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Everybofly Talking About it. Everybody is talking about the great tree offer of Dr. Greene's, the most euccessful specialist in curing neivous and chronic diseases, and who üit-covered that wonderful medicine, Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy. He makes a specialty of iieuting patients through letter corrtpondence, and all who accept his ofiei are astonished at the marvelous success of this method. His offk-e is at 35 W. 14th st,, New York Cj1y. where he receives and carefuily examines every letter sent to him by peisons describing their cases ana telling him their symptoms. Aft er tl-oi oughly studying each case he ansp ors the ietter, explaining the eause of Oach symptom and telling a sure u ny -to get well and strong. He n.alips the patients understand ex8ftly -svhat ails them and tells them all about their complaint, and all this is entirely free of cherge. They nnve tlic expense of a trip to the city, have ro fee to pay, and have the benefit of the best medical advice and consultatlon. Here is an opportunity for yon to get well. reader, yon can cither accept or reject it. Whlch will you Knights of the Maecabees. The State Commander writes us from Lincoln, Neb., as follows : "Aiter trying other medicines for what seemed to be a very obstinate coug-a m our two children, we tried Dr. King's New Discovery and at the end of two days the cough emtirely left them. We wUl not be without it hereafter, as our experlence proves that it cures where all other remedies fail.-Stened F. W. Stevens, State Com.- Wliy not give this great medicine a trial, as it ia gTiaranteed and trial bottles are free at The Eberbach Drug & CJhemical Co's drug store, and Go. J. Heaussler, Haaich.e8ter.


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