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The Famous U. Of M.

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Dr, Artliur H. Coe, medie '88, of Spokan, Wash., lias been visiting the d.iversity during the week. The banquet given by the Univerelty fclasonic club at Hangaterfer's Saturday evening, was a jolly affair. Frank .1. Riggs, Jaw ':2. y rank C'. fooi '!)1. and Eimer E. Allor 92, iiow bare out their shingle in Detroit as Kiggs, (Ook & Allor. Success to Ihem. The first vesper service oï xhe year at Unlversity Hall. was held yester2 aílernoon, at -i O'dock. A '.horus oí ïii'ty voices inaugurated the iu viqes. President Angelí has been nonored CLce again by the president of the Cnited States, tliis time bèing appointed a member of the deep water ways. commission. Prof. II. C. Adams, as a memoer of the state board oí visltors, inbed the Michigan Military Acadein;' at Orchard Lake, Thursday. He reporta everything in splendid eondi1ion. The U. of M. foot ball leun won Iroiu Oberlin Saturday j. in., oy a score oí 42 lo U. Tlie same Jay Harm-ó was deXeated by Princeton by a score of 12 to -1. Michigan's icani v il go east In rather a cripp'.ed eonöition, some of her best playera 1 ein;- laid up by injuries received in piactice. Abctut 1,000 students expect to take a cl vaut age of the $5 excursión and ge to Boston to see the U. of M. ooys v.allop Harvard in the Rugby ganye. - I'iftckney Dispatch. That is a niis1ake. Tlie University authorities to allow the boys to go in any gieat nuinbers. and only those who nave perfect recitat-kms are aUowed to take any part in any of the .ithIetic sports. A flunk means a plurk in athletics for the lover, thereof . rrobably the largest Alumni Asbociütiou in the country has been toimeO at Detroit, by the g-raduates of the ü. of M. in tliat city. Hou Don J! Dicknif-on has been ehosen president, Miss Winifred Lane vice president, Earl. D. Babst secretary and ueasnrer, George P. Codd, C. M, Barton H. H. Swan and W, C. Johnson dJiectors. The names of many of th-j most prominent people oï I)e1ioit appear among the members. Iii The Law Studenfs Helper, for pclober, pubüshed by W. S. Spi-i.mie, ot Detroit, is a fine article on Luw Department of the University of Jlichifi-an." It is illustrated Avilh poitraits 'Of President Angelí, Prof. Harry B. Hutchins, dean of tüe law l'aculty, and also a eut of Tudge Cooley, made from a photograph of o! hls bust in the law building. 1 hu article givea an excellent ilescriptior. of the workings of this, the larget-i law school in America, and also blief biographies of President Angelí and Pean Hutchins. It is well wrikten and very interesting. At a meeting of the Detroit 'jranch of the CoUegiate Alumnae at Detroit I'iiday, there was a very full attendance. The members enjoyed a pleasant lunch at noon. and aïterward Bon. Herbert Welch of Philadelphia, ddivered an extreme'y interesting addios. Mrs. F. N. Scott oí Vnn ArLor was ehosen president. Mrs. Geo. " . Patterson, assistant secretary; Mis Clias. H. Cooley. treasurer and Mis. W. A. Campbell and Mrs. IK C. Adams diretcors for the ensuing year. There had been paid to the FeUowship fr.nd J?50, to the woman's gymnasiun- of the University, $281.31, and $"■70 additional pledged to that cause. The "festivities" of Haüowe'en were ved as usual in this city. 5ome e:' the fun loving boys who iail to Lave a just idea of where funleaves c;f and lawlessness begins, overstep1 c-d the bounds somewhat and trouble v itb. the local pólice authorities resuKed. One student was arrested Min put in ja.ll and the next morning p;U; Justice Pond for the fun. The c-i'fieers did their best to protecti the property oí citizens from destruction, sno showed a great deal oí pluck iigainst overwhelming odds. These rtithes and pranks come almost exciusively from the Freshmen. the older clas-ses being more carei'ul .ibout their cenduct and exercising better judgii ent.


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