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Washtenaw County

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The high schtool at Tpsilanii is ;;ettm; up a ieoture ctourse. J. C. Ilarper has returned, ijom . southern trip to Müan. Mrs. Tru man Ealdwin. of Chelsea, Ciet; Oct. 19, aged SI years. Torn MeNamara, of Chelsea, was ii ji Ann Arfcor vieitor over Sundny. The Milan Leader man had a i adlsh passed in to his sanotum that The Ypsilanti Normal lecture cou'se Ijicl - fair to Le very success"ul ihis year. 1'. Wilkinson has returned to Chelea, after a fe.v weeks spenti n Ann All or. And now P.ymouth aspiren to ol;ctric lights. Her aspirations ihou'd be realized. Sarah, "wife of Duncan Wm. J. Canfield, of Ypsilanti town, died ITriday last of asthina, .agei about 73 years. The Southern "Yas:ite.iav Farme s CJub aneet.3 on Friday Xov. 1, at tlie residence of M. L. BaJdiwn, near Manchester. Au e'ect'.oa, to deci.le whsthar the O.'ú c harte:1 a H3W o. ie! under the general law will be adopted, is to be liekl in Ypsilanti on Nóv. 4. The flrst entertainment in the tourse to be given afc CiieUea, occurs "Wednesday eve;iins Xov. G, and ■will be by J. "Wi'liams Jlacy. Mrs. Lucy A. Morton, of Chel.-:ea, dieü Oct. IS, agecl 79 yoars. She vas the molher oí Mts. Wm. Jud5-cn, -n-hose husband is sheriff of this county. The sweet singer of Michigan has awakened to song again, and eaeh ■oek wables - excuse us - warbles under the head o: "Local and Personal" In the 'Clinton Loca'. Henry 1). Platt and wife, while diiring on the S. Ypsilanti road the other day, were thrown out of the cairiage, Lut nofc injured. The horse gvot scareJ at the motor. Mrs Ella J. Capion, rea Mouroe, WBO "svas born in Chelsea, July .'26, 1850, died at Eaton Eapids, Oct. 18, and the remains were Interred In the Vermont cametery at Chelsea. At the county fair at Ann Arbor the Ypsilanti schools were awarded ioui special prizes for the besb reading and. the best recitation and $20 -cortil oí books for the best general r orki - Sentinel . Despite the hard times, Chelsei has tokec. fome ïjrand strides in improvenients during the pist year, and, as one notes them, he or she oannot fail to be proud of the beautiiul vülage o; Chelsea. - Che'sa HeralJ. It n.i Ai ii Arbor paper should brag like that he supervii-oi-s would islap on H00 000 oi $500,000 on to lier valuuiou ■Willie I'. Barton writes to the How ell Hcra'd a letter pronounoing the stoi-y oí his nncle's arrest ih it. was pub'ishel in somo o' the Ann Arbor papers ;is uatrue. ' fx claim3 !o " :e Oione all of tha detective work 1 impelf, an.i alter otainlng positivo krowledge he d'.vulged it to live i'cighbor's 'iving thereatoouts una 1o ihc pi-o-ecnting at:orney of this coun"Win. Baxter, our oldest merchant, rcceived a cali froin a stranger last Tl:ursday who intiOiluced himself and said that he boardcd with Mr. Laster 58 years ago while putting machinery in the oíd wooleu mi:l for Mr. Doty. After eyeing the strauger a moment thi veteran store keeper pointei to a chair aai sa' ' : ' riien, sit down in that chair, that's 58 years o'd and cue you sat in at that time."' The conversation that followed had much o!" historie interest.- Manchester Enterprise. Gilbert ICel'ogg f.nd Cora Hanson were married at Milan recently, and ore rcs'denti of Ana Arbor. Georgo TV. "WJson, or Salem, 'lied 0 t. 17. He was born at Ovid, JS. Y. He carne to Salem in 1837. Grading on the Ann Arbor R'y Ie tween hore and itilan has been compïeted, and the grades have been ve:y luueh rerluced. David Cordon. James ColMns, Chester Hale of Saline, and A AV. SchoKelci of Salem, have taken out deer liienees at the county clerk's ofiice. The résignation oí Eev. H M. Morey, of the Presbyteriau church, "Spsilanti. will not be acccptel u.rtil a ommit e?, of the Detroit Pres'otery, c.onslstin? of Dr. Patterson and Jas. 1'. Joy, of Detroit, and Eev. ,T. M. Gt-Vton, of Aun Arbor; investígate the matter. The tax for Livingston c-ounty i liis jear. amounti to $18,000, of whlch ÍT-,900 -will go to pay i:s ijounty crfieialf1. The equalizeil valuation is S-j 2,000,000, f which the i-.üy of BwteU comes In for ,'?l,830,000, just alcut an even milliou more than any 1 1! township in tho county. Tl.e oondensed milk factory at Howell is so successful that itr has ueen round neeessary to doublé the capacity o the same. Upwards of b0,()()(i lbs. of milk are visedi dai'y aow. The p:oduct of 1h; iactory meets wiih rc-ady sale, and sixteen car loada of 600 cases each were shippel duiing tli e last three weeks. Kaid a -well known and successful raimer 'Monday : "II I count 'ïiy investment at what I was offered) ior my farm 15 years ago, ?75 per acre, Í pui no'fc doing a pvoatab'e busiaesg. 1 do' nat want td be considereö a calamity bowler, lmt if my ■ii'.ome must measure ths va'.ua of my land. f35 or $-ÍO a acre is all it is wortlv'. I do not know what lias brought this abont, bufc am inciiuea to think it is the increasing valué oí the gold do'lar."' Vnd he vas right.- Ypsilanli Setitinel. "Wi'l the Sentinel p'eass tel why ? Tli e people of Kalamazoo are justiy nidignant. Ex-Gov. Feck, of "Visconsin, lias Ie3n casting reflections npon the fair held in that city. This t-s the lün? at one of the ladies on the managsmeit of the fair to raise funds ior the benefit of the eHurch : : A Chicago travehng man attend.ed 1lui church fair at Kalamazoo, where c.ue oi the sisters wouUl give a niss teu cents. He went up and pain his ten cents, and was al out to U'6 her when he noticed that her nicuth was one o; those large, openfaee, cylinder escapement, 1o be continued, mouths. It conimemel at tlio chin, and went about four '-hains cv.C three links in a noríhwesterly diiection. Uien around by her car, pcioss the r.ose anl back ty lbo ö'.her ear to the placo oí "ceginnirg. iinl containing twelve acre-, moie or Iese. Tho travellng man sai(i lic was only a poor orphan, anrt had a family to support, and if lic never came out aliv ie would l; a great' hardship u;jo:i 'Jio-o clependcut upon him íor a Hvelihood. .-■i.' he Ih it o -e considrel it s ife-t tr forfelt the staken au 1 not ilak uch u p;ec:u'ou.3 adventure."


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier