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A Ride Into The Alps How Zurich Looks To A Wheelman--an Interesting Letter

A Ride Into The Alps How Zurich Looks To A Wheelman--an Interesting Letter image
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riear Mr. Editar : Alter our two days almost jmper coptiible climb, Ave reached Newhausel anid Falls of the PJiine. I can cali it maimes, and apply a few weak adjectives but describe it - well an inStantaineous photcxgraph can not Ho It" ; a paintinig cannot ; even the poet Iiayard Taylor fails when lie saya that ''it "winnows a 'fitormy ''.hafí oí sparklin'jf diamonds." A phonograpü migílit reproduce tlie sound for you, but you muist loe tllie g-paind va fiel y oí motion unless you take your own ! eyes tüiere. I caía tell yo.ii that it has an irregular rocky ledge to pïuaige froim, tliajt fomr huge limestone ro?ks sieem to attempt to bar its way and ome oí tiheim has bsen buttressed to keep it {rom beimg hurled away ; that finare are Tainfbows in the elouds of (íihery ep.ray amd tbhat the omerald g'ieeiri maiss oí -watar rushes by the abóme parapet, whare we litand, wiin a raar lite aa angry sea ; but adequiately OieisoTibe it, I camiot. We leít it and were dazed and hushed by it (baaoity aaá grandeur until we rcaclhed Shafihauísen, two mi'es beyojMÍ M-iherO new and Strange scènes u-akened us. A fine oíd round tover high on a hill and the cathedrál in wüiich is the bell which inspdred. SclülU;i 's '.Song oí the Bell" are th3 eniel attracttons. began our real ride in ihe AIps, Cor we set out for Zul ieh. Wluii. U uidimg a. bieycle in the Alps ? It partly a b:rd, flying and iloating. paitly beln? a gally slaTe, toillng ainitl rnoilimig. We would make a Iony asceiut -svith muscles taut apd the eppoctoet ohaiu' creaklmg and our mandi: aJl otolivlous to the billowy hilJp abomt ub, tliien fro'm tlue summit all is re!a xed'aud with feet on the coasters, we 'f loa for two or three mi'.es and exciaim ev&vy now a.nd Ithen in wonder admiratioiii over eome view which wü are ao'w perleCfcly f ree to cnjoy. We reactoed Zurloh. Tlxink ol a site inliaT:td in pieliistoric times as L,acustrinjs remains ebxyw. Imagine a lomg, palé gresn laks Avhosrs shores ar; outtoeiJ by oro'hards, vineyards, amd d'lag-es. Beliijid this ücene, conjure ''o."ty Alpine mountains wlth tlnir clia.dami3 oí emow and fclie iantasfc_ p;-ak oí the Kosstock ramge. Fancy yonrself on a long bridge whk-h spans tho emi'J of tha lake where the ïiver enters upon whose tanks the city of Ziirich lies. Tben look up' tlie river liueil by qoiaint liouises, a modern brary, and an o'd time stained catdieïlral. Bult you can, not make yourseh' as uncomfortab'e as we were hen we trled to find our way to Zug. Tli.ere are eeven best ways and we foiuxd seven. different people who spoke ge Men different laiigLnges an.l veliemoat-ly advised a certaia route and asserted solemnly that all otliere were impia-ssable. Ia desperation., we took our map, glmt our teoth luird to.uptlier ajid set out on a route we ehiotse ourselves. We soou g'ot into ■i i-ace with a steam tramway and uiiconsaicrasiy coTerOd a sTeat deal of grouiid and oursielves witli chpap glory of beaming tlie cars. Dartness caim on a.nid we were on a lonely m-oumfcain Toad oier-arclied by plne trees. In the twlüght thero was a 1 iuht 'groein 'haza over everything. The adT was pure a.nd tho ni"lit insects 1Urily 'liummed about u,? bxit aair f-peed sa ved us from any unpleasant anOas. At Iast a tanig glaraoms coast and ive fotuind aurselves in -vhere a nfeht's rest ]Of t up liglit hearted and opein cyod fdr tihe liaJco beamties about us. Views of tiiO Rigl in0un'tains and Pilatus and the Bernse Aips are tlio charan oí Zug, together ■witli lts am'tiquio walls and tolvers. On a lonely road e set out for Lut ri no. Tlie crack of a teamster's wUp alome distuirbetl the stillness. TliLs ■beaimstier of the mdulntains alir;iy. giets Ji'Ls cart and oxea at an .'ingle aero -as rtflie ro&d nuil ti, -mi stop tlieni ':o fíee yo (g-o by w khti yon oant. The valley oí ths Euftans i a cliai a;t -i-i-tic Swlss vale w tere vh steep feidee dotted witli ícrttage nn:l the Iwttofm lands íi.avO ui occa s-iiO'n.l toiwn. The p:ospero.i líwisa f Mimar has a cottage witai an nm brella likO roof whiefh proje ts some times ten feet over the sidos and the siding looks like the ecales of a large fii4i. TIie wtodo-ws are orten. filled wfth Powers. Theee dweHtoga nre vor. pMasicig and pretty iu tJieir place In a Swiss valley. Tlie.v soem a pavf tf tQue la.a(ls:cape. "Ve -vere oblfejed to iniíy out d'laneir at one of ■fchwsa eo'ttojg-es of the huimler clafs íun.-l whife we ate ouir coarsa bread aaifl inilik and Harry ate som horrible po-rk wbich he pu,rchnlssl a.íflitional. I mobed ttua initerinr. A s'naí Iloor, a wilimsr Biiippo.rtod by huice beams smofed black, a stcrve aboi;t the sl?e un1.'! ehapia oí a staimer train ic, a clock with la brass íace aind a !arae tick, i, l-azor huing o'ver the door !ke Damocles, sword, amd various' religious dhromoB complete tbs Tisiblü interior, bilt tJiere Ls an O'dioiriferous ind nuriferous interior which cannoc lie told. ! alu goinig to íglre a sort r-f vondeneed g-ude tw-oJc dessTipftioin f Trúceme. It Ilias Avalls and mine an-i nt watcho-ners. It faces the snow-olad Alps of tttie XJri. There nre mediapval overed bridges painted v ith iicenes roni tiheHve? of Balnts. 'Hip fainoiia 'LkKi öf Luof-rne" is liy Tliorw.ildsen. Lake vi:]i magnificent monntains ii'liind it is Iieaaitiful enöugfo to lie ïawated oya wfrale íkimm t ï -water Üetttes.. But lo-ve'iest of :ill l tlie wealth of tra dit ion and story whlch is associated with. its banks. It is au aHogetlier lovely epot if on3 could omly escape the hotel, the cat, the eteíitnlioiat amd oüiet' vexations for Avhich nature an-d the genius of the p'ace are hot to llam. We Ungered long and wheeled away reluctainfy. Iicirn3 !iad nonv be?ome goal. ValleyB of ricüi pasturo lainul and. liijh abo've, beaut:ful pine forests pleased the eyes and niade our rlidc deligKtfu1. The houses remind rus of Uttle Eed Kidkugliood's grandmo'ther. Great, tulky, round shoulderec! iruoiuiatiains rise at times riglrt "bef oro you acid as t hey sit upon thetr t.liTOlmes of rock with their robes of torests they eeem majestically to defy your p'assag'e fout the t-oad goes round nrnd the failroad goodnatured'y dives t.hroiuigh . ThO line of forest treel Is draw a om a mountainside with sucili miülltary precisioe tïiat Birname ■■ood Bo&ifi to be marchiing in very tiu'tli. 'Mionntain Btreanis are crossed by covered bridges and the roof is go hug-e tihiat it usually has the appoaramce of Iiaviing Bquelched the bridge, flow we reacJied Berne and what we diid I ehall teil you later.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier