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One fact counts more than a thousandlies, Keep this in mind whih vou advertise. The price of hay is way tip, witli prospocts for its beinu still nigher. "Wfoiesa do yoti g-o awny ?" is the greeting tliat greets yoii at every turn . Some of the younig lads -vlio go in SAViramimig at the river are jiot fit all modiestl OeoTgO Walir lias decidcd to keep ■arpan, hls Stalt t. store diu-iug the present eummer. Harvard graduates 400 tliis year, Amlii Arbor 700. Ttuaf s the difier■enlce 'twixt EDarrard aad U. of M. The slome crusher and the road roller aa-o lxbh ueeded, and .Vnn Arbor aai liane good it reets ia jio other ■vay Every doy eees many couple on the way to Whit moro Lalce.. 'Ule tide of resorter.s has already turned that ■vay. Mtb. S. R. Davis lias sold her lïooise and lot in Unadilla to August Smitli. .Transfer made througli the J3ach & Butler agency. Battle Ci'eek lias }ust added $30,O00 to her boaided indebteduess to extönd and repair the water works eysttem oí tliat city Mr. P. D'onovan, tJie oldest business man of tlie Noi-thside, is keeping up witih thie etyiie n i liatiug tn front of his stare on Bi-oadway. Go.v Hkih. has appoinled Gen. Jas. H. Kidd, oí Ionia to f ill the Qaavt'ix1 Master 'Gemexal's position, made vacant by tlie death of Gen Devliu. The (f ree scluolao-ship in St. Thomas Ctonserratoa-y if Music for the next year iuas lcon awarded to Miss Katli:uine Burns for excellence in scholarlilp'. He wonldn't be an emperor, He wouldn't be a king, He wouldn't be h president. Or any such a thins;; For yeara (he's seen but ten) it's been His only hope and dreara # To be tbe leading pitcher In a base ball team Soune f ivo or c-ix hundred dollars ■wqn-th oí work is to be put om the a'tíhletic field tliis Buaumer. Ttbe Courier was glad to jiote the disappro val oí the closiimg oí the University Hospital diuring vacation, by most of ule medical alumni present iat Oommeacement. Geo'. P. Wanty, oí Gramd líapids, a ihativ-e of Aim Arlxwr, gfraduate of the Univoi'sity, and ome of the boys oí -vliicli tiis city is pa-oud, was chosen president o.f t'lie Miehigaa Bar Vssociation at Iba recemft session at JOanëinig. ( Mira. Ohias. B. Da-Tteon has a relie of the early days, it being a spoon oace owned and used by her grand parents,. It is made from fche ]ioth of am .animaU Ib is a good spoon, laJrgw t'haai thO teaspooa of to-day, a:nd sanaller than Vive tablespoon. A h. relio it is a gemime curiosity. D the owiner of toe hole in the groung at the corner of E. Ann ut. aind FSitlh ; ■. p o waas to ase it ns a cesspooil ior house drainage, he shouM be comipelled by the bourd of health or eoime other oifficials, to cover it. In its present condition it is no't ouly ut anluvililiy, also. II you, are at all interested in the exeixiises at the Uiniverslty, you wlll ivaut á copy of the Gommencement Ainmia.1. It is tdie handsomest issue ever gotteni out. It contains t'Jw1 adidresses, poems, prophecies, histories, aed iall ',;':■■, t o-I valué. Buy; one, it only costs a quarter, and keep it in j-out library. Thie piro'hibitioiaiste of this city havo oTficially declared in of Mr. To'dd, tliO pTOihfbitioinist who ram on the democratie amd several other tickidts in thie 3d district at the special electiotn last spi-ing, tlhere seeming to be a dösiire oin the part of soinie }rohibs to chiastise him for Jiis imp'udeace ia accep'fciag any nonnination but tli eins. Oairds are out awnoninciiig the ïnarñivge Din Tuesdiay evening, July öbh, ■o! Miss Minaiie Angeline Boylan, daugïhter of Mir. aimd Mrs. John I). Boylan, df N. Fiftli, ave., a ïormer miemter oí the Ut. class of '97, and Emery Beal, som of cx-Postmaster Eu'geine E. Beal, of this oiiy, afeo a foa-mier U. of M. etudont. The ooniipdie arO well kmown society young people, aad 'tiheir friends here almost Umitlesa. Henry K. AYhite, -vho li-esa eouple of miles oast Oiii tlie rtver ruad, lias livod Oü tlio farm on whieh lie now re.siües ior 71 year.s, haviuíj come la-i e wlien iive years of age, in June 1824. HiB father, Col. Oriu White toóte up' tliO famn froni thO govevnmut, tüie first land taken up im .üie township of Aun Arbor, the dieod tor wliú'h was the first deed reorded. Ome week ago Monday Mr. White ivas tlwowin out of liis oirriagp. and quite badly injured, thouuli it is adt fh'cmglit eerious. In tliis cannection ifc mijglit le said that in 1825 tliere were several fatailies, tliem being the Botsfords and Hkks, who caxne to1 A.nn Arbor to live. In the fall of 1824 Geo. llasch seittled near Mr. "White's, and James iva.i boTm there in Novomber 1827, and bas always lived in the sanie piafe. Btnitli Batsford aind D. X. Godfrey were both born in this county the 'saimie year. Mr. I. N. fi. Foetety who ffloiv livcs oii an adjoining farm, carne in 1830, liis tather having two sist-ers here, Mrs. Jndge Kunisey and Mms. Edward Ton-y who then iivad On the Xortlisidei. Mr. Torry built f he first grist mili in tho city. Hls wife aroused him with a hout - "The cows tire In the eorn," she sail; But when he reachod there he found out The eorn was in the cows Insteaxi. - [Exchange. Th ei1O is fcomethlug fu.nny obout it, "bat nevertheless it is true that the ■woi'lcl keeps moriing right alo-ng, lio matter whO leaves it, or who sulks. Mr. Ftelx, of Hillsboro, 111., the o 1 flest Ü. of M. graduate aiow living- the graodpa, so .to epeak, of the Michigan alumni - is not mlsnamed. HO is a good stoiy tellea-. MmS. ,T. R. Troja,nowsbi, of State street, wlÜ leae tlhis week ;or New Yoi-k City, -wtawe slie will spend a mo'utli iai studying under thO best imirdressers of Jt-he metropolis. Miss Bessie Pond left this moming ing for Jaclason, to rem-ain a couple of days wlth her frieaxd Miss AJlle Higginis. Frotm ttoieTo she will po to Notl, Braaicb. couiuty, to rernain during the summer vacatioo. If a person refuees to license his dog he is subject to a fine and impirisoinmenfr. Some people have au idiea that if a dog catcher is iiot slfoarp einough to cat-ch. dog, that is all tihiere is to it. They will iind tihiemselves mistakeai. Ome-Jialf of ftlie trojubles of overy coimntmity comes from tlie fact that so few (pople have the capacity to Iseep thelr ano'UtJis simt. We have two ears but only ome tongue - a pliysiological euggestion that wO ouglit !to hear a good deal more than we ■teil. - Coldwater Kepubliean. aMany people reverse it, and teil a great deal miorO tïiaa they hear. The Chto'iial TJmon. has just enjgaged the Theodore Thomas orchestra to give two gramd oomcerts in the Choral Union Series mext sea son. The ('horal Union Series and the May Festival, season 1895-'96, will be oomposed of eiglit ov tem concerts. Tlie s-easoe tickets to all these fioncerts will be $3. This will be the best and series iu America. A eopy of the Star, published at St. Helena, Napa Co., Cal., aas leen received from Ir. D. E. Osborne, lit '79 ajid medie '84, -vliioh shows that h eii istill in the raaks and vide awake. He is a trustee of the schools of that place, and at a recent sesskwi of the Grand Drove of Druitls in that place, made a great ?iit ly resp-oadiing to the toast "The Jadies.'" By the act of th,e legislature of 1S93, the little English spaiTow was protected dnriag the summer months, amd as a eoneeqmance has increased rapidly fo.r the past two rears. Now that the law has beeu ehanged, and bounties piaid at all times, the little post is being killed oif rapidly by the small boy- aad occasionally a large oae- who takO this method of caming Fourth of July money. Col. Chas. Vic. DeLand, oí Jackson, tüie old republican war hoi-se, wlll be appointed to tïie position of State Staitiisrtician, Ty Gov. Rieh when the law oreating thO office sthall take effecU AWiough Ann Arbor liad n, wortüiy can.d.ldate the place, ind Duo whom elle wouJd hairo been glad tio' have Been appoünted, yet the tdioice of CoL DeLand is bo just iö a man wtw has woi-ked íor the party c;u].v and late, tliat we can but i-ejo.k'e ovor it. There ought to lie bticIi a thiuig as a man being n a-röed tor eervtoes reudered, t nou-h üïtuines j)art,v conveintions prefer to ;:i,c po-itioais to those who uever given a penny or .spent an houi-'s time in th service oí their party. One of Wie taterestlng' tita of history revived ut commencement was of tlie old Jraternity war, wliea the Univiersity authoritios ia 1850, to'.d tltue students they must give up iJieir connection witih coüege or their &eot societies. Amoug those who s'tood by tüiieir fratenuity, the 15eta Tlieto, Pi, and leffc college -as A. J. Poppleton, whio -want to Union collgei. He aí became a man of great power ia the Missoari valley, was iïm attoimey oí the Union Pacific raik-oad, and the leading sorponatlom attarney afc Omaha. But he always felfc the Uiaiveraity had done hltn a g-reat injustice, especlally afIter adimitting its wrong position by allowing the sacieties to exist. 3iecojitly liO has lost his eyesig-ht and leco.ino catirely blindl In the iight of tlijes-e things the regenta did a signal act of justice "by yrantling hiiin a master's degree, which po ïar as possible iio'v riglits the wrong of forty-fivo years ago. The ups and downs that glory knows Make inany a hero sad; Napoleon was a hero once, And now lie is a fad. Compa.ny A have a ncw flag, whk-h will be dedieute'd July 4th. Tlue Tjmiversity library will be open fire Tiomtis a day duriing the summer vacation, 9 to 12 a. on. and 2 to-5 p. lüT The only thiag ocoupying the attention af Asna Arbor residents jast now i.-; hdw to gat oat of toivn and noüj baiMe it oost anytlLinisJ. Bev. B. V'. Mloor6, who Jias beeii been pastor of the 2d Baptist chairch for the past year, has resigined the positiom aniel -will remove to Denver, Ooi. ia a few day.s. Xcw fl'Oor, new liinoleiitn covering for said floor, new paper an the walls, new whdtewash on the ceüing ! All this style Is being pat om in Justice Pottd's office. Business' must be -goo-d. Proí. M. TV. Harrlngton, chief of tbe Weather Bareau at Washington, D. C, hias somiiething new in store tflue public. It is asserted that he is to forecast the seasoms aereafter, aand tlhat farni'ers will know jast wliiai sort of crops to sow or plaat, amd wihien to do it. Joha Shad-ford, who feil from an olevated platform while fixiag a trolly wire, aed eustained injuries from which he aever will recover, has entered snit aigainst the Ann Arbor Street Bailway Co1., in the eum of $50,000l Hom. A. J. Sawyer ia his attomeyi. Hoirace G. Hadden, the pugilistic Jaw studient -who tbrew Eimaiiuel Allmendinger down stairs, has been let Oftrt on $4=00 bail "to appear at the mexi. teran of ooiart to answer i;o a suit for $2,00 damages. Proís. Iviriowltoin, Tliomp.-on, Jlechem, Uo:g-te, airwl Joilin-cM are n íii hond. The Lyra Maeninerchor will go to Liaajising on July 4tii to assist in the dedication of a handsorne banner oí tlie Lyra Kranz eingiag society of the capatal city. ThO local society -v ili go in t.lie special car "City of Aun Arbor. Chris Bremner brags quite a little" abooit his liv'ery banu .iow that toe has it fixed up. He lias olectric ligilut, aaid everytüing rigiit up in ettiape'. Chris has made a great cliamgie in the look of the Monitor tsLntoe purchiasing it, that's certain. Lima is going to be patriotic this year, and is making pireparations for a grand celebration next Thursday. Tliere wlU be bicycle, foot and wlieelbarrow races, climbing greased pole, chasing gresaed pig, lase ball and vtarious other g-ames. Tliere will m plenty of music In the cvening tiiei-e 'will be a grand display of üreworks. - duelsea Standid. E J. Ottoivay, who has been ou the Iail,v CO'urier editorial staff since !t„ foundation, left Saturday to assuone ediitorinl maaiaigement of the Petoskey Bai'.y Resarter, published diwimg the suanmer months by ('ha.s. GEuas. S. Hampton. The -vvork is ooft new to liini as hO lias been tliere beiore, and umdemstande it. Mr. ouaway ii a good newspaper man, a hiustler and ojlö oí the bast interviewers in the country. At the bizslmeaa meeting of A. A. ïi. I. Fiiday evening, Xoble Moni-oe and I'nil Hujitooai wre appointed as eorporals. Chas. Dibble was voted into the coimpa'uy and one man kicked out iov nou atteudance at drills'. A oomniittee coiusisting of Lieut. Ainistroiig and Oon-poral llautoon, was appoiinted to make arrangenieoits ■to attoad the celebt-atioii at Monroe July 4th, aaid report at a special meeting to be held on Ifonday evenimg next. Tho coinpany was out ion.' "drill dwing tune eevniug, and made a fino app'earánce. Mr. JanO Eoot, foircnerly of Salem, dieci a't the county house tíaturday a. ni. agjed abou 80 O'ear. Tlie ;led was a 'repiitable but unfortunate oíd lady, who had been a beneficia ry of the Ladies' Charitable Union íor tho past twenty yearsw Some two months ago ehe feil and broke her hip, au dit beeamo ncceísary fot' her to go to tule county house. Her remiatas were taken Erom the house that doy by thie ladies of the Charitable Uinion, tJue lïpiscopal service was read ue grave by Kov. Henry Tatlock, aind intorrmeufc was in the city cemetary on tho Xorlhside.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier