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ANNUAL TAX SALE. STATE OF MICHIGAN, I COTJNTX 1)1' W'ASJITKNAW, S The Circuit Court for the County of Washtelinv in Chaneery. In the matter of the petition of Stanley W. fin-ner, Auditor General of the Htate of Michgan, for and in behalf of the State of Mlclii5an, for the sale of certain lands for taxes issessed thereon. On reading and liling the petition of the Auditor General of the State of Michigan as aforesaid praying lor a decree in favor of the itate of Michigan, against eaeh parcel of land jherein desci'ibed, for the arnounts therein specifled, claimed to be due ior taxes, interest and charges on each snch parcel of land, and that snch lands be sold lor the araounts so claimed by the State of Michigan. It is ordered that said petition will be brought on for hearing and decree at the Üctober term of this Court, to be held at Ann Arbor in the County of Wasbtenaw "State of Michigan, on the seventh day of October, A. D. IöUü, at the opening of the Court 011 that day, and that all persons interested in .such lands or any part thereot, desifing to contest the ien claimed thereon by the State of Michigan, for 8uch taxes, interest and charges, or any part thereof, shall appear in said Court, IDd üle wiih ihe clerk thereol, acting as register in chaneery, their objections thereto, on or before the first day of the term of this Court above mentioned, and tbat in default thereof the same will be taken as confessed and a decree will be taken and entcred as prayed for in said petition. And it is further ordered that in pursuance of said decree the lands described in said petition ior which a decree of sale shall be made, will be sold for the several fakes, interest and charges Ihereon as determined by such decree, oü ihe first Monday in JJecember thereafier, or on tne day or days subseqnent thereto as may be necessary to complete the sale of said lands and of each and every parcel thereof, at the office of the County Treasurer, orat such convenient place as shall be selected by him at the oounty seat of the County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan; and that the sale then and there made will be a public sale and each parcel described in the decree shall be separately exposed for sale for the total taxes, interest and charges, and the sale shall be made to the person oiï'ering to buy for any given tax and paying the full amount charged against said parcel, and accepting aconveyance of the smallest undivideil fee simple interest therein; or.ifno person will buy for any of said several taxes and pay the balance thereof and take a conveyanceof less tiian the entire thereof, then the whole parce] shall be oftered and sold. If any parcel of land cannot be sokl for taxes, interest and charges, such parcel shall be passed over for the time being, and shall, on the succeeding day, or before the close of the sale, be reoffered, and if, on such second offer, or during such sale, the same cannot be sold for the amount aforesaid, the County Treasurer shall bid off the same in the name of the State. Witness the Hon. Bdward D. Kinue, Circuit Judge, and the seal of said Circuit Court of Washtenaw County, this ltith day of August, A. D. 189-ï. [Seal.] E. D. KINNE, Counterslgned, Circuit Judge. Wm. Dansingbukg, Register. STATE OF MICHIGAN, To ihe Circuit Court for ihe Counly of Washtenaw in Chaneery: The petition of Stanley W. Turner, Auditoi General of said State of Michigan, for and in behalf of said State of Michigan, respeetfully shows that the list of lands hereinafter set forth and marked "Schedule A," contains a description of all lands in said County .01 "Washtenaw upon which taxes were assessd for the years mentioned therein, and which were returned as delinquent for non-payment of taxes and which taxes have not been paid; together with the total amount of such taxes, with interest computed thereon to the time fixed for sale, and collection fee as provided by law,and the cost of advertising and other expenses of sale of eaoh of said pareéis of land. Your petitioner further shows to the Court that said lands were returned to the Auditor General under the provisions of Act 206 of the Public Actsof 1893, as delinquent for non-puyment of said taxes for said years respectively, except such of the taxes set forth in said schedule as were returned to the Auditor General aceording to law prior to the 12th day of June, 1893, and remain unpaid. Your petitioner further shows and avers that the taxes, interest, collection feo and cosí of advertising and other expenses of sale, as set forti) in said Schedule A, are a valid lien on the several paroels of land described in said schedule. Your petitioner further shows that the said taxes on said described lands have remained unpaid for more than one year prior to Ihe ñrst day of May, 1895; and the said taxes not having been paicl, and Ihe same being now due and remaining unpaid as above set forth, your petitioner prays a decree in favor of the Staf e of Michigan against each parcel of said lands, for the payment of the several amounts of taxes, interest, collection fee, cost of advertising and other expenses of sale, as computed and extended in said schedule, against The several pareéis of land contained therein, and in default of payment of the said several sums computed and extended against said lands, that each of said pareéis of land may be sold for the amounts due thereon, as provided by law, to pay the lien aforesaid. And your petitioner will over pray, etc. Dated August 14, 1895. STANLEY W. TURNER, Anditor Genera] of the State of Michigan, for and in behalf of the State of Michigan. SCHEDULE A. TAXES OF 1891. L Ofc - ,-- cc o B. . L = =" g ï 'o j T -- 5 = S S s L cc ■ 3 L ö 3b CITY OF AS AKBOR. TjOt boundod n by Camp'a land, e by Davison st., s by Fohey's and Clark's land -15 46 13(1 182 70 6162 TAXES OF 1892. CITY OF ANN AKBOK. Beginning at the w line of Mann st, 8 rds n of Hurón st, thence n to Hun can land, thence w to .1 M Wheeler 1 a a d, tiience 40 rods to H y a t, t I a n d, thence e lo the placeof beginning 7 S7 173 31 70 10 ui A certain piece or parcel of land bd n by ÏTaviland land, s by lots lij, 17 and IS of BI 3, N R 15 E, on the e by John Camp land. w by lot li) of the above meutioned lil and Range, 1 57 35 06 70 2 OS Davtd&on's and Guiteatt's Addilion. Lots 11 and 12 bik 7 1 57 35 06 70 2 6S CITY OF YPSILAXTI. Parcel of land bd n by Miller's -Uld.s by land of A Baumstark, e by land of John (iilbert, w by Prospect st; .also parcel of land bd n by land of H Carpenter, s by land of Clara Foster, e by lantl of John Gilbert, w by Prospect st (as one) 10 39 2 29 il 70 13 80 ICorris, Follct, Joslin, and Skinner's Add, w' , of s; of lot 572, 13 98 3 OS 56 70 18 82 TAXES OF 1S93. Township 3 South of Hang e 3 Ettsl. e 1 .'. of BW Vv 1 S0 2 61 37 10 70 3 08 Township3 South of Range 3 East. sw ÍOÍ BW 34 5 10 4 10 57 ](ï 70 5 53 e2ofe13 1U0 1192 167 48 70 1177 Township 1 SottHi of Range í East. e lA of ne Í 20 S0 27 4S 3 85 1 10 70 33 13 W y& of BW J ," of se 1 , 20 20 2 70 39 11 70 3 96 ' Í Of SW tl1 1 30 10 118 17 05 70 2 10 Township U South of Range C Bast. All of w V„ of nw l n of Chicago road 6 2 2 33 33 09 70 3 45 ne i of ne i 17 40 5 76 81 23 70 7.30 sw W of ne i 24 40 10 56 1 48 42 70 13 16 ne 34 of ne V of BW i 24 10 1 98 28 08 70 3 04 House and lot on uw Yi bd n and wby Bavenport, e by ïtick's bjsélf 28 2 17 30 09 70 3 26 Part oí an acre on sec 28 and 29 bd n and w by Kiver e by Brown, s by road 28 and 29 61 09 02 70 142 " % U%2 100 40 90 5 73 1 64 70 48 97 nwWof nv Í 33 40 1152 161 46 70 14 29 36J acres on e i of sw i i sof EB 36 36 50 3595 503 144 70 4312 Township h South of Bange 7 Eaet. vv part of uw i of iieJ4 16 20 7 56 106 30 70 9 62 n w la of sw ii 18 40 10 80 1 51 43 70 13 44 s % of nw % 21 37 48 07 02 70 127 e V, of ne % 23 SO 8 50 1 19 34 70 10 73 CITY OF ANN AKBOB. Lotbd n by Meuth land, e by División st, s by Foley land and Clark land, and w by Detroit st, bik 4 n r6e 30 80 -4 31 123 70 37 04 Lot 10 bik 2 n r 14 e 12 03 1 68 48 70 14 89 Lot7blk5srle 2 57 36 10 70 3 73 A pieee of land bde by Walz land, s by Chubb road, w to a point n by Hanlin st 2 57 36 10 70 3 73 Lot bd e by State st, n by Church land, w by Swathcl land, s by Churcli land 2 57 36 10 70 3 73 Land bd n by Hotehkins land, e by Broadway, s and w by Duim land 515 72 21 70 6 78 Piece of land bd n by Haviland land, sby lotslö, 17, and 18 of BI 3 n r 15 e, on e by John Camp land, w by lot 19 of above mentioned bik and range 171 24 07 70 2 72 Land bd n by Camp land, on s by lots 13, 14 and 15 of bik 3 n r 15 e, on e by Henry Smith's land, and west to a polnt 85 12 03 70 1 70 Broivn and Fuller's Addition. Lot 9 bik 1 171 24 07 70 2 72 College HUI Addition. Lot 38 &5 12 03 70 170 Lot 88 85 12 03 70 170 Davidson and Guiteau's Addition. Lots 11 and 12 bik 7 1 71 24 07 70 2 72 Jewett's Addition. Lots 28 and 29 8 59 120 34 70 10 83 J. F. Lawrence Addition. Lots 1 and 2 bik 4 43 00 6 02 1 72 70 51 41 W. S. Muynard's lst Addition. A strip of land lying e of and adjoining lots 1 and A, BI 5sr2 e and extendí n s in eciuaJ width of said lots to w side of S Second st 48 68 6 82 1 95 70 58 15 Miller's Addition. LotS 4 29 60 17 70 70 Lots 20, 44, 53, and 55 20 64 2 89 83 70 25 06 Lot 88 85 12 03 70 1 70 Lot 85 48 16 6 74 193 70 57 53 l'arlridge Addition. Lot. 9 bik 6 85 12 03 70 1 70 CITY OF YPSILANTI. Original Plat. Lot 167 and s H of lot 168 7 90 111 32 70 10 03 Sub Hor se IÍ sec 5 87 49 12 25 3 50 70 103 94 Parcel of land bd s by Chicago ave, n by Gustare liertram and ïl Coe, w by H Campbell, e by J 1) Kirk 7 27 102 29 70 9 28 Parcel of land bd n by Cross st, s by Ellis st, e by S Post, w by Suinmitst 3 04 43 12 70 4 29 Parcel of land bd n by M C 1! B Co, w ï Mathias, e by John Gllbert, s by Oíd Mili Track 18 24 2 55 73 70 22 22 Parcel of land bd s by land of Mrs Boalnian, e by Kiver st, W and n bv Norrls st extended 1 15 16 05 70 2 C6 Parcel of land bd n and w by Norrls st extended, e by Mrs Weyburn, s by an alley 4 63 65 19 70 6 17 Parcel of land li n by Xowner st, w and s by V W Philips, e by A F Busbark 4 63 65 19 70 6 17 Parcel of land bd n by Miller's Add, s by A Baumstock's, e by J Gilbert, w ' by Prospect st ; ;dso p&rcel bd n by H Carpenter, s by Clara Koster, e bv J Gilbert, w by Prospect st 13 83 1 94 55 70 17 02 Bariholemew's Addition. Lot 90 2 41 34 10 70 3 55 Clark's Addition. e 72 ft. in wldtn of lots 2 and 8 3 61 51 14 70 4 90 N". FollcVs Addition. Lot 5 11 m 1 62 46 70 14 35 Jarvis Reserve. Lot 7 22 S6 3 20 91 70 27 67 II. W. Larzalire Addition. wloflotS2 4 85 68 19 70 6 42 n,1 2 of lot 50 4 85 68 19 70 6 42 Morse Addilion. Lots 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 86, 37, 38 and 39 12 15 1 70 49 70 15 04 Lot 44 3 61 51 14 70 4 96 JleClanaliaa's Addition. Lots 1 to 18 Inclusive and 17 to m inclusive 119 03 16 66 4 76 70 14115 McCormick's Addition. Lot 10 except n 10 rods 2 41 84 10 70 3 55 Xorris Western Addition. v. ' .; of lots 598 and 599 6 06 85 24 70 7 S5 JS'orris and Cross' Addition. e ]4 of lot 362 10 92 1 53 44 70 13 59 Norris, I'olletl, Joslin and Skinner's Addition. w}i of sji of lot 572 16 19 2 27 65 70 19 81 Park Ridge Addition. Lots land 2 2 J2 84 10 70 3 56 Lots 24, 25, 26 and 27 2 41 34 10 70 3 55 Lot 35 1 21 17 05 70 2 13 Lot 112 128 17 05 70 215 Lot 129 1 21 17 05 70 2 13 Lots 130 and 132 2 41 34 10 70 3 55 Lots 244 and 848 2 42 34 10 70 3 56 Lots 215 and 25:5 2 11 84 10 70 3 55 Lot 247 121 17 05 70 213 Lots 254 and 255 2 42 84 10 70 3 56 Lots 259 and 26S 2 41 34 10 70 3 55 Lot 260 120 17 05 70 212 Lote 819 and 320 2 41 34 10 70 355 Lot 35 121 17 05 70 2 13 Lot 358 1 21 17 05 70 2 13 Lots 361 and 493 75 11 03 70 159 Lot 373 1 20 17 05 70 2 12 Lot 383 38 05 02 70 115 Lot 460 38 05 02 70 115 Lot 486 1 20 17 05 70 2 12 Lot 487 1 21 17 05 70 2 13 Ütuck's Addition. Lots 41 and 42 71 72 10 04 2 87 70 85 33 Volkeming's Subdivisión. Lots 45 and 4ö 2 30 09 70 1 VILLAGZ OF DIXTER. Lot 11 bik 17 6 85 96 27 70 8 78 VILLAGE OF JIILAX. Lot bd n anti c by Wilson and Warner, s by st, w by KR 20 60 2 88 82 70 25 00 Braman's Addition. Lots 8, 9, 10 and 11 10 30 144 41 70 12 85 Hock's Addition. Lot 1 10 30 1 44 41 70 12 85 Wilson and IVarner's Addition. Lot 7 3 09 43 12 70 4 34 Lot 8 4 12 58 16 70 5 56 Lots 10, 11 and 12 2 06 29 08 70 3 13 Lots 16 and 17 5 15 72 21 70 6 78 VILLAGE OF MOOKEVILLE. Lot 7 bik 2 n r 1 w 1 09 15 04 70 1 98 VILLAGE OF SALEM. Lots 5 and 7 bik 1 G5 09 03 70 1 47 Frederick's Addition. Lots 11, 17 and 52 79 11 03 70 163 Lots 29, 35 and 41 72 10 03 70 155 STANLEY W, TURNER, Auditor General.


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