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lier. C. A. Yóung ■ 11 speak at tlie Y. M. C. A. meeting Sunday p. in. at 2:45 o'clock. At iast Ann Arbor is to have a para broker. Adolph Welnterg has taken out a lieense therefor. The registratlon at the .School of Music noiv numbers 125, which is lar altead oí last year at this time. On Friday evening Mr. and Mis. Hos Granger are to give a party to their Juyenile friends, at the Aeademy. The jurors, lawyers and court oflicials took a day of rest yesterday front the arduons duties of the day previous. p Di. IE. P. Copeland has put in a teleplionc, as also have W. G. Palmer the State st. druggist, and W. E. Pardon the market man. F. C. Parker has bought a half interest of Frank Minnis, in hls ïacor strop, and it will be manufactured on a large scale soon. Any lady desiring the use of a piano Tor practico, inqulre at the Young Womans' ChrÍ3tlan Association rooms any Thursday afternoon between the houra of tWD and four. Tlie wldow of the late Frank H. Pattee, both of hora were former residente of Ann Arbor, and well k::ovvn 'here, wi 1 1 e buried lo-day fiom the famüy residence in Ypsi anti. Thf! evening classes started by the Y. M. ('. A. are well patronized, and it is very encouraging to the carnest w oí kers in that organization to know tbatthelr eflorts are nppreciated The I. O. O. F. encampment here has eaused the city to be finely decorated, and notwithstanding the unpleasani state of the atmosphere, a gieat niaiiy have leen in attendance. Miseea Hatfle A. Crlppen, llattie Warner and Julia B. Eoys have been chosen delègates by the local association, 't o attend tlie state convention Y. V C. A. at Hiflsdale next week. People desiring article? and no;ices Ie thé Courier should remember that It is impoesible to set all the type therefor ■on Wednesday. To insuie pub-ication 'all noticea must be liandi' .1 la by Tuesday noon. Andrew 'J. Lucas died on Monday evening of Bright's disease, at his home on 13th st., aged 63 years, 4 mouths. Funeral services will be held at -the 2d Baptist cliurch to-day, lïev. Jfr. Johnson of Ypsilanti, officiating. Tlic dancing Beason opened Monday -. M-.i ing at ihe Stutest. dancing aeademy, Kickel's Hall. There were a laige irumber of young peop'.e in attendance and tlie prospects are veiy fiattering. Mrs. Ty'er furnishes the music. The opening party at Granger's on Saturday evening was a brilliant one, and many of Mr. and Mrs. Granger's friends and former pupils passed an exceedingly pleasant evening. Music for the season will be furnished l:y Minnis' Society Orchestra. Thr subscriptions for the Ypsilanti Underwear Co. are still being made, and the committee now have considerable hope oï succeeding. If ihey do, they will deserve the praise of everybody in Ann Arbor, for it will bi; a grand thing for her business inteiests. Tliere were the largest uumker oí visitiug brothers at Fraternity Lodge 1'. L- A. M. nlst l'riday eveniug that bas been their good fortune to see iu many a day. It took about an liour and a hall to examine the visiors. and they were from Florida on tbe south to California on the west and Massachusetts on the east. Amither total eclipse has l;een announced by astronorners whlch we di' not find recorded with the others for 1895. It is a recent diseoveiy and takes place Tliursday night Oct. 17. The eclipse will commence at :"', iu the evenlng, the moon's beauty wlU then solwly cover until 11:00 wiieu the total eclipse will be on. 'J'he animal meet ing of Zion "Lutheran church was held last evening .■nul was a heated and lengthy one. Ceorge Miller was elected deacon and Jlichael Braun and John Walz, Sr-, trustee. The resignation of L. Uoes as school teacher as asked for and Rev. Max Hein, pastor of the church, wsua reiiuested fo hand in nis resignation 'vithin tour weeks Daily Times October 8th. The conimon council met Monday evening in a lengthy and somewhat uaiih session. Bills were allowed amounting -to $12,701.53, of which ovei $8,000.00 was for sewers. The Board of Public Works received its semi monthly scoring, and niany other thiugs of a progressive nature. The Ann Arbor Water Company asked for an increase in its rate for the flushing tanks for sewers, and a commitlee was appointed to return thanks for ihe re-ciristening of the T. & A. A. R. R. to the Ann Arbor lïailway Co. "W. ;. and E. Dieterle now iiave a telepbone. Work on the :!d degree Friday evening by Fraternity Lodge F. & . M. TIk ladies chorus of the Lyra Singing Society wlll meet tonight at 7 o'cloek at the hall. Leu II. Clement lias received Ironi X( u York, for hls own home, an elegant new baby grand Mehün iJiano. The Politica! Kquality Club will meet at Newberry Hall, Thursday at 3 p. in. A good attendanee is desired. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will hold their monthly tea socla' to morro w evening in the parlorK of their church. The first faculty concert will be giren at Frieze Memorial Hall on Thursday, to-morrow evening. It will be of the usual high order. The marrlage of M!ss Minnie A. Schwelnfurth and Chas. S. ;-5weeney place this evening at the home oi the bride's parents on S. State st. Ilenry Frank, who formerly earrled on business where the 8hetterly Bros. barber shop now is, and later went to Saline, is now with Vred Besinier. ' The Bible as Literature, " -sill te C'obern's thenie in 1he Mefhodist church next Sunday morning. In the oven i lis he will speak on "The Bibïe as an Iuspired Revelation." A■e'ch Post G. A. I!. wi 1 have an open meeting on Tuesday evening Oct. 22d at 8 o'colck. Col. Dean and T. Q. A. Sessions will give them a description of their trip to Chickamaugat John W. Bennett and Henry B. Dodsley have each been eleeted as honorïry members oï Praternity Lodge F. & A Jí., they having assisted the members of that lodge in various :,y by their services. The Freehman Xo. of The "vVrinkle i a dandy - that is it is just out. The tille page is a novelty in the Beardsley style of art-itecture. The Wrinkels are on every pase, of whlch Mother Goose melodies woiked over for the Freshman is not the least. It proves itself quite a barker. The attendance at the high school na. not been up to its past record thi.s year, although about fifty nevr student have registered within a eouple of weeks, bringing the numbers up ti about those of last year. The graduating class, however, will not go aboye i-ixty this year, a considerable falling o.'f. The lower classes are full. The Anti-Tramp Society's annual meeting was not a success ia way of attendance, but it was considered of sufficient importance to continue its existence as the work already done has been of much value to the community. You can obtain tickets oi membership by calling on the ireaeurer, Chas. E. Hiscock, and paying tlie price, $1. Saturday evening a lellow named Fred Williams stole a horse and carriagc belongln.i; to Chas. Goodspeed, and in attempting to get out of town with it, the horse became unmanageable and ran into a post, throwing Williams out. And so he was caught and landed in jail. He proves to be au old offender and will probably be tiied at this term of court, unless II'; pelads guilty. It is gently intimated that when the truth is all known about the ferreting out and capture of Cuyler Barton, the Lyndon and ünadilla fire bug. that our Sheriff Wm. Judson, will come in for a share of the good work In fact it is not at all improbable that he may get the glory thafc all the other fellows are snatching after so ilve'.y. One thing is sure. But little credit justly belougs in any outside olficers. It was all dono by our own officials.