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A Famous Reformer

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HE. G. J. FREEMAN SPEIKS FREELY OF HIS LIFE AND WORK. He Has Written and Preached on Both Sides of the Atlantic -Recently the Victim of a Peculiar Affliction from Which He was Released ín a Marvelous Manner. trom the fferald, Boston, Maas. KEV. C. J. FHEEMAK, A.B., Pfl.D. No. 157 Emerson St., South Boston, is the present home of Rev. C. J. Freeman, A. B., Ph.D., the recent reetor of St. Mark's Episcopal Church at Anaconda, Jlont. During the reform movement which has swept over I!oston, Dr. Freeman has been frequently heard from through the various newspapers and although a resident of comparatively recent date he lias exerted much public influence which has been increased by the fact that he was ten years ago on a commission appointed in England to investígate the troublesome question of the vice of great cities. He has preached before cultured audienees in the old world, as well as to the rough pioneers in the mining towns of the Rocky mountains, and his utterances as well as his writings have been in the line of progress and liberality, well-seasoned with practical mon sense. Dr. Freemau has written this paper a letter whichwill be read with much interest He says :- "Some fiye years since I found that deep study and excessiye literary work, in addition to my ordinary ministerial duties, were underinining my health. I detected that I was unable to understand things as clearly as I usually did ; that after bnt little thought and study I Buñered from a dull pain in the head and greatweariness, and all thought and study became a trouble to me. I lost appetite, did not relish ordinary food, after eating suffe'ring acute pains in the chest and back. There was sourness of the stomacli, and the most of my lood seemed to turn tosour water, with most siekly and siiffocating feeling in voraitine up such sovir waier. At tliis time I consulted several physicians. One said I was run down, another said I had chromc indiecstion ; bnt this I do know, that witn all the prescriptions which thpy gave me I was not improving ; for in addition, I had pains in the regions of the kidneys, a verv sluggish hver, so much so that I was very niuch like a yellow man, was depreseed in spirits, ïmagmed all sorts of things and was daily beeoming worse and feit that I should soon become a confirraed invalid if I did not soon iinderstand my complaints. I followed the advice of physieians most severely, but witn all I was completely unable to do my ministerial duty, and all I could possibly do was to rest and try to be thankful. After eighteen months' treatment I found I was the victim of severe palpitation of the heart, and was almost afraid to walk across my room. Amid all this I was advised to take absolute rest from all mental work. In fact, I was Iready unable to take any duty for the reason that the feeling of complete prpstration ifttr the least exertion precluded "me from áíy duty wliatever, and it appeared to my minü that I was very near being a perfect wreei. As for takine absolute rest, I could not tak more than I did unless it was so absoluta as to rt in the grave. ïhen it would have been absolute enough. _ "It is now quite three years, sirnre, in addition to all the pains and penulties whih I endured, I found creeping upon me a peculiar numbness of the left limos, and in iact could not walk about. ]f I trica u walk I had to drag the lef) foot along bhe ground. Thepowtr of locomotion seemed te be gone, and I was consoled with the jnformation that it was partial paralysis. Whether i; was or not I do not knovr, but this T do knfi ■ , I could not walk about and I began tothiiik niy scoond childhood had conrinenued :it ihe ii{je of forty-one years. "JustaboHi tyo years agooralitüe more, a mini ime to see me. I raa sick in bud and could hardlym'ove, and hewas something like old Job's comforter, althoueh notquitp. Hehadmuch regret and commiseration which was a very jor halm for a sick man. But the best thing be did say ws this: " Did you ever see Pink Pilis?" T said, " who ilj the world is hc ? " He said, " AVhy do you not try Pink Pilis ? " He said good bye very affectionately, so miicli so that doubtlcss he thouglit it was last farewell. Nevertheless, alter thinking a Hule, 1 just une to the conclusión that I would make an innovation and see what Pink Pilis would do. I looked at them, and I said can any good possibly come out of those little pink things? Any way, I would sec. I was suspicious of Pink Pilis, and I remembered the old proverb: "Sospetto licentia fede " "suspicion is the pustport to iaiih." So Pink Pilis I obtainci, and Pink Pilis I swallowed. But one box of thein did not cure me, nor did I feel any different. But after I had taken nine or ten boxes of pills I was decidedly better. Yes, I was certainly improving and after eifrht months of Pink Pills I could get about. The numbness of the left limb was narly gone, th pain in the icad had entirely ceased, the appetite was better, I could enjoy food and I had a frae quiet action of the heart without pa]pitatira. In fact, in twelve naonthg I was a new creature, and to-day I can stantl and speak over two hours without a rest. I can perform all my public duties which devolve upon me without fatigue, and do all the walking whiclï I have to do, and am thankful for it. I can safely say I was nver in a better state of health than I am to-day, and that I attril.ute it to the patiënt, persevering use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis. "Ifully, cordially and strongly comraond Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis to all or aay who suffer in a similar way, and feel sure that any one who adopts Pink Pilis ivith perseverance and patience cannot find their eipectations mirealized or their reasonable hopcs blasted But he will find that blussing whicb. is the revarl of a full trust in a true and reliable remedy. I shall alwaya wish and desire the gmitest succcss for Dr. William' Pink Pilis and always eherish a deep íeeüng of gratitude tn the friend who firet said to me buy Pink Pilis. I have tried them and knor their trua value, and am truly glad that I did, for I have lound from them a good expprience, to do more tlian is actually claimed for them." Very faithfully yours C.J. FBEtifAN', A.B.,Ph.D. ___ Late rector of St. Mark's. Montana. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis contain, in a condensed form, all the elements necessaryto nve new ]jfe and riehness to the blood and restore shattered neryes. They are an iinfaülng speeinc tor Ruch djseases as locomotor ataxia partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, seiatiea neur5f8ia' jneumatiim, nryous headache, the alter effect of 1 grippe, ralpitation of the neart, pale and gttUpvr coinplexions, all forms of weakness rither in nn!o or feniaie. Pink PiJIs are sold by all dualer, or wUl W sent postpaid on recipt of price, (50 oentaïlmx or six boxra lor Í2.S0- fliy are nevr sold in mlkorby the 100) byaddressing nr.Williams' Medicine Company, Seheaectady, N. Y.


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