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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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S1NFÜL HABSTS IN YOÜTH ? LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD K MAKE NERVOUSJDISEA&ED MEN Bat the blossom oí manhood, while others are forced to drag ont a weary, trxba ffj Qmclancholy existence. Others reach matnmony bat fiad no Bolaco or comfort re-LU Kvictims are fonnd ia aü stationo of life:-The farm, the ome?, the worHsnop, Me Pt"P"'J Rthe trades and the professions. . : t S RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K. A K. g ÏWm.A. WALKER. Wm. A. WALKER. Í1RS. CHAS. FERRY, CHAS. FERRY. JSbfoiie teeatment aftee treathent Divorcedbntunitedagaia L tST-NO NflIWES OR TEST1IV1ON1ALS IÍ3ED WITHOUT WRITTEN CCNSEMT.-a MSi A. valker of lOth Street says:-"I have enffered &QVPHI3 IQ tmtold annies f or my "gay life." I wasindiscreetwhen OYrnll_IO youngandignorant. A8 "One of the Boys" I contracted UI CMIQQinMQ Bypliilis and othor Private dieeases. I had ulcere m theW Mg ELIVIIÖOB'U'IO montUandthroat, bone pains, hair loóse, pimples odJ (Í2 QTRIPTIiRP tace, finuer nails carne off, emissions, bocame thm and-i t Ol nll;l Ullt despondent. Seven doctors treated me witli Mercury.f in -[ IRCn Potaah,eto. ïhey helped me bat conld not cure nie.Sfl llt UUntU lfi:,rJlvafiiondindncedmetotry3Jrs.Kennedy&Kergan.B' IRThcir New Method Treatment cared me in a few weeks. Their treatment 18 wonderfal.K ÏÏYoii feel yoarselt gaining ovory day. I havo never heard of their iailing to care in a singleg JScase" t-GURES GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED . KCapt. ('has. Ferry says:- "I owemy life tp Drs. K. & Kinjirir-rcIMrX f AtUIleamedabadhabit. At 21 1 had all tho sjmptpma iMPOTENCY la "f Beminal WoaKness and típormatoirhcsa, Emiasiona rUfrflt S" E Mvrere i raining and weakeniug m vitality. I married at VARICUOtLc. Y, MgZi advice of my family doctor, bat ït was a rMiOCiniUC t lllsad Incishtetn mor.;,. , wo were divorced. I ElVlIbblUiiO " SlSthen onsuked Drs. K. & K., wl.o r-stored me to manhood _ IDFn L lby their New Method Treatment. Ifsltanewhfethrillthrongh UUKtU W Ifeliiiy ix'ives. We were united again and are hapy. This was _ - t "six yoars ago. Dra. K. & K. are soientific specialists and I heartüy recommend them." pj! 9 '"VVc treat end cure Varicccc'.; Emissions, Nervous Debility, SeminalQ V&lVeafcness, Gleet, Stricture, Sy'pkilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self 'Abusé Kidney and Bladder Diseases. ■ ÍK 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK ftoPAniCDI Areyouavictim? Haveyoulost hope? Areyon contemplating mari iJifitAUtïl ! riage? Has your Blood been diseasedi1 Haveyou any weakness? OnrW JKNew Method Treatment will curo vou. Whatit lias done for oth-rs it will do for you T lmpñws!LTATinN FREE No matter who has treated you, wnte for an honest opimon I1 reeaa Fof Chae. Charsps reasonable. BOOKS FREE-"The Golden Monitor" (iUastrated), onP IllDÍBea8esof filen. Inclose postase, 2 cents. Sealed. i, n ÍS-NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI-E VATE No medtcine sent C O. D. Nonames on boxes or envel-J Sones Everythingeonfldential. Question list and cost of Tret- Snrrent,FREE. ■ No. 148 SHELBYST .ü ! DETROIT, MICH.


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