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We Feel It A Duty To Caution Mr.

We Feel It A Duty To Caution Mr. image
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Cleveland against the free coinage of girls, as a tliing likely t destroj' tlie ■..aiity of tlie sexes. The United States built fewer ships u 1894 than n 1893, but the tonage was greatec Some oí tlie craft turned out are splendid specimens, and arenot unlikely to make a new record on tlie oeean. Notwithstanding the decrease ín cireulatioú in the past year and the increase n business, money is plentiful and clieap at tlie financial centers. It was lack of confidence thatmade money scarce in 1893. A 700-pouutl camión blew upatXorthville on tlie 4th of July, but never phazed Bro. Neal of tlie Record a mite, you see he can affect alinost any sort of a blow. He is used to it. He knows how to take it too, and thafs a trood deal. Japan's entire forcé sent intothe field against China, both on sea and land, they report as 00,979. One of the oíd divisions of either the Union or Confedérate army in 18(32-1 would have vviped :t all out before the sun went down on :Jie lirst day. - ínter Ocean. Mr. Cleveland has given hostages to fortune in a degree wliicli does him credit, and the fact that tbey are all girls is an assurance that they will never -cause tlie democratie party as niuch trouhle as it has had with their íather. The valmie of American sheep on Jan. 1, 1893, was siveii at $125,909,264, and raime of American flocks oin Jan. 1, 1895, was given at ?66,885,G67, a decline of aearly í?C0,000.000 in two years of democratie adminisfcration. It is a good üiing for Mr. "Wi'son that lio is to Te post'!■! gesaeral amd not a letter carrier down in sdiitlicni Oliio, The oíd ranis would have a picnic with tlie autlior of tlie new tarifí law. Cali loaras havn been down to neitk of 1 per coint. Ja London re"i.enil,v. This comes ncar breaking all records1. In Xew York, too, ratee in ve cvn añil are ntill very low. Money wae never so chieap beíore ■vin-i' btuatneea was as active as it is 'ilic "contraxjition" whicli the St-ewarts aind the r.laiuls iwedicted as a eoesequience ol the repeal oí the .Sherrrtain law dad nofc come in this onintrj'. All over -the world there te a ilrtliora of casli íji the trade centers. Bngland is th#only country in the modern world wMch has been beneliited greatly by colonies. Trance ba mode very liitle out of her forn poíssession. Her best propciiy in that line she lost over a eentury , whcn eho waa drlven out oí Canada, aad tliat -vvliieli gho lia now lot jf juucli advantatce to lier. Spain, too, lost tlio most valuab'e colonias long ago, and lier liold ('uba ajiprai-s to bo weakenlng icry year. Ilotme was the great oolonizer öf tlio ancient world, and Emgland went to edhool to Rome. Ai a recent meeting of the Woman's frese Aüsocdation, the folowing was ulopted : "That the women df the Associaexpress their approval oif and laterest in tlie importance of physia! alt ure and hygieolc dress and (liet "Thai we use out iniluenec to place e hand of our young peoplc only moral literature, and that our lcst is lx; put fortli toward the attaiument of purity ia literature." The first pairagrapü of wluch means tliat all the wonion in Michigan should talce hold aoid help on the Wo's Gym. II n 1 p red iets tliat the demócrata wil! CEoeed .next year ; lut there is not the least reason to suppose that he mearas what lic s;iys. Tlie momthly déficits aro likely to be smaller hereafter, lu.t there is ao assunance that they will disappear nntü the resume control of tlio nutional finantes. If tlie i-(']ulli'',-ini party takes a not ton rto nomínate a soutliern jnan for "T.ce president next year, it can easUy clect one. For instance, II. Kvnns, of Tennessee, or Win. O. Bradley, oi Keotucky. Wlien Sliiikspeare wrote liis plays the Eoglish language was spoken by only 5,000,000 peo)le. The number iiow wlio use English is 115,000,000, and more tlian half of them are in the United States. Japan'a whole anny employed against China numbered only 60,979 men. Perliaps the best way to state the case histoiically would be to say that Japan made a reconnoissance of a neighboring nation of 400,000,000 and found that they wouldn't fight. The Kafeer'e observatioa that the eea now co-nnect, inetead of divide, is not. fa.r from night when the rapid and hixurtous (transit on the ocean greynomwis is considered. A railway jouiMiey of six days is not much faster and far less the oase jmmv stands, the democratè cam not hope to carry a single jioi-bhera state next year, and the situation is likely to grow worse rather than letter fo rthein, on the theory iliat they havo not yet exliaasted tlieir capacity for d'oing the wrong thiag at the rigiit time. Onlj' four survivors of the battie of Waterloo are now to te -tovuid in Earope. ThO vast armies of Napoleon, 'Wellington and Blueher are gone, and ifc is not on record that in their declining years they ever carne ia contact vrith. an official like Hoke Smith. It is announced that the BelmontMorgan syudicate is under specific contract to protect the national treasury gold reserve until October. The people will be glad to bc-ar this, but at the same time it is humiliating to know that under democratie rule the public credit has to be maintained }y private individuáis. A company has been organued in France to build a ship railway from Bordeaux to Narbonne, a distance of about 300 miles. Engineers have reported that the cost will be lesa than that oí a ship canal, and the transit five times as rapid. The tneutietli century promises to be the era of wonderful internal improvements. Tlie United States is shipping iron ore to (iermany and steel to England. These exporta have not reached large prqportions yet, nor are they likely to in the near future. Oneor two varieties of ore found here and not in Europe, which are in especial demand in Germany are goiug out. The steel exports have not reached as high figures as the orp shipments, but doubtless they will increase. The late Prof. Huxley was the originator of the term "agnostic," which he used to define his position with regard to the Christain religión. "'It carne into my head,"he wrote, "as suggestively antithetic to the 'gnostic' of church history, who professed to know so much about.the very things of which I was ignorant." The word took and lias since been incorporated in the standard Knglish dictionarie's. Ex-Mayor Graee'.s lütiiuatuiu to Senator HUI of half th,e delegates to the coming state cojivention or war siiows tlmt more miblo is ahead lor the New York democracj'. Hill Avill prohably a-efusO tliis favor. Grace's factiou is ñot so powerful as IILU's, aat it is stroog enougli to inake aiüscliief for its party. If it is not "placated" tlie republican majority ia New York wUl Te as large ia 1896 as it was ia 1894. A large number of bicycles are in use by the Signal Corps, and sevoral prominent army officers say they are preferable tu horsesfor many kinds of service. Itis likely, therefore, that soldiers on wheels willsoou become a regular feature of the military establishment. Keally, wouldu't you lilce to see Company A mounted on wheels and going through the nianual of arms at the same time? The biography of James G. Blaine by Gail Hamilton, which has just been published, contains a letter from Garfield dated January 17, 1881, in uiiich oceurs the follovving suggestive passage concerning a matter of niuch present interest and importance: "How do you feel over the financial outlook? Think of $1,300,000,000 of mouey in circnlation, with silver certificates increasing indefmitely, the coinage of 89-cent dollars going on ad nauseam, and from every unkuown crack and cranny of the world the old fractioual silver, antedating 1860, coming back to us, perhaps being manufactured bevond our jurisdiction, and shipped liere at a proflt of 25 per cent, and no law for retiring it. Howmany miles above Niágara are we?" The Treasury deficit in the fiscal vea which has just endod is about $25, 000, 000 less than it was in the yea which closed twelve months ago, o a round .$45,000,000 in all. Let us hop that in the year coming tliis embarrasa ment and discredit will end. The Empress of Gerinany delivered a long speech the other night at the 150tl anniversary of the regiment of Queen' Ouirassiers. Tlie new wouian in Atner ica is hardly advanced enough to be a Ooionel of a regiment, niuch less a Ken tucky Colonel, but then this country lacks several centuries of being as ok as Germany. The fact that the complete report o the census of 1890 will be in the hands of the public two years and a half soon er than was the report of the census o 1S80 speaks well for the executive ability of the Superintendent and the in dustry and efficiency of hissubor'dinates and the fact is to be added that the report is a model of statistical excellence England has no fear of large undertakings in the commercial and industrial world. For several years it has been working up the tea production of India and Ceylon, and has increased its consumption to nearly 30,000,000 pounds a year. Tea culture is but fifteen years old iii Ceylon, yet 280,000 acres are devoted to it, with a capital of $55,000,000. The legislatura would not appropriate money for a hospital for consumption at the universtty, but it sat day after day chewing tobáceo, charging up time to the state and. making the most pitiable spectacle for gods and men that ever drew -unavailing tears from the statue of liberty. Tuberculosis seize the lungs of the whole pestiferous crew ! The hospital will be built by private Bubscription. - Adrián Press. Ex-Chancellor of thO Excliequer ITarcourt agaln shows that tüe WmetaUjists can get no favor from the liberal party. ïhat party, however, wlU .be 'beaten ia the coming electionls, and the torios wlU get into power. The torios will soon have to. show wtuere they stend on the silyer juetion. Some of their leaders iriendly to the doublé standard, but nobody kaows what proportion of tlie party te om that sid. Harper's Bazar, publislied on June 15th, is distinguished by the varièty and beauty of ite summer toilettes, and men will iind in its columns au article espeoially adopted to their needs, givinj; information about negligee costumes, and indicating how one can be perfectly comfortable and still shock no conveutionality during the lieated terms which we may expect. A story by Edith V. B. Matthews, entitled, "Little Miss Busybody," is very bright, and has an original situation. That $120,000,000 of new debt which Spain has contracted is all on account of the Cuban insurreetion. Spain was already staggering under the debt burden which she carried, and the present addition to the load is hardly the last tliat she will have to make before the rebellion is put down. Wars, even of the sort under wáy in Cuba, are costly things in the modern age, but nations govèrned under sixteeuth century ideas cannot avoid thein. Asa question of mere dollars and cents it would pay Spain to give Cuba her liberty. The jury in the Dr. Seaman case at Detroit, found him guilty, returning their verdict at 12:45 o'clock Snnday morning. This was a surprise to the doctor and bis lawyers, but the people who have kept posted about the case believe it to be a just verdict. Dr. Seaman was charged witli causing the death of Emily Hall, the girl whose remains elicited so niucli speculation by reniainiug nnburied so many weeks to test an undertaker's embalming fluid. Jt will be remembered that investigation proved her to be a respectable girl who was sent here trom England by one Rev. Bell, to shield him from exposure and disgrace, and carne to her death in a lying-in "hospital" of Detroit, Dr. Seaman being in charge of her case. It is thought that her case was only one of many that had met the same fate, and that it was time some one was punished forthe wicked and nefaiïous business. "Ungracled Sahoofe" was the sob]■■' oí ;i paper read befare the nana! conncil oí education in Denver on Saturday. The "fad" m ach ooi ie"orm among tlio city school superinteradents is nat the school district .-ystcm sllo.uM l abolished aud the unit ])lau adoptad. This was the plaa recommendcd y the writer on the alovo subject, Ilenry Sabia, of Des Jloines, Ia. Tlie general tendency in educational mattere is towaid cntralization yf power. It wil! be a very unfortunate thiug for ibis country wliawe take Ihe control of these mattere from the people. ■ad of trylng to ba-ing the, people ui to a, reaUzation or -vhat privileges ,they piay cnjoy, there are too many avIio vrish to dictato to the peoplO iwliat they Bliall do. In a popular governmont the oducator and tlio intelligent citizen must wifh paM work to iniprove what already eaMm. .To do anytliing else is to -iveaken and deebroy the love of popular govcrnment.- Coldwater Kepublican. . The new womau should not forget to credit her predecessors with doiug some things very haudsomely. Iu the _ year 1840 the womeii of Boston held a fair for the Bunker Iiill monument, which netted $30,035, and Fanny Ellsler added $509 to the fund by illustrating the poetry of motion. The Orthograflo Union organized in New York lias a large number of members prominent in literature and college work, but why doesn't 'it spell orthografik with the proper final letter? The greatest humbug in the alphabet is the letter "c." The new society bas failed to grasp its business at the start. A Minnesota paper has made a calculation which shows that in 1882 it required32-t bushels of wheat to pay for a self-binding reaper, while the same reaper, or a better one, can be bought this year for 187 bushels. It does not appear, therefore, that the farmers have been hurt very much by the demonetization of silver. Claud Meester, t'he American consul at Bradford, Eaigland, lias dicovered American eloth in that market. It Jlr. wo-uld come home ajid coumt tlio Aniciieaii nlieep lie ,vould ftnd that there are 5,000,000 less of tliem now tliaa there were in 1893. Tlie toeaTities of f ree trade are casier seeii in Englaml tlian in America. Herbert Spencer bas been definiug his position again on tbe private ownership of land, which be liolds s indefensibie in tbeory and inpregnable in fact. "Tlie burden of compensation," be says, "would outweight tbe benefit of possession." It is settled tbat the philosopher was not cut out fot a Populist. The conipletion a few years ago of tbe object-glass of tbe Lick refractor, with ■x diameter of 36 inches, was rigbtly considered au important event iu astroïomy, hut the Yerkes leus, now ready at Cambridge, Mass., is 41 j' incbes in liameter, and is without an equal in size. Wheii it is mounted at tbe Lake Geneva, AVis., observatory tbe attention of astronoiners tbroughout the world will be turned in tbat diiection as the most probable point of new discoveries. This week, one of tlie largest religious gatherings that has ever been known in his country is being held at Boston. t is the annual convention of the Cbris-ian Endeavor Societies, comprising ver 50,000 delegates and representing a total ïnembership of 2,500,000. The rowth of these organizations is one of he wonders of the period, and their in.nence is second to that of no other reigious agency. Michigan is representad y over 300 delegates. The effect of the Chicago drainage anal on lake levéis is still under disuasión. One of tlie leading engineers n charge of the work assures the Secreary of War that the reduction of the ake level when the canal is taking its maximum of 10,000 cubic feet of water a econd wiïl never reach C inches, and nat the average reduction throughout ie year will not exceed Z% inches. o far as defiuite data bas been submit;ed, it appears that the Lakes will feed ie canal without a change of any conequence iu their levéis. A rabbit parliament is a new tbing under the sun. It lias been beid in Australia, and speut four days in considering proposed remedies for theoverproduction of rabbits in tbosfi colouies. New South Wales once offe red $125,000 for the best plan to keep down the rabbit pest, and though 2000 schemes were submitted the meek little animal has triumphed, and roams over 7,000,000 acres of abandoned land it bas conquered from the farmers. The parliament reached no conclusión cxcept to recommend strong fences, and to transfer the suppression of rabbits from the State to private landowners. Australia's experience with rabbits is at least au assurance that the world's meat supply is not likely to fail.


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