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Laughing Life cries at the feast- Craviug Death cries at the door- "Fisli or fowl. or fatted beast? -Come with me, tliy least is o er "Wreathe theviolets," "Watch them fade. "I am sunlight," "I am sbade. "[ am the sun-burningwest." -Come with me, for Ibj ' A ten dollar 1ül does not rattle in youir pocket lut two mickles do, and in like miaauiev the man with two praias ol Bense makes more noise than ooe witli a liead full oï Train-A uew cotntpilaiiicm. of tlie game aad üsli laws oï Michigaa has Teen. Issued. Tluey are Daot only complete, lut are a.rranigid in spendid Bhape witö marginal motes, and a coinalp.reheiisive general index. Mr. J-esse Ortom who was a gradúate oí line city luilgh school, n,nd ateo a eaclier liere, was man-iod to Miss Helen Fullor, oi Locikport, K. Y., July 25th, Mr. aad Mts. Ortom wlll make . thielr boime In Ann ArboT.-Coldwater Gouriier. UfT B. B. Pope, formerly of Ann Afbor, is now a Bay View, and on SnimAuy la-st took tho hour assigned to Cliaplaki McCabe, who was delayed ly train, mul -ould not rcacn ttlicre. The Resorter is warm in praise of Dr. Pope's impromptu adÖress. Toledo pewspaper m&n. appear to have boen accordcd privileges and glven news tóiat Aim Arbo-r newspapr míen were empJuifcically denied. J-asi why tbat sliould te so is as ünSoli of a myatery as is tbc person wiho lili i ■ !" llu' head 'xvUl1 a sandbag a.nd killed lum. Cominencing with Friday last the tax rolls of sewer districts Nos. 3 and 4- Hill aad Huron sts., are at the Treasurer's office. The Hill st. rate is $36.18 per thousand dollars. Huron st. $15.65 per thousand. All sewer taxes on these rolls draw interest at 5% from the lst day of August 1895 until paid. MaryhadalittleringTwas given her by hor beau- And everywhere that Mary went Tluit ring was sure to go. She took the ring witli lier one day, Offto theseashore, where She raight display it tothe snrls, Who -ere all clustered there. And when tbe girls all saw that ring. Thev made a great ado, Exola'imiug with one voice, Has it Just got around to you? Annual school meetiiig occurs on Uonday, Sept. 2d, tliis yoar. "W. W. AVadihamis has pairchased JoO WiUiaras 'toouee on Tliompsoa st. ïho prospecto íor tlie Scaiool of Husic increase wlU alinost cvery mail. Gariield omc Baid, "II fche power to dio ihiaird -vork is not talent, it is tlie lest possible substituto ior it." Chas, H. Jones qas decided to gvie up his draying business and will run a buss line.- Register. Cbarlie thinks he would uot prove a success in the "buss line." He is too bashful. The opiimtón. oí Defbective Baker oí Detroit an the death of Clajicy, that It resiulte.d írom "inatural causes," is ,a,n easy vay fcxr he detectives and bitter officials to dispose of it, to say the leaöt. Superintendent of Ha-svley paissed aai aged -voinan, named Anna Hiainaluioi, o Ann Artooir, to-day.Jaekson Daily Citizwi. Thanks, aw fully. Anm Arbor wlU probably reiuva tlie compliment starlij-. The Chief of Pólice received a letter from Mrs. H. Edges, of Kansas City, Mo., this morning, who thinks that the young fellow here who thinks he is a train of cars is her son, who lias been absent from her several weeks. The description does not tally very closely. Good eetnise :- "If you have frequent {aiatimg spiets, acconipanied by ehills, onampls, lo-ujiijoins, ehilblains, opüepsy; off jaundfce, i is 'a eigtn yom are not well, but liable to die aay minute. Tay yoiur tm'bscrlptfcioia a tear in advaneO, and ttaus mato younself solid ïo ST good oUuary taoticO." It is tno exaegoratiom to say that Pawmee Bill's Historical Wild West and Grand Mexican Hippodrome, which exhilited in Scranton yesterday. was decidedly tbe best performance. igiYn Hiero f o,r many years, wltbóiit any exception. Tlie performance „ás fálly up to ■wtoat they had promísed, and g& universal satisfaction. -Scrointon (Pa.) Eagle. WhiOe ki noa-tteni Michigan n iew weeks ag-o, he mitw was stoown au order Beurt to a -euipply house ior ia quaatity ol ïnerdiandfee lor use at a Itebtalg dbafttom up the "North Snore f iAike 6u.penj.or. Aan-oog otker nsniusdmg Items was ome ior "a pair ol 7 1-2 shoes lor a wjdow witli a large leg."- HUlsiaale Democrai. That is moh5inlg to miake game of. Keep in 'miad tlie f;ict that tho time oí ïair is not yry far away, aad that Ut 13 necessary we put iorth oonsiideraWO clfoa-t 'to contribute wliat ■me oam toward ite Buccess tliis iaü. A. ig-rca deal depends upon. uaited efiort, imt moro depends upon individu.a'1 eifort, ioar you fcnow wlien we decide to do a ttaing ourselves it is mucU moro lUtely to be done thaa it we depemd on otfliers to aseist us in blie dioiing. We ishould lito to see tbe Bchool cMWrea prepaa-e their part especiaily woll. Near the little town of Ovid, this state, Uves a man who had a well that needed cleaning badly but, fearing the treacherous quickaand at the bottom, he was afraid to undertake it. He had a "greathead," nevertheless. He hung his coat on a post near tho well and went into hiding íor a few days. His neighbors, missing him and finding his coat near the well, surmised that he had Burik beneatli the quicksands, so they worked with a will to find his dead body. Aiterthe well had been thoroughly cleaned out in their efforts to . find his body the scoundrel suddenly I carne back. - Oh elrla, with this uew woman craze, Gone past all bounds of reaspn. We tremble when we think about The future football Zffifa slar. Instructor T. W. Hugüies will soon. opon a real estáte and law office on State st. Arboir Tetnt, K. O. T. M. are arranging to give an excursión to Detroit on Labor Day, Swp .2. Sheriff Judson took young Eogers, who imagines himself a train of cars, to the asylum at Poutiac Saturday. james Btont, Ut '94, has accepted the ctair of Manual Training In a ooilege at Pueblo, Colorado, at a saliai-y oí $1,100. He left mursday ior liat place via the lakes. Eugeue Helbsr says that he will start his fifteen inonths old trotter, Jenme Flashlight against a field of eighteen horses at at the Tecumseh Trotting Matinee, on Saturday of next week. Probably the first yearling that lias ever been started against a field in Michigan oefore. Baving he m,ain University building ota taieif Boston exclmnge badge, the ICoiiglits TempJar believe t hat they will ïwtvB a g-o'oKl ad. for thO University, -ivhich tlie people down east ineTOT appear tö kmow nnything about. TliesO badges cost the Commjidet-y abo'ut $300. Wm. C. SpragTie, author and pubi;j,ier of "A-a Abrtdgement of Black: .," and founder and pa-esldent of Spraignie's CarrespoaHlence Scliool of Law, Detroit, aad ateo piublislier of the Collector and Coimimercial Lawyer, ml who lias many friends here in 'tlils city, was uinanimooisly elected pvesidcmt of tlie Commercial Iaw League, a its sessioa in Itetroib yesterday. Au Olii'O' court tas deeided that a mileago 'ticket oai a railroad is good uartil it is used up, and that it doesn't mfake &.ny differente whether jt is uiseu by MiO ome -svliose taame is on it ■ar too. That te a decisión in the interest of commotn honesty and justdice- Th railrcuads ha-ve (dr years ■mforced a rute ia i-egard to these tickets that was not Jionest. Xliey clwated people out of (m'öney paid in advanci'. and ttiem if a poor devil wa cauglit Bteal-Lng a ride on a fnoiglit train becaese he was too poor to pay, he wouM Te put iin jail, unless iery fleet oí foot. It certainly is not rigt for a man to steal a ride e-vien óf flie is pooir, neit-her is it right ïor tlte railroad companies by eharp practioe to cheat people out of wbat tlney haTO paid tor. It fe expected that the new compaleory sclliool law wUl greatly increpase the atenida-nce at the public schools of -tiie sibaite. Un,der it the parents ■wffl liaie li'ttle to say about the adhooünig of theilr chMren. The trua.nt oifleer, whose appoijntment is obligatory npom the school board, is oWteed to arrest all cStfldran between Kbe ges of 7 and 16 years of age who tilo adfc attend school and take them befcwe a jutóice of the peacê, wbo te O'bMiged to fa diern not less than $5 more tlunn $50, or iinprfeonment Tamgnng trom two to sixty diays. The atteadance at school shall afeo le consecutivo and where aickoeee is urged as an excuse, the -school bo&ird may Band a -ptoysician to asceTtain the tmth by examination. Michííraoi yoiuvters have gofc to be educatied, whether or no they want it. The aniomey orders designed soaie moaiths ago are gradually coming intö use, tlioug-h Postmaster Beates has a Biipply of the old ones on hand tlvat Avill last for "a co-uple of months yet. TWb is not the time of year Ana Arlxjr to use many. The new blanks are in the farm of a blank draft, and if ome were mixed up with a tot oí Orafhs it would hardly ibe dfetimguished by any one who liad nwt Been it. The print ing is dione Ly lithoigTrapliy amd tho iaii usêd is a sea grom ehadia The effect is arti-tic nnd plcasing, and altogetiier tJie foirm aad appearaace of the new lila.nk are Biich as to makethe recipiémt feel mo're tbain ever a if he had a good rthing. The old scheme of ñotched numeráis at the left end is retained, as it has proven a great comvetóence and a safo guard. He walked the streain the livelong day, Witli rod and reel aud fly. And then went home and reveled in One long, luxuriant lie gt Tlio.mas' school reopens on Sept. :9tk. The Sunday School vill hiavc a ptoale this week Friday at Geddes. " Acttag Cliief oí Poücc#:o'lins took Fredenick Hyde to the asylam at Poiiitiac Tliursday. Mr. aud-Mrs. Hnril RaJir twi-ied their infant daughter tliis morning, it liavirug diod yesterday. Messrs. 8weet aed Snyder Troke grouinid tlids monüng for the new lieatimg plaoit at tlue high school building. "It loóte as ií ve could commence piekmg peaclw?s in abo'iit a week," saJjd Ir. W. "W. Niohdls this ínorniiag-. 0. M. Martin has bouglit the property at the north of Robison's Livery Stables, having 22 feet frontage on Fourth avenue. Fabher Kelly has arranged to take a tslioi-t vacatiom from parocliial dutte;-. Father Dwyer takes his place, ■begkminig Sunday. It ia expected thiat O'ver six himdred Tisito'rs fronn out oí towa will be liare Sept. 10-17 ia attendance at tfie Tetroit Comfensace of the M. E. churcli wlilcli nicots here at that date. The twïiel Stolen fronn GUbert Periiu(i iduririig tliO encampment at Island iLake lias 'been found at Owosso. Tlio yoiims ïellow in whose possesskm It is claims -to Uiave fouoid it. The Tribune Friday a. m. had a fir&t-class picture oí old "Doe" Neagle laawl his boll. Any i.tudent who has evev attendied the medical departinent woutó mot meed to hia:ve it labeled. David Kinsey has purchased of Mrs. E. Roehm of Chicago, the store No. 10 E. Washington st., novv occupied by Mrs. Morton as a millinery store, for $4,350. The transfer was made through the agency of F. Pistorious. Word was received a day or two ago from bis friends at ïroy, N. Y., asking for Wm. Maloney, who had been confined at the jail for safe keeping. The authorities here have forwarded him on the way toward bis home in New York. Our 1,800 rail roads carried last year about 000,000,000 passengere, ■vhir-h toeaans fchat ii Overy passenger liad been a different person, half the entbire populatiom. of the globe would ttiave it-raveled over our liues. ""Mea tío no make tiheir homes unliflppy tecau-sO Itliey have geaius, but loc:nise ítliey haveoot eniwigh. genius. A iiuiml a.nd aemtlmente of a bJgber on'dier wooild remeter tjiem capable of sceins and feeling all toe beauty of etomesttc tties.- Wardswortlis. O. af. Martin espeots Bbortly Jo erect a tliree-sto.ry brick building on Iiis irecenliy purcluaeed property te■twi'cn 'aisliingtoo and Liberty Ets. Ho nvill vUit several leadlng luidertaking (establiiSiliimeiits in the east du:r% next few weeks, looking up deeiralle (plains. I Tvouldiaa gie fóhe liintie's song, sae mierry om Míe broomy lea, for all the harpa that cw rang In all the halls of initaustpeleie ; mair dear to me, wliere busn ot breer amaag tlie pathless heatther eröws, the limtie's wild. sweet toate to hear, as on the ev'nin breeze fft fknvs. - Bares. Thip ■cltrectoTs of the Ann Arbor Orgaai Company met Friüay eve., and opcneil lids for tJue construction of tbedir new factory Imilding. 'The l)uilding coimmlttee wa authorized tö ient&r into conto-acte with Charles geur for the carpenter work and with Cawulee Teesmer for the torlck work. Walter Tootp who has tho bakery n the rear of O. H. Cady's State Bt, grooetry, baa arraned to open a grooery tere in the room now occupied by R. E. Jolly. Th.e latte.r !ias rented ttlie fino room in tlie Sager block ww occupied by HazeUvood's billiard parlom. Hazelwood Is goiag out öf tmetoees. Iditiffle Ibrown eeed, 0 little brown brother, what liind oí n flower will yöu be ? I'll bo a poppy, all white llke ony motiher; do Ie a poppy Mke mie! Whlat? YonTe a sunflower-how I BhH ïnJfes yu wbatt you've ferown BoMen and high. But I elhaU eeiaa all th bees up to ktes you ! MttJe brown brother, goodbye. - Anon. Sonne oí our cóitizeoiis who have fruit have decácted to tafce advantage ol th mew law and wi.ll proseonto loys ar aoy perso.ii caagb taking fruit iPOm prcmtees.. Heretofore nothing hfl8leeii done-although they h.avc lactually kno-n. wlio took the fnitt-beoausO "tliey dlü no ke to b.Te a boy arresíed or cause aoyone ixni1)le, Dut ie ne' law was passed expreesly ito protect people wlio have ipcOáü'or IraLt farnis aa.l B posible a stop Vlll 1e poft to the annoyance oí ïictty theits.-Ma.Mliestcr Eatea pitee. Aanl 'VTO widorstand that 1he same fe tnie hare to Ana Avbor, so ■boys you 1etlcr "look a leedle oudt." Wm, HU IB building a brick barn on ttie alley to the rear of lii store on E. TVasliiingtoin st. John HollLngshead and wile leave io.r 'Moa-rill, Kansas, Thursday momIng iHe expecfe to go into business tbore yvitiL hils brother. Bev. Dr. C. M. Coto-m wUl occupy 1,e pulpit oí tHe M. E. churcli Bunflay moi-.nin.-. and in tfce erening Wlll preach at the P-frfiyterian clmrch. The fl'wmaa's Ohristian Tempexance Union liold theiv n -xc regular meetto&- Thursday aftemoOT, at 3 o'clock ïn Ebe piarlons oï the Presbyterian cliurch. ' i Herbei-t O. "Witoox amd Anna Hyatt WÍÜ5 wei-e mairriea at Fenton on Wedmeeday oí last week, wiU reside in Aam Arbor unt Mr. W. completes his eduoatio'n. At tlie same time that Frank Parker bu.Ud& nis two etoa-es o,n E, Washlogtoa eb., Mt. Sudwortli, the offner of Mie lote adjoünimg, wi 1 also weet two stores. Bach block wül be ol ■tliree st-oiries. Artliu-r Sweet asks the city to pay hïm ■$2,567.15 tor injaries received by being buried in the Packaxd street sewer }ust tor a little while. He ovidoatly did not enjoy the attempt to bury him alive. Geon-ge AVahr is a crank on lead piencïls. rme laibest fe a taiangle pencil, iben taclies in lenffth and aboat three-qu,airtei-s oí tm inch om the siües of ftai arngXe. Tliey are made 1y the Gvapüiitc Compamy. of Amea-ican lead, Amierioam wowJ and Amerlean oikmaaship, aaid ar ea Itttle ahead o.t -the imported artide.' Try one. ThU item was writtn wlth one, and this tmianuscript eam't be beat. Pawmee .Bdll's Combined Shows, Htetoirical Wild West and Grand Mexioai Hippodrome is without any exaetftiom, h best we Have seen lor many yearsi. It is a pleasing and ivsflned entertaiament; At the aiteraoon aierformance, their vaat canvas emclosed park was packed, and in .the Orening h-undreds were unable to öbtaiii admijseion - Harrisburg, (Pa,) Nwi Bwe this big show on Thursday aftermoon and eTCning-. The e kindled by Mr. Ganzhorn in ' the OTOnáBS re? ent' y. and few whdch complatót was made against him for vioVatiivj the city ordïnance, iurns out tol cme tbart be ought not to h&ve tmííorert for. He was uot burnlng rubbtelh, but waabuming diseascd prac'n üecs which the law compels him to tarn ui). He bumed them ia the ovon.ins beeairae Ixe thought it wouM 'le tóss daiugerous to public travel, ndt knowinig that there was a city ordinance to the contrary. He was lat olí Ty Justice Pond on pa y ment of costs. nai-d 00! is quite reasoinaWe this soasan, and tt is said eastern small mino owners axe rytng to get the large coo.1 producers to festrict the output until consumption overtakes the productiom. FalUing in this thêy propoee to tnrow on tlie market a ast amouiat of coal, putting the price down to a pota so low that the few UB operatov will be Klad to come to ternis. The principal part, it ■wouM seem, of the supply of anthracitc coal is proctaiced ironi mines owned ly Wo or tliree of the big raflToail compiuates, and t.he large number of individual wiall operators may have cooBtóeraWe difficulty in convinctas the big fcllows that they OV0LÍ to BJvut off .productioa and puft ■up pricos. Prof. ÍFred. C. Clai-ke leít thás moming Cor the Georslan Bay and its Tett 'riio'U.-.-und Islandf. Thio tnembers of the Beethoven quaiietto n-ere entertained Monday eve. by Z. S. Yosburgïi, of Yolland st. The iWagmer palace coaches hare m-rived at iftO T. & A. A. yards, whictt re to cotnvey he Aun Arbor Comni;uu!':y 't o Bost ooi to-morrow. Jota l'rcv, ( f Salem, was lvroughi befÓTO JiiBtice Poiad Monday. on, actioi'.i to glve Mirc'.y to keep the peaceV The case was iinaliy settlöd om üiiils piromiBing to apply for admiiseioin to the Soldiw's Home at Graad Rapids. Two of %he pirisoners who broke }ail at Toledo recantly are said to be ' -hidlng in the -ïvo'CkIs on the Iake Bidge and -K-orking tlneir way noi-th. One aamied Mundy will bring his captor $250, and tlie othi&r Pat Daly Is woi-t-h $200 ïo thie ome who takes liim. Th men a-re Baid tía be vréü armed and desperate, luit nevertliel.e-s a C'Oüple of o-ur olftoera went af ici' thein t'his mornijng. and we bel&eve hiat if they oince get on track wlll round tbem up. Cliief of Pólice Beaj. Eaitz, oí Toledo, Chieí Detective Robinson, of the L. g. & M. S. E'y. and Beputy Slieriif H. AV7 f-Stevens, of Tecumseh, came ujy ïporn the south yesterday and are loaeted iwith Slierifi Judson aad liis deputles art; tih jaü. They are after sík prisomers wlio brote jail at Toledo on Siaurday, and who burglarizd a Bïore at IUdgeway last niglit ébealing quito a quantity of, pirobably tlue better to disguise thiemselvee. Several oí tliem are kmio-svn fobein tliis vicinity. Taly, uünder eentence to be hanged lar murder, ds amoaig the escaped prisoners.


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Ann Arbor Courier