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How ivise we me when the chance has fled Aud a glance we bRCkward east ! We know iust the thiiigthat we should have said When the time for sayingit's past. Have 3'ou seen those telescope pencils at Wahr's ? Well they are unique t;0' eay the least. The Moinroe Democrat has "been placed upoin our exc'ha-nge Ifot, and hereafter wé filiiall recelvé the Monroe doctrine as pirounmligatecl by Bro. Smith. One semester oí elocution is coinpulso.ry at the high school. If it is possibsle to develop oratory it shoald te develop-ed for it is astomishing 'ïow few god orators we ha. The coroner's jury ia the case of Vena Joüinson rendered a verdict to the effect that she carne ta iier death "by thie accidental discharge oí a gun in the hands oí Edward Hurst. The ag-emey of the Uetrnjt Tribune has beetn taken away irora V. Stofflet, and aaother Snan appoáited in his Xlacc. Down town pcople de:i!ing the Trlbuine Will iind it at AVahr's. Our whcol co'rrespciadent C. H. Van Tyne, ivith his coanpanion Hairy McClure, has arrived home trom Euiope. The letters will be comtinued howerer, uintil the entire joarney is descriled. The way in which painters, lecorators, carp-et layers and ;;leaners. paper Jiamgers and workmea in that line oí business jump-ing into work theso diaye, gives abundant ovidence of the aiiproachiing opening of the Uaiiviersity. The toany frie-nds oí Capt. Thos. Taylor, the efïicient and worthy tiler of the various Masonic organizations of fcliis city, will be happily surprised Lo .earn ot his marriage Tucsday eve. to Miss Annie C. McCrow, at tho home of ftihe brido, Xo. 36 S. Thayer et. Tlio toreiaony took place at 8 o'clock 1. lm., amd was pwformed by I?ev. J. M. Gelstoin. The couple lefö last evening tcy visit with relatives in Webster lor a few days'. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor will have the hearty good wishes of a grea-t tnany friends. ■ The tragic death of Vena loïinson ends tj'iec pensions I have securtd in tlio same íamily, ' said W. E. Childi this mornlng. The first pension was for lier father, Henry Johnson, who died May 7th, 1892. After hts doatOi his widow roceived a pension, but died soon aftr, on .Tan. 8th, 1893, f rom cáncer. Then Mr. Ghilds ecureid a pension for the two minor children, of which Vena was the youagesi. Her pension would liave expired nexfc May, had she iived, at which time she would have been sixteetn years of aige. The bivalve, to perfect Ion gain. Fotir inrnths ha sttiven well; September örst tif graduates, Aiul this lü "college velt;" R we in ir.' Yes, we II ! Oyster stew, Oystev stfiv, Rah, Ruh, Rah? Dr. J. W. Morton is Luilding m additioin to liis residente on E. Ann st. It is a habit witn sorne people whiori ithiey "vvfeh their own "virtues to look thiê wliltest, alwajs use 1lie iaults of others as a backgrouind. Il o ■■ . Coar&d Bccklln of the Germán II. E. chairen, life iarewell soraioii Sxuixlay ïnoa-ning, Sept. lótli. He bas been aesfemed to Goslien, Ind. Th High Sclioiol S. C. A. meets every Friiday p. m., frcwn 4:45 to 5:43, and every lUgli seliod student should unite witli. th o society or attead its nieeting-s.. At the Grand Opera House Si flunkard start-s in the seasoa Sept. 16 ; JLiilliam Lewia follows, Sept 19 ; tlien tlie Dazzlers Sept. 21 ; Old Tennesse, Sept. 23 ; Demaan. Thompscm's Old Homeste-ad Co., Sept. 25 ; and the Jolly Old Oiump, Sept. 28. Quite a fine llsit for tmontli. Hereafter, if any youngperson wishes to be adimitted to the bar n tliis state, ho must nmv go before a state coiinmission and pass an cxamination. Tliis comimission has bien appointed liy f!ov. Iïioli aad consiste of the folïowlmg persons : G. H. Duraud of Flint, Prof. Mechera of Ann Arbor, P. T. Van Zile oí Detroit, E. C. Ostrander oí Lansing, and Mark Norris oí Grand Rapid?. Tlie first examinaitiioiii takes place in Lansing, October 17. Graduates irorai the law school of the state umiversity, are adinitted oin (theiir diplomas ivittuout fnrther examination. Tlie Mteh,lgam Dairyrnen's Associatton Bands a repiresentative lo all the fairs held in the utate this fall. The electton made for Waslitenaw county is Mr. E. L. lockwooü of Petersburg'. It lias been tlie alm oí the associiatioin to select men whose ltnowledge and experien.ce in dairy iarming wouid thean to inake their line of work at tlie fair instructivo ; and tikO iaipmers of 'Waishtanaw inay feel wc'.l satfefied to secure the services of Mr. Lockwood. He is one of Miehlgaai's piomeers and iin original breeder. Fo-r years Jie has giv011 lus attentie n to grading up the native stock of tule Gtate an.d now has alaout 100 fine butter cows as a reaalt of hte efforts. He is also one of fthe foremost prornoters of the use of siloes ia dalry iarmiiig and vill undoubtedly ave soimething to eay on rbbat gulijcct. Ifc is worth the Avliile of every farmer of tho county to have a chat with him. In the eelection of Miss Bower for treas'uror of the Bchool board, there will ïetirO trom that office a gentleman tv-Iw lias held the positlon lor a period of fifteen years, and who has been a faithful and efficiënt oüicial, Mr. iL. Grumer. Ho has ser ved un unusual lemgtli of taime, handling soine 935,000 or $40,000 eacli year of th people's momey, about as ïnuch as the comman cou,ncil uses to run the city -with. In thO oase of ouaty treasurers, city treasurers, and townsliip itreasurers, the law allows one persoQ ito hold tlie posltion for two term önly, makíng a change absolubely aecessary once in eo often. Thia law Jias piix"en iteelf a good one, and reccived rtiie sanction of the peope, atnd ftliere are a fjreat many people whO' 'believe that the same provisión uiio-uUl Ibe extended to Rchool distriets as 'well, bo that once in so often the book cam bo audited and gone over. The limplicit co'iifidenco the public have in (Mr. Gruncr lias been responded to by the school board, in re-eleeting liim all these years, and it is Tecause of no lack of comfidenco that a change was made fchfe year, we are told, but simply a response to tlie feeling that it is feometimes well to rotate th.e offic-es. . , , , j Homeis where t lie honrt is. In dweiling great or small : There is raany .a stat el y mansión, That'a never u home at all. Kemember the Chelsca Fair nest week, Sept, 18, 19 cund 20. The new twner of the Hamilton block p.roposes to pnint and mprove il . 6O etated. Severa! menlbers oí Compa.ny A are contemplating building a club house at Zukey "Lake. Hoo. "Wim. Ball, oí Hamliuig, lias been elected president of the state fair asteociation. The trout eeason has closed, but tlie ÜA story swimmeth to the mrface jast th o same. (Itere sceras to be quite a msh for ma.rriag-e licemses again. Sure sign of better times. AVill Carpenter, of the etreet railway ioroe, is moring his fauiily from Hudison "to tiliis place. The: high school studente wlll lake up atüilietics as soan as tne material om lna:nid can be developed. Bui few newspaper readers go -whei e they arO not iinvited. Merchants ivho reinember this are the wiae ones. Prof. Scïimaal ■svho has b&ea studying in Earope for tJne past year or so, is now in thig counbi-y, and is with a traTeUmg opera coimpany. Jolim C. Fischer bas resigned as captain of Company A, and expeeU to liave Mis resignation accepted noon. Can't give up eo mueli time. On the farm of W. F. Bii-d, '.vest ol tcnvin. tue soime apple trees which are In 'blossom aow. Ilather au anusual proceoüing f sfcaid old apple trees. "Wül Boyden is making a splendid record for himself as superintendent' of tlio cattle department oí tlie state iair at Grand Rapids," remarked Sec'y Mills tliis morning. Eléctrica! Measurements, A Latoratory Manual," ty Professors CarUart amd Pattersoui, wiU come íroni tue presa oí Messrs. Allyn & Öacon, Bosom, thíe early part of the week. Don't snub the school boy became hès clothes may be poor. Abraham Lmcoiln's eaily Iiome was a iog ca"kin and clo'thes even rag'ged. And Gaiüeld was a barefooted, ecanti'.y clotbed. tow-path canal driver. AVilliam Theisen of Clinton, Mich., wlll move liis tiaüoriiïs: business here at onoe and occupy taiO rooms over the Farmers & Metha.nics' Bank. He bas -nany fiionds in Ann Arboi-, havIng fcK-merly woi-ked at his trade with Burchiield, and is a first class workmae. Cliarloitte wlU furnifh a laige lumbor of students to Tarious ooileges aml univensittes thia year. Among the ones to enter are, at Ann Arbor, H'oward Bhepherd ' law, Guy Palmer dentistry, Chas. Morey, Chas. Huggett amd Cari Green literary ; State Normal, Ypsilanti, Abbie LOckard, Zara Perkey, C. J. Barnnim.- República n. A g-lass of water should always l;e taken the first thing in the .-norning. It exercises a twofold advantage. First of all, wliein sipped slowly it acts as a stimulator to the excretory origatns. Secondly, duning sleep a great deal of maicous is seereted ly the membrane lining of the mouth and otli-er orgaais of the alitnentary canal, aaid tliis morning drink removes it. Many a morning toeadache will l:e curetl U tliis hatoit is carefully and systematically carried out. Prof. E. S. 'Wüggms, the Canadian propliet who sTicoessfuHy predictedthe great storm wMch passed over the Atlnntfc and Pacific oceans in Maich, 18S3, has got into T)iisines?s again and prophesies a Btorm of equal violence bctwfien the 17th aaid 21st of the present month. He reasons that on the lSth the moon "wiiU passs over the sun's disc a few (logrees west of San Fi-amcisco, caus!ng a solar eclipse, the moon being in p-erigee. Mars and Venus -wiH both be in conjunction with her yn that clay. A great storm will therefore sweep t.lie Bhoi-es of all continents from the equator to the jioles as early as the 17th inst., bu.t on the east coast of North America wïll reach lts climax with high tide-s by the aiternooa of Saturday, the 21st inst. Tliere is danger of voilcan:c upheavais In tlie mevidian of Japan and of earthquakes in Soutli America and Mexico. Hou' many rents in tlie littlo rtant To bo mended lor me or the other, How many Procks with i neat llttlepatch, Deftly sewPd over and over. How mauy toes to vork out thruugh the sticks Inside of out1 boot or the other. How many loaves for the hungry mouths, Nobody knows but mother. Mr. Joy lias closed up liis Ixikeiy j twiBineas and niO'ved to Ann Arbor, saye iho Nortüville Record. John Hoirst, wlio is ruiming lor governor cf Maryland, is a, consin to Bfeli'op Hurst vrho presiiled over tlie Conference. Russell F. Pinkham, of St. Jolins, bas rented the Vandervverkér liouse on Monroe st., through JIcOmber and Carr agency. Henry L. Coar, the new instructor in ruathematics in the University, bas rented the Sawyer house on Hamilton Park, through the agency oí McOmber and Carr. Geoíge J. Kueb'er was up lieioie Justiee Pond Mo-nday a. on., chaïged by Oo.nus'tock P. HUI wifcU disposing of a lot oí wheat that was cliattle inortgaged. The case -vvas adjourned unti'. next Moaday for examination. The lanaer, whlcli was awarded to the Aiin Artíbir Typographiical Uniom at Detroit om Labor Díiy. ivas broaht liere Friday and preseoted io the society. Over -vhich they ieel very proudl. It is an exhihitioa at Goodspeecl's store. Secretary F. E. 'Mills received a few weel ago au offer of .$500 ior the exclusive gamiag privileges oí the grouinds dwring fan" week, and a little later $150 far the privilege of exhibitinga show "for nien only." Jiolh of tüese were ppo'mptly refused. County Commisf-ioner "Wedemeyer vfeited tlie Ypsilanti schools Friday and fonimd thiem in a prosperous conditian. Sup't ■Wliitiiey informed liim that there would 13 about 150 pupils tai .tina high school and a graduating class of at least tweaty. Th-is is a good record lor Yp'si'a.nti. The scholars wlien starting a new yr ar almost always begin by jnak'.ng goed 3eo'iiitions and parents bhould do the saine. One of the resolutions 'whicto. ehould be made and carried out is to Tisit the schools frequently. It ■encouTages the eliUdren and keeps you iniornued of their progress studies. Prof. Fred. Keeler, wlio is amv at Mt. Pleasant, at the new state Normal Scliool, writs to a friend : "AVe havo a very nice luilding. one mile south of town. I will liave four classes a day,sPhysics, Algebra, I'hysiology od Chemistry, just iny line of woik. JSo sessioji int he. afternoon. I have an office, laboratory and 'i-ecitatioa room on first iloor. We will keep lnoue herse." The production of Cleopatra in th'.S city on next Thursday O--ening, wiU be one of the fiuest things ever brought out in Aon Arbor. Xhe manager of tlie comipamy had many misgivings about reducing tli-e price of admiissioö to $1, tont being assured that in no ottiner way could lie secure a crowd be fimally coiasented., This lis tlie o.nly place in the United States where Lilliam Lewis plays lor lesst han $1.501 It te to' be hoped that ehe will no regret tlie lowering of the priioe liere to meet the deniand ior chieaps-r entertaiuments oí che first class. An Ypsi'anti case before Justice Gibso'ii Thursday, attracted considerable attemtio'ii, not only because it seomed necessary to being the case up liere to secure justice, but from iiia array of enxiaeoit legal talent engaged rheiein. Dr. Meade. a foa-mer resident ■of Ypsilanti, but now of Tetroit, brought snit agakist llrs Slieraian for pi-ofeseioima-l services rendered, in the sum of .?S9. Tlie jury. after lis: tt-nimg to ie evidence and the ab'e arg'umionbs of tlie lawyers, rendered a Terddifft in favor of tlie doctor ior $67.50. As is oftein 't!he case, only oma side is satified witii the verdict. The people who thiak that Ann Arboi' will grow any way, without tlicir aid, may wake up some mornlng aind iiaid Öiemiselves in error. Tlie people wlio are abumdantly tibie to help aloaiig an enteiprise but refuse to. do iit, with tlie idea in their head that tlieir n-eighbo'rs wi'.l do the givkug and they will step in and reap the beaieiïts, may tü.-:o fuul fome day tliat idea kinocked out of ttoeir heads in a way ithat will miketliem eoirry. Ann Arbor lia both classes Df people mentioned Qbove, aaid Blie lias too maiay of ithiem Artio aire ciever wi'.liug to give ome pemnyt o (help aldng any enterprise, but wlio are fierce to step in and 'reap (Mie benei'its after nome one" els e has Becured tliem. Tliere is oei y one way tt'O eucceed, amd tJiat is for every ■ame (to JiOlp puslu Ifc is utterly impo.ssible for tóe few to do it all. In "the ïnattei1 of securluiir tjhia underwear factody, -vhich ■svoiuUl be a wondcr.ul help to Ann Arbor, in a business way, tliere are a few enterprising, active business mem Avho can readily see the bonefits, but they eau not glve all that lis (necessary to secure it. AVhy not every oine give according to their abililty ? If tli at sliould be done, it would take onlj' a coople of days to secure the entire amooint neetled for the enterprise. Some joys of liffi make me most sad, When'l thiuk of hoiv I miss 'em. Th e girls I want to kiss are tlioae ■Vho don'iwant me to kiss 'era. -Life. ïlenry Steinbach went to Chelsea Momday a. m.t o vfcit hls poople for a week. Misa 'Matikla Bvmvn Left yesterday lor Daoisville to toe absent several weeks John Mahlke will lay the foundadatiiom far Parker's ueiv block on E. "Washington st. Juclge Harrimaa leffc yesterday ,for bis old home in Yermont, callled theve Tby the illness of a sister. The iadles of the Presbyterian church will resume their regular montlüy tea socials on Thursday evening next. B. St. James will open up his ne-w store Thursday, and everything is rapidly assuming shape inside the dose ddoore. Dr. V. J. Mummery. who has baen spending a few days in the city -vith relatlvES, returned hoime to Milford yesterday. Chas. M. Jo'nes, --ho had Teen stopping- in the city for a few days on his w-ay homie to Wicihlta, Kas., ieft for home Monda y a. m. Frank Legg goes to Plymouth this weck to have charg-e of the fine esüïbit that the Aam Organ Co. is to make at the Plymouth ?aii-. The family of Gerhard Joseohans, of E. Ann st., TrerO made happy Saturday ly the arrival oí a new xjiano, sent Mm by his mephew Kabert Traub of Detroit. All Od:d Fei:r.vs witüi their families are invited to attend the íirst fraternal social of the eeason, given by lcdge in their hall Tharsday evening. W'm. Hurs-t charffed with steaüng OOTii frota the fiel dof Chas. H. Manly, wa.s ;ined $3 coate. Capt. Manly did not dsire any perseciition or prosecu'. :on poi-ticularly, but desired lo havi the petty thieving etopped. Tlie new residence being built by Judge Bro'wn, on King-sley st., is to be by far the liaestt one in -the city, and the vtew of the Hui-on river valley, from its porches amd look-oats, eau not ba excelled by any location oo the rivier. It is simply magniflcent, and never can be interfered with. Fred C. P.oot was before Justice Pand 'Monday a. m. oharged by Veeder X Siuamadaad, the keeper of the poorhouse, with assault and battery cm' mitted last Raturday. He plead not g-ullty aed case was adjounied until Friday. It Is stated that Ucfot asserts tliat Süankland atused his falher who is at the peor hotise, and took this way to get even with him. A 5'oi'JHig man went to the county clerk o get a marriage licen-se. The clerk made a mistake and gave him a dicense fa Irant deer. Ai(ter the knot m-as tled sonie one protested and said he did ao have the proper paper. "Hei-e it is,'' Baid Ciipid, as hel handed on the hunting license. "But that's a license to htmt deer," said the otter. "Well, gol darn it," he repüed, "I guess this clerk knO'WS n-hat he's abottt ; l'vO ninted for this deer the past year, and I aki't goiing to let no pot-hunter steal my game."- Harbor SprLng-s Lilac. The Su,nny Hoair, a youth's paper published in New York, has had "the laigest flag ever floated in ew York," made, and it will be giren to the Ameiican College that receives the most votes, doiring "The World's ï'ood Fair." which opeas at the Madlson Square Garden, Oct. lst. Ann Arbor is too far away, and has not enongh wealthy friends to compete in such a contest. This is the poor boy's college, where a young boy or girl who has the desire for an education can obtain it without having to expeiid a fortune in so doing it. U. of M. Hoorah ! Hoorali ! On pae 102 of the county fair premium Hst will be found "a barrel of f'.ower" as a prize. Tlie weather vane on the tower at the H'Ortheas.t corner of the couvt house Sis om a bender. The circulatimg library trom Landing is at tüie Y. II. C. A. rooms now, xm is proviag quite interesting. The annual teacher's receptioin to the Frestimen dass of the liigh school takes in the chapel on Fr ida y e ven ing. They have had heavy frosts down eo look out ior sometlikig oL the gort here soooi, ïor the fashions travel west frou know. Rev. A. B. Storins of the Cass ave. M. E. clmrch, Detroit, deHvereil a very eloquent and learned discourse last Suinday evening at the Presbyterian church. Thiursclay afternO'on. at thtree o'clock the Woiman"s Christian TemperancO üttiön wül tueet in the parlors of the Presbyterian church. A full attenda nee is desired. , There -will be tw& üos races on ■Wedmesday and Tlmrsday of fair week, Leo, of Ypsilanti, a pacer; and Prince, of Xortliville, a t rotter, wW t the ccditesta-nts. Thie next nattonal nietins of tlie Bnotherhood oí Üt. Andiew jvfil talce place duriiasr t-hc last week of September, 'at IxradsviUe-, Ky'. Wheiher the loüiil ehapter will. eead delegates or not is nert known ut this writing-. . Dr. AYïlber B. Hiiisdale has accepted taie cluair of Theory and Practice ia the Hoaneopatliic departinent oï ahe Uoiiv'ersity, resig'niug a like positton in the Cleveland University of Medicine and Surgery to accept of it. He will remiovie üere at anee. The Somg Jomrnal for September notes a reduction in priee to $1 & yt-a.r. But the reductiom in price appears to cufc no figure in the coateints, which are "away up in G" as usual. Tlie portraits are exceïlent, tlws music fine, and the subject matter not only readable, but newsy. Ia merit Mr. J. C. AVilcots is making one of the mast Buccessful joumala pu,bliliL'd, thiat is devoted to music and. the .music traídos. Mre. Oatïharinje gt-hiappacasss wiie of the Itaüan fmit --ender known to everyo'ne here as "Tooiy" died Monday. night, of typhold fever, aged -"4 ycars. The fim'sral will protobly be ii 11 on Thursday inoirming, frO'm St. ahornas Cathoüc church, at 9 o'clock This deatih will be a great loss to a large iamily. 'tO' whoin eilfi has been a good wiie and motber. Her lü'e ha been one of toil, and Bine has coufined herself en'tirely to her ïiame and iamily. Töny wad his iainily bave the sympathy of thie public in their bereavement. To-day, at 7:00 o'olock, p. in., Frederifck A. Tinker of this city, and Mfes May Pearl Lockwood,' will be uinited üi marriage at the home ot the bride' parents in Jackson. D. C. Hunto'on, of "Waterford, will act as best man, and Miss Florence Tinker, sister oí the grooni, will be tha bride of honor, assisted by sevea bridesinalds, one of whoin is from Calcag, and the reniainder residen ts of Jackson. The cereinony wiU be perforniod iby Eev. Mr. Curry, of the lst Baptist church. The couple will com (iirectly to Ana Arbor amd will go to hoaisekeeping in their own house, 3STo. IS Willard st., which is the giii ( the groo-m's mother, Mrs. D. A. liaker, oï ithis city. This &roiuing couple will be gladly welcomed to Ann Arbor.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier