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Grea.1 prepaj.tkiis are belng made Joi' tin' aanu&l pioneer i tlng whkh te to le liehl here June 12th.- Dexter Leader. The iir.-t anima! ho$ of the Modern ■Woodmen of Amei lea will be :-?iven on Frida.v eveniiig May 31St, ai AnnOry Hall. Judge Klane lm appointed Bradley M.Thompeom, Jeremlah C. Knowltom and Seth Raudal] as a oommittte to reeoimmeaid Btuideate tor'.s ion the bar. Tlie School of Muslc calendar íor 1894-5 'has just leen issued iro'iu the Oourier office. There have been L54 Btudt'iits in the school this year. Justice Pond hae taken, a complaiiit againt I'icderick Layher, a Iiridgewater saloonkeeper, for selling iquor ■witüiout haviiijr either paid ais tax, filed his bomd, or post &d up his receipt. A letter to Chas. II. Worden irom his sous in San Francisco, a day or two ago, telte of a flower show tliat had been given there reeently at whieh $7.oOO was cleared. A nlce little sum. Btóhop AYayinan of the A. M. E. Cburch, of Baltimiore, delivered a ine BennO'U at ilic l'ii-si M. K. church Suujday moniing-. The effort was greatly pralsed by those wlio ïeard lt. Tlie animal business meeting .){ the ■Womans' Home Wissiouary Society of the M1. E. ohui-ch will meet in the church parlera on Friday p. m., at 4 o'elock. Tea avüI be served from 6:30 to 7:30. The M. C. IÍ. l!. ailc;i ics nu excursión to Port Huron Saunday .Tur.e 8. leaving here at 6:58 a. m.. and returninL;' Ieaves 1'ih-i Hupon at 4 pi M. and Detroit at 1) p. m. One dollar aud thii-ty cents for tlie rouiid trip, l." cents for childrcn. Tlie iinniial dioeesean convention of Mii-.lii.n'.'i.a 'oiivciics i'.i tliis city next week Wedneiiday, and the animal neetiing of the Wömans' Auxillary fi r tlie samie diocese next week Tuesday. ■ITiis will briug some 400 or 5.C0 stiaiiirrrs into the City, it is expectéd Jacob Dingmau was arrested SatTfTda-y oveaing on a charge of rajie mul rif taktng indecent liberties with. ith a child ujider foairtcen years of agre. Tlie evideiice against liitn is very black. The same man at the time of hl a-rrest was out on bail on charge of itulecent exposure of perfson before a iiumber of little school g-irls. Mis. Jennie Voorheis, Mrs. A. C. Clark and Miss Emuja Bower will attend the twenty-first animal convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Michigan, which will be lield at Battle Creek, June 4, 5, 6 and 7, as delegates from the local W. C. T. U. Auy person wishing to attend the convention uiay avail themselves of the reduceil rates. Prof. A. H. PatteugHI rode his horse up in front of a State st. store this morning and tied hún to a post. A minute later a young man rode his bicycle up in front of the same store and set it up wrainst tlie next post. Tlie horse looked at the wlieel for a moment, pricked up his ears, snorted and tlien deliberately backed around and gave that wlieel a kick that landed it about two rods distaut The horse resented the steel 9teed's presence, and made his kick efipetive. Tfcumsch Ilerald : "TliTee thoufl music lovei-s stornied Cniversity Hall at Amn Arbo.r Saturday night, to hear Th amoatioji of Faust.' The hall wo.uldn't hold the ctQwds, and the culinination of the May FestiATal was a huge success. Nórdica was a disappoi.ntnient, but Heinrieh a.nd Reiger made hits." Just adI anotlier thousand to start off wit.h, please. Tlie telepliome office at this place was so connected with University Hall, at Amn Arbor, that listenei-s here cooild Yery easily hear the singing in the ■Danniiatioin of Faust," which was remdered at tliat place Saturday evenlng.- aielsea Standard. Tlie abov seemis astomisJiirog, and yet the telepihane will be eo perfected before mamy years pass, that each family cao Bit a)t tiieir own fireside and listen tx gireat ooncerts üiat are in progress. (Dliis is mot a dream, nor is it prophecy. It is fact. Om Sattirday night, Rev. I). C. Wright, oí 69 S. Main st., died oí hcart dlsease, aged 77 years, one moath. The üeceased had been & resident of tflils city íor five yea.vs, and had been in his day, a taan f considerable note. He had been a cliaplain in the armiy during the war, aaid as stich drew a pension of $20 per month. at the time of his death. Ho had been a G. A. ïl. tnam, atud ia Mason, botli oí which org-anizatioins had befriended Mm in. tlie past. His Ufo, written ly a facile pen, wovüd make aa interesting -no-lume, as te had traveled far and near and had met. with jnany thrilling incidente. Funeral services will be held AVednesday afternoon at 2 o'elock. He leaves a wife. The h i ,.i! fair e om the snm mer ; hrough. For nial mine runa the country o'er Ou i tcyiiie built for uvo. TIil'v tnarried n hen thé inuuinu came, And uow iln'V Iry to run A li'tle house iu the auburfos. On au Income built for one. The Bén Etur Cycle Club is the aiewost tiiing on wheels It fosi.-i $2 to recaí ve. a plumber'e pennit to inake house couneetion wfth the sewer, and you can't do it without. Are you all tired out, do you have tliat tired feelhig or sick lieadaclies? Yuii can lie relieved of all these by takmi Hood's Sarsaparilla. Accoiding to present indications there Will be abooit forty bids ior the Hiü and Huron street sewers. There hB lee.n ui unp-recedented cali for s])c ilit;i t ions. Duriaig the month of June the money order and registry dopartments Wlll le open cveiiing'i for the benefit ei the rush that always takes place at tril-, .-ii i tl money orders will ï.e paM ás tang as the cash holds out. Qbafi A. Word Jias beau appointcd inspector of plumbing by the Board of Public Works, He is now inspecting the p-himibling already put in. Any oae on the line of the Liberty or Washington i-i. sewers cm connect wltli se later i-ewers Ity applytng to the ctty clerk amid paying' tap fee. THie Kalairaazoo 8unda,v N&ws has a lojiíí ajrtdcle oí a eenaational eharacter, in regard to the E. W. Morgan .iesta.te, and hoiDH' of our prominent Tlie basis of the article is áft affidavit made by Wlllfred Eamef. ''Judge Kinney," "I'lii ip Baugh,1' iiiiid (iliicrs figure in the won es. Hera is the way they serve the tco ■vcriing fisliermen in our up river hamlet : "A couple of partiee ol Dcxtcr fi!uLrin(iu who were spearing on the riveir laisl Fr.'day niiïht. oaught more tli.iu they anticipated, in that ilif.v wciv ttoenisel'ea caught by Deputy Game Warden Chas. Bell. The next morning all appeared before -Tustic Staainnnl and settled up by payInig $4. GO apiece." H .they cooild get a. machine to i-im over the Aun Arbor sidewalks und sliave oíl the buimpe and lili uji '.lie (epreBBlona, they iniglit have goed walks. In passing along the streets on a. rainy day or night, you plant one foot on a mound and the other goes kersplosh into a hole and. the eensatioai is very unpleasant. Xo "wonder the students learn profanity. - Maincliester Enterprise. Geo. M. Seward, state u-easurer of ïopeka, Kas., a mam respectcil by the commun tv f.sor liis intagiity a.nd Jiis honor, and occupying one of ïlic liiulirsi offices of trust in the state, wrltee : "I havo tried eveiy ramedy uaidej the sim tor head&ches but .nothint; lias giren me relief until I tiicd (e-lcr's Ma.'jjic Headaehe AVafers." AVlicn a practical dniggis and one holdins the oonfidence of the ntirecoimmunity like A. E. Mummery, will peil them on a positivo guarante, tliey must be goodi. Price 25c a Ikix. Ariss Emily Eberbaoh, d'aughter of Mr. amd Mrs. Ottinar Eberbach, died Jfonday afternoon, of inflammation Í the brain. .at their home on S'. 4th avé. güie was tibout 20 years of ;tge, aod lor the ,past year, since gaduating from the Ann ArbOT High School, had been keeping rthe books for the Eberbach Drug & Chemical Co'. She was a very loveable young lady, wit ]l hoste of friends on every sMe, a'ii'il in her iloatii the parents have the most Blnoere eympath? of the anttre community. The funeral serTices will be iheld Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, from the residence. Tuesday a. m., from old a,ge. Mrs. Bllzabeti Speediley, widow of the late Gecw-ge Speechley, lied at the home of her dafughter, Mrs. C. G. Cook, o:n B1. Ma,in at. agodj 83 yeais 6 monillo. Mrs. Speecliley was born in AVJiittlesey, England, in 1841, came to America in 1836, and to Ann Arbor in 1838. The funeral will be held TlMirsday aftenaoon at 4 o'clock, from the tfaitarian church, Rev. J. T. Suoderland eonducting the eervtoes. Infen-ment will 1e in Forest Ilill eemetery. AVhen this old pioneer first came to Ann Arbor there was no upper town, the "city'1 comprising the settlement on the Northsidie. She hnl truly lived to see the wildierness bloom. There were upward.? of sixty Knights Templar in line Sunday. They fonne-d at Masonic Temple went to Forest Hill eemetery, where they decorated the graves of their fallen brothers, same twenty in number, with flowers and evergreen. The ritual cervices were observed, Rev. AA". Í,. Tedirow, oí Trinity Lutheran church, doing the chaplain's work in a most admirable marnier. llev. Mr. Tedrow is a member of Three Rivers Commandery, and a valuable acquLsition to the ranks of the Ivnights in this city. The lack of magie at the services was caused bjr the failure of Dewitt C. Fall to come from Jacloson to stag with the Business Mien's Qtiartette, who were ' to furnish the tfnusic. Mr. Fall writes that he was detained by the lUness of his son Ray, who has been very sick witk what they suppose to be Brigih.t'6 disease together with dropsy.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier