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An Alpena Miracle

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MRS. JAS. M. TODD, OF LONG RAPIOS, DISCARDS HER CRUTCHES. In an Interview with a Reporter She Reviews Her Experience and Tells the Real Cause of the Miracle. From the Argus, Alpena, ifich. As is wcll known by many of the peopli of Alpona county, JIrs. Jas. M. Todd, o Long Eapids township, lias been a grea; sufferer and a cripple for many years witr that terrible affliction, rheumatism. Somt two years ago we became somewhat iincr ested in Mrs. Todd's case, and, in commoii Trith Alpena people, rejoice that this greaj ufferer has at last found relief, and is now in a ftiir way to a permanent cure. Knowinp of the substantial benefit Mrs. Todd had reeeived, and that she was at last regaining her health and strength, we sotight to hear her story from her own lips, and here give it to our readers, in her own language. "As you know, my name is Mrs. Jas. II. Todd, and for the benefit of suffering humanity I wish, through the Aegus, to teil the world at large what may seem to them, as well as myself, a miraele. "Eight years ago I was afHicted with what doctors called nervous prostration. The following spring I was taken with rheumatism, commencing first in my arms and hands, and leaving them it would go directly to my head and heart. I cannot describe what I suffered. The onlyvay I could get my breath was to sit where the air would blow directly on me. Thus I lived and suffered for two years, when the affliction left my arms and went directly to my feet. Again I was taken to doctors, and they said I had inflammatory rheumatism in its worst form. My feet were so swollen that it was impossible for me to wear anything upon them, my hands were drawn out of shape, and I could only sit up a few minutes at a time, and often wished death would end my suffering. " Then another year of misery, doetoring all the time, and using1 every remedy I could hear of, wlien, as i last resort, I went to Ann Arbor where I could hav the advice of not only one, but many physicians. They pronounced my trouble inflammatory and muscular rheumatism, said it was brought on by hard work, and if rest did not cure me nothing would, for medicines would not do it. Í again went to the citv and was treated by one of our best physicians, but grew more helpless, and at last went to live with my daiighter, thinking I could not live long. I was then as helpfess as a child, and after lying down awhile I could not raise my arms to cover myself nor speak imtil shaken or lifted up. Oné of my limbs was entirely helpless, and the skin was dry and cracked until it would bleed. " From a tal], straight woman of over five feet, I was drawn all out of shape, my eyes were swollen shut more than half the time my knee joints out of place, 110 strength tó raise or dress, for eighteen months had been held up by one on eaeh side of me to dress f,t undress. Another year passed when my attention was ealled to a oase similar to mine eured by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis. I was urged to try them and at last i so' In three da?s after x commenced t -kinpt Pink Pilis I could sit up and dress myself. and after using them six weeks I went home and commenced working ] continued taking the pills until now I begin to forget my erutches, and can go up and , clown steps without aid. I am truly a living wonder, walking out of doors ; out assistance. ( ! Now, if I can say anything to induce f tnose who have sutf'ered as I have to try Pink Pilis, I shall gladly do so. If other t like sufferers will try Pink Pilis according to directions, they will have reason to thank 1 God tbr creatina men who are able to con, qucr that terrible disease, rheuraatism. I have in myown neighborhood reoommcnded ■ Pink Pilis for the after effects of la grippe, and weak women with impure blood, and with good rcsults." ; Mrs. Todd is very strong in her faith in the eurative powers of Pink Pilis, and says they have brought a poor, helpless cripple ■ back to do her own milking, churnmg, washing, sewing, knitting, and in fact about all of her household duties, thanks to Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis. The following letter to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. refera to the above, and will be read with much interest: Long Rapids, Mich., Jan. 12. isas. Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Sehenectady, X. Y. Gentlemen: "Some time ago I gave to the editor of the Argxut a fnll account of my sickness, with the exception of one thing which I withheld after writing to you about my case, viz.: I took seventeen boxea of yourpills then I stopped. Seeing Mr. Vial, the editor, one day, I told him wliat the pills had done, hut told him I thought they would help me no more. He said they would and that I must keep on taking them. He sent me altogether twenty-iour boxes of pills, and also cheerful letters of encouragement, God bless him. If it had not been for him, I verily believe I should have heen in my grave. And also I bless Gml he ever created men that could combat with rheumatism. It has occurred to me that one person cured as I have been, and who would go from one large city to another and teil of the experience with your pills. their sale would be doubled, as half the world does not believe what they read of your miracles. But when they see a poor twisted body like mine, hear from living lips the medicine that cured me, the most skeptieal could not help but believe. Already in this country place doublé the pills have been used since I commenced to take them. If I had the means to start on I would spend the next six months in treatïng the worst cases in Bay City and Saginaw and Detroit. I believe I could do a great amount of good in this way, and perhaps make a little money. Please do not think that I am a grasping woman for I am not, but I am poor and destitute, and I should like to help suftering humanity to health and strength for both can be had if they only know about Pink Pills. God bless you and keep you long, is the prayer of Yours very gratefully, Mus. J. M. Todd. The foregoing is but one of many wonderful cures that have been credited to Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Diseases which heretofore have been supposed to be incurable, such as locomotor ataxia and paralysis suecumb to this.wonderful medicine as readily as the most trifling ailmenta. In many cases the reported eures have been ïnvestigated by the leading newspapers and verified in every possible marnier and in no case has the least semblance' of fraud beer, discovered. Their fame bas spread to the far ends of civilization and there is hardly a drug store in this country or abroad whlre they cannot be found. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain, in a condensed form, all the elements necessarv to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism nervous headache, the after effect of la grippe palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow eomplexions, all forma of weakness either in male or female. Pink Pills are sold by all lealers, or will be sent post paid on receipt -it pnce, (50 cents a box, or six boxes for Ü2.o0- they are never sold in bulk or by the 100) by addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine ompany, Schenectady, N. Y,


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