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New womaii lias a lot to learn, Emerging from her prlson. The new man saysit's now his turn ïo talk; she's gotto listen - XewYork Recorder. Ann Arbor Art Club's exhibition, June 6, 7 attnd 8. Chas. D. Neebe, of tluis city, lias been jrramted a patent on a bailing press. Grraqpes have nat recovered yet from the effect of the irost. They were terribly injured. Th Jtuuior Auxiliary of St. Aadnew's .parish made abaut thirteen dollars off of tibeír lawa social Satturday venimg. Comiity Ti-easurer Rehfuss, by his dpouty P. H. Lehiman, turned over to thO city Saturday, $8,479.35, the city's ome-halt of the liquor tax. TOiat in the world. is the matter wilfli the fish eton-ies ? All of our excharages aro as silent as the grave on tiiLs xery important department of journalLstic enterprise. Alnd tiioiw the femall boy div'Hïsts himself oí his outer gairjne-nts and dippefcli his agile limbs in the cerulean depifchs oif tlue placid Huron. In. other -woir-dB, tlie water is warm aad lie is in it. i C. H. Van Tyne, of tlie Unlversity, will spcawl thO sumnier in France, Italy and Spain, on hts whe&l. and will Bond froto tliose countries a series of letters to the Cooirier, which we are sure onr readers will be intei-ested in. j "He will be heard frota in ibis world," Tlie mother próudty snid. He was. He imnsed tlie lawn each moni Ere folks were out of bei. - Washington Star. The ecbool boys llave gob ilie days all cO'Uinted upan their finger tipa. "Kitty Carew,'' Miss Gertrude Buck, lit. '95, has beem granted a Fellowsliip by tlie Chicago Uiniversity. John Strickler liaving taken charge oí tlie freight house at the M. C. I!. I?, depot, H. Hooker takes his place as yard master. Miss Sewart, who is taking special studies in the University, has been granted a scliolai-sliip in the TJniver'Sity O'f Pemn.sylvia.iiia. There was a charivari party ooi the cast end oiiMlller ave. ÏSmrsday r. tn. celebrating the ïmarriage of Philipp Kim and Maria Leity, which tooit place last evening at the groom's residence. Henry Lodholz was mar ried on Wedinesday at Marshall, to Miss Lodholz, of that city, aind the couple arrivied homo yesterday morning. Tliey wil! reside wiíto. Mr. L's mother for tli-e present. Miss Lizzie Fichell, living ooi E'. Arm st., 'hos been appointed to teach Latin in the Dexter High School. She received the liighest percentage out of the 130 who took the èxaini'Lnation before the couaity board last Maren. A. nerw feature IB behig contemplated in t'he Xoung Men's Chvistian Associatiooi, iia;nieljr, to set apart Friday oventag as rmusic night. Every yo'umg maai who is interested in music is iaivited to att-end the first sneeting to-niig'ht at 8 o'clöok. A niiam from Chelsea was in the city to-day getting hilarioos over the announcement t-liat "Gorman .vould probably go into tlie cabinet." He would uiot listen to any statement l.hat it was another Gorman, lut meet yoa witlj : "Oh ! there is no other Oormaji but Jimmie." Jollín S'hadford, of the Northside, wlvo was injured last fall by being throwa from au elevated platform on wliteh flie was fixing a trolly wire for 'tihe street railway company, has been ullüwed hts claim for total disability by the Maccabee's executive committee, and will receive yearly $200 uintil the amount of his policy, $2,000, is exhaustod. Hon. H. Wirt Xewkirk, of Crystal tent, Dexter, will deliver the address of weleome at the Maccabee celebratioin to be held at Jackson. June llth. Tliere aire alar-mists a;nd alarmista. But the fruit aiad vegetables are not all killed and a faimine i a long way Off. Thiis is a vae'tl coantry and frost aind saow in spots need not créate viery widO alarm. Jolhn Worden, of Emery, was in toeval to-diiy, luid in conversation witlli a reporter he said that he rommienced tftie ptrinting business himself at ane time. Alongr aboat forty years ago wlien he was a small lad, he worked om a paper known as the "Siginal of Liberty," an abolition paper owined and run by Guy Beckley, an únele oí tlie Guy Beckley of later years who died at Port Harón a ar so ago. Mr. Worden, says tliia;t he got so he couldiset 5,000 erna a lay, but woaild hardly take a contract to dlo it now. We have heard the people in. several towms eince the death of Mrs. Beomis, speak of tlve removal of the art gallery to Ann Arbor, as the lïillsdale Leader expresses it. 'Pliat paper says : "It will a great loss to Coldwater u.nd to all the ïieighboring towns. Little parties ffom Hillsdale havo often spent a half day 'there with great pleasure.'1 - ColdwaSer Eepublican. It is thought tl-, at the gallery will be the foundation of a groat art school in the not distaut future and thus be not only a, pleaeraire bxit a benefit to untold generations. "T wonder wliy, wlipn busband soes," Good Mrs. Noggles suid, "A fistiing every day or two, It niukes liis noso so red?" - - JJelrolt Free Tress. It cost tibe city $118.97 to care tor ifcs poor during the momth of Muy. That deal between two prominent business finns of tlie city didu't go throingh. TlLe ladies of the Baptist ehurch are to (g-ive a tea on. "Thuj-sday jvening ia the chuircli parlors. The average Aun Arbor iamily is making arrangement a few week's outing. That was aia awful stingy little shower Satuirday evening. Just an aiggravatio.n, that's all. A cotored lad picked up a letter ia -the post office this h;ivinig a draft for over $100 ia it. The city officials who take ia tlie junbeting trip, have been worklng bard to 'le atole to take a week off. To purify, vitalize and enricli the blood, and give nerve, bodily and digestiye strength, take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Deputy Treasurer P. J. 1.61101311 stakod out his new house this moming, on. his lot on W. Liberty street. Ainn ArToor takes it lxard. - Saline Obeerr. Oh, n, he doesn't. she üafces it easy. The little puls will not go. Balniy Jume !- red hot Jïme'- roastiiug, to-astiag, frizzliag, frying; teaify, rose-bedecked Juae ! tíhe's lierei. Supt. Berry of Electric 8t. K'y ■vrtll giie the childreti of the Sewiiig School a free ride ooi Satuirday, June 15tJi. President of the Council Chas. K. Hiscock did not accompanjr the junfcetere to-day, but City Clerk Mills went aloug to keep the boys leve!. Prof. Jonas will give a Piano Kccital ia the faculty concert "series, on Tliursday eveaing, June 6, it 8 o'clock. Tlie last iaculty concert occurs June 13th. The MasiO'uie lodges oí Ionia, Clinton, Ingliaan and Eaton counties will hO'ld a grarnd combination picnic at tlie Seven Islanda, Grand Ledge, on July 30iihk Moinday e'ening June lOth, the great spelliinig match between the Methodist aind Congregational peopJe will take place in the auditorium of tlio M. E. chiurch. A $50,000 íire at St. JoJiins yesterday was the resul t oí the neglect oí tJiO proper authorities to keep tlie ïiro lij'diraaits bloiwn out and in ruiming order. A losson to other citic-s. TI101-. J. Haywood for twenty yeais a commercial traveler, and well known all over ithe state among business men, died at hte home in STpsilant-i, yesterday, May 31, aged G8 1 years. Burglars broke imto tlie office of the Central Mills laöt n'ht and stoie what chanige they fotind there, tog-etlier with a small amwmt of church money vrfiich Mr. Allmendinger had to his possessiO'ii. In Kandall's Bhow wiudow this uio-rning was a picture of Xrilby. Sae is in the center oí a large group oí young ladfes, and is as perfect - in the picture - as it is possible for a Imanan beimg of the gentier sex to iie. Next Sundny will be Cliildren's Iay at tlie ir. E. church, and arrangenieurtis are in progresa for a fitting observajice of the day. The auditorium of the church will toe decorated for the ocoasiaa, aad Mr. Silas Farmer, of Detroit, has been secured to talk to the young people. At tllie meeting of the sewer committee to-day the contract for building tlie Hill et. sewer wasi let to Uenry Collias, of Detroit, for $26,746.75 ,-and tlie Huiron st sewer to'seune party for $4,181.20. In case of his failur oto co'mply with the demands vi tilie contract, then Messirs. Beek, Eeed, Filíame & Solnütz, oif Port Huron, are to haie the contract for $27,945 and Lipliardt & Winiterlialter, oí Detroit .the Huron st sewer for $4,250. Tlnere Avas a email blaze at Mrs. Painnie Butler's residence, JÍ&. 45 S. Ingalls b., Wednesday evening, causad by tlie wind blo-wing a lace -urtaiin on to a ligüited lamp; and settiioig t O'a fire. The curtaln and sihiadie were bu,med up, together with a c.liiair tluat was standing undermeath the window, a,nd a strip of carpeting along whlch the barntag euirtain was dragged. A similar blaze took place at Michael Seerey's residence, on N. State st., Saturday evenin.u:. üin'der the supervisión of G. E. Eydier, 'witüi Cliarles and Geoi'ge Pitcher aoad Olíais GrO'Sse as assistants, ihe Liewis Art Gallery is beiog rapidly disiiianlled amd the pictures packed for Biliipment. Mr. Ryder expects to complete the work by Saturday, June 8fch. It is estimatod now that at least 10,000 feet of luimber uad several kegs oí nails will be necessary, ateo naumerous screws. Thero are añore thaai 700 pdoces to pack. Mr. Ryder exjietts to go to A-an Arbor and ttnpack them.- Coldwater lïepublican. ,' i , . ; 1 Al movlng time lime the Kansas man Js easfiy n to : Aeyclouehlts htsljousea blow, Anti yanks It 11 (I y miles or so, ïüen geutly Iets it drop. - -Kansas City Journal Yom could almos forgive a man for giving you the cold shoulder these dayis. The I.utz Bros. have two brighteyed little faxes ia their markefc window on X. Mala street. There is ome thing certain, when the people of the state pay their higher laxes aiext f all tliey caá not lay the exeess Sto the Uinivwrsity. Tlie New AVíushtem&w Post is' a lusty ïellO'W for a youngster. It dow Tisïts over 2,700 people each week in Waefhtenftw couuty. St. Andrew's oburch property has been mucdi. iinproved in appeara'nce by removing tlhe oíd wooden fence in frout and to t'he south side thereof. Sarah E. Mc lía hom, sister of .Tolin Delaney, died 'at his residence on Catharine st., cm June lst, and was buried Monday morning from St. Thomas' church. Ainn Arbor has a candidato for state startistician vrtvo is nofc only thoraughly competent for the place, lut ivlio has a g-ood fighting chance to secure the place. Dr. W. J. Herdman took t.he entirc s-emio.r medical class to Pontiac yvstoiday, to visit the Eastern Asylum. "VYliile tliere, Dr. Christian. superintendent of the .isyluin, gave a clinical lecture ta the clase upoin mental diseases, illu.strating his lecture Avitli patleats there at ihe asylum. The Mikado, Tueöday and AVednesday evonings, at the opera house, vva ooie of the best musical attractioms given In the city this season. Prof. Kempf has provwn himself capable of train i ng i chorus oqual to any musicaidirectoir, and wordfl of praise come from all wlio helped fill tlie opera house on the aboye evenin@s. Amthony Burke, úi Northíielfl, died May Sist, at the of 65 years, 9 momths and 29 days, "witli kidney ■trouble aittd inflammatiom of the bow(1-. Funeral Bervices wlll be held Tmesday, at 12 o'clocH. The deceased was a brother of the late Wm. Iiuiki', anil was well known about the city aard county. This is the last of tlnee bro'thers who liied in the oountj', and who lnaie been buried within two or tliree years. Cards are amnouncing the marriage of Charles Shernian Seabolt, son of Jacob freabolt of the Northside, aiud Mtos Minnie Mabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Bort. Tlie -erenvony will place on Wednesday, Jume 12tl"i, at 3:30 o'clock p. m., fit tlie homO of the brides parenta, Xo. 215 Eiigflith st., east, Flint, Mich. The groom has many old friends here ia Hihe city who will b& rejoiced to learn of hi good fortune. The members cf the Ann Arbor Art School are moumting their studies, prcparatory to tho oxliilbition, to be held in room No. 16 of the Masonic block, on Thupsdiay, Friday and Satuirday, June 6, 7, and 8. This oxhïbltkxn will be no rival of the Detroit Art Laan, but it will be of interest tO' thoso who have been :n Detroit to know what has been done duriug tho past year, in our own Art School. Those who could not go to Detroit can. not afford to miss this display . The members of the art school earnestly solicit the liberal patronage oí former years. The rooms will be open from 9 a. ju. to 10 p. m., and au admission of 15 oente will be charged. J. O. Knowlton. as dean of ie law faculty, 'has a coanmunication in today-s Pree Press, regarding the statements leinig made relative to Mr. Canieron's- the Detroit Evening News coirrespoindont - expulsión írom the Uiniversity, which many papers throaigliout the state, that liave leen vry quiic kto eoindaniin the Univereity authoiriti-es, ougrlit to priat, ia justlce to themselves. There is no desire on tlj part of the University authorities to muzzle the press, but there is a "rory commendable desire to prevent thO Univerisity s tilden ts and iaculties from being misrepresented and held up before tne world in a Uisreputable way. Dean Kniowlton's cammumioatLon is wry cleair and directly to ttoe point. Xotwithstanding the intense lieat, a largo audience convened at the M. E. olniTCh BTKQday p. m. to list-en, to tne first of a series of sermons (n "Tho Gospel ia Great Oratorios," by Dr. C. lif. CO'beria. Mendelssohn was tlie composer selected. The lecture was full of Inïterest, showing that the Bible was the inspiration of his genius. Thft muele was all from Mendelssoüin. The o'rgan numbers were renderod by Pa-of Stanley. The chorases "Lift Thime Eyes" and "He That Shall Endure to the end," froan "Elijan" a ïiM two choráis fronn the same oratorio, aimd "How Lovely aio the] MesBemgers" trom "St. Paul," were given witih fime effect and made a deligluíul sacred cooicert. Tho next composer comsidered will be Gounod, next Sunilay cveining1.


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Ann Arbor Courier