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One's physical feelings, like the faithful etter, search and point out plainly the fact of disease or health. If a man is not feeling well and vigorous - if he is losing flesh and vitality, if he is listless, nervous, sleepless, he certainly is not well. The down hill road from health to sickness is stnooth and declines rapidly. At the first intimation of disease, the wise man takes a pure, simple vegetable tonic. It puts his digestión into good active order and that puts the rest of his body in order. The medicine that will do this is a medicine that is good to take in any trouble of the blood, the digestión, or the respiration, no matter how serious it tuay have beconie. The medicine to take is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Diseovery. It is a remarkable remedy. It cures diseases in a perfectly natural way, without the use of strong drugs. It cures by helping Nature. It has a peculiar tonic effect on the lining membranas of the stomach and bowels. By putting these membraces into healthy condition, stimulating the secretion of the various digestive juices and furnishing to the blood the proper purifying properties It reaches out over the whole body and drives disease-germs before it into the usual excretory channels. It builds uo firm muscular flesh, makes the skin and the eyes bright. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery bas been found wonderfully efficacious in the treatment of skin diseases - eczema, tetter, erysipelas, salt-rheum- from common pimples or blotches to the worst case of ecrofula. Harper's Magazine In 1896. Briséis, a new novel by Willam Black, writlen wilh 11 Hip nutlmr's weil ktiowu cnarni ol mamier, will begin In 1 lie Dt-oeinber Number, 1S95, mul continue uiit.ll May. A new novel by Gkougk dl' Maukier, entltled The Mnrtinn, will also begin durliiK Mie year. It is not loo nuicli to km y nuil, no novel has ever been awalted wilh BUCh givat expeclation as the Ruccewor to Trllht. The Personal Iterolectiong of Joan of Are will continue and will relate the story o' the lailure and martyrdoin of the Muid of Uf lean. Other Iniportiuu flutlon of the year will be 'i novelletle ly Mark Twain, uniier the ntle, Toin Sanyer, lletertiie; a bnmornua three-pml. tale cu lied Tno Mornions froni Mudillet), oy IjANGDON Hlwyn Mitchell; and short stories by Octave Thanet. Richakd Harding Davi.s, viary Wilkins Julián Ralph, Bradnek Matthews, Owen Wistek, andother well known writers. Prof. Woodrow Wu.sONwiil eontribute 6 papers on George Washington nnd his times, with Illnstrations by Howakd Pyle. Poultney Bioelow's htstory of The (icrnian Strutele for Liberty, illustrated by R Caton, wi:i be continued through the winter. Two paper's on Hl.. Clair's defeat and Mad Anthony Wayne's vlctory, Ivï'heodoke Roosevelt. with KraphU: illustrations will be prinled dm ing the ear) Anotewonhy feature of the MAGAZINE during 1896 will be a series of tirtlcles by (Jasi-ak W. WiiriNEY. describins hts trip of aiiKi miles on simw-shoes and with doic-flledge trulnstnlo i.he unexplored Barren Grounds Brillsh North Amerik-a in pursuit of woodbison and musk-oxen. Mr. WHITNRY'S sei les will hHve Iheadded interest of beiDg illnslrated Ironi puotographs t:iken by himself. The Volumes of the MAGAZINE begin Nnnibers for June and Di-cember of each year. When no time Is nieiHioned.snbscriplons will begin with the Nuniber curront at the time of recelpl order. Remlttai?es should be 111:1de bv Post-oiBce Woüey Ord er 01 Dnift, 10 avoid -banceor loss Vewspapers ure not to rot this advertisement oithoutthe exprese order of Harper & Brothers HABPEE'S PKBI0D1CALS lARPKK'S MAGAZINï - One leut ■ $i (Ml lAUPEU'S WEKK1.Y - .4 O lAUl'Hli'S BAZAR - " 4 00 I'ARPGR'8 KOl'M) TABLK " - 2 00 vostagi free t all ub8crlhers in the Cut'lcd States, Cnnada ; Mfzieo, Address HAHPKR & BBOTHERS, 1'. 0. Box, 959 X. ï. City. Harper's Weekly In 1896. HARPER'S WEEKLY is a Journal for the n-liole country. Il deals with the events of he wiirld that are important to Americana. In carryinK out thls pollcy. in 1HU3, Julián ■Ialph visited China and Japan, aml journeyed throimh the West; Richard Harding 3avis look a trin tlirougii the Carrlbean Hea; he evolutions of the new navy were describid and illustrated by Rui'DS F. Zoguaum; Fkedkhio Remingtok presenled studies of Army aml Frontier life: Poultney Bigelow ittended the opening of the Kiel Canal. In 18UG like atlenlion will be giveu every ïappening. The chief events in art, literaure, and music and the drama will be artistically presented. V. D. Howells, in the ïew department, Life and Letters, will discuss n bis interesting way boots and the social questions of the time. E. S. Martin's sprightly gossip of the Biisy World will be coninued. The progress of the Transportation ïommission around the World will be lolowed, aud Caspar W. Whitxey will conduct the department of Amateur Sport. In 1896 will oecur a presidential election. n its edltoriflls and tlirough its polltleal caroons the WEEKLY will continue tobean ndependent advocate of good governmeut and sound monev. In fletion the WEEKLY will be especially strong. Itwill publish theonly novel of the year b y W. U., and a stirring serial of a Seoteh feud. by S. R, Ckockett. The short stories selected are of unusuah excellence and interest. In every respect HARPER'S WKKKLY will maiutain its leading place in the illustrated journallsm of the world. The Volumes of the WEEKLY begin with he flrst Number for January of each year. When 110 tjmeis mentioned. subscriptions vlll begin with the Number current at the line of recept of order. Remittances should be made by Post-Oltiee Money Order or Uraft, to avoid chance of oss. Newspnprrs arr not to eopy this advertisrment without the exprens order 0 Harper Brothers. HAIU'KU'S l'IIHKIIIK AI,S HAKPKli'S HAÖAZINK - One Year - $4 00 HAltPKR'S WKKKLÏ . " - 4 00 lÁBPEB'S BAZAU - " .4 00 1AIÍPKICS SOUND TA BLE " - 2 00 Posíage Free to all subscrib-rs in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Address HABPF.RS & lü.'OTIIKliS P. O. Box 959. N. ï. City. Harper's Bazar In 1896. The twenty-ninth year of HAHPER'S BAZAR, beginning lu Jauuary, 1890, flnds it maintaiuing its deserved reputatlon as a Kashioii Journal and a weekly perlodical 'or home readlng. Every week the BAZAR presents beautiful tollets for various occasions, Sandoz, Baude, and Chapuis. Ilústrate and engrave the newest designs from the flnest models In Paris and Berlín. New ïork Knshions epitoinize current styles in New York. A fortnightly pattern sheet supplement with diagram and direetlous enables women to 00 1 and make thelr own gowns.'and is of greal.value to the professional inodiste as wei'! as to the amateur dressmaker. Children'sClothingreceives constant attentlou. Fashtona for men are deseribed in fuil detail by a tnan-iibout town. Our Pris Letter, by Katharink DkForkst isa sprightly weekly recital of faun Ion. gossip, and social doiugs in Paris, given by a clever woman in an entertaining way. Both the seriáis for 186 are tbe work of American woinen. Mrs. (ierald, by Maria Loüise Pool, is a striking story of New Knaland life. Mary E. Wilkins. in Jerome, a Poor Man, discusses the always interesting problems of the relations belween labor aiid capital. Mhort stories will be written by the best authors. Special Departmenls. Music. The Outdoor Woman, Personáis, What We Are DoinB Women and Men, report and discuss themes of immediate interest. Answers to l'orrespondents. Questions recei ve the personal attention of the editor, and are answered at the earllest practicable date after thelr receipt. The Volumes of the BAZAR begin with the flrst Nnuber for Jauuary of each year When no time is mentioned. subscriptions will begin with the Number current at the time of reeeipt of order. Kemittances should be made by Post-office Monoy Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapm are not to copy thie advertisement without the express order of Jlarper & Brothers. HAUPKR'S PEItlODICALS HAUPEH'S MAGAZINE - one year - $4 00 HAUPEU'S WEEKLï - " - 4 00 HABPEB'8 BAZAB . " . 4 00 HARPEK'S BODNO TABLE ' - 2 00 Postarje Free to all subscriben in the United btatcii, Canada and Mexico. Address HARPER & BROTHERS P. 0. Kox 969, N. Y. City ViTAXTED-Several trustworthy gentlemen t mm' ndll tnivel )n Micbilan for establlshed, sllable house. Salary }?80 and exP,eSSe-if %ady Anclóse reference aud self-addressed starnped envelope. The Doíull"chicÍi01"PIl"yTlilrd Floor Omaha BuildEnglLsb. Spaln Llniment removes all Hard, Soit or Calloused Lumps and Irom liorses, Blood Spavins, Curbs, SpUnta, Sweeney, RlngBone, Stmes, Sprains, all Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warxanted the most wonderful Blemish. Care ever kmown. Sold by H. J. Brown, druggfet, Ann Arbor, Mleb.. ADIRONBA asaaaa TRADB MARK . ■ Wheeler'syJ Nerve POSITIVELY (JURES HEART DISEASE. NERVOUS PROSTRATION, EPILEPSY. sleeplessuess and all derangement ot the Kervou3 S vs tem. Unexcelled for Restless Babies. Purely Vegetable, guaranteed free from opiates. One-hundred full size doses. 50 cents. M. D. Bailey, Receiving Teller Grand Rapids (Mich.) Savings Bank, says he cannot say too much in favor of " Adironda," Wheeler's Heart and Nerve Cure. Prepared by Wheeler & Fuller Medical Co., Cedar Springs, Mich. Sold by John Moore, - Druggist. BAUMGARDNER'S ANN ARBOR ELECTRIC CRANITE WORKS, Manufacturer of and dealer in Artittic Mie and firanite Memorials ! Having on hand a large quantity of Rough Granite, and full equipped machinery for Granite Work, we are prepared to execute Fine Monumental Work on short notice. OFFICE, No. 6 Detroit St., ANN ABBOR, - MICHIGAN. rChlchenterV Engllnh Diamond Brand, ENNYROYAL PILLS _?v Original ainl Only Genuine. l jJs. SAFE. íiíkuv-; n:liaMe. LADiES ask fit F' S Í-íJm Iruggist for' Chic testers Knqlish Jia-J9K iStv,no)i,: irán'! in Ited aiifi (,'oid metallic VU' "W % 5rk$nn other. Btfutdangerounibtít v I ' i - ftP tions and imitations. Ai Drugiiists, orsend4e. 1 V JJfi' io stampa for part ie ui ars, t stimonial auil "C L7 "Kellef fop ï,oflleV ín letter, by return - . If Mail. 10,000 Testimoniáis. Same Paper. ChlehfNter Chemical CoMadUon Squiin-, Sold b; all Local Druggists. - Philuda., Pa. $1000 IN GOLD GIVEN AWAY AS PRIZES. Por the Best Pictures Taken. '■■ On November 15th, 1895, we shall give away One Thousand Dollars in j;old for the best pictures taken by the La C rosse Camera. The prizes will le awarded as follows : $200 in gold will be given for the best picture taken by this cámara; $100 for the second best ; $50 for the third best; $25 for the fourth best ; $15 for the flfthbest; $10 for the sixth best, and for the next 40 best $5 each will be giyen ; for the next 80 beet $2.50 each will be given and for the next 200 best pictures taken by the La Crosse Camera $1 each will be given, making in all $1000 giveu away. We shall do this for two reasons, viz : The flrst to introduce the La Crosse Camera for 1895 ; the second, to edúcate the amateuers in photogrhphy. - This con test el oses on November Ist, 1895. This camera can be used by any one and is sold under a positive written guarantee to do the work or money refunded. Sent by express witli full instructions and rules governing this contest upon receipt of express money order for $1.75. Remember, A Written Guarantee Goes With Éveiy Camera. Address, La Crosse Specialty Co., La Crosse, Wis. Nov 1 I Will Save You From $10 to $30 on a Sewing Machine. GETTHE BEST When yon are about to buy a Sewing Machine do not be deceived by alluring advertisements and be led to think you can get the best made, fin est liaishcd and Most Popular for a mere song See to it that nA% you buy from reliable _35Syr facturers that have gained a (f55lj393ï reputationbyhoncst and square ((WWlra dealing, you will then get a MjIhMBM Sewing Machine that is noted pllpSa the world over for its nyLN bility, You want the one that WiijHgrj is easiest to manage and is k Light Running „jgSjKl There is none in the world that fTSSSSW can equal in mechanical connljjHrZBQ& struction, durability of working 'mK33 parts, fineness of finish, beauty jflfTwM in appearance, or has as many yt]fflfflo3i jnaprovements as the New Home It has Automatic Tensión, Doublé Feed, alike on both sides of needie (pateníed), no other has it ; New Stand {patentea), dnving wheel hinged on adjustable centers, thïis reducing friction to the minimum. WRaTE rOR C1RCULARS. THE KEI HOME SSWM MACHINE CO. Okahge, Mass. Boston, Hass. 2S Ukiok Bqttabb, N.T Cuicago, Ïll. Sr. Louis, o. Dai.t.ap, Texas. Saü Fuakcisco, Caí,. Atlanta, Ga. FOR SALE BV J. F. SCHUH, At from $15 to $30 will iurnisb you any machine made, and warrant them for ten years. Do not be deceived by agents; get my prices before you buy. J. F. SCHUH, 31 Main St. Ann Arbor.


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