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TIio i-eats iK'loiii'ging to the aldermcii 'were all filled last night after a -while, though fcome of them were late, tao doubt fliesita-ting to come lip into that heatod room and .swelter thromgh two or three hoiïr's business. The first thimg on tap was a communicatioui asking the council to collect a private Üebt for F. 13. Oego, he of the varied replies in the C'laik investigation, sup't of the Jackson Tile Co. A report of the sidewalk inspection was received from the Board of Public AVorks, and referred to sidewalk cotnmittee. George ICirn was. given a contract to build a pieco of walk on $V. Huron B'., for $2.10. The sanue board also reporled Wm. Oollins to' be the lowest bidder for the Hill aind Huron Street sewers, and recommanded that ho be given the contract after giving the vequired bond, etc. This caused much discussiom, Akl. Prettyman insisting that soime arramgemeiits ought to be made for Aam. Arbor laborers, to whieh otlvers assented heartilr. It was finally rcferred to the sewer comniittee to eee Collins aiid investígate his respoinsibility, etc, and report to the couoicil on June 10. Aid. Butterfield argued tliat it was mot go-od policy to give contracts to tnon wlio wei-e not pcrfeetly respoinisible, althoaigh they may be able to give a bond, and that tiie lowest bidUer was notb the man who should always iiave the job. J. II. Xi'jkols n-skod the council what tlu-y intcnded by ordering him to build a ñve loot s-tono walk in front of his State et. stores "os. 44 and 46, a.nd suggested it bet ter be ehanged. Tlue matter was finally refen-ed to the sidewalk ooimmittee. The Board of PójKic Works eailed aliention to the uusafe condition of the bridge over theiif. C; I?. R. tracks at ïoot of Detroit street, and. a little later oin ia the proceedings wei e antiiorized to put tho sa-me in good canditian alt once. A coimmuinication was recelved froim Mr. Jllner stating that he had exainined the booiaj of the clerk iind treasurer aad found tihem correct. Albert Huiitor asked to place a esigin on a pole at his place of "business on W. Liberty Kt. lïeferi-cd to' committee. A petition signed by Emmett Coon aaid Bo-sien otliers, awking the council to lay tile to draia tlie surface water on Wasihtenaw ave., at the intersecttoin of S. University ave., was read and referred Itoi street cotnmittee. Front W. S. Perry and 1 others asking a etreet light midway between Tifth a-e. and State st. Also petitkm for ligiht on S. Ingalls st., at corner of S. TJniversity ave., were reien-red to ligliting committee. Of W. I. Condón and 15 otliers asking that S. University ave., be parked o ea-vie tme trees, the same as has been done on the other sides of tlio University campus. Referred to treet committee. Aid. Brown, from finance comniit5 teo repoirted tbe bilis allowed for the momtlx on tlie different funds, as follows : Contingent fund - - $1,209.82 Sewer fund - - - - 557.73 Streeft fund . - - - 712.11 Fire fund - 734.88 Pólice fund - - - - 283.45 "Water fund - - - ■ 02.75 Poor fund - 125.86 City cemetery fund - - 32.25 Total - - - $3,711.40 Tbe same committee xeported in favor of tae levying of the following city taxes tfor tlie year, which was properly adopted : Street fund - - - J - $8,500 Fire fund ----'- 6,500 Pólice fund 3„000 Poot fund - 2,500 "Wlater fund - - 5,500 Contingent fund - - - 4.000 University principal fond - 3,600 B. C. & C. fund - - - - 5,000 Sewer fund .... 8,000 Sewer bomde fund - - - 3,500 Total - - - - $50,100 The same comraittee reported in favor of adoptini? i.ho report of the Sokjler's Relief Commissioii, granting relie! severa 1 soldier's widows. Also In favor of accepting the bid of the State Savintgs Bank for keeping the city funde, and also requiring the bank to rjivo $80,000 in bonds for the same, both of whicli were adop tcd. Aid. Trylor from Ktreet committee, reported a resohition requesting the city attorney to iind out wliat rights tlie city had on Minier 'Sb. Also appro riatin'g $35 for improving the alley east of N. Main st., letwecn Catharine and Kingsley sts. A UI. Co'on froin sidewalk committee reported a series of cross walks, sidiewalks, grades, and changes of tnades, a,nd repiring of walks, that it took the clerk a fall half liooir to read. This committee are evident-, ly putting in i-some good hard worÜ All adopted Aid. Jloore, from {ire departmomt committee, reported in favor of allo-win-g Mr. St. Clair and Dr. Gcorg making repairs and additions to their loidemes wblch are within the fire limita. Adopted. Aid. Miiynnnl. fiom poüce committ-ee, repoirted verlally the actioa oí the coimniittee in having the city lockup taken out of üreman'.s Uall, satisfactoi-j" arrang'cnienis having teen made with the üheriff lockup piivilces. Aid. Uuttenield from tlie "bond e mittee, reported the band of Chas, H. Manly as city treasurer, ia xhe sum ar $50,000 with. the following sittietiee : Jotun Kapp, Wesley Hicks, J. R. Miner, J. D. Ryan, D. Einsey, M. Seabolt, O. M. Martin, L. Gruner, D. F. Schairer, H. T, Morton, F. A. Howlett, M. J. Cavanaugli, Arthur Browii, V. W. Wfttts, Aug. Horz, Eli W. Moore, George W. Weeks, Jas. lïoyle. Gwtrge Spathelf, Jr., Eli S. Manly, Wm. F. IjOdholz, and the same was appro"d. Tlie city marshal reported nine nri-rsts durtog the üiionth, the board of health 15 tleatlis, Cliief Sipley that tho water pressure 'had been below the standard of 05 four times during tlve mointh, and the city treasurer reported balance of iiand in the bank of $23,204.58. Aid. Allnvendinger oífered a resolution calling for bids for Street lightiag om a f i ve year contract, which vas referred back to the committee. Aid. Ferjjuscwi ofiered n, ï-esolution wWch was adopted, inistructing the board of public -n-orkis to report, the cO'ít of pavittg t'a-e gutter cm. the nouth side oí Catharine eb. between 13 Ih and Clark sts. Aid. Taylor got $35 appropriatid to fix tip the inlet pipe to the drinking fotintain on Cedar Bend ave. Aid. Moore goi üirough a resolutio'n directing the Btreet railway co. to remove tlie switches and tracks from tlie streets abajidoned by them. Aid. Koen. mode ifchlngs a little hotter tlian normal by oíforing a resolutiom reducing tlie ssalary of the et. commiseioiner ome-half, or to $33 per miomtb. It was iinally referred to street co'mmittee. Aid. Fcrtgusom mo-ved that Xorth State street be opened across the M. C. R. R. tracks. Referred to city at-, toimey. The general wind up carne with a resokitioin from Aid. Prettyman, clecting Aid. Biwvn president pro tem. to. act as mayor iin the absence of the tVo head city officials tho coming week!. The co'uncil tlieoi odjoumed to Monday evening June 10.


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