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The Democratic Leader Who Talks

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ou either kriele of the silvpr question is mire fto pivo aid and confort to the republiea,n party. The at tempt ta make polltlcal capftal by ehttrgtag Onv. Tiich wlth opposing tlie Univevsiy approprlatlonfl and Interest is pretty small potatoes. Probably tJic ii:iii1m".mi democraey ft lene umscwuid on silvor tlian tl. e -n-csteni democraey. There is .-oni able room tor improvement, liowelel eveu im. the Boutli. Tarty lines were not diewn in the üicami' tax rteoision. Two rep-ubliaals and two deraocrats voted for the law. and tliree republicanas and tvro detoocrats agaimst It. Uto AgriniUural department has ileeldiejd tlliat tho peaimat is nofc a nut tut a pea. Tnus does the present administration gradually solve prob"ifins of great pi'tih tad moment that ■were jieglected by its republican predeceeso'rá". By a vote of íive to four tlie V. S. Suprenie Oourt lia. decided the inomo tax law unconstltutional. So anotlier idol of thte admiiiistration is shattered. Between the verdicts of tí people ama the coarts there will not be niuch left at its close. It doos tiot jiiatter Avhat Carlisle Hiay have taid r hoiw he may have A-oted on the sflver qaeetlom at some previous time bo loiag as he is now orn t,lie riuht sWe, and he can afíord to disregard hOBe who are triticising Mm beeause he has (■aiued wisdom as lie has grovra older. Socleties iiave been formed in J-xmlo.n ajid Dublin to reseue tlie Gael'c uid An.iïlo-irisii laHguages and litM-ature trom neglect, and to train -a-ansia tors to get it tato Bngltóh in a farm vorthy of lts long existance, reaching tora to tbe last centuxy, only a fourtli oí the people of IreUuid now iinderstand the ancient lanpuage, aad only a ixteenbli ase it to ,]!■ exchiiio.n of Eglish. The Irif tofflgue i-s frioli in eplcs, annato, bailaos romances, eatires, and songs, and as the uew wx-ieties coiitain many leading literary mi tlieir labora aro likeIy to rcisult in a succession of volumes oí high interest and lasting valur. the actor says : "I ïelt bom r.o a ncw life ; my cliest expaaded more ireely in tihat atmosphiere of life and movememt and liberty. I seemed to have become again a youth of twonty, walking the streets of republican Rome." It was a inystery to lüm how American audiences, when lie playod before them In his own. langnage, were so responsive to the dialogue, ev&n to the intonation of a single word. Tliis tiribute f rom a mam like Salvini lea ves tJie Americans a long way aliead on the score of recent foreign oriticism. Tllie eider Salviui knovs :xs much about thte country as any íoreigner of his time, and the p-leasant words lie apealas about it va hls new volume, oí recollections have tire merit oí rcstinig 011 long and intelligent obseivatioin'. He say he enjoyed in the United States a liner, motre exhilarating, more oxygenized air, trat why lie liardly knows hiniself. Tlie greater conveniences of everyday üíe had sometinng to do witji it. So h;id "the busy people, lovere oí work, and tlie beaiutiíul ladies eeen by thousands o-n tlie street, dreesed elegantly and hoving a free, dignified bearing." Ilherc was also the thought that tlie Americaes had foughit for and won independence. At all avenís, Gen. Weaversays tbat the populist wil! oever go uto the democratie party; butitisto be remembered tliat they liave done other equally foolish tliings. ]t is easy to understand tliat the increased foreign deinand for American securities is based upou the foregone conclusión tliat the next administration will be republican. Ttoere Is ome maai in the country Vho knows tbere is nothing in the third term lunacy. That man is Clevelaaiid liiinself. He is awaro tliat he could no geb tweaty-five votes in ainy iiational eonvention. Tito, decisión oí the s-upreme court in tttue hitoime tax case is to the effect that the demócrata in the last congi-ess ma.dc am uueometitutlonal attempt to oatcb the TOt of the populists. The fee of $40,000 which Secretary Hoke Smith recently collected f rom a railway Corporation is not so much as he haafrequenüy taken away from the pensionen? in a single day to make a , -ratic record of economy. A fellow of the Britten Itoyal Society lias issued a pamphlet ooi "How to Draw a Straight Line,' 'something most people cm. do without learntog. But those who eau draw a straigüit ltafi witliout ruling lt can draw iinytlüns just a.t preeeat tbe biggest canal lock in the world is the Canadian at Sault Ste. Marie, 000 feet long and Bdxty feet wide ; bat Uncle Sam wffl Have a blgger one ilnlsbed yn a lew montihs on lus sida of the line. __- The faet is to be borne in mind tliat Üie recently deceased income tftx was imposed upon the people because the „come of the goverument did iiot eqnal its outgo under democratie rule, in times of perfect peace and quiet. Ihe Greek Premier has announced that in consequence of his defeat at the polls he will retire from politics. David B Hill is said to have registered a similar vow last fall and kept it for-a whole week, bat he talked fearfully n his sleep. . Califomia's fruit erop in ten years has ncreased sevenfold, and its value last year was $50,000,000, or $10,000,000 more than that of the gold mined in the state. The experience of Ciüiforma shows that the demand for fine fruit is pfactically fanlimited. mea republicana casting thelr eyB arouiid the horizon for a suitable oaaidUliite, eaeli and every oa tope as if by mte. afc tlle nnm& cl Iíobrrt T. I.incoln. next president must como from tlie west, and L-n:-oln'liasino enemies in his ownpaity, or the opposito party either, íor ■tlia.t matter. Senator Jewell has worked heroically and persistently for the repeal of the special charter of the Michigan Central railroad eompany, but was finally defeated, lacking tliree votes of the number required. When it is remembered that the chief reason for the passage of this bill is to bring this road under the operation of the tvvo ceut fare law, it seems rather peculiar that there should be serieus opposition to the bill.- Grange Visitor. Buil iighting is a good busilis in Spain, if ie fellow who follows it mamages to keep out oí reaoli of the bulls boni's. Mr. Gueretta, vüo is cun expert artlst in that line, lias put tíie quieto on :a.bout 1,400 bulls in UU time, asad Boooped in a fortune oí $000,000 by liis ïl the gentleman worked in a Chicago elaug-luer-liousa and was paid killIng wages, at k mueli per buil, the New Orleams Pioayune opines that he would eaam leas, bufc lie would Ve ever so aiudh. more useiul in the world. The Memroe girl, Mies Mary Bt Deraiüs, who disappeared suddenly a few week ago, leavtog a note that she was goimg to .climb the golden stairs, by tlue luydraulle route, thrmigli the river there, lias been tomad in Detiroit, Blie advertised for a eltuiatíoia as teaclier of piano and violim, and Uiis gave lier away to lier gramdfatlier, who went down and indiuced the laes to return. Living in MwktoO begets mirfi emiui, In the m indis otf spirited girls that they have to mm away occasionally to wake up. It's so qaiiet there that they have to use a watchfora townclockand the tickin of thls even, ca-n be heaxd all over town, when the ball club isn't playing.- A-drian Press. And now ■the qudll drivers at Manroe can legin to 6hed ink. "A Freak in Finalice, or The Boy Teacher Taught," is a right sliarp and bright answer to vagaries and exaggeratLoms In "Coiü's Financial School." It is frani the pen oí John F. Cargül, aad besides answering Coin it givs aia O'tttline Qiistory oí bimetalism in tihis co-untry, froin 1792, up to date. It also cántalas a lriEl staiteanent of the theory oí money, aind teome otlier facts carious and inïberostingt. It is aai cntertaining look öïtd e"ery persoo. who has had liis mïnd 'biased by Co'in's booUs, ouglit to ipiNDcure this and gi-O the other íwlií '-.i liauce. GeO'i-ge AVahr has tiieiu at omly 25 oents. G-et it and re&fl it.


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