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There'ssometlilQg 'dphüj nij Vhich robs me "! m.v n .-t. A cucombe al b bi Is ;i bard iblng to dlgest. Mfeees Jo-cpliii.i' ;:a: .Mi y McGin-, if Poariac wil] epend ;i week orten days wlth relat i ves in ','1'. avtuiming' Imiiie alter the iih -.i July. Mra. T'r.-il Stimpean, returned froin Aon Arbor Tuesday nooo, uhere she bas been spndlng a week ,-it tlie líospitaí reeelviug treatment [or an ear twwiMe.- Sfilaa Leader. Miss Milite Tremper o Uiis ,iiy, ■vh bas been teaching np north for a. couplo of years, luis been hidred foi" ou year ia the Geddes ilistrict, ly Dinector I. X. S. l'o-tcr. Tïk Ind!;in;i 1'arnicr recoommende t h;i t th.e farmer.-; Bw millet or IÍ1111giariau gTaes at once to help out ilie ttuiy eropi. oí thc-e tnay 1;e soivii ae late as Jiuue 25tih wiih grootl proepect for a fu.11 erop. Srcral oivhanls along Uu; Wnu rosa are ilie i :tims ol the canter worm again taxis seaon. rhey - -u-ill eo'Oin be a baro lot ui tnvs. without laait or fruit'. A little 'are in tfeoc mmld prevent such destruction. - Saltoe Ohserver. A man wlio was in town yesterday -vitli lii.s wool clip of tWO ycar.s' accumuiation, sold the lot Jor (ïlg-ht oentper lh. 'ilic Aaus, yon remem■Ser, eaid tliat free wool would raise ]Hic. It fspelled tlio word ■w-rong'. Wliat it iatendel wae: raze). 'Hu Lewis art colleetian vas sh'p1i Aun Artoor oa Wednesday. ïlieic were Ure ■.■!■ loada oí it. ihuree f t lic oars bel ig I tooee u' ea I ra gise bulU Por bbie traaisptw-tatlon ol iarirc A sp:'i-i:il train was furnislid. hauled tree by the Lake Store aod MichigauB OentraJ Railroade.- Coldwar tier star. Mi-luid J. Lelbon, formerly a Ith ■w;ui! hI;Ictu;i:i ii ïpsilatttl, C nilti [■ :iicmt i o'clock Frldsy i iwkhi'. Deceased wae fomid lying (mi a. fiable In the basement i bis workshop. Ho had lain down, and plaoing fhe muzzle 1 a revolvr in his iiKHitli, fired'the bullet, it áng out Just back oí hls &ar. Poor healtih LssappoBed to hav causeü the a - íarnici-, ln geaierally &aow8 ■wh.-it hie ís talklng alxiit saya : Tell i i take ín.v advioe áad fr ; timothy is standing libe wheat stubble. It will nat grow iK-ttei', bu t poorer. t'ut it ana so Cnici s;n;-:l. ilun wiüi ]ili niy oí rain, tJietf1 only a fcood secood erop. M n-k the lietiom and see ií ihis farmer is iiot correct. 'Ihi' editor oí o;ie of our excnanges üi tiic interior of the sta,te atan fíO'O'il ghtrw oí I for dajmngee. His In "making n" fw'cek gtrt a ni a grocery ce all inixe.d np, and the paper u: out witli tliis sartling tnicmiKciüent : ■■John Sniith and Ida Quay were onited ia the Iioly bonds of sauikrauf, -which wlU ba sold ljy the niiart or barrel. Mr Smith Is the esfeeroed codfl3h at 10 ei ate ; while he bride hos jüce ptg ■ ,i:splay." - Owoaso Pi An.l bow e. M. Blactomeir has as a flowing wdl as any o! i: Alter niaJdng Huree unsuccessful attemiits ho BtlU persevered, and in ' ''■' :' a ] ■ ruok a gusder, near iiis eat line. and wlthtn abwul :i hun1 feet of tlio Vincent-Mesic wcll. flpiw is (uil ae strong as oither i I any one [ th( m ■mild fuTalsh a wbote town u-ith '■! laking and for don 'W - matter wiih liav- -Mlh:, mgtt Wie courtesy oi Hon. A. J. oí A:m Arbor, we are in 10celpt oí a oopy of tlio proceedlngs of hen by the TVashtenaw 28, llist, at 3o -i honor of Hou. Alp Feleh, upoa Dio auuivei-sary of his 90tli birthday. gramd oíd man ts ;ic of t'he tioiblest ctoaracters t,í s-.atc, whoselife is Imwronglit tu its historie fabric, n.rnl whoaoa yooinger nuil ilcliulit to honor, and reveré. He ramo lo MlcWgBm in 1888, ;ind for sixty yeare Gwnenooír PeUih has been iiic-itt ii'i.-d witli onr state inter- Fronn 1847 to 158 Mr. Felch Avas il. ■légate to Üeited States senate ; amil at t:ho time, of his amnivereary. liiinsrlf, !eo. W. Jones, of Iowa and Bradlmn-y, oí MainO, two y-ai-s dwwaw Pefcb's eenior, who WWS iliis class mate 75 years lKfoTe, wete ílie obly burviving memTers of tliat Ronale. All others liad joined the i-ilcnt onajority. General Jones was present tit tlie banquet. And the (speeches of Mr. Felch and Mr. Jones, niid ítlio letter oí Mr. l'.radlniry, ■ ing os tíicy üo out of the dim piaist, espedally Blgtüfleant. The pmooeedingB of itlio ïxinquet aro worthy to be bouud iu moro Uubstantlal fonn íliat pamphlet.- StockTridgo Sum. Th boy siood mi the burning 'leek, JIis chancea rere niighty Mini, The renson w'u holtdn'l ju ; YVas beca he couldn't BW im. siniil.'iy aight last thiree doas of ciioiee fine vvool i J. :i -o, vlio road runuing trom Ged,. ot wint i called :lie aoA, about foux miles aast of tiio city, killed teren and wo'iindcil imieteen of thein. Tlie same night attacked IIcju-v BraMn's ilock on Dixboro road. He heard them anid got ii amé shot one ol Uie dogs. The sheep lost are .vortli tuo e ili.iii all tlie dogsin the The ttaíted Fi-Iende oí Michigan will ai ..■ a lawm sociaJ ai tiir residence oí A. G. Stíbtmiét, Xo. 20 reake st., cu Tburaday eveming, June -. Mem;:il i'rienrts im il e !■ Quarterly n ting ;n the E. cbuTcli íu'xt Sunday. Quarterly eoatereoce Satuirday evening at T : -" i t . líe]u:t- are icquc-sied frcum all class lea de: s, a local ireacliers an.i &unday Scliool superiatendents. Iíev. I.-. h.U blie older, wlil t Ctoe reek (trom next Sunday inorna special rally oí all l lie mems anticlpated .u taa M. E. chórdh. Oarriages wil Le sent for su -li as Ciuiniit oilieinvie ,j to o.hureli. 'i Uc ■. ■ , i p faroish carriagos í'or poirpose are re h metl to report to l i 1 1 pastor :his vreeik Dr. Oo-lltas H. Joitosttwi, oí Grand r.íiiiids. Hlglh School' 77, lit '81, íuhI medk '83, has a papar in fche Jane of The Phy.siciam and Surgeon. Thiü papear read at the ecent oí Un: Michigan State Medical Society at Bay City. By tlie way. Dr. Jolm.ston ivas elected siei y of the state socijty by a naanimoiis vote. Buioiday'e Free Press liad a i-ood poitrait and write up of Fred F. t. of tiiis city, tne colore;! gradúate of the dental dep&rtment who worbed hls way through college. Wliat iliis man has accoinpnlished, sliow.s thc wortli oí Michigan Univer■i;y to iJie commoin people. Xheic i-i not another lifce it in the warld. Lo fe inav il Uno to be an odin-atnT Uur tho-i' Avhn liavO the grit to eilucali' tliemselves. Cos :■ '■ paper, fulse'.v nimed ttd Moaey, puMUied at Massillon, Ohio. has come to u.s wiih a request 10 hivest a sound dollar therein. Xow why woiuldn'l eenth of a dollar do jast as wel] ? As loag as it the goveimaneait stamp of a dolI " tvn rt t!i. u's all that U nee y. . Bat the ilmig-hly CotnseqaenUy ve wil! nat acoept hls iuvitaüon bat 1 O'UT dollar. The postal congress at lts seselon at WaehJngtoa, .1). C. will aisciiss, anti 110 doubt appro-re the ad visa bil ity oí ad'opfcing a naiw ai:c i vrhiat will become of thc postage .-■ i : 1 1 1 1 j collector? All oí the nations of tho earth excep-t China, and thc, Oraaoge Free State, tiel!l I be poBfcal unión now, and it i-i oiiily a quiestioa of a short time Iru i v ; ( 1 1 - ; 1 1 y i lioam ■ ]iost ni :ws will u(iv;n the world. Prof. l'i-i-ry is orne of three who has clMünge of the party of teachers 'i'" . Coló., on the 5th oí July. They will leave ( at 10:30 i). m., of that day, will go by & Northwes-tem a ad Union Pacific roai.l, -s ia Omaha, uid everything is being piróvlded forthelr fort whüe en route. The train -i'; liiiw sleepers, tourist sleepers, Lning seat eliair eoaches, etc, etc. Hcfcets are on sale at every . n Mic.luu-aii. Tli" State Teaeher'e Instituto for i .M.unty will ba held at íhe high o i building In this city, commenciiiu' mí 10 o'clook a. sn.,Mo n&ay, July 29, an;l closing on Friday Aü 2d, at -1 o.'clock p. m. Supt. E. L. ' rn'.ihv.Uer will have charge of the tastitute. Tlie cirenlar iasued "by ,Stato .Siipniutcndcut ays: "The work will .-O'mbüiE p-POfeaBioiaa] and academie insbructloa. Tlie iiistitute will le Uvided into eectlomB, and Uic instructwrls will coudiK't classes for the jmrp-o'sr. oí reviewliig same studies, and alan to illustnite certaia methode oí in-itiu :tion. 'Jlie workers haTe been urged fco airrange (or eallsthenlc clses, stnglag, mai-cliing, and the Hke eo as to mafce the woi-k mov off -licciiiy and without fatigue." The int iuite lnw alliius teachers, whose de are iu sesslom at th-e time nppointcd íor the eoun.ty institute held Tiader the direction of the state superinteudent, to t-loise tlieir schools during the continuaiioe of Buch !netituto -without fOTíeitlng taeir wagcs l'or ae many hall days as they xre In attcndauco at ihe institute. there ■vill be no enrollment fee, the íee of .".o oeolfcs .".iid $3 eacB iiaid atthe time ie examiinatiou ootístitatlng the fujMl for payimg i lio lnstractors who como here to carry ooi tbe Lnstltnte. tlie teachers have already paid oír tliis Inetttute, ihey ínjght as well come a.ud gét what good they caá out of it.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier