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It -vill not cure everything. It is not claimed that it wiU cure but ono complaint, and that is, Tyspepsia 7Ve can not sáy that it wiH cure every case of dyspepsia. but it wlil cure a large majority of them. Such cases as are adapted to jts use avíII derive immediate benefit. One sniall bottle will be sufficient to test it. The Shaker Digestivo Cordial is es pocially adapted lor emaciated or eldcih people whose food does them but Uttle or no good because it is not digested. The Cordial contains an utüïcially-dig-ested food anrt is a digester of food happily combined. EeaC one of the little books which your drugglst is now giving, áway and learn of this -wonderful retnedy. The purest treasure mortal times afïord Is spotless reputation; that away. Men are but gilded lflam or painted clay. - Shakespeare. THE PRIZEV KANSAS; Cored oAyjvj'V)!rBytlie Disfiguring . JmIUTICURA ECZEMA T REMEDIES Our baby when tbree weeks oíd wae badly afflicted with Eczema. Herhead, a mis, m-ck, Umbs, and ncarly every joint In her body was raw uhi bleeding when we concluded m Éry Cuticura Remedies. We began with Cuticura (olntment) and Cüticuha Soap, and uter the first appHcaUon we could Bee :i change. After we had used tliem one week some of the sores luid hcaled entircly, and ceased to spread. In less thau a montn, sne was freo f rom ecales and blemishes, and to-day has as lovely skin and haïr as any child. She was shown at tlie Grange Fair, and took a premium as theprettiesi baby. over slxteen others. Mr. & MBS. PARK, 1009 Belléview Ave., Kan. City. Sold every where. Potteu Dklq & Chem. Coep., BoBton. ÖWEN Q ö f., [ , Mark-Dr. R. Owen FOR ME WOIVSEN Ti? ]::!-;■' una ftientifio nnd practical made, ; 'ir general use, producing tine i irrent oí Electrjcity, for the cure, ihat, can be reudily telt and rogulatedboth inquautity and power, and applied part of tuetody. It can be worn ut any time during workiiig hours or sleep, and WSLL POQÍTIVELY CURE lBSÜifcáíSB1 BACK fSKSïSMBlVlfSMVOUS UISEASES SÏ5XÜAI. WE.VKMSS itiPOTENCÏ KIOKEY B1SEASES WITHOUT rV!EDEC3NE Electricity, properly applied, is fast taking the place of drugs for all Kervous, Hheumatic, Kidnev and Urinal Troublos, and will effect curosin sesmingly hopeless cases where every other known meang has failed. Any elugglsh, weak or diseased organ may by this means be roused to healthy activity bcforeitistoolato. Lendine; medical raen use and recommend the Oweu Belt in their praetice. OUR URGE ILLUSTRA7ED CATALOGUE Contains fullest information regarding the cure of acute, chronic and nervons diseases, prices, and how to order, in English, Germán, Swedish and Norwegian. languages, will be muiled, upon application, to any address for 6 cents postage. Tíí8 Owen Electric Belt and Applianee Go. MAIN OFFICE AND ONLT FACTORY, The Owen Electric Gelt Cldg., 201 to 211 State Street, CHICAGO, ILL. The Largest Electric Delt Esíabllshmentm the World Estáte of Alehbebt E. Keith, DeCEASED. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Office iu the City of Ami Arbor, on Tuesdav. the 5th day of Noy., In the year one thousand eight hundred mul nineiy-fl ve. Present, J. Willavd Uubbitt, Judge of Probate. In the iiatterof the estáte of Alembert E. Keith. dcce;; Edword A. Kelth, the admimstrator of said , comes luto court and representa that he ia now prepared 10 rentier liis final account as such adinlnistrator. Thcreiipon it is ordere'd, that Friday, IheOth day of December next. at ten o'clock forenoon, be assigned for examiniiig and allowiri!; surh account, and tliac tlie devlsees, tagatees and heirs-at-law of :üd deceased, and all otlier persone Interesteden said estáte, are reqnired to appeár at a 8es3ion of Couri, tlien ti be bolden at the Probate Oflice. in the city oí Ann Arbor. in saiu County. anti show cause. If any there be, wny the said account should not be allowed : And It is further ordered that said administrator glve uotice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendencj ofsaid account, and the hearing thereof, by cansing a copy of thls order to be published in the Ann Arbor CouMer a newspaper printed and eirculatmg in said County, three successive weeks provious to said day of heaiin_r (A true copy.) J. WII.LAED BABBITT, Judge of Probate. Wji. G, Dotv, Probate Register.


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