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A. E. Hogers of (.rcmiie. is visitins' frierais here. Mts. Oo-mell f Leslie, i vlsitlng her eoo on Snnwnlt st. Mi-.-. Pj-of. Pettee mad dauxhter liave returned j'roin the east. Mi-s Aliec Gill, of Aun Arbor, is vlsitinjr íiiends car Charlotte. Misa Allee Bullís has leturned f rom a visit wjfch friuds in Cüuton. Prof. Arthui' ;. Hall lias returned f rom has racation trip up north. Eev. Jota Neiunann has returned froun the conference at EUnhurst, 111. l'ro:'. Mases ioinlici-.!í, oí Ann Arbor, Ís at 'tlie Sanitarium at BattJe Oreek. MUs Ada. Saunders lias retunud frotn lier week'e outing ai Base Dake. Dr. AV. J. Herdmaii has returned trom hite business trip in North Carolina. Karl Harrilman expecís to cnter lit■eraUn-e iln-ougii the theatrlcal doorway. Mise Anua Slhenttoo lias returned aiome from a week's stay a! Zukey Miss Kilit:i E. Huddy hafl returned from a two week's siay at Devll's Late, Miseea Al te Bweei amd Mabel Clank of Kuusliton, are Tisátins frlenda iu tlli-H eity. Slre. WlUiam Gibeom vi ited Irieada in Milw.-uikee. MW'. the toce part of tlie week. Mts. Heory Laubengayei has ielumed iroiii a visit with relatives iu Jloiiiier. Mt. ama Mi-s. Martin Ilaller aro bark trom foheir vi-it wlth relatives In the ca.-i. Eev. A. B. Woi d o merly of D.xtn-, wil! reinov-i' to Auu Arbor to resld ]ieniianent:y. Fraaji HUI ainl wife havo rented rooms over Bt. Clalr's shop aml t;one to hou'sckeepinig. Mrs. Xel-on nná son Ealelgh have gon-c Ito aiieafio, where he bas a position in the setooote. ,T. II. Ma.ynarl ha-s traveled nearly the "ihl ov-or bui Wedncsday made hi sfirst visit to Toledo. MiBS Belio Tiirnbull has returned lióme iniin hri' varalinn whk'h was epent ut IlamiluHi. Out. Mi--. Fltcto Moatap who has been ■dslting i;-iends here tor a time, lias returned lióme to Gregory. an.l Mr-. Morman Williams, ol l-mini ain st., have a new boy at their Ihhim - Ihe fixet one at that. Mr. and Mre. Fraunfe Moore of Fountaia öt., rejoice over tia& advent oi am hcir. Ho i-ame Wedneiday. Sui'ervi-nr l'-iiiery E. Lelaád, oi Xorthïield. bas returaied frotm lila tr.p down east looking healthy and Happy. J H. "Wade. oí Ann Albor, was the „■„,-■: olWseoaJ C. i'. Wade. and oiher leUithe over Sunday- Jonesvi Ie Independent. J. ,T. Snllivam and dauiiter Mary have ret-.urned Irooa tlvir Boston trip Tery mucli elatcd over what they saw noid hieard. NeUie Gfifflney lelt Tlmrsday p. tn. tor Blan.-hard, wlicre Bhe WlJl take the positioti of preoeptresa of aciuools of hiat plaoe. Miss 'ora OraadaU, oi 12th street, feil Thitreday foir her school duttes at AV.-iirrvale. This is her se-oad term as teacher there. Mr.-. NeUie Gleaeom returned home iroan Clteveland, O., wïth her paréate, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Childs. and wUl remato h-ore for a time. E. C. DeWoUe, wiioies been pending nhe Niimim-r here, has returned to at Michigan City, Inü. He ieaTiesln bwo weeks lor l'urdue Univereity i ïinisU his course. Pramk Meftz, lat year'a general seoretary at One S. C. A., ie spemdl-ng a few days with frieiids here. He goes irorn üière to Mt. Cleinons, where he is principal oí tlie hig'h school. Proi. Louis and wife oí Golden, Cola., amd Mi-s liei-iiia Base, ot Ann i lior. while euroute fron Ann Arbor to Golfen, stopped ofi at Morenci, 3 foT a visit at C. C. Wake■s,- Adrián Times. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Clark, o: WttsEicW, 'Mass.. i-aiiir iu Uie city AVeiluesday, tortoglng wlüi ihom their .ittle uddaushter Irene Clark. They will visit relatives a.nd friends in tlie city tor a few weeks. Miss Miutiin I). Taylor, who took the poetelon In our high school last year ior her Bister Grate, lias accepted a posUiom at Duluth at $70 per nionili. Duving ie last iew days :[iss Taylor lias boon. offered positions in ilie schools oí Ypsilanti, Detroit. St. Joliais, in tliis state, and at Kansas City, Mo. Mi-. E. M. Siniáibli txná fainily, oí Aun Albor, wlio liavü been epeading the BUmmer a-t Bny Yiew, returned to ïoi-iiLor home ia Jackson to-niorrow. Thuir som Hoy who lcít lor Berlín, Germany, tho latter part of July lor t hu pui-pose oí pursuing hls course in Gemían, reports that all is going well.- Badly Beearter. Miss Anna IVebmore is visiiihg in Del Jonathan 8pvague and wife are wstttog in tallan A'Iími Chappelüe, oí Trinidad, Col., Is vis.tin hcre. Ml-s Hat-He lyon? has retu.rn.ed liome trom Tdledo, Olmo. W. Sehlinimer of Lansing, is in the vil y vteíttag frierais. Mr.. Ileuben Kempf and laughter Ni-lMe, ave at Old MtesiOin. Mre. Lwey r.. Lé's Detroit addrees L-i Cotua Plats. Merlck --ive. Mi s ("ara ccmmenced ï.er : rluil i s ai Delhi Moiiday. Dr. n.n.l Mts. CarrOTV are Toth homo i'n::n ilie northern resorts. Mr.--. I'ardOiU is ontertainlng her D Ji' cw. A'cn. r.rown. of Toronto. Joi'iü i:. Minier arrired Tionie from Bot-tan ooiic'.avo Sunday night. WelUiigtofli Tate has retumed ti-oni bis oorfcing ijit-iu n Kalaanazoo and , L:iu;ty. I. y. Baat and famiJy are ubout mov4ng to Ann Arbor. - Midland ï"iepilhl: Judge I'icd ir. A'ali-icli. of Cadillac, called oa hls old fi-iend Judge Kinne rdiay. Mre.. Ti .-liwiix Mi.ri'is and ianiily have j'riiin tlhieir Klimmer stay at OM Ii:(i:i. Joilni s-.lilce aiiid W. W. Grifiin retni-üni! laet iii-lu from their outlng upou lihe lafces. Miss llattre Kcith of Dexler. is vls, pistor Mre. E. E. l'oal. of i: Mïud&Dia et. Evairt H. Scott aind family retarned Saturday aiglit frooi their northern ivMirt cfíttage. MteB Iluehl left Friday a. m. for AVliitoliall whre fhe teaches daring tflie coantog year. Ir, A. IC. Hale has gome to Petostoy, to ge rid of in ■unpleasant attaek oí hay fevier,. En. WoJfe oí Noble's Star Clothiag House, is im Xew York buying goods íor tlie faU and winter trade. Mrs. Ana J. "Walíker and son Henry, of N. Ingalle bí., retarned home ïroin Petoskey and líay Yiew Friday. Mí. 'Kli W. Mora-e, accompamied by her daugWter Luella, are spendlng a íeu öayis at tilio northern resorts. Miss Josepïiine Gaffaey, of Negauaee. is inoring to the city and will occupy a Iiouse o-u "WasMngt-on st. l'roi. JuJlus V. Seyler stops over in !th(: city (ot a few days oai hLs way liome fco Detion, from Topinabee. Loiuis Hoelzle of the i'ire dep.ntmemit, has gomo to Tusoola couuty, w tnere hls móther is lying (juite UI. Miss May Muima of E. Huron rt., left Mooday to resume her dufcies a .teacher i.:i ".lic Sagiaaw schools. 8. S. Munimery taine over f rom M1funl om liU wlieel Sunday and wlll greï Jiere iiow inr tbe school year. Mr. ama Mrs. B. 1!. Hall and Mr. and Mr.. J. E. Travis left this tnoriiiing a few diay's rtay at Crystal Late, Mr and Mrs. J. J. Goodyear retunuod froiu their tour among ihe easteam bea shore resorts Monday eveuiiin'. 1' E. Milis, left Moaiday nigïiht for Whe&ltag W. X:., to attend the sfbate fadx to be held thera and to get .li'.ni ■.■■. for uur couuty show. Prof. onwl Mrs. Tred C, Clarke will lea.vo n a few days for Oolumbus, ■ ).. wheie he has acoepted the ehair of liistoiy a.ud politica! economy Presdideoit aind Mrs. Angelí are at Haliiax, x. S. The Prcsiilent hae bei i se.'.y ill over a week f. om eating epoiled f:sii, bat is recovering slowly. Miiss Anna Veller, oí Columbas, O., teacher ol Geriaam Lu he Phelp's Ladïeb' Semlaiary at tliat city, in the guest of Hou. Joseplh, T. Jacobs and iaiiu'y. Albeit C. Sdhutmaoher and wie left Satuiday on the .ïteamer btovest 'iui-iSan'i Ste. Marie, where li" '. :l b ! sevei-al days with tne Stai e Board of l'harmacj-. Mr. UUaabeth. "Wies, of Washtenaw ave, acoompaoted lier daughter Miss BauMina Wies, yeeterday bo Osoaloosa.. Iowa, wliere the latter lias a ton as teacher in the col Hayal tíiarkweather, wlio has ben ípíinding a part of lils i acation as the popular Clark at M. N. Jolimsoa & Co's duriing ithe absence of XI. M. Waterman, will Bfuyrtly return to his studies ai Ann ArboT.- Xortliville Kecord. W. E. Iioyden ;uid F. E. Mills attended tJie trinábate fair at Toledo, lat Aveek. Mr. lioydiai was a judgo on tlie beeí breeds oí cattle and Mr. MilU on tho dairy lreeds. Mr. Mills fcells xxe tliat somO of tilie exliibits wlll Te niado liere at cuir oounty fair. III A. Sweot at Na. 88 N. Main st., lias .swcct pea vinesten, f eet lall. 'Uow is taat for Hi ? He also had a quanlity O'f fine -tomatoes Btolon from his vloes i-ecentlj% Avliich he thinks, consideriag fclie price oi tomatoes now, was a mig-hty mean trick.


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Ann Arbor Courier