruing froin St. Thomas' church. Tlie deceased had resided liere 48 years. ray, why don't you. get rid of the Üco od your dog?" asited orie of our i i 1 ijiens oï anotlier. "D-ofs my watch Cdg'. I keep'b de licc on him to keep iiiiii awake nights,'1 was the reply.- Enterprise. The Physician and Surgeon uses soine queei' words ocoasionally, for instance, here is a word taken from an article to appear in the May number, " Diinethylsulfondimethyhnethan. Tliere are more letters in it bytwo than there are ia the alphabet. What it means is a mystery to those outside the profession. At a joint meeting of the trustees t-nd building tommitteo of the Bethlel.eni Evangelical church, it was decidied to offer their building aind lot, cornei of First aaid Wasliington sts., for sale. Particulars regarding the galo can be obtained Jlronii auy of tlie nustees or the building committee, or oí Rev. Neumanui, C. Tessmer, G. .p&thelf. John Koch, A. C. Schumache :. lm. Henne. TIk; ciy of the canker worm is agaia l:srd, and comes in. a gloomy tone. A yea.r ago we gave a careful degorlption of them aintd of their work, (■xplaining how and when to get rid of them. As tlie cut-ofi oa thoir is aow itoo la-to, tlie spray wil] next como in play aad they, fchould be watched and worked carehi'iy. They are rapid growers and if noc put under control at an early ttogo will, in a few days, ruin a


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Ann Arbor Courier