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Fulfillment Of Prophecy

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Rev. C. M. Cobern delivered his second lecture on "A Trip tlirough the Land of I'hilistia" Sunday eve. in the M. E. church. It was very interesting, being filled with personal adventure Bufficiently to render it spicy. He gave a picture of the country surrounding Askalon, the ancient Pliilistine city, describing its fertility, and the remarkably fine fruit that is raised there. There are the best of apricots, lemona pomegranates and many otlier kinds of fruits. Yet with all thia fertilily of soil the country is deserted. Why? There is no answer, except that God, thousandsof years ago, pronounced his curse on the land. The prophficy bas been fulfllled. Askalon is a city of the past. Beneath the earth, lies the remnantsof its former greatness. The excavator bas not done much tbere yet, and the opportunity for discovery is great. Covered by the accumnilations of 3,000 years, lie the royal libraries of Askalon, that when unearthed will reveal a rich mine of ancient treasure. From Askalon Dr. Cobern took his way to Migdol-Gad, only an bour's journey from Askalon. There he spent a night, the experiences of whicb he gave last evening, which are too interesting to bear faithful repetition in print. He told of a midnight visit to the eourt of the Kadi and of an unsuccessful attempt to sleep in the MigdolGad khan, where the mosquitoes are charactrized by a far greater degree of ferocity than in Xevv Jersey. He closed last evening's address witli iinpressive description of the niidnight eall of the Mohammedan priests to prayer. As the hour of midnight sounded, the Muezzin appeared and called the inhabitants of the town to prayer to Allah, the god of Mohammed. In a town of 1,000 people, at the sleepy hour of midnight a thousand people went forth to pray to their god.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier