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Her countenance was set anddrawn As i i in fearful rackiug pain ; Tears slowly trickled from her eyes To evidence her mental 8train; Her breath carne gasping from her Ups, Her agony could not be eased. She struggled- olutched theemptyair Andtheu sbe siuezed. The membere of the Keystone Club ■wiU enjoy their annual Thanksgiving dinner at the club house to-morrow, ■witli the genial Sara .Langsdorf as mine host. Will they have a good time ? You bet. People fond of mu6ic should attend a concert to be given by the Lyra Maenneichor to-morrow, Thursday evening in Turner hall. Dr. Arthur Van Cer Velpen, the excellent cornet sololet of Schremser's band, Detroit, will )e present and part in the concert The Ypeilanti Sentinel reporte the rumor that the Hay & Todd manufacluring company plant would be reremoved to Ann Arbor, ander the iieading, "Ypsilanti Keeps Her ünt'erwear." Yes, but she ought not t-c flout it in the face of AnnArbor.- Wonroe Democrat. She won't, eithr for Ann Arbor wil) lsit down on it. One would think by this item trom th eMonroe Democrat, that its writer ■wat keep ing house, it's so natural lito : "A hypnotist at Ann Arbor put a boy to sleep, wound up to runfive days, in that condition. When the time expired the kid awoke, and thie called wonderful. Ib wasn't so ■ery. Lots of chore boys and hired girls can nearly equal thab performance." No community can become great, or even prosper, if its citizens refuse t'j impart an interest to' its affairs, er íail to feel a eense of pride in what it possesses. It is the feeling ■njiich its citizens extend to the welfare of a community that makes it gieat or small, that means its success faüure. Local interest, local pride is the very Ufe of a community.- Pontlae Gazette. ', The Choral Union and University f-ciiool oí llusic, feel justified by the lictess of the niany festivals in schem!ug for the building of an auditorium c&pable of seating 1G,OOO people. The gicwing excellence and reputation of Anr. Arbor, as the western seat of p;assical music, justify the proposal. It should materiaüze in brick and morlar and not be aliowed to vanish lite a "Shepherd's Dream."- Monroe Democrat. The skies are growiugclear once more The clouds liave rolled away, And hciiveu's blue Is shilling through The brightness of the day. Then sing a song of gladness, And shout the glrious strain That doubts are gone And smiles have come And love's supreme again ! New time table on the M. C. E. R. Monday. But Little change n time ncwever. The U. of M. Daily issued a 12-page edition Saturday, in honor of the Aiinnesota game at Detroit. The first reception of Hobart Guild for this season, will be held at Harris Hall, on Thursday evening of next week. To-morrow, Thursday, Thanksgivhus Day, the Ann Arbor Schutzenbund V 11! hold a prize ehoob'at their park jii W. Madison st. Last Friday's Tribune had an anticuateü portrait of Prof. M. E. Cooley that would hardly be recognized by iliosc who know him. More patients were treated at the University Hospital since the opening of the same this ,year, up to ïiov. 15, than for any like period in their history. TVc are going to have a cornet, so say the astronomers. It is plungii' this way and will be visible to tl) ose with good eyesight in about twii weeks. Dr. LenfeBtyr Homeop. '92, who dj a i-ried Miss Souüer, of Dexter, had Lis office destroyed by fire at Mt. C'lemens recently. Loss $1,000, insmed for $500. The changing of the Ann Arbor Railway at St. Louis and Alma, has n,ado it üifficult for Poor Commissioner Sipley to secure his year's supply of wood. The man he buys of Uves at Alma and the complaint comes that it is impoesible to secure car for shipping it. The 'wicked stood in slippery places last Saturday morning, but not any more uo tihan the righteous, for the icy (glare that covered everything out of doors was no respecter of persons or tof age, either one. The people wh-o took to the middla of the road 1ha( 'day were numerous, indeed. Miss Florence E. Hutchinson, necretary of the Ladies' Committee of Moslem Temple, -was in Ann Arbor recently securing donations for the gi eat fair now in progress in Detroit, and in -writing to at Shriner here slie saic :■ "I have been in a number of places since I called on you, but Ann Arbor was the banner town." And "sci may it ever be." Louis J. Liesemer is to orate íor the Schwaebischen Unterstuetzungs "Verein on Thanksgiving Day evening at a concert to ,be given by that society at A. 0. U. W. hall. If he succeeds in pronouncing the name of tho society without stuttering or ptumbling, be'ore itis time to adjourn, !.; wiü have accomplished an oratorical feat worthy of recording. Under the truant law what ought to .be done with the children that are brought into thia state by the traveling musicians ? The children are simply used to awaken sympathy nml draw the money out of our pockets. and it most invariably succeeds. A llttle girl under ten was kept and mado to perform on our streets a month or two since until ten at niglit to satisfy the greed of' one of these musicians. According to a new law, pure cixler vincjrar must be so branded, and with and location of manufacturer. Only vinegar made from fruit can loe bianded as fruit vinegar. Xo' vinegar can contain preparations of lead, copper, sulphuric acid or other subsitancos injurious to halth or any artificial coloring matter. All vinegar must contain 4 per cent acetic acid, and if eider vinegar, 1 3-4 per cent, eider vinegar solid. Not a drum was In urd, not a funeral note As i's course to the boneyard we fcurriec Not-n voter dropped a farewell tear Where the democrat goose was buried. The "Wolverine Cycle Club enjoyed a pleasant hop at the Armory last Tliursdny evening. Thfc organ in the chapel at University hall is to be removed to the S. C A. building, Newberry Hall. The University School of Dancing tenders a hop to its patrons to-morrcw evening, from 8 to 11 o'clock. The Festival of the Holidays, in preparation by the ladies of St. Andrews' church, will open its doors at Harria Ila.L' on Friday evening, Dec. 0, and v ill continue through Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 7, 9 and 10. Those who wanted a sleighride real taú, and who owned a horse and cutter, had one last Friday. The suow was not very deep, but the nove'ty- of late years - of having a se'igh ridt: beíore Thanktigiving and the Holidays, was something quite churming. The bad weather did not dampen the spirits or ardor of the crowd, cer wie thousadn strong, who left tor Detroit Saturday morning to attcnci the U. of ir. vs. U. ofM.- Michigan vs. Minnesota - foot ball game to take place in that city. They ■venL away with flags llying and hoins ïeady to salute the ears of Detroiters. romance is published by the octive mind agitator of the Adrián Piesfc: "Gírandad Bailey, a wealthy inmate of the Washtenaw oounty house, Btrolled into Ann Arbor last w eek, and seemed to have no trouble to get sufficient 'tangle leg' to present his strolling back again. He .bac' to be jailed by an officer, judicially reformed by a justice, entertained a few days by the sheriff, and then returned to his luxurious apartment at the poor farm." The ladies of the Charitable Union wil make a large number of families Happy with a nice Thanksgiving dinner. There are two days in -the year in which no human being should t allowed to go hungry or cok" : Thanksgiving and Christmas. The one giving thanks for blessings una plenty, the other commemoratiDir the birth of the Saviour. Both eEnts are of such a nature that no onfi can properly observe them with a knowledge or a thought, even, that that there are those who are without proper food or shelter. Humane Agent Petereon had George Laubengayer arrested last Thursday fcr cruelty to animáis, in allowing hi horse to stand on the streets íor a eng time without being blanketed or properly cared íor. He was taken .lielore justice Pond and fined $5 and ír". costs. The practice some peo pie have of neglecting their mima] iá a. species oí cruelty tliat has ïong needed refrmoing, and it is well tha ti) ere is an officer here who has the powei to compel people to be humane to the poor dumb beasts 1hat llave eo way to malee their sufferings kiiown. Tlie couple mentioned in the folien ing paragraph, taken from the Adrián Press, are both modest and retiiing people, and they are not to Mamo for, and we do not beüeve relish very well the endless comments tlieir marriage has caused to flow hom the pencilö of '"funny" newspaper paragraphers : "Frank Tegg of Ann Arbor, and Miss Franc Dorr were iiiarrled last week. A vivacious young lady met the bride the next day and after kissing her enthusiasticaUy, exelaimed, 'How's your Le - er, husl and ?' and she actually b'.ushed right tber. and there." Last Thursday completed just 50 years since Conrad Krapf was initiatert into Odd Fellowship in this city, in eompany with Chas. Spoor, wlio pMc Uves here. Mr. Krapf is 86 anc! Mr. Spoor 85 years old. AIiout; :'" brethren of that order repaired to Mr Krapf 's residence on that evenirg abd an address was read to him b; George Scott. He was reminded that the members of the orliad not forgotten the anniversary, 8dü closed his words by presenting the &geci 'brother with a handsome Odd lellow's jewel. Mr. Krapf thanked ths brothers for the honor eonferred, ono afterwards refreshments were served ior all present. The evening as a very pleasant one. '


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