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Now ffomes tBe graduation night, wiicn pretty glrls arrayed in white and riKtiy dress í or thcir diploma and nothlng less. Bwrytittfjog in m-.hitecturc jast now H Turming to t:iie oíd colon .al style,. One aml oue-tliird fare for the bioycte meet at Baittle Creek ta July. Tü'e Couiivr bas been desigiyfted as The paper in tliis to publi-ii ihe li-t nf a t v k-i li Bostere are on our fenc&s inviting the public to tlie races at Ypsilanti July 2, 3 aiad 4. TI. "Waterman oí E. "Washington; st., lelt Friday Hay View, to Leí iit for tlio Bummer. Tlie g-reat questloo which meete you an ove: y Kiïïe is : "Well, where you goding this i-uiniuer?" Edward McMahom lias gome to Toledo, O., wlici-e lie luis ntoepted the ioremaiasiiip oí a laa-ge cigar íactory. A lange aiumber öf hours have nlready been tngnged fo'r next year in tlie School oï Music, aiul everything ptrotmiiaee ;t att&ndaiice. By tho refidjustmoiut oí salarles roadie by the gwermineiit lor July lst, Postunaster Beakes' salary i.s to be raisod irom $2700 to $2800. Benj. T. Coulson of Munith, and Mis. Maiy J. oí Ajmi Arbop, Avere mairried Wedaiesday moralng et the resideace oí Herman ICrapf, on Detroit st., by Kev. J. M. Gelston. Ilie Aun trilling Co. is foon to erect a large feed mili and elevatar. 'Jlie elevatoi' i to have a capacity oí 4:0,000 bu.iliels, and the mili litted up to gi-ind np all soirts oï leed. "Wttiy i.s it tbat some people have a grudgo againsfc e-Kry tree that gTows, if it bapipcna to be out oí linea, little ? It has been a constant fiS'ht ior years to save mamy of the grand oJd oaks ooi ouir st-reets. Mary had a llttle lamb; Wltta her il ueed lo atray, Bul ü Bed wh.-n Mary read piece i ui graduation cluy. ïïhie -i riwd at tlit P. 0. eveoïngs lias mate:i:ill,v dimini.sllieilu Sooa it will dwindlu TO' half a himdred or such a matter. 'In the Oreo-aircI," is the title cf a beautiful little poem by Herbert Racadall, ia the June New England Magazine. Up at Beissemer all the old teachers were disanissed because they could pase the exaniination required unxfer tlio new law. OuO liundred g-raduates is a .yood many fot a lilgii school to turn out in onle yeair, but a. far as schools are comcerued Ann Artxw Is always breaküig thO record!. Mr. and Mr. AVm. E. Pardon of E. Liberty st., i.licir infant Oaugiater "Wcdncsilay afiernoon irootn conmlisions, af ter a briof illness. "Wnshtenaw county hiaa two A. T. S;uvvl-i-s. One is au agrk-ui turali.-t ia Webster. The other a la wyei- living ia Anu Aartyop. One works tüie farm, the other Avorks the farmer. - Adtiun Press. A certaia man lost a few humlred dollars recently ivlio di;l not invest in -uiieat Just at t!io right time. A asked if he was a buil" ir a ■' "Xcither," sald the disgnstod S . ■■! was a Jackass." ïwo "old pioneer" ware discusslng tlio age oí the St. James, block 'iday, and diflered widely us to dates. Tlie record beiogr looked ui a that tUo present Wook was ni in 1865, ly E. M. Gregoi-y. Mrs, Wim. i. Fowlci-, of Detroit, ldest daughter of Mes. A. D. Seyler, oí r eity, died Mbmüay ere. after a liomig illucss. The remains -vill lie ■brougivt to Ana Arbor, 011 tlie 2:00 n-.ii i "yVednesday, and interred on the famíly lot in Forres Ilill cemetery. Cn.n't yon. help tlio Yi M. C. A. in tnig a. permanent home '? Xo ïnoni'y tliat you on a expend for txtemdíng CBuristiaalty and lts blessings wlll le more safely, ov more euitab 'y or more wlsety expeaded. The Y. Bf. C. A. U a power for good. Tlio TovHed civil marrlage iaw wil] ■ 'the tomiiy clerks of this state to alter thiedi rules eoaeeriüng the gnaaiting of marriage li eu-es. Viidcr .the aievr Iaw AvouM-be brides of Un: nweet 1G order and thosse nader IS years of ag-e are reqoirefl lo. ])ossess tiio written consent oí a jmrenit smardiaii befoire tlioy eau icgally eatr iuto matrimony. And any se issued wltlhbu'l that consent 13 illegal. TrO'f. J. C. Knowlton closed lii :iip oí ihe departanent cï tin1 I . Oi M. ye-ueníny, aad the studcuts sIiowtmI aifeetlan for liim ly the ]re-enta:i n otf a gold headcd ani'. Prof Knowllon lias maile un exoelleffit deán. With. all due respect tu hi aWe ucces.sor, lf he filis the poel t ion as weÜ, ho -vill be loved by lii .studeats and esteeaned by hls íellow citizens. It seenis ito le neees.sary once again to ptublisili this law for the boys to pianjiler over and especially tliose wlio have been pobbing bird's nests : "Any pet-som -wSbo riiall at any time, within 'the state of Michigan, kill or rob tine net vf niiy rotula, nig-ht hawk, wliippoorwill, Bwallo-w, iineh, thrush, laiFk, ycllowhii-d, bro-vii thresher, Vfnen, snartiu, oriole, -woodpecker, bobolink, at amy mihï bird, or rob llie OteartW of Btioli birds, ehnll bo guilty oí a cmis.demeanor, and on. convictio'ii itíhpeol Bliall be iined! $5 for cacli SK killed or eacüi. nesii sa robbed, or contined in tJie comnty jail 10 daj-s or lKtk fine and impriíonuient at the I iom oí tlie co'iu-t.'' Jlary had a little lamb Alas: the laftib'8 no more; Slie has its pelt in ribbon liound, WJth Latiu inscrlbed o'er. V. (Straiib and famlly, of J,oiulon Momroe ccointy, aro guests of Mi mini Mi. Geoa-ge AJexajnder. Miss Alta Beacüi, of Howe'.l. ha. fiiiL-hod a two yeara' inusic courso at Aun Arljor.- HoweU Bepublicaa. Han-U Hall Jias been teadered to Ber. Dr. Cobeam fot tlic ose of the oomtejg ir. E. conference In Uii.s city Sept. 11-16. Lota oí doga in Üue city that liave no bag .-mil no tax has been paid for wiemi. Ahats the matter wlth (Tobey ? Is he asleep ? Bishop Hall, of Vermoet, has been elected to the next cour lectui-es on the Baldwin foundation betore tiie Hobart Guild. Tlio towmship clerk of Anu Arbor, Mili Ík? at tihe court house next week Satuici,-iy, Jmio l'Otü to pay ior wooéchuck scaipe. Holders of tiekets to the lecture om l'ompeii wiÜ have money fonaded by presenting them to the librarían at JicJlillaa Hal!. At a meeting of the directora oí the Katherine Building Co. Priday fsvianing, a quarterly dividend of 1 1-2 por cent; was deelared, to tie July Istf. Miss Jeninie ravnham is ongaged tor au-other year in the of ihe Oomgresational clnirch at Aun Arbor.- Ypsüaaiti Commercial. The AmeiL-an Institute of Homeopatliy at Lts meeting ia Xewport, R. I.. 0111 .Saiui-dny, clected Dr. D. A. MacLachlaa oae o.' lts vicé presidenta,, John Tice, thO ga'te keeper at Ihe M. O. 11. R. passenger station, was quite senousiy injured last sveuing by íailíag from an unruly bicytfe wiiioh ha waa attempting to rtdei Meyers oí l'itt-fieia townwa.s befare Jüstice I'ouil Satnrlla.v 'lnil Lds in Ule nm oí $200 tó, fceep the peace, tlie lerm ioí o;i: year. He iiad beem making lh:: last oae Jaco!) IJkele. A" 1] ' (- 's went to .Star Island Moüday íor lis first meetins; as a membe-r oí tüe State Board of J'liaunary, whicb held ;m oxamination there Monday and Tuesday wltli a business meeting following. Aüuouucement Iis been made of tflio manúiige. om Wedmesday, June 26, oí I'iof. Albei-t H. Patteogill, pro■ ';i' lüvt i;i i;he üniversity oí MlcWffaitt, .-uil .ü- BesBie West, oí 1 he cea :iy bo i e perfowmd at tho homo of the bride's A quartet ibas been organized in city. Gonetetingoí Bruno StJami s lt tenor. Frank lí.van 2d tenor, J. A. Kelly lt baes, Heiniry C. .Mcutli LM . wHIl Frauk "Weig-litman ilirector. The quartet will make thelr initiatony appearanco at "Whiimo:e I.nkc July 4ih, wlnere they wlll furowisie for thie pical ;ven ly St. Patricias' ciim-cii oí Northiield of whi.-h ];,.v. pr. Goláriclc i.s pastor. umler the san Is att u-w. For new li-i]):-iii;'l at the eoumty elerk's i Friday. A woman appüeö for and omt aiaturalization papers, Ú&- claring tner intention to becoane a - i - Izem" of Wie Dnited Sta-tes, and renounctajg ailegiance 1o Kaiser Wilhelm Emperar ol Germaay. Her uauie Is Caroline JoeeïKhine Harttniaan, ehe couldm't talk English. anti nudeituoa vei-r little of il, o iieihor vhe fully eompi-ehoads the nature oí the oath slie took uan only be i-Himie:J. The object of lilis unu-ua! proteedlmg it is understood, is ■ure t-omc pn-operty ia the fatherlamd' The Auu PreiS Club is -ositatin- what to do. Some wlsh r lar meetings ag-aiii, and tlien blaze a war wttto BpeecÜDeB, essays, mnsic aml ot setter ray. Others advocate taking a day off aad gotog to some fake. AVe. judg-e the latter i by all odde the best for t'heni. Tliese effforts only serve to -veary them the more. Tliey want rest. They meet! tlie calm of a vacation. They ii ■■( . ! a bath. 'J'hat willbe a cliange. It wlll ioivigorato tJie mind and rest i hè ut ln-ain. Go to the late and l in tho Bwim. Tlwit'a the checker brn! her journalNts. Hoo Tor the tabes.- Adrián Pícese. That last expiresBlon is agrlculturally proper, notwitlistanding it is a new soort of hoc. It is probably one that camo in under the AVlIson tariff, and is Englisli, you know. Teil me not In accents roournful, Advertisingiloesn't pay; For tbat saying is ;i ehestnut, Growing plder every day, And existent facts belie it, ï'or you'll see if you are wise, That tlie only men who "get there" Are the chapa %vho advertise. AA, s. Conmery. inr.-lie '89, of Saginaw, e. .-.. will !i;ive au article ia tlie Ju. I y mmiber oí The JPhyaiciai and Surgieon, on "SJiocfc." Thi paper was preseutecl at the receat meeting of 'the state meaical association. Jortiin Éiimith got da-unk ome day last week. It -va'ii"t any of our Johns, luit a dtinizon of Ann Arbor.- Yp.ilamti Commercial. The Commen-ial bias made am egregtrlous error. Ko 111,1a by tliat peculiar name ever residied here. Our Smith's are iiot Banitb, lut .Schmid. Tliree little 1oy.-; at a picnic began to fonag about thelr folks. "My pa is a. photographer a.a' ho eau lake j-O'ur pictures," isaid the first. '-'And my pa ia a policeman, an' lie kin take yer prisoner." "Huil ! that's notlikLg,'' said the thii-d lad. "My pa is a doctor an' lie kia kill bofe oí old pa's." Chas. Hiñes is the name of a young nan wiio was arresteü by umcer Jay Woods on the serious cliarge of liighvay robbery, made by one Conrad Rener, who claims to have been lield up and robbftd of $19.33, while walking on Vshley ave., Sunday night. He ia ifa ail awaiting exauiination, before Jusioe Pond, set for July 3d. The picnic and social held by the J rutarían church society od the lawn of .ld. EmmettCoon, on "Washtenaw Ave., aturda}' afternoon and evening, was a ery pleasant allair, greatly enjoyed by ie large nnmber present. Supper was erved at 6 o'cloek. During the evenig ice eream was served and the sum E $17 was realized for the new carpet md. Last week Thursday the fellow -n-ith check fcot in lus work on two millinery establishinenta here. Jfe went to Mrs. Morton'a on K. Washington st., represented thathe had just sold a load of wheat to Schairer & Millen, and wanted to get a nice bat for his sister. Heboughtone that cost five dollars presented a check for $9 purporting to be Bigued by the above flrm, and reeeived $4 in eliange. At the opera tnillinery store he did the sametliing, onlygettinga$4hat and $5 in chabge. He is still at large. Inspector "W.-u-d, wiio has been. ing the overhead bridge leading to the Xortli.-He. say.s tliat the story on Avhich tlie council closed the bridge A -;i a fake, and tliat 110 accident has Jiappcned thei-eon. He states that the board of public vrmka wlll ask the council for peirmissiom to cover the bridge tempoi-arily with plant anti thfn adrwtise ior bida for replnnldn the .same in a complete manner. Stometning ougïit to be döne at once, as t!ic of this bridge oaiuses greai ina ttwnience to many peoplé. Mr. ciias. E. Sweet, law '91, of Dowagiio. accompaaited by Mrs. S eer and chdld, are tlhe gtiests of tel ricttymau éiwing eoinmencement i Mir. Sweet was fn. college, ho was il frequent vfattoir ff Fratemiiy Lodge Xo. 202, and lid excellent woik lic waeplacpJ- aduation, he ha been elected to tiic office of W. U. of Pee No. 21 t of Iknvaglac. iiilxt Bro. SweoT put ia an Kunce at a meeting of Fraternity Ludge and was invitod to tako ,1 ia the Easo. He occupied the oa-iemtal and conferred the ,';d dejjpee in ;i nimmer hiuiily .;i-edit;ilile to liimself and vory to the lo;!n-. Bro. Sweot is nlso vell iip on the legal ladder, leing proeecuthng atloniey of Caiss county. 'lliat luiülit little paper publislied by tibe hmsfclimg real estáte firm cl ü.icl. & Butler, farmerly knoivii as il. nel rimes, lias liad lte name cbaoged to a more píeaslog litle : Better Timos. The name ladicates the ecmditio.n of Irasiness, not only in the real estáte world, but in everytliiuff. The issue tha.t is out to-day is niaidie up oí 10 pages. Tliere is a fine article ly Rev. John W. üimiIRliaw, upon ■ i r) us Life in a Unlvemsity IVwm," ateo au excellent pieuno of th,e new Bethlehem Evang-elical plmrcli. jiow batog erected on B. I imitli avie., añil a ve-ry good n t oí ZJoffTs Iutlieran church wWch was erected last sxummer. On the íirst U a fiue enccraving sliowing tlie liandso'miest building in the city, Newlei-ry Hall, the home of the B. C .A. full of interest to the people who want luj-, that is, to baigains In real dátate. Oet a copy. Kead it. piajgee are glveo to something Profit hy it. Ii will do you good.


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Ann Arbor Courier