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If the man who waits is the waittM' What then is the man who waits, And waits and waits for the waiter To wait on him while he waits. Fütty-lour new qposboffices were estaibüslied in ■Michigan, during the miomth. oí April. The billiard rooms at the Cook House are to be diBconthmed and the store they occupied is aow rentable. Mrs. Mary Schlamderer, ■vidow of the late Freil Schlanderer, has had an increase of pension issued to lier. Chas. Schott has been notified that by the deatb. of his father in Stuttgart, Germany, recently, he will be entitled to $3,500 of his father's estáte. Tbjere is a lot of improverneai'ts in progrese om Spring Bt. Win. H. McIn,tyre is painting his residence, Mr. Plielps 'has tho.roughly renovated, repaired aind painted diis house next ioor, aind anany otllaw places in the .ocality have been repaired anrt repainted. "Wlien J. T. Jacobs returned from CMcago, ibhe otlier might, ho could obtain no other eair berta but No. 13 iso he took tliait, amd strango aa it may Beem, notliing liappened tO' him on tlie way lioime. It ïnay be becauso lie is mot a belieevr in the 13 superstición. .. „ -. Maurke O'Iïourke, -vlio -svas at one time a prominent tailor busimess in tihia city, and wli wlll be remeinbered by mamy oí our cltizens, dicd at Elremo-, Oklaliotna, Apa-il 29, at tlie li ome of his soca aad! the remains -were taken to Plattsmoutli, Neb., for interriaeüt. It may be sbe will ride a wheel, It m y be ttiat she'll walk ; But come sue as howe'er she come, Be sure tliat she will talk. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Amos, of E.Summit st., liad a little daughter come to take up lier abode witli tlieni yesterday. Prof. Kelsey annoTinces that the proceedimgs oí tlic classicaï conference will be poiblished ia the June number of the School Review. Ed. Dumvell, formerly with H. J. Brown, who bas been visiting bis home in Plainwell for several weeks, bas returned and is now with Goodyear & Co. 'The people in (tliat Ticinity object to tihie dumpinig of dend dogs, cata and otïuer irefase in the ravine on ITeleh ■st!., between Ashley Bt. and the T. & A. A. tracks. F. T. Swan, Nk. 43 S. Thayer st., had a Rambler bicycle stolen on Apr. 14. Last night Mr. McCarthy, who lires near the fanm, caine in and reported findimg a wheel in an unuised well on his premises, which provd to be tihe lost cene. The thieves 5iad hid it there for future use. The oaigan concert of the May Festival, to. be lield Saturday May 18, aft 11 o'clock a. mU will ba f ree to all holding Ohoiral Union Season tickets. TfoosO such tickets will present the entire ticket to oibher ■öhe AnTi Arboir Organ Oo's store or Calkins' dirug store at any time befare tibe oancert, and secure tickets for tliis special concert. The held at the M. E. church ,to take into consideration the propositiotti to estabüsh a coffee room in this city_ was attended by about ttifty people. The plan was tlioroughly discussed and it was resolved to mako an attempt to i-aise a eiufficient aniount to try the experiment. It is desired to Bec:ire about $500, and an effort will be made lbo ralse that sum of money to start in with. ïhe ladies have one oi" ftwo locations offored them, and a Ipro'minent lady of the city we understajid, tías Tolunteered to take c!haingeV it ffor a time, at least. Obas. H. Allmand, of the finn o: Jacobs & Allmand, "vvas married last evening at the resklence of Rer. Fr Kelly, t'O' Miss KatJileen M. Moe, o! tliis city, Rev. Fr. Goldrick of St. Patrick's cliurch oificiating, Rev. Fr. Kelly beimg oait of the city, called away by the sickjness of his father. Tliie bride is ome of the finest young ladiies in Ui city, and Oharlie one of our most popular young business men Thiey havTO taken rooms for the present at No. 30 E. Wasliinton st., and will receive tihe foearty comgratulatioins of hosts of friends. Last nigiht as the special merchandise (train that leavs Detroit at nbout 7:30 and aiTi'Xí8 Hiere at about 0:30 was puilling out ol Ypsilanti, it was boarded by upwards of f if teen tramps Tdie train men ielt aiarmed, and when tliey Teached Ann Arbor Sheriff Judson was sent for, and four of the hobos were .rrested, the balance scattering thomselves in all directions TJie M. C. detectives are up here today to makie tlie proper complaints Niiglit before last a gang of tramps broke iüito one of tlie cars near Marshall and etole somo $200 worth of of g-ent's fumislüng goods. The funeral services of the late John W. Johnston were held Wednesday af ternoon at 4:30 o'clock, at St. Andrew' church, Rev. Henry Tatlock officiating The honorary pall bearers were Mose Seabolt, H. J. Brown, Dr. A. C. Nieh oís, Geo. H. Pond, and the active bear ers were Eli. W. Moore, Henry B. Mas ten, Pusey W. Moore and John Chris tiansen. Washtenaw lodge I. 0. 0. F came out souae forty strong as an escort and the Daughters of Kebekah were als out in a body. There were alargenum ber of beautiful fioral remembrances At the grave the I. O. 0. F. burial sei vice was read by JohnothanSpragueaiK the ritual carried out by the rnembers o: the order. TU ero is go ing to bc a great many people ia the city ïrom all over the state for the May Festival . A Igentloinau's blcycle was found secretod in the coal sheds near the T. & A. A. R. Ii. teacis Saturday, niglrt. Prof. Stanley eays that they are liaving difficulty in securing nough rooms for the May Festival visitors. SomebO'dy's wlfe says npplying kerosene oil wfth i rag to y o ar stoves wlien putting them away for the summier will prevent rusting1. Have you ever noticed how your system seems to erave special assistance in the spring. Just the help requiried is given by Hood's Sarsaparilla. All railroad tickets for the May Festival, oa. all railroads in Michigan, will be tsold lat oiae fare for the round trip, and be good to return up to and including May 20tli. Am agent for the National Mason"c Accidemt Association, of Des Moines j Iowa, has been. -very successful in securing members here. Elmer E. Beal has been appointed local agent and collector. Omr fiTiemds froni abrorad should iemember tha.t the railroad tickets ■vhich they will ipurchase tor the May Festival, iwill bo i?ood to return on. Monday May 20ttú This will give tlwsm la Sunday in Ann Arbar if thoy desire lt. There was 0' evening service at the L'nitarian ohurch Sunday evening nor will ttihere be iroim this time on iintil thie vaeatiom, except by special anOiounccment.. TJie moirning rviaes Snmday bcliool and Bible classes will cointinue as usual. The librettos for the Musical Festival will be put on sale this week. Boys will canvas tlie city.goingfrom house to house, and selling them for ten cents each. It is hoped that our citizens will generally provide themselves with a copy. The Ml C. E. R. refused to haul the Knigüiits Templar Boston train to Detroit, consequently the same will le taken out oí town by the %, A. A. & N. M. K'y to Hamburg', zuid' irom there to Port Hurón. There is more than one way" to get out of town, you eee. Eugene Du Boise, a grandtson of Mrs. Israel Hall, while coasting down tthe N. State st. MH Wednesday, was thrown from Qiis wheel by the breaking oí the chain, and considerably 311jured. ThO wheel wa-s smashed into "flinders." He was taken to the Hospital and cared for. T!he editor of the Aam Arbor 'Jourier motes that he has paid out '?12 tio get hls garden planted and thinks the vegetable production will aet the Courier faniily ia bout $2.96.- Nortliville iBecord. Tliat's where you make a niistakc. Tlie ineome uientioned is ttoo abnornvally excessive. Patrkk Oavanauigh, of Xoa-thfield, lost iseveinteem sheep by lightning on Tuessday, April 7th, The sheep were staitdlaig or lying besido a wire fance, amd the lig'htning struck a piost and nti aloing thewires killing every ainimal that tomchied the wire. Insuved in the Washtenaw Mutual. Loss $15 $20 perhaps. Miss Emma Alexamder, for a nuniber of yea-rs iteaoher in the Northville schools, has tesiigaed her iwsition, totake ff eet at the close of thls term. The 5'ounig lady j aa excellent teacher, aaid lier resignation loses lor the school 'hero one of its very best teachers. Bhe will return to her home in Ann Arbor. - Xorthvllle llecord. Calvin Lucas was put off a M1. C. train July 4, 1884, aft-er liaving given the conductor his ticket. Day before yesterday the orailroad paid Mm ovier $1,500 for ithO iadignity. The oase has beem án court some twelve years, Lucas got a judgment of $1,200 at ome time, whicli the supreme court reversed ou a technicality. Stephen D. Allen, of E. Washington Bit'., went to' his lot on thO HUI additioin, where lie is building, AA'ednesday witb a ponj'. WSien the rain carne up, lie attetmpted to. get on the pony's back witli a small ladder he had. In soime way tho pony got frightenèd, aad threw him oif, and it is tho'ugh must honre kicked him and tra.mpled upom him cilso. He lay unconscious until eome ono came along who 'knewJiim, ivlien he was taken home. He was still unconscioais tJiis morninig, and it is thought the injuries may pO'"le very serious. The residence on the Thomas Earl estáte homestead, in Xortlifiehi, was struck by lightingTuesday, and considerably damaged, but juat how mach is not known. There was no one living in the house. Insured in the Washtenaw Mutual. Tliere is a little incident connected wiLh tliis that is worth relating. A young lad was working on the farm, that day, and when the storm came up he drove his team up to the bam and af ter putting them therein he went to the house. For some reason, wliicli he could not explaiu, he could not be contented to remain, so he went to a neighboring house soine little distance away, and has ever since been glad he did so. The Free Pi-ess tocliiy speaks of our regent aa Col. II. S. Beau. 'Thia culis for blows. Tlio pupils oí tliO öth wturd school will'take au activo part in the Memorial Day services agaln this year. Chieken thieves attempted to "swipe" tho coop of Geoi-ge Spathlef Jr-, of the Xorthide, last "Vednesday snorning, nt about 3:30 o'clock, boit tbey were heard by l'atrolman Arinbraster and frightened away. John W. Babbitt, who died at Washington, D. C, last Saturday, had been a clerk in the trea.sury department a number of years. He was treasurer of this county during 1866 and '07, being elected from Salem, against Philip BIuim, of Lodi. On the south side of Frieze Memorial hall is a fence, high enough so that when a lad climbs upon it he can look into the window and sëe the musicians as well as hear the music. Last night one of the kids feil back over into a lot of tin cans etc, making a rattling accompaniement ;to the piano and violin. Great Commander Boynton of the K.O. T. M. has issued an order that Tuesday, June 14th, be celebrated by members of the Maccabees. Tliis will be the 14th ! anniversarj' of the order and the subfordinate tents everywhere should observe it as heretofore as a day of jubilee. The postofnce department is not entirely satisfied with the present form of money order, and the general public never has been. It is too large lo handle easily and adds great bulk to the mails. The department is now at work on a new order which will -resemble a bank draft in size and will be niuch inore conveuient. It will be issued soon. The tthird lecture oí tlie "Wesleyan Gaiild eries for the year, will be giv en in tlie MethO'diist church next Sunday eTening, by Bisliop "W. X. Xinde, of Itetroit. His subject will be "Observations in Eastern Asia." The BisJiop has only recently returned f rom a Tisit to Corea, Japan anl China, and wlll without doubt, have something interesting to eay. "We unuerstand tliat thre is an ordinance upon the city's statute books, to this effect : "Tliat the gas company, water company, street railway or any otherf organization, dig no lióles in tlio streets anywhere, íor anypurpose, without permission and proper fiotice, and that ia filling all trenitíhes, the earth must be solidly tainped. Sow tlie iquestion is whose díuty is it to eníorce that law ? President Angelí, Col. H. S. Dean, Robert Campbell, Maj. Harrison Soule. Dr. W. F. Breakey, Maj. Wm. C. Stevens and George W. Bullis, were in attendance upon the Michigan Cominandery, Loyul Legión, the Russell House, Detroit, Thursday. President Angelí responded to a toast after which he was given tlireecheers. Judge Robbert E. Frazer, formerly of this city, also responded to a toast, in a very pleasing manner, if ve are to judge by the reports. May 6, 1S70, at Clvelsea, Michigan, at the residence oí the bride's paréate, Miss Durand nud George A. Robertsan were tinited in marriage. Last niglit at the residence oí Dr. and Mts. George A. Rabertson, 174 East Maiu st., this City, this worthy couple celebrated the 25th anniversary o: their mao-riago by a Bilver wedding. There were a.bout seveaty-five guests present vrluy spent a, very ünjoyable evening1. Among Mióse present were Mr. anl Mrs. Billings, of Toledo, who were ifche bridesmaid and best man at tlio weddimg, also the fatlier and motíher of Mis. Hobertson. The rooms ■were iiaindsomely decorated aad illuminated. 'Yery fine refresliments were served in excellent style. Dr. nd Mus. Kobertson were tlie recipients of nimieroais elegant presenta in. Bilver.- Battle Oeek Moon, May 7. The faculty Concert, at Frieze Hall las Thiursdny erontog was greete3 by a magmificent audience. Magnifiöent in the sense of quaJity, and a gtoad one in point of nunvbere. The selections rendered were all excellent, and every participant was obliged to raspond to an. encoré. Miss Jaffe aind Mr. Zeitz oponed tlie entertainment proimptly on time - an incident worthy of note and emulation - with a sonata for piano and violin froni Elieinberger. Mr. Lanison followed witih ome of Wagner's productions, Sicgmund's Love Song, trom the '"Walkuere," and after a great deal of Tirging lie responded with another aelectiom, quite as classlcal. Alberto Jolnas interpreted a bit fro.m tichnmann and f rom fícliubort in a truly artiistic maaner, also iresponding to an ■encon-e. The next selection, ''Fantaisie iCaprice op. 11, H. Vieuxtemps" as produced by Mr. Zietz, was the best tthinig of tlio evening. Jlr. Zeitz refuised to appcar again, and surely the audience were i-at!sfied not to have the memoi-y of those beautiful strains marred by anything that mi.nlit follow. The evcning's splendnl entertainment closed witli "Toreador's Song, from Carmen," by Mr. La-mson. Altogcther it was a deliglitful evening, and thoroughly enjoyod by tlie niusic lovers present.


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Ann Arbor Courier