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Harper's Magazine In 1896. Briséis, a new novel by Willam Black wrltten wlth all the aulhor's well known ctiarm of manner, wilt begin In the Dfcrnik r Nurober, 1895, and continue until May. -V new novel by Ueorge du Maukier, iiitillrU The Martlnn, wlll ulso begin during the year It is nol too much to say Umi no novel has ever been awaited with such great expectatlon as the successor to Trüby. The Persona] Kecolections of Joan of Are wilt continue and wlll relate the story or the railure and martyrdom of the MuUt of Orleans. Other important fletion of the year will be a novellette by Mark Twain, uuder Ihe title, Toni Sawyer, Uetfrtire; a huinorous three-part tale called Two Miirmiiiii from Muddlety, by Langdon ElWYN MiTCHELL;aud short storl es by Octave Th a net, Richard Harding Davis, Maby Wii.kins. Julián Ralph, Bradneh Wister, and other well known writers. Prof. Woodrow WiLsoswlll contribute O papers on Ueorge Washington and hls times, with lllustratlons by Howaiid Pyi.e. Pouitney Bigelow's hlstory of The Germán tëtrugyle for l.ihcrty, illustrated by K. Caton woodvillk, will be contimied tbrough the winter. Two paper's on SI. Clair's defeat and Mad Anthony Wayne?s vlctory, byTHuoDORE Roosevelt. with graphlc illustrations will be prinled du ring the j ear) A noteworthy feature of the MAGAZINE during 1S96 will he a series of anieles by Gaspar W. Whitnev, describing hls trip óf 2IRM) miles on snow-shoes and with dog-sledge trainsinto t,he unexplored Barren Grounds Iiritish North America iu pursuit of woodbison and musk-oxen. Mr. Whitssv's series will have theaildei Interest of belng illnstrated from photographs taken by himself. The Volumes of the MAGAZINE begin Xmnbers for June and December of carii year. When no tiine ia meulioned; snbscrlptions will bejíin witli Che Nutuber curreDt at tlie time of receipL order. HeniiMances should be made bv Post-oflice Mouey Order or Draft, to avold chance or loss Xewspapers are nol to copij this advertisement without the expres order of Harper & Brothert. HARPKK'S PEBIODICALS HAUPKU'S HAGAZINE - One ïoar - $1 00 BABPER'S WKKKLÏ - " - 4 00 IIAHPKK'S BAZAll - " - 4 00 HABPER'S U0UXD TABLK " 2 00 Postage ree to all subscribers in the Uniteu States, Cunada and Meneo. Address HABPRB & RltOTHERS, P. 0. Box, 95 N. ï. City. WANTED- Several trustworthy gentlemen or ladies to travel in Michigan for established.reliable house. Salary $780 and expense. Steady position. Enclose reference and self-addressedstamped euvelope The Dominion Conipauy, Third Floor, Omaha Building, Chicago, IU. Mortgage Sale. DEFAÜLT havingbeen made. In the conditions of payment of a certain mortgage, made the 28th day of May, A D., 1887 by Jerome A. Freeman and Emma V. Freeman, his wife, to Junius E. Beal, whereby the power of sale thereiu contained has become operative, which mortgage was recorded ia the ofllce of the Register of Deeds for the County of Washtenaw. on the flrst day of June, A. D.,1887, in Liber 61 of Mortgages on Page 543 and on whieh mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date of this notice the sum oí eight hundred and twenty -eight dollars, and no proceedings at law orin equityhaving been inttituted to collect the said sum of money or any part thereof. NOTICE is therefore hereby given, that on the lOth day oí Jauuary A. D., 1896, at eleven o'clock, in the foreuoon of said day at the squth front door of the (Jourt House, in the City of Ann Arbor, State of Michigan, the said mortgage will be foreclosed, and the landsand teuements bv the said mortgage conveyed, will be sold at public auction or vendue to the hiehest bidder to satisfy the principal and interest of said mortgage, and the cost and expenses of these proceedings, including an attorney's fee of tweutyfive dollars provided for therein. The land, tenements and premises in the said mortgage mentioned and then and theie to be soldare described as follows, to wit: All those certain pieces or pareéis of lands situnted in the City of Ann Arbor, Michigan, known. bounded !'ud described as follows: The west part or lots four nd five in lílock A, Eiistern Addition tothe Village, now City.of Aun Arbor, according to the reoorded plat thereot, being the Name lauüs formerly owned by onejohn Kane. Dated Ann Aroor, Octolier 14th. 1895. E. B. Nobris, Junios E. Bkal, Attoruey for JFortagee. Mortgagee. 1 2Q DOLLARS BfiV PER MONTH In Your Own Locality made easily and honorably, without capital, during your spare hours. Any man, ■voman, boy, or girl eau do the ivork handily, without bxperience. Talking unuecessary. Nothing like it for money.mak ing ever offered before. Ourworkers always prosper. Xo time wasted in learning the business. We teach you in a mgni now to succeea iroin tlie first liour. You can make a trial without expense to yourself. We start you, furnish everytliing needed to carry on the business successfully, and guarantee you agamst failure if you but follow our simple, plain instructions. Reader, if yon are in need of ready money, ana ■want to know all about the best paying business before the public, send us your address, and we will mail you a document giving you all the particulars. TRUE&CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine. ONB ENTJOYS Both the metbod and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshiijg to tlie taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidueys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the system effectually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasiug to the taste and acceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL, 10UISVIUE. KV. NEW YORK. ff. f. Nerve jffk Blood Tonic JL iflftuilder Jf MmLWÊm descriptivo v'rox7LJ MEDICINE CO., ATANTED Men towork for us whodesire tomake money this fall and winter during Black times. Excellent chance. Liberal pay. If you have spare time, out of work, or looking for a paying business write me at once. Fred. E. Young, Nurseryman ROCHESTER N. Y. Onlike the Dutcti Process tNo Alkalies UlliCi lillclillldlij are used in the preparation of W. Bafcer & Gos Breakfast Cocoa, vhich ia absolutely pure and soluble. It has more than ihree times the strengík of Cocoa mied with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is f ar more economical, casting less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and iaiilt DIGESTED. Sold by Crocers everywhoro. W. Baker & Go., Dorchester, Mass. SCHiFFM ANN'S Asthma Cure i Ñever fails to give instant relief in the worst H cases, and eíTecta cores vhcrc otlier faJUL H Trial Pnekage F1ÍEE of Draggfste or hj Hal!. idJrwRSOHIFFMANlSftolDnJ CAN I OBTATN A PATENT? Fora promDt answer and an uonest opinión, write to MUNN &CO.) who have bad neartyfiftyyeara' experience In the patent business. Communications strietly confidential. A llamlbnok of Information conoorninfí Patents and bow to obtain thera sent f ree. Also a catalogue of mechanical ;nui sclentiflo books sent free. Patciits taken tbroiiRh Munn & Co. receive BDeoial nottceinthe Scientific American, ana t bus are broiiííht widely before the public without cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, oiciranlly iUustrated,hasbyrartbe largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. S3 a fear. Specimen copies sent free. Buildhur Eüition, monthly, $2.50a year. Single copies, ïi5 cents, Every number contains beautiful plates, in colors, and photoiiraphs Of new houses, with plans, enablinp builders to show the latest desiims and secure contracta. Address MUNN & CO., HEW YORK, 3Ö1 BttOADWAT. ÏÏML OBEFFEISBACH'S rfSB PROTAGON CAPSULES dVjttÁ Sure Cure for "WealL Men, ca foMf _A SA Proved by reportsof leading phyt&mi -ï-Mm voBicians. State age in ordering. Vt&S ?i Pnce, SI. CutMlogrue Free, fS ' 8P (? A O ff% A safe and speed; &&bHB lio h cure for ieet jÈKL L Strïcture and all '. - Ba innatural discharges. PriceJY!S. WÊËW ñREEKSPECIFICTsod -v" wand Skin Dlseases. Scrof' nloas Sores andSyphllltlc AflTectlons, with outmercury. Price, !S2. Order f rom THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. L?.. 18 WisoQDBin Street, JgILWAÜKJSE, WIS, jANYONECAN Mm ! At the expense of little y,ü I moncy and his spare JmaéS('' I time obtain a fair jK Sjahía! IstÏudyathomeI THROUGH THE SPRACUE UNIVERSITY OF CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTION, Comprisingtheleadingcorrespondenceschoolsintheworld. f SUBJECTS TAUGHT. I I ■ III The School of Law prepares pupils for admission I IQ ff to the bar, by an extended, thorough course. Has f I over 1,600 students in every part of the country. 1 inilDllftl IOM This school teaches journalistic j i JUUnNAL ólfl and literary work from the foun , I z_Z-f "■rhiW" dation up. 1 [nnni 1 C C n I U P T's school is conducted by Í, jBUUK-KtbHirib] ;-;- Í 'CUflDT UJLMn This school teachesshort-handby J tSnUn I " f! fl IB U the l(;st system, and froin Üie ï I '' nmi ginniQg to t])e beSt expert work. ínnCCI mmiJ I ATIU This school teaches # gbtibtK and LAIIN la&.-iss'sssLJS { Jtion to the most advanced work in the classics. j The ahove schools teach by the J enee method only, and recognize uo rivals iv í 5 their respective llelils. t M Address, stating in 5 &kk. -- ' Qíí s-& u'c'1 school you are J t &rA_ -s'""'K r close ten cents in J f jfl#!If S ' ' ( %7 Stamps for cntalogue. 5 Relief in Six Hours. Distresslng Kldaey and Bladder diseases relleved In six tours by the "New Great South. American Kldney Cure." This new remedy Is a great surprise on account of ita exceeding promptness in relievlng1 pain In the bladder, kidneye, back and erery part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves the retentlon of water and pain In passing It almoet immediately. If you want qulck relief and cure tials Is your remedy. Sold by H. J. Brown, druggist, Ann Arbor, MIcn.


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