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"He that hath ears let him. ear." Husking is so hard this dry weather that kind hearted people have been relieving some farmers of the job by stealing their corn. Mrs. Anna Boepple, aged 83 years, 6 mos., died Oct. 30th, ab ie home of her daughter, Mrs. Anton Teufel, orí S. Main st. Interrment in the Jackson st. cemetery. There was a general jollification at -th Franklin House Friday aight at the close of the arduous duties oí the supervisors, Mr. LighthaU of Sylvan, setting p the reireshments. The sheet and pillow case party gtter by Miss Tucker and Miss Turk, at the home of the latter on N. State st.. last Friday evening, to the B. V. P. ü., was attended by upwarCs of 100 people. Charles L. Putt has been appointed special policeman in, around, -ibout, oer, through and under the propcity of the Ann Arbor railroad. II any one trespasses he will ï)e Putt off.- Adrián Press. The Ann Arbor cunci'l has passed an ordinance relative to disorderly persons, -that would indícate an aldermanic idea that the council could supersedc the legislature. Ve have j.o doubt but the aldermanic body is tb 3 ablest, but if the supreme jourt eei gets a show at the ordinance, it -wil! be badly demoralized.- Adrian Press. The Ann Arbor council thought perhaps $1 per year was hardly, onough Síilary íor the city treasurer, since he must collect sewer taxes in. additiou to the other taxes of the city anti proposed to give him about. $50 per month for iees. After due conslderation they decided this would not be ieesible, and the dollar a year salary goes. - Adrián Press. By a very shrewd trick Marshal Peterson, of Ann Arbor, landed in jail the parties who wrecked the house of Geo. S. Huil near Hamburg, with ■dynamite. He was practically de ried asslstance from the Livingston officials, but he got a party to iden tify himself with the suspects and se on had the needed evidence "We may now expect to read in the Detroit papers of the masterly detec i- e work done in the case by a De troit "sleuth," who wasn't there.- Mcnroe Democrat. Kemember the concert of the M. E. church clioir Friday evening. Tourteen persons by 1 etter :md one by profession were received ?nto the Fiesbyterian church last Sunday. The Presbytorian church is now lfelited 'by gas and electricity, a great [mprovement to that large audiênce room. The Ladie's Aid Society of the II. li ichurcli will serve a tea in the chui-eh parlors at 0:30 o'clock. Eveï y body invited. Barrie llellor, son of Charles "W. Jicllor, forinerly o! this city, is gettlng 'quite a repuitation at Grand Eapids, as a so'loist. J. A. Brown has put a telephone in his grocery, and a new 'phone lias lias 'also been put in the residence of Ti of. Lombard, on Hill st. ThO 'Detroit High School won a lieicely contested game of foot ball fi on; the Ann Arbor High School team Salurday by a score of 61 to 0. Frank Haynes rented a horse from Wm. Haskins last week, and nofc retuinuig with it, Deputy Woods went after it. Haynes had sold the. horse at Wayne for $14, and was arrestei! at Dearborn, and brought back here to jail. Ar exchange suggests that a good way to "keep our young ladie from being Insulted on the streets .ïights." is -to keep the young ladies at home, where they ought to be. That is tery good, but in our humble opinión It applies to thé boys asi well as the g-ii-lsCounty Commissioner "Wedemeyer ,ab just issued a little pamphlet which is a "Directory of the Public Schools of "Washtenaw County." It contains a list of the teachers of the cunty holding certificates and a Hst of school dlrectors in every district of the county, together with postoflice address. Al St. Andrew's church Sunday, W alter Taylor sang a tenor solo ind Mr. Krolick of Detroit, a bass solo, both of which were hlghly praised The einging of the choir itself wa very much better than usual, in the evening, Fred Ellis, the lioy soprano of YpsilantTT sang ome of the solos that were highly praised. A new law enacted by the last kgislature provides that justices shall keep a record of the dfunks that come 1 efore them, and when the same man phaU come for the second time within a year, he shall be bound over to tbc circuit court, and then he :nay receive a two year's sentence to the vork house. Only one drunk a year r.ow, boys, is lawful, so watch out. The masonic fair, to be given in I'etroit from Nov. 25 to Dec. 7, -viU Ijo one of the finest things of the krat! eince the World's Fair. Xurkey, -Egypt and the land of "Trilby" as well as all of the United States, v ill all give up of their elabórate and decorativo goods and wares, to make it attractive. You should make calculations ahead and take advantage of the excursión rates at that time 10 drop in and eee it. The first concert in the famous Choral Unior Series, takes place Tuesday evening, Nov. 19. Leiand T. Powers, the impersonator, wlU appear at University Hall Saturday evening, Nov. 16th. Eugene iv. Frueauff of this city, has ecured a position on the Evening Argus, at Owosso, and leit therelor Momday. Aid. John Koch while working up011 a building was hit near the eye liy a falling brick, Thursday, and iust es-caped serious injury. The man who thinks he knows enough about the markets to put fcw money upon it, can be accommodated at the Masonic block. The Hallowe'en Birthday party at Ulo residence of Mrs. P. Bach ast Tliursday evening, netted $114 ior Ladies Library Association. fe' A. Moran is to remove, his nevvipaper office, the Register, to i.lie store in the Haven block, on E. Huroii st., formerly occupied by H. TCandall. In the marriage licenses published in the Detroit Journal of Thursday ei ening last, was one reading : 'John IJ. Johnson, 25, Ann Arbor ; Jessie Peasley, -20, Detroit." The $7,000,000 mortgage of the Ann Arbor E"y which is on its way Ii om the north end of the road, being recorded in each county along the lire, is about due here. George Washington was made an ectered apprentice in Masonry before be was 21 years of age, and on Aug. 4, 1753, was raised to the sublime degrec of a master masón. There was a change of time on the Ann Arbor R'y Sunday, Xov. 3d. The tiains leave this station going north ïioitU at 7:37 a. m., 12:15 and 4;15 j m. Going south at 7:10 and 11:30 a. m., and 9 o'dock p. m. The Mouroe Democrat is authorily f or the statement that ihree tcns of coal will carry a ten cent Louse plant through the winter ' jusl like a book." We do not beheve the Democrat man has ever tried it There were about 75 people trom tere who went t o Toledo on the theatrical train on the Ann Arbor It'y la si. Wednesday evening, and about 3 00 more were picked up at other stations. The venture was a success. The AVashtenaw board of superviséis has added $100,000 to the vahiation of Ann Arbor. This shows that the republicans have deceivedthe people with the cry of democratie hard times, and that Ann Arbor is ■worth $100,000 more than she was i year ago. - Monroe Democrat. Are yon not quite a good deal off on ycui show ? A bust of Hon. E. B. Pond, of Ann Albor, has been finished in Chicago. Justice Pond's act in going to Chicago lor a "bust" is reprehensible and a. slight to the home industrie that paj a heavy license for doing business.- Monroe Dernocrat. That's accoiding to the gentleman-s oelief. ïo know he is one oí your own party's free traders. There are some feüows in this city vhc are so constituted that they fail tu dlstinguish between the property of othéVs and that whlch beiongs' to 1hem. These "spells'-' come on them l:i the night, and as they grow older 1bf. malady appears to gain a stronger hold on them. It is said the 'squawk'" of a chicken makes their rmgers grip convulsively even n broad daylight. This assertion of the Monroe Democrat is as false as is its free wool arguments, and the slander about the cupidity of our city fathers is resented. sir. In the language of Bob Acres, we hurí it back at your teeth: "The Ann Arbor council has passed a resolution of gratitude to the Ann Arbor railroad company for changing tho name of the road from the Toledo & 'Ann Arbor to simply Ann Arbor' raihoad. An engrossed copy cf the resolution has been sent to the piesident of the company. The preamble and resolution are somewhat lengthy and it is said that a Shakespearian cipher has been discovered in It, reading as follows : "Flease give thn Ann Arbor council passes over your road and greatly oblige,' etc." Mi's. Corwin Storer, of New Haven Ccnn., arrived in Ann Arbor Saturday fü." permanent residence. The young son of Aid. Ferguson feil while playing in the barn Sunday r.nd broke his collar bone. By noting tlie deer licenses faken c-U'. in different localities, it eertainly U cks as though there would be afcout teii hunters to every deer. Rev. T. W. Young of the lst Baptist church of this city, has been asisting in a series of special meetings at Ypsilanti during the past week. Albert G. Schumacher vitt attend e meeting of the State Board of f'harmaey, of whlch he is a .uiember, ut Lansing to-day and to-morrow. There will be a meeting of FraternIx)dgo 'F. & A. 11., Friday ovening. AVork on 3d degree. Every memVer of the lodge is expected to be present. Some miscreant, who ought ot be apprehended, fired a pistol shot Through the hall window of Mrs. Hanrah Price's house, at Nol 95 S. Fifth e ■? enue. A party conslsting of A. J. Sawjer, J. R. Miner, Br. Clarke, Dr. Hale; cl al., went to Cavanaugh I-ake last oening, on invitation of C. H. ivempf cf Chelsea. Tbe Young People's Christian -Enúcavor Society of the Presbyterian church hold a reception at McMillan bal! next Friday evening. A.11 young people invited - refreshments - all ?ree. Masonic School of Instruction Tuesü& Nov. 12. Phoenix of Ypsilanri wlll -svork the lst degree and Washtenaw of Dexter the 2d degree in the afteinoon. In the evening FraternHy Lodge works the 3d degree. AX the last meeting of the Saginaw C'ounty Medical Society, The Physicair. and Surgeon, published by Dr. o . AV. Keating in this city, was ühosen as 4110 official organ of that society, a. worthy compliment to a valuable pL.blicatiort. Mi-s. Jas. Zj. Babcock sang a solo ;. t the W. C. A. meetiag last SunOfiy. The meetings have grown so much in the past few weeks, that two anti eometimes three rooms are ised. Ihere are still accommodations for niove and the girls are glad to welcenie all who come. At Saline they have had to import apples from out west. Here in Ann Ai-bor we have to eat tlie wormy wind-falls or go hungry. - Courier Here in ïvorthviUe we grind the wormy wimdfalls up and drink the eider. They are much more palatable that way.- Record. Sort of peptonized eider ? í Ferhaps some of the older typos üï the city wil! remember Ed. Hogers, e at he was sometimes called "Gog" Kogers, who worked in this city and at Ypsilanti some 20 odd years ago, íint! later at Jackson, where lie was once elected Recorder. If so they ' s il regret to learn tliat he has Deen sent to jail ior theft ab Niles. Orink diil it. The barn on the Seott homestead on Washtenaw ave., ivas burned on Saturday night, with contents. Phere itas stoied therein about eight tons üi hay and some farm implements. The iire department was aot notihed in time to save the barn but they stopped the spreading oí the llames. The loss will be about $900, insured Ui the Washtenaw Mutual. It is tbought some rascal set the barn on ïire, as there is nol other way of accounting for it. The peculiar fact being a íact that th o patronage of the street eara lias 1 een considerable less since the open-Iuk of the college year, and that said patronage is not sufficient to maintairt the expenses of the road. Therefcre the company have one of two alternatives to adopt. Either the number of cars will have to be reduced se that the time between jars will bn doublé what it is now, or else the cenductors will all have to be lald oït The Street Car Co. would üke to l.avc an expression from the citizens tmd ascertain which they would deeire.


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Ann Arbor Courier