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A COIN CATBCHISM : By J. K. Ijpton, Ass'stant Secreary oí the Tieasury under Secretarie; Shermíin ff iv'om rnd Iol ; i7inanc'a' Stati tieia-i o' the '■■Uíventh Ceisus and nut! or of "Morí' y in Politice." Chicago an:l New York. Tic Werner Or. C'oth 50 i'.s. i;aper 25 cení . This it le Look, tou'd it be placed 1 o ore t lie iu:issef iu such a way ihat tiiey -svould listen to lts reasoning nd ;i:l y eompreliend its statemeivs, wculd be a great educator as rav af the íinances oí ihe country and ihe vcik1 .iré cODCerned. In the ca e ehi&m sty'e. by asking and answering oue.-t'ons, Mr. TJpion in a brief way tells many p'ain truttt The statisüca! tab'es, tliongh not extensivo, ara each and every one U'ustrators and edacator.-. They teil sorac very pomted tales witli siraply figures to to i (heín witli. The compar son oí values five decades is somewhat startling, if one has never given the sul je -t a thoughl. ine JUierenre ia pi-iee-i of the necessi.les, íood ai d e otl e3, and of wages thoe ilecaue is au argument in favor, cf I he pi otee: !-y.stem than nny could possibly exprei-s. Tlien the omparaave table? of commoditie3 and (oin, laking Mexico -mil the ünlteü Slates, are excreme'y intructive. The nuthor hns laken a liy .'ind abstract subjeit and made it not only readable bnt very pointed. The work oiight to have an extended circulatie it among the people. TO STtTDY S.TBANGEKS BY 1 EMPEEAMENT, FACE AND HEAD: By Nekon Sizer. fSO pages. Octavo. Over 3C0 illustiatiöns. Clotu. $1.50. New lork; & Wels Cc, Pultisb'ers, 27 Kast Twenty-fir3t Kt. The author of this work iias Tor iiioie t!an 56 yeard Ie mi engaged in i, ■ study of huma chavacter, and a? the result o; suen and varied eperience has p a '.ook the oljeet of which ia to teac.n, ore Jiow to read the character of tlxe stranger or the fiienl, how to unfold the üature of man that one msy ïead lrm a he is. It is simple: and pointed m itt. language. The three leadi. g features of the book are : I. The Analysis and Illustration of the Human Temperament. IL. Child Culture. III. Character Studies. 'Human character is the most impoitant snbject known to man. Uu!ess we are hermits ve cannot) avoid coming in contact wifch strangers, R-liom in business we are obliged to trust or distrust ; ■ or In friendship ind love, confide in or avoid. Therefoi-e we must often be sufferers, un!ess by instinct or science, we can kiicw at sight the character of the v-orthy 'or unworthy.'' So says the siithor, and Ihis work wouW indeed be valuable if it taught how lo surely tüstinguish between the good and the 'Experience is the only teacher or tliat. Nevertheless, there are a grea.t many good things in book, and if it only liad a cloth cover, one vouid be temptéd to put it in liis Hbruiy and keep it. Tlie illustrations consist almost entiieiy o.' heads of people so that many of tl e prominent men and women of the day and ihe natlon, and í ome who aren iot so prominent, have portroi'.s somewhere on these 3G8 pages. Ii one has time he can pass many an iutcresting 'liour in looking over ihis licoki.


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