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líeuniou of he -ith Mlch. Cavah'y nt Ypsikinti Tlnusday. Juüus, som oí David Laubengayer, of tlufe city, is lyiing quite ill at Scio. Mtee Bdma Bailare! ta tfae íuest oi M)r. amd Mrs. C. C. Warner, at SaÉne. MUs HanTiet Moaré, of Eaisinvüle, is visiting Ana Arbor relatives íor a few weeks. Social Thursday eveeing, by the ladiies of St. Tliomas 'cluirch, on thO scliool groTinds. Mites EKia SoliairefT, of Saliae, has been tlie guest of Aan fronda for a few dayö. P Wes Florence Poitíter has been tísittaig- hier friemid Miss AHce Sturm, at Saline, thiis week. GoM is so common at Albion, that they liind $20 gold pieces In onion patches tbat they weed. The Wayne, Washtenaw, Oakland aind Livingston counties picnic will be held at Whltomore Lake, Aug. 24. At tlie state íair to be held in Grand IlapifU this year, Sept. 9-13 inclusive, $4,000 will be giran in Rpeed premiii ín'A George W. Bumham, the loundcr oí the defu.nct MUa.ii Journal, is now , a base bal! umpire in tlienational league. Maas Cora Cdbura of t,his city, with i Miss Xdlie Schuyler of Azalia, has been vteïteüg trien at Mllan during tin: week. ■Vaslitenaw coanity has not organized yet to secure a Farmer's Instituto. It will pey, just fio same, and onglit to "be done. Paulina Baur, of Salem, bas made ' complaint against John A. Frey, of the ; same place for making threats and wants him bouud over to keep the peace. Tlic Ktreet tt-aihvay now sells pleasure tickets i?ood for ten ïitles oach, for 25 cerfB a páece. That's a good ' way +o geb cooled olí tliese warm " evenings. Uso ptanty of disimfectants at this ;i of -the year, in your water cJosöïe and out houses especially. Air sLaclsed Urne is the most effective and convenient . Jacob Mfller, who liad been a resident of the county house for thirteen years, diea last Friday, aged 76 years. Ho bmied Saturday in the 5th wajrd oemetery. Mrs. L M. Phelps, of Saline, died Thursdav from a complication of disea?es and funeral services were held this afternoon. Mr. Phelps had several relatives in the city who attended the funeral. The reuinon oí the 4th Michigan Cavalry wájl 1e Iield in Ypsilanti on IBwirsday Aug. 15. Headquarters are at th cOccidental Hotel and the meeting will "be toeld there at 2 p. m. o,n Tlnu-sidiiy. Banquet in the Presbytierian chixrch 'in the evening. Two years ago Ned Hodgman relinquished HHfl duties in the Savings Bank to go to Ana Arlor and study la-w -svliere aie graduated this summor. He lelt bis posifcioa with the iiinidertaindlng tliat Hie could return at tlie close of hifl cou.rse. This he hs dwmie readiing here this morning- Oo-ldwa'ter Eepublicao.. Wh,at fe thoaight to Iks the tinest apple orcihard iox southem Michigan, te in Hartfoird towiisliip, Van Baren couarty. Tho orchards of that regian had been &wept by the canker ■wwTO in the spriaig, twut the owner fprayed h "trees with paris greentwice leEore they Wossomed, and twice lafter the WofiBoms -were gone, vfith the result that the trees are heavüy laden witn perfect fruit. In spite of the much lamented hard times, the business institutions of YpsiI lanti seem to be in a prosperous condition. The stay factory is running a full force, and tbe tag and box factory has as mucli business as can conveniently be managed. Their force is diminished by nine brave men who have gone to camp. The usual force numbers about 65. The woolen mili is constantly S ng in new operatives, and seems to lave no reason to complain of a lack of business. - Ypsilantian. In negiard to ligliting tbat villagle pvopei-ly e-rentogs, Wie Saline Observer reninrks: "We ihid the clectrie light subject not doad by any means, bat eiimpíy -worklng quietly. It is diaily gaiaing fneiwïs .and new liie, apicl we beHoTO itte near future will develop. fametliiug Burpurtoing to inany. There lis true eome high kickcrs. as liöre always is lm every enterpa-isO thait gi"es amy siga oí adaaioemieiït, "but tli,is vfll liave Jittle -ivois-lit -vlcn-Hlie proper time comes, gievwal compaaies aiave made estimates om diupping our vlUwge and tho market iaUs iar below tlio onormou figures talkod by some of our people at previous tijmes. Tlie question now is sliall we bO classed as ono oí 'tlie back nuniber tovras, or sliall we wake up and sliow our colors." HSsBee Bmma Gross and Vadali Clough, of Salitae have been Uie } o-m-t s of Amn ArTjor fraends this week1. John A. Fry, of Salem, was brougbt into Justice Poud's court Saturday a. m. ] on complaint oE Paulina Baur, whom he had threatened to kill. He is in jail awaiting hearing which occurs Monflay. Dexterhasan ordinance prohibiting bicyclists froin riding their wheels on the walks. Oq Sunday last one of Pinckney's citizens was in the little Ville and was much pleased in the way they enforce the same. A couple of Ann.Arbor chaps eame sailing along on their bikes, of course taking the walk. They were greeted with a shout from some citizens to "Get off the walk ! !" This did not have the desired effect so the next citizen took up the cry "Get off the walk !" and each house they passed the saine cry met them until they began to reply "Go to ! ! ? !- "." They passed on up town, and so did the citizens, but before the Marshal could be got onto his job the wheelsmen were small specks in the horizon and didn't "getofl the walk," either.- Pinckney Dispatch.


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