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Mr. I!. H. Kempï wishes to exti-nd EU thanlks to al: oí those .'. tío i o kindly aselsted ín bhe successful perr formalices oí Slikado. Mi.-s Gula Qulck left Aan Arbsr ïaist Wdmesday, accompaniad by ler únele SiJney Qulck. to vUlt her ;rnd párente Mr. and Mrs. Frlend, ol i ■■■ land. Iufliana. George aad Frank Heafch lia baught the drug bualnasw ol Dr. Harpor's ;it Mllaa, and leave rharsday to take tíhange oí the The city treaisurer's office is now in the city building, Capt. Manly hoving bunked in witli City Assessor 0'Hea.ra for tlie present, and probably permauently. The Ladies' Home Missioaary Circle of the Baptist chairen meets in the chui-ch parlors vn Priday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Subject for dücusision : "EvangeUan oo Wheels." Rev. X. M. Gelstan uniieil! in maJrciage yesterday, .luine lö, Mr. E. Hutobaird, of York. juni Miss Jiuia Ackley, oí Van Buren, Wayne county, at the Presbyteriao pa-rsooiage. Tliero will be e scho 1 picnic :n the iii-ove tiie. ApriH district school, on (nest Saturday afternoon. 'Mis ESla ililis, - fcraini) g hei' pupils (uf po me special exercises for Ihe lay. The last meeting of the Yoing Meu's club ui the Congregational clurch beioie the summor vacation, ■uili b.i 1 Suaday at whlch time a fino musiou) attractioii iias "boon secureil. The lecture whlch was to liave been given by l'roi. Keteey, on "Pounpeii," lias been postpemed muil ttext Octolxir, becaiuse tJie ootlition of the ProiPs tikroat has Dtot Improved so .■: to -warrant sucli au eifort. Capt. Mainly saya the dry weather ha.s ruiaed the pea erop. Off of two acres lie wlU not liavc ten bushels, wnere he ought to have 150 lus)iels. Helde in tlie -rfciaity gle ertdence oí the samo, failure. Wïiat a-re the .people of Ana Arbor go-ing to dto about the pemovaJ of the Homeopathie depaa-tment ? WiU ühej' Bit down and let it go ? Or will thcy make a f lght In saeta a way as to show tlii'.v are aüre and in Baarneet ? Tbr special exercisee at the Baptist church ye.ïtrday in honor of ('hildrcn'.s Day were very entertaining. Tlie various classes of the Sunday School took part, amd the singing whicti was ly tlie chiLidron, issisicd y the choirch choir. waa very iine. Tho following is a s?hedu.o )I 'inal t.f K t"ts íe the Scho,-i oí .Iiisic : Tuesflay, June 11 at 8 p. m., Pupils OoaeOr1 . Tlim-.-day. June 13, a-t 8 p. sn., Faculty Concert. Wedaesday June 19, at 4:30 p. m., Recital liy Vocal Pupils. ThuMday June 20, at 8 p. m., closing coacert. Franik Minute is quite elated to-day ever receiving au arder from the largcst barbei shop a,nd halr dressing ablishmarut in. ihe warld, that of H. T. Tniefitt, of 13 and 14 Old Bond street, Ixwidon, Eng., for his patent ïilled razoe sti-op. That cstablislimcnt is alwaya om tlie lookout for the best. The Board of Review meets in executive session for tJie examina tion f tlie rolls of the assessor to-morron', .md -vill coatinoie in seeeio-n during the week. Next week Momday, Xaeeéay, Wedaeeday and Tlhursday, the rolla will be open to tlu; public for inspi-ction. and 11 you have uny grleveanee then is 'tli etime to kick- noi befare or nfter. At the councll room in the court hou Tlic Chlldren's Day exercises at the M. E. clniicli Sunilny mornlng Ralled out a largo attendanc-e. The addrese oí Mr. Farmer, of Detroit, was very approprlate, the exercises ly the childrea themselves, excellent, and the graduatlon of the clase ffotn the prima ry department, eaeli niein1er tlicreoí receiving a diploma, was somethinig unlque. It was a lay Kjtue little ones will loog reraember. Did you drop any of these letters 11 the postoffice without proper direction or starnps?: Nat. Mfg. & Impt. Co. Chicago 111.: Miss Ada Crews, East Dyer st., Tenn. ; Mr. Brown, Starer & Abbott Conage Co., Wabaeh ave. ; Miss Hunt, Albany, East Prairie, Mich. Postal to: Dear Jerry, signed Billy; Dear Daydae, signed Ed.; The Detroit Tribune, Detroit Mich. ; Secy of School Board, Perry, Ia.; Miss Pearce McMahon, Ypsilanti. C. C. Warner and George S. Vandawarker have the rightof the new patent mop pail and wringer, for this county. It is a grand thing for the one who does the work, and no kitchen is complete without one. It saves labor, saves back bending and back aching, is cleanly, and the only wonder is that no one has ever thought of the simple yet durable and valuable invention before. Those who have used it could not be hired to part with it for doublé the money it cost. It is the oleverest little domestci uteusil ever invented. Th sympatliy oi the un i e . i;ii fraernity ■ ■ ■ ■ -■'■ :1 g-o out to Mr, Heary ■ Coe, editor of : i '. wh. se wiie tü xi at i i uli Monday. a. in. u Saturday last achild was bom to the couple. ( ln-i-ti;i:i Badeavor Sociity oí Betblehèm church win ?lve i social piiday eenïing a,t t!ie resHoniie oí Mr. i!i:l Mrs. amacl Krause, No% 56 W. Jii).':ty at, Befrelunen,ts wlll be ss:-ved to all wbo A göneral Invltatioa Is extended. Thee te to líe a social given by tl:e Womau's Auxi iary. at the Y. M. C. A. rooms Fr i l:iy eveiiiiig. Ive crea-m. strawberry ilops eic, will l.e served, and the entire public ia iavlteci to att&nd. Come up aad he"p tho boys alou'i by your preseaee. Supervisor E. Ball, oi Webster, was ia town to-day. He says the diy is having a bad effect on all sD-.t.s of groiwng crop. A ;;ood rain now wouid no doubt save most e e ytblng, it woaM help what tle wheat there i and rescue the oats, com .-ni i ■■ a1 i , lut uiiless ruin cornos bcfO're long there will be a l:ul faltare of ewrytHiaig!. llic Board oí Review has one moia membei' fclian last year, Supervisor i;,-i.:i H. Scott, of the Tth waril. The new men are Ohilds of tlie lst, Jos. Donmelly of the 4tli, James Boyle of the 5th, A. .T. Kitsou of the 6th, aawl Clfcy Attorney Clias. H. Klire ín place i John AV. Bennett who lield Hint j.o-iiiou then. Tlie venerable and greatly respected Patrl:k O'Heara is still in tlie president s oliair. One of the fii-ms bidding on the sewera oílera tu dpo8it ín any 1ank in Ann Arbor. $10,000 in certiflcates running to tdie city of Ann Arbor, to lx; forfetted if eaid firin does not .omply witjh th:c specificatiows in the contract ior imiUling ilie Ann Arbor sewers. 'i' eeems like business, and better ihn.n any bond, however Riït cdged. TJLe city might better look to it.- own interests in nis Importaat matter, even thO'Ugh the lowest bidder may 'not always gat the i-ontract. The low&st does not always prove to be the cheapest. Tlie eecoad service in "The Gospel in Great Oratoirioe," was held last evenlng in the M. E. cburch. Dr. Cobei-n gavfl a very fine addrese on Gounod, and tlie choir nmler the direction of Trof. Ktanley, rendered a very enjoyable Jwogram (rom Gounod's works. Dr. Cobera's sketch of the great poser's lie brouglit ooit in a very disünct marnier the profoundly reIlgloue cáaracter of the great composer, and gave additional cvidence of tlie well knowa fact ttoat 'ïll Ae greatest m'usic is -religious in character and has the Iiiblc for ibs inspiraTae propo I.ioa o! tlie lady inembsis of the gTBduatimg dase to wear eheap calicó drisees to girad'iiate in, and give tliie di.feii-enice ia the cost of tlie dresses to tlie gynv. fuad, is one that will not be 'axiliered to, pi-O'bably, bat ine that would set a, worthy oxample for ot lici-s to ïollow. Of course everyone lilces t see i prettily dressed lady, lmt the ■in.'ijDiity oí youmff ladies can look exceedingly pretty in a becooi)qg calicó dness, if it is only ed tais til y. A aie;it, plain dress is alav.'ivs becomlng, even to the most ordinary. Th Fraternal New, ;i secret society publicatlan, has the lollowing paragraph that la no appllcable in overy comrauniiy, tlnit we can not retraln trom puHisliing it : "We lcnev il brofcher who sat íor a long timo om tlie back seat. He criticised the oMU-ers of -his lolge at evëry meeting, .nul toM every Toni, Dick and Harry }ub1 wlint m wo-uld do ii lie was Ln ofltoe. J!y and by the whlrllgig oí landcd hirn in t li e presidtag offlcere chair- and well, he couMn't put ii motioii properly, he couliin't decide the simplest iuestior. of lodige law without help from goime oí the officers he liad criticiee.d. and the meetingB grew smaller aind snialler -until noar the end oí his team tliere wae hanlly a corporalis líiKii-íl iireseait. He never knew kmew wh.-it the trouble was, poor fellow, and he went out of office with ■fche 'highcst hooors.' " One of the bigbeet compliment that oauld posïibly be puiil the law departnvent of the Unlver&ity of Michigan oame f rom OJiio last week. In that state tlioso who are admitted to the have to pass a rigid examination. A state commlseion, coiisisting of ten imembers of tlie bur, appointed by the Mipreme court oí tliat state, are the exaimiaing committee, and the cxaimination i.s -w-ritten. At the exaimination last week there were 196 candidates, oi which miaite 19 were froni the U. of M. Of this 19 e ver y ome passocl with credit, thougli one i.s a member of the juaior law class. Of the total jiuimber 57 were re jee ted. It would be but natural tliat ooir students should receive che full leneiit of ihe examiiiation. They ■ore mot tlie ceeipionts of any iavors, nor did tliey expect miy, and that they fchould all paee ia the inanncr they did i certalnly a great hoa' ar i o our law departmemt.


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Ann Arbor Courier