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I - i IT'S INJURIO US TO STOP S ÜDDf TiV T PnrS DENLY and don't be irnposed upon (i II vJ buying a remedy that requires you ) I v ' so as '' iá nothing more than a SisJs A i 11 substit-ule. In the suelden stoppage SL__j =5;. -7== f tobáceo yon mut have ome stirall'i II jb ulant, and in most all cases, the ef(I 11 - fect of the stimulant, be it opium, 1 s-Jf ü morphine, or other opiates, leaves a "l far worse habit tracled. Ask yottr druggiit about BACO CURO. It is purely vegetable. You do ng toba eco with BACO-CUHO. It will notify you wken to stop and your , desire for tobáceo will cease. Your xrstem will he as f ree from nicotine as the da i f befóte yon took yourjirst cheiv or smoke. An iron ciad guaraatee to aosolutely cure 'the tobáceo habit in all its forras, or móney refunded. Trice $1.00 per box or S boxee (30 days treatment and guaranteed cure), $3.50. For sa!' h i! druggtst or will be sent bit mail woon ! ceipl of price. SEND SIX TWO CENT STÁMPS Fnll SAMPLE I BOX. Èoohlets andproofsfree. Eureka Chemical & M't"i ('o.} La Crosse} Wis, ónice of THE PIOXEER PRESS COMYV, C. W. Hokvtck, Snpt., 8r. Paul, Minnesota, Sepe 7. 1894. Eureka Chemical and Mfg Co. , . Wís. Dear slrs- I have been a tobáceo tU'ml for many yeara, and duringthe p ira have smoked fifteen to twenty cifrara regularly every day. My whole nervoua ame af fected, muil my pbysfclan told me i must gtve up the use ol tobáceo (or the time being at least. I tried che so-calted "Keely Care," 2ío-Ti : rartous other remedies, bul without Buccese, unril Iaccídenally learned of your "Baco-Curo,1 Thre ■ weeke agoto-day I oommeuced using yonr preparatlon. anl to-day l consider myselí completely cured; [ am iii perfect health, and the horrible craving for LobaCco, wrhtch every Invetérate sm ifeer fullv apFreclates, luis complecely lefl m ■. 1 constder your "Baco Curo1' slmply wonderful, and can ully recommeud ic. Tpurstruly, " C. W. Hobítiok. ■


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier