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Dyspepsia And Loss Of Flesh

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FOLLOWTHE CRIPPE. This Disease Attacks the Weakest Parts of the Body. The Harmful Effects can be Prevented by Properly Strengthening Those Parts. A CASE CITED IN OCEANA CO. A Further Case Cited by the Jackson Patriot, in which Rheumalism, Resulting írom Same Cause, was Cured in the Same Way. From the Muskegon, Mich., News. Oceana County, Michigan, is widely known as one of the finest fruit-growing sections in the country, and especially for its fine and ■ lusoious péaches. But all the peaches ! grown on trees are not to be placed in ! parison with the peach Hoorn which has ; again returned to the eheeks of one of the ■ best known ladies in Hart, the county seal of Oceana eounty . How this wonderful and beautiful effect was obtained, and the history of the illness preceding the cure, has been known long since to residents of Hart and others throughout the county, but to a News reporter of Muskegon, who was in Hart at the fair, the following interesting andjoyful tale was unfolded recently by Mrs. W. S. Egglestoiij the person who once was a helpless invahd. To-day a more happy woman can nowhere be found. "In 1891," saidMrs.Eggleston "Iresided in Cass county, at which time I in common with nearly everybody in the county suflVred a severe attack of the grippe, only it left me with a still more serions troulle. Thegreatest part of my trouble then was in my etomach. I had no appetite and wastedaway until I lost twenty-four pounds. Of course I was doctoring, but nothing reacheil my case. I moved up to Hart in June, 18!)2, and my ill health continued, although I tried two resident physicians. I grew disgnsted finally and quit doctoring, as it seemed it would take our all, and vet I grew no better and looked like a skeleton. My Irasband rend in a paper of a medicine called Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis, and he immediatcly got eome for me. I had no hope hardly and was not enthusiastio over the new pills, but I am now. " It is a solemn fact that I began to get better the very first day and kept on improving. In a short time my stomach had a better feeling ; my appetite picked up and I could eat everything I wanted to. I had a second trouble, however, which I did not expect the pills would reach, but they did, and the result is that a swelling in my right side, caused by some ovarian trouble, is almost entirely gone. I can lie on my right side now with comfort, and this is not all the relief I obtained. ' ' Formerly in wet weather my bones would ache terribly. Now I do not notice any bad effects whatever. I am oble to walk three miles at a stretch now, for I did that last week in going to visit a friend. I teil every one of my wonderful cure, and many of my afflieted i'riends are using the Pink Pills now with good effect. I now weigh 132 pounds, a gain of twenty-one pounds." Mrs. Eggleston's husband was presen! durinjj the narration of his wife's troubles and trmmphs, and he willingly corroborated the statements made by her. A neighbor, Mrs. lirown, who happenedto drop in, statcd that Mrs. Êggleston did not look like ths same woman who came to Hart a year ago. RHKUMATISM'S VICTIM. Ho-w He Wai Attaclted- How He Wm Treated- How He Wa Cnred. From the Jackson, Mich., Patriot. How often are seen people a little past the meridian of lile who, but for the lingering eft'ects of some ailment of an nnusually stubborn naturo, might still be enjoying robust health, but who on account of the lack of a remedy to assist nature in throwing ofi' the liso;isc ure broken down and worn out long before the allotted time. 1 líarcm S. Lyon, of 1071 Francia Street, Jackson, Michigan, is oue of the unfortuaates. A year and a half ago Mr. Lyon was i physical wreek, liardly able to leave his bed, and his friends had no idea that he could mrvive more than a few months longer at best. Heishoweverto-daya wellman. Durbag the course of a recent con versa tion with a reporter, he gave "a history of his case and the :ause of his recovery, as follows : "About two and a half years ago I had a 3evere attack of influenza which proyed very bad in its effeets, and would not yield to ordinary treatment. Some four months later I had another attaek which was fully as persistent as the first. After beirtg treated by the faniily physieian for some time I thought the disease had run into rheumatisni, and I treated tbr the same several months, all the time getting worse. I kept Ketting weaker in the muscles of my legs, feet and hands which were quite sore and [ender. My feet and the lower part of my legs,"and my hands were badJy bloated and dropsical and had a numb or paralyzed feeliiiL'. and I could stand on my feet but a few minutes at a time. I became restless and norvous, and would awaken twelve or rifteen times in the night, and my legs would sluike for a few seeonds, similar to snaking ague - but not eold. With all the rest, my limbs had stiffened and I had not been able to dress myself for several months, and some of my friends thought I would not live but a few weeks. I was looking so bad and pale and still had taken what the doctor had ordered all the time. I went to another doctor for his opinión in my case. He, judging from the dropsical condition of my limbs, said I had Bright's disease. I disputed this and another doctor said I had no indication of it whatever of which I was confident. Dr. N. H. Williams finally concluded my blood was out of order and I asked him for a remedy for my bad blood. This was in February, 1493. He said about all that could be done was to exercise out of doors, get my strength when the weather got warm. At last he said he had gone into my case as far as he could and I dropped him and his medicine and begau to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pili for Pale People about th lóth of March, 1893, and in ten days after taking the pills the dropsical condition and weakness began to leave my feet and legs. In a comparatively short time I was nearly eured, and I gained strength so that I could walk a mile and back. I then went to work at my trade as a joiner and stair builder, and have worked almost every day since. My recovery has been a wonder to my friends. I am sixty-five years old this month, and my general health has never been better than it is at present. I can reeonimend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People as a great blood builder and for general debility. A dozen or more of my friends have been using Pink Pills on their merits in my case, with very benetieial results. 1 ean say the Pink Pills have been a life-saving remedy for me, and have given me at least a fovr more years of health and vigor." Makcus S. Lyon. Subscribed and sworn to before me thi 21st day of March, 1894. A. A. SPATJLDING, Notary Public. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peopl are now given to the public as an unfailine blood builder and nerve restorer, curing all forms of weakness arising from a watery condition of the blood or shattered nerves. The pills are sold by all dealers, or will be sent post paid on receipt of price (50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50- they are never sold in bulk or by the 100) by addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Scheneotady, N. Y.


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Ann Arbor Courier