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Johnny fools lus paients- It's very sad to state- They think lie's maklng garden When he's only dlgging bait. The military will all attend churcli uext Sunday. Henry M. Seybold, of this city, has been granted a patent on a caponizer. lïiere was $1,000 worth of tickets for the Festival eold at on Friday. Prohibitiomists can rejoice over the failure oi tüie fruit of the vino tliat makes tibe wine. The May Festival liere furnished a column or so of personáis ior the Jacksoin papers. Iieniember aind walt the Mikado aiext -veek Tttesda.y and Wednesday evening-s, May 28 am 1 29. Aind uow tlie ministers In soine of neighboring citios are preachlng "Trilby eei-moins." Great gnns ! ■Vhcro are ivc at '? And ïiO'W Aun Arbor can draw a long breath, relax her nerves and i be gatlioriing strength the uext great event, cojnmencement weok. luie last "Wrüikle was the greatest success in poiat of sales of any yet jssaed. The editioin Of 2,000 was ild wthu two oir three days ,?ter piublfcatiom. The Episcopal people expect some 350 people iiere iai attendance npon i lic diixesaji convention and the con■iemtion of tho Womans' Auxilia ry, wliich liold their sessions liero .Tune 5 and G. He drives the nail in silénce grim, But he is mr frora dumb, You know it by the sound from hira Each time he hits his thurab. Mrs. Dr. Suker, of Toledo, Ohio, is visrting her mother Mrs. ru.nster. A íínie galramoineter has been presented to tule Hijgh Bchool by E. Miller, of Pitteburg'. Welch Post, No. 137, G. A. R. will attend divine service at St. Thomas church od Sunday May 2G. Another of those little baby ponies down at Dr. Deli's, this one weighs only a quarter of a hundred pounds. Bemembei'ithe meeting of tlie Washtenaw Teachers' Associatioa at the High School, Saturduy, May 25. Mns. Eobert Hammond, of York, diied oq Saturday last, aged about 75 years, and was buried Moiiday. The Faculty Concert which was to have taken place this week Thursday, lias been postponed to Tuesday evening June 3d. Sare a few of your flowers for Memorial Day and bring them to the basement of the court house if you can at 3 o'clock on the afternoon of the 29th. Repairs aire being made to the first ward school aind 'the high school steps and a flag staff is to ba put up on the sixth ward echool building. Paper money is said to be very effective in spreading oontagiqus dlseases. fiat then, if it is the right kind, people ask whetner i has been disinfected or not. Pauline J. Hisey, of Baldwin, Mich., died in this city at the home of her brother Mr, Jackson, No. 28 Thompson st., this morning of peritonitis, and the remains were taken to her home for burial. All public libraries ia tlie state Liocepting tlie necessad-y rules and regulations, now become "Associate libraries" and a certifícate is issued thein by the state librarian. Tlie next meeting of the bishops oí the Methodist Episcopal ehurch will be held in Toledo, some time in October. This will bring together the bishops f rom all over the world. There are fifteen bishops now in service. Postmaster Beakes received one of the counterfeit tvvo cent stamps from Washington this morning. It is a very clever imitation and at a distanee can not be tolil from a good one. The lines are somewhat broken and the engraving is not so near perfection as on the regulation stamp. A new epecies of worm lias :nade ite appearanice in nortliern Indiana, destroyirog vegetation and alarming tlie fanners. It .is desoribed as reeembling thO army woa-m but liariing tlie characteristics of both it and tliie old fushioned eu,t worm. "We dont lonow but wliat it is just as creditable to carry tlie bait in bottles as in jugs. 'SiUuitians aie too jealous of tJieir sister city 1o adop-t tlie Aun Arbor plan in nny event. - XoTthvillo Record. 'Sppose tille No'rtlivillianB use kegs for theirn, éh.? The gang oí ttlwee tbleves -who broke into' tlie Ann Arbor Boad car Wednesilay jiigüit, caught t Milan Xlmisday and Sherift Judson, wlio liad traced thOni tliere recovered most of the lilolom property. As they lroke iato a "U'nba.s'L -Lar at Milan tliey will be trieil in ,Monroe county. A lady engaged in collecting' "a thousaaid eaaceled postag-e staamps,1' being askled whiat he -wantod ilicm for, "vliat they were good ïor, handeil us a. clipping, errideatly from a circular, 9bating. iliat "tho rare and anftóqiie Btaanpe are eold at various prlccs. "tx autiiiuarians eind amateurs tor collectlons, books, albums, museums, and tlio comuion sort of BfcaanpiB are sotó, i'or a i&w eemits a tliousaud, according to quality and variety, and employed to malee various kinds of mosaica and pictures, tor OTOamentatioQ of drawing rooms, liarloi-s, "etc." In the spring the little brooklets Babble to a merry rliyme; But it's different with the gossips, For they babble all the time. About fifty new i-csidences now UD'der coasurustiota in tlie city. Au excursión to Put-in-Bay is contemplated by Compony A in the iiear fature. More bicycles have been sold in. Ann Arbo-r this spring than in any one season, ïso ïar. The measles fetill abide With the little iolks of erar city. All agree ttiat it is a good time to hav them. Oantrary to fortner practioes many farinei'8 vill shear fcheir 6heep this year wittiout waIiixng them. The amnufil catalogue of the Delhi Stock Fairm of 'VV. E. Boydon, is being iasoied froim the Courier presses Claremce Iixon bias eold the liandsome pair of black fcorsee he has been drivtng lately, to A. H. Holmes. George Jacobus & Son have the contract for making some improvements in the residence of Mrs. Lucy Parker, of E. Ann st. The proper city officials will hereafter enforce the law relative to females taking part in any singing, dancing, or other entertainments in saloons evenings. A etranige bug has made lts appearamce tn öalhomn oounty. It seems to iaifest oak trees principally, and strips the leaves as fast as they come out. N On Memorial Day [at ten o'clock a special service will be held in the cemetery of the Fifth ward in which the children will takë a leading part in rendering music. Ann Arbor Commandery will observe Ascensión Day, Sunday, May 26th. They will meet at the temple at 2 o'clock p. m., and proceed to Forest Hill Cemetery there to decórate the graves of deceased brothers. "Ene 9th annual June Festival of S't. Thomas' conservatory of music will be give.n In. tlie opera house on Friday Bvening, June 7. The Festival of this year will be oma of the most lelaborate lentertalnrnents ever put lom the etage in Ann Arbor by local tfcalent. Tliere is an tuider current of som e kioid at Lansing dragging down the TIniversity Wil. It 'has been intlmated to the writer tha# the secret is that there ehould be more free trade salaries paid. That there are too many oí taem on a protection basis. Kosena, wife of JoJvn Eberle, (lied at her home om W. Liberty st., on "Wettoesday May 15, of inflammatjon of the lumgs, oged 65 years. She leaves a halsband and three sous. Funeral services were held this, Friday, aftemoom, beimg eonducted by Rev. H. E. Ivutzen, of Ypsi.lan.ti. The scarcity of 'beef ought to lead to the raising of stock more carefully a'Qd extensively. Too many farmers rafee Bcrub animáis, simply fatten them enough so that they can be eold. Tiie increased ileniand for beef cattle liere at home eliould ba laken advamtaige of and good marketable "stock raised. All the .military companies of the city liavO accepted an invitation to atteaid Bervice in B. Thomas' church on i&unday the 2Cth. The musical progTam "Avill be eelected especially for the occasion and will consist of soime very diff icult anusic and singing. St. Thomas' oroh st-ra wlth lipme 18 piceos, will assist the choir, all under the direction of J. J. McClellan. Jolui E. Travis has in iiis iiossession a relie that iie pr!z"8 very liighly. It is a cañe that was cut a tlie woods by no less a personage titan the latO Jeffersoa Bavis, president of the late southern confederacy. It was givon by Mr. Da vis to Mrs. E. B. [Hall, wliio presented it to her mother, rthO late Mts. Tourtilette, after whose death it was given by her daugliter, Aire. Medaris, to Mr. Travis. The Festival Wrinkle is a fine nuniber, iull of wit and humor, and keen sarcasm. Bome of tlie illustrations especially tliose of Brof. Stanley, are perliap'S not pleaeing at first thought, but are simply following in the line of a fad that i rainning now in the huimO'rous papers of Ithe country, a fad tliat it is hoped will soon have iU onding. Tlio number is fully up to the Btaindard in ilkisu'ations, and considerably abo-o in point of subject matter. It is a live publicatioai, aniel has the rtgüli s i'rt o.' vini ibout it. Tliero will be a meeting oí Ihe ■yVashtaiaw Connty s .Issoclai ion at -the Ann Arbor Higli Scnool, au Satorday, May 25tb, commencing at 10:30 lo'clock a. m. Prof. Ju D. Wines will glve a paper on 'Mathematics in the Loiver Grades," iollo-wed by a general discusslon. In tlie afternoon. at 1:30 Vernon Sawycr, of WebSter, will teil about "Teaching in District Schools," and Prof. B. A. Hinsdaie, of tln University will deliver a lecture. This meetiug will bo a. very toportant one for the teachers of the counly, :uul it is hopd by Mr. Oavanaugh, the county school commissionor, that all teachers will be present ean come. The írost is on the peach-blow and The cold has nipped the eorn, While the guileJess suminer boarder doth The couutry outing scorn. Mrs. Dr. D. M. Tyler has come into possession of the J. Werner place, on W. Washington st., aml is to make extensive improvements therein soon. Mrs. Elisha Jones has bought the old E. B. Gidley property, on S. Ingalls st., and has set George Jacobus & Son at work putting the house and premises in excellent condition. J. A.Brovvn bas been awarded the contract for carrying the mails between the postoffice and the depots. He is to provide the same sort of wagon as is used in Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo for carrying the mails, which has a roof, screen sides with curtains, and a lock door in the rear. Young lads who are in habit of congregating in cliques about the postofiice, and prominent corners oí the city streets evenings, will please take notice that Marshal Peterson proposes to disperse all such congregations, and in doing so he will have the cordial support of all the business men of the city. At the ainnual meeting of the Peninsular Paper Oo., held in Ypsllantl yesterday, the following officers were elected : President anxi treasurer - D. L. Quirk ; vice president - Philo Ferrier ; eecretary - B. L. Boyce ; directora- 1. L. Qulrk, Philo Ferrier, J. B. Bea,l, Robert Barnes, Henry Stoup B. L. Boyce. Tlie Lake Shore road will put on a newspaper train next Sunday, out of Chicago at 2:45 a. m., which will put the Chicago tlallies into Toledo ]aki 9 te. ín. Tluat ought to get them here on the laooa Toledo train. Probabljr Ithe Michigan Central will havo to 'duplícate that train to keep up wlth tihe procession. The school board has decided to put ia ia set of relief niaps ia tlie ward schools f oi' teaching geography. ïhey are ftnely gotten, up to show the elevaitkms and depressions of the earth"s surface, illustrattntg the reasons for the cliniates of variólas lainds, and wfll be ia great help to üie Httle ones in studying a u-seful branch. TheXorth side is bouud to keep to tlie front. Nelson Eogers, of 48 Traver St, showed us this noon a lot of hen's eirgs with a rough and corrugated surface resembling somewhat the coat of a very warty toad. He left one on our desk for cnriosity seekers, and another that was as large as an)' two common eggs. There was still another perfectly round, and about as large as the glass agates the kids use to play marbles with. ZZZ Ed. Eobins charged with "torturing, tormenting and cruelly whipping a horse," was tried before Justice Child's yesterday, at Ypsilanti, was convicted by a jury, and flned $10 or 05 days in the Detroit Work House. This case is one that was prosecutedby Officer Peter son of the Humane Society, and the testituony showed that the horse had received upward of 100 blows írom a hickory stick and lash, and had died froin the effects thereof. ïhe general feeling of those who are familiar with the circumstances is that the sentence was toolight. Xo erop possesses bo mucli real valué as the potato erop. Estimating tlie yield at only 200 bushels per acre, and the price at 40c per bushei, we have $80 per acre as "the value of the erop ; while for cara, allowing 40 bushels per acre, and putting the price at 30c, we liare omly $12 per acre, a clear margin of $GS per acre in favor of the potato erop. If we estímate tlie value of the oat erop, we will have, eay, 60 bushels per acre at 35c per busliel, or $21 per acre, leaving the potato erop -worth $58 more thaoi the oat erop. If we -estiinate other farm crops we will find .about the same difference in favor of the potato. At the home of the bride"s parents, on last Thursday ening, Emily B., eldest daiighter of .Mr. and Mrs. W. Beetz, of S. Fourth ave., and John A., san of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Felch, of the Northside, were united in marriage. Misses Huida and Augusta Heetz, sisters of the bride, acted us bridesmaids ; Alvin Felch, brother of tlhO groom, aad Gustav Meyer, were the igTOomsmeB. The marriage oeremoaiy was conducted by Rev. John Neuniann. Tlie presents were many beautiful, amoug them the wedding icake which was in itsclf a work of lart. Mr. umi Mrs. Felch took the isomth bouutl train ior a short wedding lürip, refcarning they will reskle in Uiis city. A coinvention of liberal nhurehes nuil ministers o,f M'u-higan- Unitarian, Duiversalist and Independent- will be held in Ann Arbo.r during the last week in May. o( bhe subjects discussed will lo "The Kktg of Christlnjiity the World Needs.'' ■Cultivatiou of the Spiritual Life.'' "Individual Salvation." ' Snlvnt'on of Soel'■ffuman's Woik in the hurclies," "Youug People's Eeligious otics a.nd "Work." "Sanltation and Public ]JC:iitli." "AssyTiology and the Bible," "The Host Religious 'Literatare," "How ui Ba-idge the Chn-m letwee-n the Rlcvh and the Poor." Besidea speakers trom naxlous parts ol tlie state, seveval of eniinence from Ohicatro are to ba pres.ent. Addresses will fiivcn before tiie convention by Prof. Oaig and Dr. A'aiighan of tlie


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Ann Arbor Courier