Worthy Your Confidence
TIn; uceess oi' Hood's SarsapariHa in coiiquering scrofula in -whatever -vay It may manifest itselï is vouched ior by thousands who were severely afflicted by this prevalent disease, Uut who now rejoice over a permanent euro by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Scrofula may appear as a humor, or it may atlack theglands oí the neok, or breaU out In dreadful running sores on the i ody 'or limbs. Attacking the mucous numbrane, It may develop into catorrli or lodging in the hings lead to consumption. Come as it may, a faithful course of treatment vvith Hcotl's Sarsaparilla wlll overeóme it, ior working apon the foundation oí all diseases, impure blood, the system Is clarified and vltallzed, and vigor, strength and health restores to ilie body.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier