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lov; in the Tammany mire, et lier (Ju so. It is lier own wallow. Everybody Trom up north ought. to go down to the Atlanta Exposition itovr. The nciv south should be en ouraged. The Ias1 electlon in Detroit will make Hazen S. Ping-ree the next governot of Michigan or the Courier is no prophet. The people of several states did a rcico thing last week Tuesday in helping- olear away the debrls of the financia i wreek brought npon the country hy the democratie free trade tarif] tinkering. Tor the first time in its history IJaryland is to have a republican fovernor. It will be a great day for Marylanil when he is inaugurated. Marylaftd my Maryland, yon are saved at last. The people of Mississippi, and the pcople of Virginia both o.ling to their political idols like a Chinaman to tij joss god. The "new south" feellng has not yet penetrated their bordets- The sooner it gets tliere, however, the better for those states. The National Printer-Journalist is published no farther away than Chicago, and yet it is so deficiënt in Michigan geographical noraenclature as to print our fair city as "Ann Harlior."' There are no harbors on the Hüron river, my dear Journalist. The jieople, by thoir votes, have sem Brice sliding down Hill after Gorman, and tumbling Blackburn al so. Whether any one of them will ever be able to climb up again is a debatable question. Hill probably ■w-ill, bul the other three are buried heyond hope of resurrection. There is -lic doubt about ib. The recent election provea one thing as absolutely certain. The victory oi one year ago was not a spasmodic effort. It was the sober defision of the people tjhat thcy believed that the principies advocated by the republican party are the correct ones ■n ith which to administer thls government. The recent elections are a confirmation of that decisión. The holding of the National Kneampment G. A. R. at Iouisville, sterns to have had a beneficial effect on '-Old Kalntuck," For the first 1ime in history she has elected a republican state ticket, and the lirst republican United gtates senator from that. state will be elected to succeed thf; Hon. Joe Blackburn t-his winter. 'The yeah ob jubilee am coinin', suah !" What sort of Christian ministers have they in Detroit that the funeral of Josepb Bradley had to be conducted without the officers of any ehurch? Iho deceased was a victim of the explosión. He left a wife and two ïbildren. They were very poor, and that day he went td work for the firsl time. in weeks. They were not) attendants upon any church becausö Of their poverty. Tlie family had no money to hire a minister, and so the funeral was conducted without one. For the good name of the ministers oi Detroit let us believe -that not. one of them was asked to officiate or even knew of this sad case. There might have been one, however, out of the great number in that city, ■whc would have volunteered. No Campbell for Ohio this year. Couldn't etand the liump, don't ye tL'OW. Just before the recent elections a njai' introduced Hill to an Oliio audtei. as "the,, greatest living demonat." How suddenly he died, Jidn't b? II is peculiar there is istich a -vondeifiil interest taken in the state farmer 's institutos held in the upper península, th'is year, where the proel uc tb of the soil are stumps and ore principally. In the last campaign Rev. Dr. ParkIn, isl asked his audiences : "Do the peoplc of this town really thlnk it pays to be decent ?" They have aiiswered his question in the negaIne Neariy all of the eities voting EO have refused to adopt the jeneral charter tor eities. TTiey seem to pieïer to endure the evils they have rather than to embrace those ihey know not of. The Hou. Wm. E. Morrison, of Illiïci-, ometimes famüiarly ca'led "Bill," is being lwomed for the demociatic presidential nomination next year. For gracious sake, !et him have it II he wants it. It will be lut an empty honor anyway. The future residence of the Hon. Calvin S. Brice wlll be watehed with IMerest. "Wtil he cling to' Ms Buckcj c lióme, or wlll he remain altogether in lai.s New York' mansión ? Tlie 1 copie oí Ohio have surely kiekcd him cut. They don't care wliere he iives. The people of Detroit held a re.ief meeting on Saturday evening at tha Auditorium, and the sum oí' $11,176.62 was raised for the Victime anu families of victims of the tíxplosion. It was a grand deed, and reflecte yreat credit upon the people Of that city. II the railroad property in Uistití na couuty, for instance, could Ie placed upon the assessment roll and made to pay its proportionate share c.f taxation, it would help to ease up the burden upon many a man struggling to accumulate a little property And would it be more than simple justice ? ■ The Iiapids Herald tells of a marrlage taking place in the jail of 1hat city. The bridegroom had ;ust l-c-cr. genteneed to a term in .Tackson for theft. The girl must have been a fooi, and the justice ! What of him ? AMiat of any official that will unite a criminal in marriage ? There ought to be a law forbiddiug marriages in jails of all people held for ciimes or under sentence. A recent traveler through Alaska fcaj';. the territory will become to the Uulted States what Norway is tp Europe, the favorite resort of tourists, Lunters and fishermen, and that quickgrowing hardy vegetables can be raised there successfully. No two visitoi-i, eee Alaska in tho same light, and unless congress gives it more .attentioi. ttfi resources and possibilities will tol be understood for many years. Over at Grand Ledge the school centu.- enumerator became greedy and padded his returns- whether ie did ii for his ovrn benefit or the district's is not stated- but Supt. Pattengill iDvestigated and as a result 55 bogus Dames were stricken of and $69.65 of primary school money wlll be withhold from that district in the semi-ancua! apportionment. It doesn't pay to pad returns- except perhaps eleclioi' returns down south. Ii is very gratiïying to know that tho demand for the circulating libraries Is greater than the state übrary at Lansing is able to supply. The iaw was an experiment, and its workirgs prove tliat its author knew what was about. The state librarían Siiy. that there are twenty of these ibraries now in circulation, one of tfcenj being in our own city of Ann 'ul.or, ha ving been secured by the Y. M. C. A. for the use of itsmembers1. l'emands came from other states for ■opies of the law, even fromway down eaet, so that Michigan's experiment v il ! soon be an educational reature, icr that is what it is, of other states. is usual, Michigan leads, not ollows, the rights of the Cuban rebels? XI' there was ever a just cause Jought 'o: on this earth, the cause of these so-called rebels in Cuba have it on Uieir eide. It is time that euch yrannical laws and acts as Spain ui f 1 iets upon suffering Cuba were forpi er forbidden, and Uncle Sam ought to have the manliness to compel Spain civilize her rule or release lier gtasp upon that island. Spain and lurkey seem to be on a par as far as cruelty and tyranny are concerned. Eeports írom Germany indícate tha plcclric plon-s, hoes and potato digíieis will soon be successfully at work in that country. When the farmer bas iiothing to do but touch a button the drift of population from the ooun1i ;- te the city will be reversed. In the death of Eugene Field the Uteiary world meets with a erious He was a poeb of no mean ubility and occupied a field peculiarly nis wn. He had made for uimself a name that will remain in American letters. 'He lea ves a wiíe and live children. ' Allison, of Iowa. Iieed, of Maine. McKinley, of OhiQ. Morton, of New York. Alger, of Michigan. Jtvadley, of Kentucky. AU excellent presidential timber. Xlie peoplo would be happy with either. The "Washtenaw board of superviséis hardly know what to do about tlij Suekey deficit as treasurer. I'hey ■ ould 'like him to pay in the "scads," al-out l$4,100 and they will not ask criminal prosecution. AVhat kind of do thêy give over in that county. anyway? What's the matter v itt the bondsmen ? In the language of Caesar, "et to 3rntey .' flamnum feuum." - Adrián I'ress. S-s-Ii-St -11 ' Keep still won't ye ! Doi-.'t be so rantankerous, my üear ! Ii is entirely unnecessary. r the address of Capt. Z. B. Gresheiu. read beíore tlie Loyal Legión of Detroit, and pubUshed in the Free I'iess Saturday, could be given genei al circulation throughout this country, it would cause sueh a sympatlietic feeling for tlie "rebels" in Cu'ba that it might prove dangerous iof tyrannical Spain. The ireedom of thie nation ivas won by rebelling sgainst much lighter extortions. PpaiÉ was the first country to ïe( ognize the rights of the south as beiiterents". Is that the reason that president is so slow in recognizThe boilers in the Detroit Journal building blew up last "Wednesday, wi acking the building, killing 37 peor'o and seriously injuring some 25 or 30 more. The blame is laid upon rlx: engineer, who is reported to liave fi equently neglected his post of duty. Ihc Journal is a heavy loser by the aifair, fiuancially, and as the iusuronce poücies expressly state that no recovery can be made by loss Ilnough explosions, its owners will toe be aWe to recover anything. The aiiair was one of the most serious iLat Detroit has had in many a day, eikI carried sorrow into many homesi In a large number of instances the pcople killed were the only support cf iamilies. Fully two-thirds were L-ii Is, most of whom were employed in a bindery. "The result of the late election in Kentucky is worth at least $10,000000 -to that state," said a gentleman from Emcinnati to thla scribe a day or se ago. "In what way ?" was ai.ked. "In the matter of eneouraginf northern people to settle there, nuil northern capital to Invest Hiere," lras th reply. "Both of these Hiingfr .have been very much needed in Kentucky, but the attitude of the people, and the refusal of a large majority of them to abide by the eBultf."Oi the late war, have kept away uorthern people and capital. Now thal Kentuckians have shoivn a deElre to affiliate with northern people, it is altogether probable that the ieelInfe will be reciprocated, and old Kenlucky, walen has practically stood til1 since the war, will push ahead wltt the New South. I hope so, at least, for with capital and enterprisc it would make one of the grandest states in the Union." All it requires to enforce the Monroe doctrine is a little Americanism and backbone down at Washington. LngLand will recede from her positioi' in A'enezuela at once, if she is giver to understand that s-he must keep her hands off that little South American nation or go to war. Englanc' can not afford to go to war v ith any nation that is in any way a match for her. The moment she does, Russia will extend her Asiatic boni to include all of the English pos-essions in the Bastí And even ii sim does go to war, the United States eau afford to show the nations ol f hu world that they must keep their bands ofl the American continent ii il costs a little blood letting to do tlii-, it is worth the ipriee. There shoulC be no useless haggling with foieign nations, but a íirm decisive altitude assumed that will be thorotghly understood, not only by England, but by all European Jiations. Thia shilly-shally policy has gone so far that th e people are disgusted, anti they so expressed' themselves at 1h; polls last week, everywhere they had an opportunity to do so. Brace up. Grover, and show your patriotism. II appears that the world has been dolng injustice to the crow, and that he is really the friend rather than tic enemy of the farmers. That is to say, such is the conclusión of a special investigation made by the department of Agriculture. Nearly 1,COO stomachs of the bird Avere examiiiCd, and it was found that corn i'ormeil only 25 per cent. of the food of a duit crows, and th.n little eultivated Fruit Avas eateii by them. On the otber hand injurióos ineects foi-m over L0 per cent of the en tire iood of ciows; and they also destroy rabl-rtfe, miee and other j)ests of ihat sort.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier