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A little thing, but me, oh my, It made me see stars in the sky Most awful quick; I touclied the tbilng wlth my boot heel, It was a small banana peel, Bnt, oh, so sllck. ■ft'o already have the Foresters, and Eow come the Elks. Thf.ra is every indicatioin now, oï au abunoant iruit erop tMs season. The (momili oí April cos the city $-vC,.4' tot support of its poor. O. M. Martin., "the unidertaker, liad tv, ent j -thu-ee íunerals during ApriLJaha J . FergiLsoo. üias the frame tip for a DEW iiouse for himself on. Brooks street. who will work appear to have pJcnty to do ja-t at presentí iu Ana Arbor. The youmg ludios of Mi. Anule "Waró Toster's dancing school wiil gjve a ladies invitation dance 011 the -;Aienlng of May 8. Everjoaie in Ann Arbor will lesire to snpply thernsclves with Ilarper's publlcatioms contalning the write up of our great Ujuvcr.sity. The prolKibUity. is that there "vvill )-j somc eight or tem loss saloons In Ann Arbor during tlie coming year. TM,-? is a probability that almost good citizeai hopee will become a fa et, E. II. Coate, son of Eev. Mr. Coate of TVauscon, at one time a compositor or. the Aigufi, has graduated: irom tho Chicago theological seminary, and taa acceptod the pastorate of the Crugregational clmrch in OrtonTille, lünn., at a ealary of $S00.- Argus. Even the probibitionísts are compïairing 'aboor1 lts being 100 dry. The Hili and Iluron stereet sewers ■n-iU bc built a; once, so sa y the sewer oonnnittee. A little paint rightly applied, makes a grea difference in the look oí a flaee-also o; a face. Tbe liie villages amid cities are already preparing ïot "tibe coming birthday cf the natioin- july ith. Harry Ilawley bas sold bis interest in the CliicagO' Times-Herald to K. H. Kohlsadt, for 275,000. Som.ï of the dudes look aa tbougli they bad got it in tbe neck, judging frnni 'tbc size of collars tbey wear. Hutaei & Co. have o. couple of cords if irc.11 sewer pipe ia front of their p.iL.ce 01 business, ready for business. Pkvi. Cole bas sold liis property on WashUnaw ave., throiugh tbe Bacb & Uut lei agency, consideration $5,000. FreO JJcOmber's new w-heel is uot h Columbia, it is aai S. & B., 130 Urown tbs diuggist, eays, and he sold bim tbe wlieel. " ' ' Taero is. now a íarge "Free Eeading liooiu1' sign before McMfllaa Hall. A!l are iuvited to istep in and. make therus-ehes at home. J'eit" MamcjLS. coiored, better kno"va as ''Pfit Saxtom,," was fined $2 and $3 .otf or fiiteen da.ys in the county Jail fO'r peepiag into wtndows at uigbt. He ivfai to jail. Thu libretto tbe "Faust" of tbe Festival is being issued trom tbe CouJiftr office. It combatas in addition to tho Avords of th great dramatic ifgend, a complete list oï tlie memlersnip oí the Chora! Union. Cashier Pbillips, of the State Savings Bank bas been appointed local agent foi tbe AVhite Star and tbe International Isavigation Co's lines of oeean steamsbips, amd is prepared t tuinisn tickets for anyone wisbing to c:css the ocean. Adolph Kemper, of Chicago, fonnerly of this city, has entered into partnership with tvvo gentlemen, Messrs. Englehardt and Krause, under the flrm name of the Chicago Union Clothing House, and will enter .into the clothing business in that city. The company has $25,000 capital, and has been incorporated under the laws of Illinois. Therc. is an old decayed maple tree on the south sitie of tbe court bouse lawi tbat wlll probably be sa ved for the delicate shade its dead llmbe üfiord, and for the estlietic effect it has oc the peTspective of the scenery tbereabouts. If the tree was any goot! it would "be ordVred cut down, Ol course. The more the true inwardness of tbe oebate with. the Northwestern becmucs. known, tiie more certain it is that the judges were guided by ■tbeir prejudkes or desires, and noi by theif caudid jndgmeiit of the true ■w orth oi the orations delivered. Our noys were not so bebind as the record shows, in fact, tbe audience belioved, before tbe decisión was rendered, that victory belauged to them. The juilges were not tbe ones origlnsllj- eelected, and appear to have been cho'sen for a purpose. grow slowly, but they are easily destrojed. That's wliy peoph; tate Sueb dellght in cutting them (io-wn, 110 doubt. Tlio wiiter of this 'Uní v, at, in the western part of the bLfite near Gov. Luce's farm h'orne, a y or bo ago, and saw somei me cuttEff down a row of beautiful rt.iing oak tices ljecause they sbadcd tiio road. In the same locality tbe fctreet commissioner scraped all tbe soil anö Bod into tho middle of the l.isrhway. ana liad all stones and gravE] carehilly remoled tlierefrom. And yet it is stoutly averred that "the world do onoTc." He broke a trotter In the spring And thougbthe wasa bnramer, And then the colt got even And broke him in the summer. N. J. Kyer is building anothér new house on AVilliiim St. Mark "Wallace at :no. 11 Foimtain at., is erecting a fine new residence for liis owai ute. enorme Moore ,of itfae Argtos Office, is baflSing a house on the corner of Mille?' ave. and Brooks st. C. C AYheelei ás no ioiiger baggag at the M. '. R. R. station lieie. Sidnev iSmitii has jccu ai I.oimec! as his euccessor. The old Bc-wejT homestead, on MilJei- aE.. lias been purchased by a syndicaie composed of J. T. Ryaa, Hairy rouciass ana Fred JIcOmbor. Tbs "boulevard Is i aid 1o be a great resort fcr tliose lea.rning to ride the bicycie, and that tsome extraordinary soenes are ofteu ivitnessed there. Pro' H. C. .'. f tlie Uui-rSity, lias been appointed lay Got. Eicli lus o" the Inspectora of the Michigan Militeij Academy at Orchard T_,ake. On Memoria' Saindlay tibie c-aoir and orclKstra f I3t. TIhhiki.s' churcli Tril repe&t the grand miass of Mr. McCU-llaai s, ■which was a-endered on Baste:- .Suiiüay. M-. Chas. Young, sevwaJ inonths iiight clerk in iio Cook House, üaa iesignud his position and is hoav clerkiug in a hotel ih La Port, Iml. Mr. Xeat, proprietor of the Xeat Houíc, in Ypsilanti, suceeeda iiim."' The ioilowing are the officers of 1hy A_ni' Árbor Typographical Union thesen íot the year : President, Geo. K. Cooper ; rice president, AVm. J. Kirby , recording secretary, Chas. F. Dieta,1; ; financial Beeretary, Guy AV. S1fenson ; master Mt anus, C'lyde C. ETeir. A aispatch froiiii Munomiiiee says : "ilie ater in Green Bay was neven so lew as at present. Cáptala Ackerrian, tlic Toledo and Ana Arbor car iorry, reports BeeJng whaleback rock i; dot e water Thls Ís Uinprcedented, ;.r;d tht ivater on this shore is íonr íeet lev er thao this time last year. Prof. StanH annminees tliat it -vill ki impossible for ,liim to give liis lectare e venina; on "Richard "Wafr nrr .'" ae announced. He wlll delifer H tome time after the Hay Festival. He -vill give fcwo lectores before thc Festival, ene on "Tlie Damnation oí Faust," .tlie otlier on the íyinplioiiy program . A reeent -ool circular contains the io!;ov. iug iníormation : "The values of ■neo. have iindergone a strange metamoiphosis in anothcr f ashion by shrinking. S-oourod values have been BO ciuehed -that grades are much less regular tibam befors 1892. ín 1ho ola tíays there -ivas a difference of 20 te 25 cents the scourect pound betvreci extreme graeles . a XX fine Ciño cüsts only three cents a scoTired pound more ifcbajn a 1-4 blood comtmg. Marcli 1, 1893, Ohio XX so.oureo tvooI cost G9c, saine date in 1805 same erado m-ool cost .'Jóc. Micí?ií,;u, X Bcoured wa worth C2c. in March 1S93, and 32c in March lS'.tr-. March 1S93, 1--Í blood combing wooi cosí' scoured 47 c, cost 32c in March, 1895." At meeting oí .'tlie vestry of Stl Andrea s parish, held Wednesday at ths Bectory, Dr. Cluass. B. Xancrede, Hnrv J. Brown and Geo. H. Pond v. ere elected delegaites, amd Prof. B. M. Thompson, Pwf Geo. W. Patterson ane' Dr. Fleming Carros-, as alitrnaiE& to the 61st fliocesan convention to be held in this city; on Wednesd:y anc Thursday, June 5th and Gth. Ote "Woman'í. Auxiliary of thO diocese ■will meet on Tuesday, June 4th. There lv ill be eome 200 or 300 lergyjwh ana delegates present, will la entertainea by the people of tlie pirisi'. a.nd city. The vestry resolved i sel; into a committee of the whole, v;th O S. DeniBon ais chairmaa, to fot -n ith the other orgamizations of Djc paiish to seenre entertainment, mil raake arrangements for the conMfution. Charles Griener, of tlie Northside, attetnpted to raise some garden truck this spring, but as fast as the planta would come up they would be trampled down and destroyed by dogs. Mr. Griener aotified the seyeral owners of the maurauding cauines that il the auimals were not kept off liis premises lie would ge t mad and hurt some of tliem. The owners paid no attention to the warning, and tlie dogs kept on destroying liis garden. A few duys ago lie loadeá up aa oíd shot gun with bird shot and blazed away at them. It had the effect of scaring the dogs, but the owner of one of them got wrathy about it, and had Griener arrested for shootiag withiu the city Iimits. He was up before Justice Pond this inoruing, who upoa hearing all the evidence ia the case, discharged the prisoaer, upon his paying the costs in the case. It is possible that the gun may be louded with something heavier next time, and as near as we are able to learu, the neighbors believê Griener would be justiflable if it was. Jn order to reduce his welgbt He purehased hlm :i wheel Belorelie'd rldden Itn wiek I Ie feil off a good deal . ArKr day rolled by without maay trees bcing pJanted in this city. The diug stores have already trotted ouc tlieir ' pizen for bugs," signs. The two latest telephoaies put in are these of Mack & Schmid and the Ann Aibor Savfcogs Bank. Oeu oí oui couaty exchanges remarks: '"Wheat is very scarce. Inferior nullere are forced to go to Chicago niarkei: for supplies. 'riiere never wbi. a itimt Tvhen tliere was so little of the oid erop left in farmer'slrancs- " The general convention of the Y. M. C A. is to be heldr ui Bpringfield Mass., May 8 to 12, a.nd the following gentlemen have been selected t reprcscni the local organization, Jas. Ij. Bbcock, Burton B. Jolinson umi Cl. J'iank Ai)niendinger. ïltia. A. J. Sawyer has commenced the erectiou oí a new residence next present dwelling on Monroe st. The new building -vill be a . large and ïim one, sonie $G,000 or more, and will ibe occupied by Mr. Sawjer and íamily. Daniel J. ltoss lias the contract. l'rit'oy morinng death carne to John Geoigo Uli, whoee residence M-as on S. Main st., at Xo. 152. He -vaa C8 years o; age. liad Hved liere sorne elght years, and leaves a wiíe, three sons sai five danghters. He -was the fa:lu-r of Wm. Illi, the E. Washington st. baker. l'uueral services wiH be held üuinday p. an. The Vpsilanij Coniniorcial insiuuatea tliat t is ini moral to go fishing om Suiiict-y. it may be tliat it is, but it matei Bomt' diiference what soi-lj of a package ene carries his bait la.1. There are very few Anai Arboritea adopt the Ypsilanti plan of caiv rying tliir balt in a bottle. TI13 AVashtenaw Co-unty Baptist Society elected the folloiwing officers for tlio j.ear at tbs session in Dexter AVeêinesday : Pres., i bias. M. Smith, terday : -President, Oías. M. Smith, Ypsilanti ; rice president, Thomas Plielps, Dexter ; secretary, Miss Charlotte Tickett, Ann Arbor; trea.s., Miss Hitchcook of Milan. Wta-t a cliíference there is in places. Up at Grand Rapids the postmaster has beer anthorized to rent a imni ber of bicycles for Mie use of the mail carriers and at tho end of a montit report the acivantages to be obtain-1 ed ,'f auy, from tlieir use. Here ia Ann Aibor, not f-o very loiig ago, a eaiTH-r who had tlie tenierity to ride liis v-l)eei while making collectionsi was ïeporteu for darimg to do sucln a liaibarou-s;n:g, and was censured ioi tlie -deed. Does the worlcl progiE&; or recede ? Tlie '"Stroliers f Ann Arbor, wer greeíed with a very small audience here lucsday niirht. but they gave a first class entertainment, nevertheless. TIn; oik of Mr. Haindy as a réciter and MS. Alexander's art talk were Ob-peciaJly pieasiaiig the audience. The niusicai part of the program was also t armly received. Tlie Strollers are goot! entert a iners and it is unfortunaie tliax their entertainment was ghen bo late in the season ïo tliey art certainly deserving of liearty support. - Dexter Leader. May lst of all the year has ever been the asj oí cha ages', wheti the domestic ó'CXrsi nd wludöws open out on new scènes, vlien childhood comes in posif fcsian of a lresli romping ground when tliO mother traius tlie ivy and tlie Tino over the Öoo-rs and windows of a aiew henie, when the father pasjes the evening hcurs with his childiEi' under a broader or nari invc: shade. In tlie citie's the vans and tho carts are cro'ssing the busy Ktrecis to aintl fro with the earthly home eííects oí the mechamic and the laborer. InL"iability peems to be tlie order, 'with temporary restlessness as tho injincdiat(i sequel. When domestic equilibriiím is established and mainVained in Jiarmony, then and no:t til! theL' have. we learned life's central ebject lesson of peaco and happinrw. It may seeui a little strange tha the ioi ernment should go way down into Kentucky and Florida for contractcib to carry the mails in this counly, but sucli is the fact. A man from I lorida has the contract for earrying: the mail from here to Dixboro and Geer. wliilc a Kentuckian has tht. coniact for earrying Uncle Sa.m'6 mail matter between this city ■Yeiniberg and Eckert. Tliese contrax tors are not very happy," oither. Tlio l'jorida man has io paj the subcontractor more than ho himself receives and the Kentuckian is trying, witli poer prespects, to get out even. The freutherners liave begnn to realize thai white labor and horse hirö costs more up ciorth thaa eolored labor anU mule faire does in tho south. They v,ii probably mot get their ïingers turned a eecond time.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier