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The torricl sunbeams now descend ; Forbearance is tlienile. But verily Uiat rule must ena Toward him who says "Keep cool.'' High School commencement occiirs iiext week Friday. Tïie circuit court stands adjourned until next Saturday. The 3d ward iTigers defeated Ypsilanti 30 to 21 on Saturday. There weire fousr i-hildren baptized at the M. E. church Sundiay, during the morajng service. Dr. Yaug-han is the new president of the State Medical Socisty, and Dr. Xovy seeretary. On Sunday morning aiext at tl e M. E. church n, class Avill le taken into full eomnection -ith the church. Flour is following ifclie example oí beef and oil, and is now going lip ; Tut prunes Temain as steady as a rock. Tli e iWoimiail'8 Auxiliary of St. Aadtoew's ohurch, will meet at Harrie Hall AA'edmesday aiteriioon at 3:00 o'clock'. , Flag day will be obscrved by the sohoote of Michigain June 14th. "Old Glory" is the emblem of all that niakes lite dear ibo America.ns. Tlie Electii cL'ght Co. Has just -,vired the two new houses of J. James, oor. Packard aoad S. State 6ts., aad also the new residenee of Mrs. Chapín, on Kinigsley Btreet. The spelling match arranged between the Methodists and Congregationalists for next Monday evening bas been indefinitely postponed. It will probably be held some time thia summer. Fred Miller, who lias beea an employé of the Courier office for many yeaps, and whom all his associa-fces feel very kindly torwards, has been taken to the asyluim at Pontiac. Boys, you want to watch out for tlie gaime warden, for he tells us fhat worms for bait only is the law uov', and he says it is illegal to use any kind of net to catcli fisli in inland ■vaters aind under section .30 it is illegal to take niinnows for bait with a net. America luis no Shakespeare yet, No epic baúl of deatliless luy; liuton the I ase hull grouncis, yon bet, A humer's uiaüe 'inost every day. Evening bicycle runs to Ypsilanli are the proper tbing nowadays. The roses, which are usually so plentiful íor comniancement, vill nearly all "be gano fchis year. Frank Warren, of the state street baker shop, will open a brancb shop at Whitmore Lake next week. It is aai ill wind, etc. The milü fall and early spring liad millions of grasshopper eggs for ithis yea-r's erop, and the recent frosts killed overy motli&v'a son of 'era. - Perhaps the Ixnd knows better liow to run the weather tham the growlers, aiter all. Hicks, the weather man, predicts the heaviest do'wmpoujr oí rain durinig the nionth of JanO that has visited this cO'Uintry for yea-rs, and urges all sectiorns "vhere it is possible to plant trops .to be matured by these rains ito take advantage of them. The statisties for W. C. T. TT. of tllüs state sliow that there are 419 urrions in the etate ; membership, active, 7,1G8 ; hojiorairy, 2G8 ; nuimber of Y's, 10 ; membersliip, 264 ; honorary, 40 ; Loyal Temperance Iegiom, 7G ; membersHiip, 3,493 ; number of uinions preeenting pledges at public Imeetings, 62 ; pledges secured, 1,864 ; received íor all pur= poses, $15,824.79 ; new unions orgainized, 27. Daniel G. Gates, of the townahjp of Lo.di, died at tJhe residence of liis daugliter, Mm. Mary Albro, who iives ust oier the rlver, on. the AYhitmore Lake roiad Tlmrsday, Jane 4, aged 69 years, 2 mos. and 18 days, of Briglit's Tlie funeral Avas held Thursday, at 2 o'clock from, 1he residence of hls daughter as above stated, Rev Dr.. Cobern officiating. Burial in the city cemetery, on the Tlie deceased was a natlve of Xew Yon-k, and liad resided in the vieinity soine t went y years or more. Tlie goA-eraor bas vetoed the bill paseed by the legislature appropriating $25,000 for tliO purcluase of nn electric ligliting plant by the Universlty. This is loolaed upoa by Koine people as showimg an unfriendliness to that iiiKtitutiom. But it certainly is QOtL -nie Teto may be, and probiibly will be the mea.nis oí saving tli at institution a great many dollars, as it tuis been the universal perience of every coompany, tfoat an eleetric lighting plant i.s ui expensive luxurj'. Tho people residing on S. Univerave. have yearly sent in petitions for the improvement of that street opposlbe tho campus. And yearly their petitions have been received and referred to the street committee, there tO' slumbèr peacefu'.ly the slumber oí etemity. At the last session of the couincil another petition went in and was referred. Would it not bc wijse foi" the committee to investígate their petitioa a.nd treat iliem well, at aay rate. The mo'St of the property own-ers tliere are women nnd they feel, verjr naturally, 'chat beoausc oí Chat fact they are slighted. Frederick Tlieurer, who was taken to the University Jlo'spital Friday afternoon -vlth a analignant attaek of appendicitis, and on whom an operation was porforanetl Saturday, (lied Tuiesday evening a 8:30 o'clock. The deceased was a very industrióos yotüng man, unman-ied, aged 32 years and lic carried on a h-arness business on "W. I.iberty street wliere he liad workod up a splendid trade. His remaias were taken to the home of his sister, Mr.s. Fred. "W. Buss, on "V. Madlsom st., froin wliere the funeral toot place on Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Burial in Forest Hill Cemetery. He was a member oí tho Macoaboos and of the I. O. O. F's. And now to sliady grove and nook, The pretty muiden hies, To sit and "ponder i'er i look And dream of lover's eyes. Meanwhlle her dn? lies ut lier feet Andcalraly flglits Mie nies. Tiie contract for glass for the liew Betlilehem church lias been let to a MilwaukeO firm. The appohïtment as Postal telegraph manager in this city was conferred on George L. Sweet, by División Supt. Kinucan Monday lust, and the young man is now receiving the congratulations of numerous friends. Willie Kder, tlie fO'iir niO'Uths old sou oí Hr. and Mrs. Geo. Eder, io Fountain st., xlied Tliursday p. m. and was buried Saturday afternoon will be buried to-morrov afternoon in Forest Hill Cenieterj'. G. Boaoli aiad Frank Fohey were np büfore Jusfcice Potad Tlrarsday, on coinpLaint of Deputy Game AVarden (31ias. H. Bell wlth a seiae. They were fined $12.86, which they paid. Pretty dear fishMany memljers.oi the Episcopal convent iom which closed its sesslons liere Tliursday, were visitoa-s to Aiin Arbor loir tlie firet time, and the general expreseioa of gratifieation and were pleasaait to listen, to. It was quite uaa-nimously voted xhat A.rm Arbor was a. beautiful city. Tlie Mexican Central It. It. has issiied a circular to all teachers, offering ft rats of $40 from Denver, whcre the Natiomal Educational Associatian jueet.s in July, to the City df Mexico and return, tickets ;?ood for 60 day& This wonild be a grand trip to make, at so elight an expense. T3ie Uves oí Dr. Stephen C. Glidden and of Dr. Anna C. Ires, were united in marrlage Thiursday nt tlie hoine of Prof. Edward Campbell, on llill street. The couple are both re&idents of Daaiville, 111., and they left on tlie evening train for that place, ■vherO their future home wIU probably be. Miss Pepple, wlio has been the teacher of drawing in the public scJliools for the past two years, bas resigned her place here, to take a similar position in MarsJialltown, Ia., at about twioe the salary received here. Miss Pepple has been ui excelleoi teacher, she has been industrious, paiastakinig and consciëntieus amd will be a loss to the schools. Since coming here .4ie introduced drawing intO the higli school and has carried tJie work forward in a very sucoessful way since Miss Hunt left it. Our Imva iriends have made a valuable acquisitioo. "Yes, in Ann Arbor we sell 50 pounds of beef steak to 10 pounds df roast." sais John H. Niekels, the well known butcher, who learned his trade in England. ''In England the proportiom is just reversed. As the ünited_ States becoimes older yom wlll see ttoat the Avoimem learu to become better meat cooks. Ma.ny parta of the animal are not tregarded as of value luere and in the Old counti-y they are valued as delicious. Take au ox tail, instancei. It niakes the best soup amd the meat on the bones is Hie sweetest, juciest of the who'.e critter." - Argu. The art exhibit at the rooms ei the Ainn Arbor Art Club, In Masonic bloei, is oow on and is attracting considerable attention, as it deserves to do. The Chvb is improvimg-. Every year denotes tihis in au -jninistakable maaner. The chareoal sketches, the oil aad water color paintlngs, In 'fact the entire exhibit this year shows a.n improvement, and any persom In any way interested in art will erajoy in hour oír so spent. there in n wonderi'nlly pleassmt way. II you have tho least doubt about thl assertioo, fcry it. Rti in to-day, tomorrow or next day, havo a good look at the various worka oï art exüiibited and at the same time enjoy an excelleat cup of coffee. 'The two blue lodges aad the haper, of tlie Maso'nic iratei-nity, have voted to pat in five electrie fans of tbe la'test amd most improved )atteim in tlie lo'dige room of Masonic temp!O, aad these luxuries will proba)Wy be in wotklng order by next Tlnursday, thereabouts. Two of tlie fans will be looated in tlie Kast, on each sido of tlie Master's chair, lone in the West, one in the South and ome on thO nortli eide of the room. This will be a.n impro-meiit that evry member of tlie Masonic frateunity, who attends meetings will appreointe. Tlieáe tliree bo-dies of Jlasons öie expense of this improvemeait without calling apon the CommaiwleiT, because oí tlie extra expense tlie Oommaiidery is to in maintaining the armon-y, drill room aoid diniag rooni at tlieir o wn expense, and alway.s generouely allowlng 1he lower MfUBOnlo bodies the use tliereof without expense. A new house is being erected on Prospect Bt., lliller additiooi by Nelsom Garlingtoouse. AVra. H. Salyer has purchased. oí Mic.hael Breuner the house and lot owned by him on E. Momroe st., near State st. The militia boys here feel that a great mistake was made ia nat holding- the eiicampment on the state grounds at Maokinac Island. Di-. Carrow is having a great rush jusl now oí cataract cases. The people needing tliis soi-t of treatment are all ritóliing in betoro vacation. A ft er this Capt. Fi.scher ivill order two diills each week for Company A, au Wedaesday and Friday nights. 'ÏUU will coaitiii'Uie until a-ftor the state oncampment, Aug. üth. Tlie Detroit Hoineops are aow koliciting subscriptions to purchase a. sito for the Homeopathie college to be removed from here. The desire is to lócate it au Alexandrine ave., near Grace Hospital. Uln; Ypsllanti Diiving Club oifers sotne good prizes for the suininer meetiag; in that city Jury 2d, 3d and 4th. Many Ann Arbor people contémplate taking a ride to Ypei. oa one of those dates!. The post office department are at work on a oiew money order to take the place -f the present unwieldy affair. The iiew order will be 7x3 1-2 in. in size, and; the public will be glad. of tihe chiaoga. Thei-e is a íiwn in Ann Arbor which is receivlnig coiisignments oï fraits, -vegetables and garden. i;auce from Louisiania. The góods come tftrough directly without resihip.nient or delay at any point, and strange as it j)iay, arrive fresli aul withoat bruise. Stipt. Pattengill lias announced a summer instituto (ar the teachers oí this couuty, to be held ia Ann Arbor, for one week, commenclag July Ü9. Prof. E. L. Ba-iggs wlU 1 the conductor aind Prof. M. A. Whitíiey oí Ypsilairiti, and Ada V. Haurfs, instructor. Au effort is being made to induce tiwí owinei's of the AJtasoniü bloclc to ciiainge the flight of stairs leading iroiiï thie eeeouid to the third story, so that they will uiot be so difficult of iisoenitf. It is proposed to lengthen tdie flight, chaixge Vhe plteh of the step, aaid construct a landing abO'Ut half the distanice up'. II this is dooie it will be am. iniprovement t'.uit will be appreciated by evory member of the order, n.nd especiaDy so by rmainy of tlue Eastem. Stars, wtoo find that flight of staiis the one great dread of attending the meetings'. Of course it is only a suggestion, bat it might be Wtee for the editor of the Adï-ian Press, wlio is the uuthcur of the followlng item, not to run against th stroing man referred to "Aon Arboir lias a srong man. He hos beea six m'oaiths in training and caji raise a 'huudlred pound dumb bell fro'in Slvouldr, Bêvea times. But he ooiiUln't ralse au ax high enough to split the wood to cook his breaki'.i.-t, if his wiïe shomld ask him even tui hoiur. Hö'a too weak when it comes to uslng muscle lor practical }mn-poises." Ctoa. I!. Davisom, W. M. of Fratemity LadOe F. & A. M., infornis us that the lodge of which lie is Master bae ron-ivod au invita tiou trom Uowell lo'ilg-e, to yisit that city and confer i lir 3d degree, fixlug AVednesday even!:g Janu 12. as the time. Mr. Pavisoü sfates that owias to June being tht busiest monith of the year Uere, i-ad becaueO of the extruordinary anuouint of ivork there is to be lone at this time, it WlU le impossible 'O accept the invitatio.n for the date ïm-iitionied, but that the membeivs of Fraternlty would be pleased to visit Howell brothere in September or October, and exemplify the woi-k of the order om the 3d degree. 'Hiis arraiuííoment, it is thought, wlll be imade. Xliie legislatuve created the office of state statisticiani. If tliey can keep Doe Baker, oí Lansiog-, of the state he-alth benard, omt of the place, ly focce oa' obliorwise, Aun Arbor would respoctfully pa-eseut a suitable caadidate for the position. He Is eaid to be a man oí Bood figure. The otnly place tiia.t n Aun Arbor nepublicJin does lio íüe an :ipPlicatioin tor, is aew madu grave. - Adrián Press. Now Blr, we will wager a lime agaimst a pineapple, that tlhiere have been ouore in number, and more persistent office eeekers in Adviau, to. the square inch than any o-ther place in the state. The only difference between Ann Arbor office srekers anit Adrián office seekers, is tlif fact that the A,nin fellows are soimetimos successfui.


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