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Mortgage Sale. DEFAULTMiavingbeen made. In the conditions of pafineul of a oertaln mortgage, made the 28th dáy of May. A D., 1X87 by Jerome A. Freemiui and Eminn V. Freeman, bis wil Juntas E. Beul, wherebj the power ol -■■ . tliercm oontatned has beoome o uiiich mortgage was recorded in the oüice o] the Klister of "Deed for the County ol ashtenaw on the flrst day of une, A. D., JS87, In Líber 61 of Mortgages on Page 548 and on which raortgage there is clalmed to be due at the lnte of this nol ice the aam ol luindredand twenty-elght dollars, and upproceedings t law orln equity haring been instimted to collect the suhl snm oí nioney or any part i-hereof. XOTü'K is therefore hereby glven, tnaton ü day oï Jannary A. D., 1896, atcleveu in the forenoou the sontli front of the I oiirt the City of A ii r; Arbor, State of Miei said mortgage will be foreclosed, and Ihe i,d lenemente by thesald rnortgaee conveyed, will be sold at pnblie auction Oï due to tlie higliest bidder to sutiM'y the principal and interest of said mortgage, aiid the cost and expenses of I Ings, includiog an attorney's fee oí iwentyii- dollars provid fein. [and, tenements and preraises in the s íi i f i mortgage mentioned and tben and thete old are desc '■ wit: ■i'iiüiii piei lands pltiiated in tue City of Ann Arbor, Miei known. bounded n.d describid as Th i west part of !■ Kastera Addi'ion tótheVillag üty.of Aun Arbor, accordfng to the recorded thereofj being the same lauds formerly owned by one Joim Ka ae Dated Ann Arbor, Oktober llth. E B Nobbis, Jünius E. Beal, Attorney for Mortagee. ESTATIS OF AEMBEK [TH, ÜE■I). STATE Oï MICHIGAN, County of VTi naw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw. holden at the Pro Office in the City of Ann A.rbor,onTue the 5th day of Nov., in the year one toousand eight hun Bve. Present, J. Willard üabbiw, Jiuige of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Alembeii E. Keitli. deceased. Edwin A. Keitii. ilnistrator ol said i, comes iniocouvtar.rt representa thnt prepared to render hls flnal account as sucli admi Thercnpon it is ordered, tiint l ■ day of !' foreuoon, be asslgneM ioi Qg and allowing such account, and thi ■j and heirs-at-lav of said aiid all otlier persons Intere are required to appear at ; session of said . to be holden at the Pro in the i '- Arbor, in ■ - . and show oause If any there be, why the said account should not beallowed: And I her ordered tha: tic;' 'o the person ie pendency ofsaid account, asid the hearing of, by causing a copy of this order to be ubllshediii the Ann Arbor Courier a uewsrtnted and circulaties in said Covmtyj iree successlve weeks pieyious to said day f heai (Atrua cópy.) .i. WILLARD BABHITT, 3udge of r Wil G.Dotv, Probate Register. Estáte of Andrew ,1. Lücas. OTATE OF MICHIGAN1, C'ounty of WashteO naw,ss. At i session of the Probate Court for the ounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate In the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, he 13th day of November, iu the year one nd efghfc hundred and Dinetj Present,.). Wlllard Babbitt, Judge of Projate. In the matter of the estáte of Andrew .f. Luas dece&sed. On reading and fililí!: tlie netition, duly veried, of ülizabeth Jane Lucas, prnying that a ertain instrument on lile in this Court-, irting to be the lasl will and testament fsaid deceased may be admitted to probate nd tüat administratión with tile will annexd of said estáte iiiay be granted to herself here being 110 executor in said will named or o some other suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the (tb day oí December uext, at ten o'elock in he forendon, be assigned for the hearing of aid pet It ion, and that t he devisees, legatees and heirs-at-law of said deceased, i and all other persons Interested in aid estáte, are required to appeur ut a essiou oi 'said Court, tbcn to be holden at the 'róbate Office in the city of Ann Arbor. in aid eounty and show cause, ií any there. )e,why the prayer of the pelilionershould uot e. And it is furtlier urdered, that said peitiouer give uotice to the persons Intersted in said estáte, of the pendency of aid petitllion, aud the hearing thereof, by cansiug a copy of this order to be pub ished in the Ann Arbor Couriek, a newsmper printed and clrculatud in said eounty ;hree successive weeks previons to said day of Va 'ïrae Copy.) J. WILLARD BABB1ÏT. Judge of Probate. Wï. G. Doty, Probate Register. Mortgage Sale. Default. having been made In the conditions rfpayment ofaoertain mortgage made the hirtietli duy ofMarch, A. ü., lt'J:ï by George S. Nixon to George M. Clarken to secure payinent of apart of the pu rebaso price of the lands and tenements therein and herein mentioued, wliereby the power of sale therein contalned has become operativo, wbieh mortgaga was reeorded in theOltice of the Register of Deeds for the Countyof Washtenaw, on the thirtiethday of Maroh aforesald in Liber81of Mortgages, on page 68, and whlch mortgage vas dulyasslgned by the mortgagee to thenudersignèd by deed of assigimient. dated the ourteentli day of July, A. D . 1898, which deed fasBignment was recorded in the Office of the ïealster of Deeds aforesald on the seventh d:ty of November, 1895,113 Líber riot assisnnent Of inortgages of page 25, cm whioh nortgage there is claimed to be due at the dateol this notice the aam of five hundred ind twenty-two dollars, and no proceedingfl at law or in equity havlng been Instltuted to colleot the said suni of ïnoney or any part thereof. Notice is therefore hereby givon tliat on the 15tb day of February, A. D..1896, il eleven o'clock in the Corenoon of said day, vt the south front door of the Court House, In tlie city oí Ann Arbor, State of Michigan, tlie saicl mortsage wtll be fnreclosed and lauds mdtenementsby the Raid rnoitgage oonveyed win be sold ni pablïc auction or vendue to ;hehighest bidder tosatisly the principal anü nterest secured thereby and the oost and expenses of these proceedings, includingareasonable altorne'ys fee prov'ded for therein. The lands teneinents and prernises iu ihe said mortgage rnentionedand then and there to le sold are described as follows: All that certaln purcel of land sitnated in the city of Ann Arbor, being a part of the norh-east quarter of stction No. thirty. in roiïn Twó, sonth of range six east, state ol Michigan, bounded as foilows, to-wlt: lieginning on the soutli line of Huron Street at a point twenty rods westerly of the east lineofsaid section, which point is also the northeaaterly corner of lands formerly occupiedby Ira Allen, and runnins thence southerly paralell with the East line of said section, twelve rods; Tlience easterly paralel] with Huron street, eight rods; Thence northerly parallel with the east line of said section, twel ve rods to Huron street; Thence westerly along Huron street to the place o: begin ninK Dated, Ann Arbor, Midi., Nov. 19. 1895. l'REDERICK (j. SCHI.KICIIKH. E. B. Xorris. Assignee ol' Mortgagee. Attorney for Assignee of Mortgagee. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the 2nd day of December, in the year oiie thousand eight hundred and ninety flve. Present J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Henry Tower, deceased. Sereno B. Bassett, executór of the last will and testament of said deceased, comes intocouvt and representa that he is now prepared to render bis flnal account as such executór. Thereupon ie ordcred, that Friday, the 27th day of December, next at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for examining and allowlngsuoh account, and that the devisees, legatees and heirs-at-law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said eourt then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, lf any there be, why the said account should not be allowed. Aud it is further ordered that satd executór give notice to the persons interested In said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof. by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Aib'or Courier, a newspaper printed mil circulated in said county. tnree successive weeks pvevious to said day of hearing. .1. WILLARD BABBITT, ( A. true copy.) Judge of Probate. VVn. G. Doty, Probate Register. Nerve jjW Bíood 6 &r sz.sovjgT Schenectadr. IMf Men to work for us who destire ti malie y this fali atid wlrrter durlug slaok times. Excellent chance. Liberal pay. H you have spare time, out Ing Cor a paying busi ness write me at once. 1 Frecl. B. Toung, Nurseryman HOCHESTER N. Y. Önlike tuTWuich Proeess iKo Malies ötlier Cliemicals are used in the preparation of W. Bafeer & Co.'s Breakfast Cocea, which is ábsolutely pure and sohtMe. It has more ihan three times the strength, of Cocoa mled with Stareh, Arrowroot or Sugar, and Í3 far more economical, casting less than one cent a cup. lt is delicious, nourishiug, and easilt DIGESTED. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. Baker & Co Dorchester.Mass. SCHIFFMAtëN'SAslhmaCurei 1 IVevor fails to LÍvo infltant reüef in the worst M ideases, and offecta cores wliere others i:iii.K S Trial l'iKknge i?lll:'.? of Drtifreisis or bj lïitil. I H áiTim DB. B. SOHH'FiTdVNM, Bt. Far.1, Minn. K CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? Fora prompt answer and an honest opmion, wnte to Si i: NN & l!O.. who have had nearly lifty years' experience In the patent business. Communications etrictly confldential. A Handbook of In. iormatlon concerning Patente and how to ODtain tuem sent free. Also a catalogue of mechanica! and scientiflo books sent free. Patenta taken throngh Munn & Co. receive snecial noticeinthe Seientific American, and ttous are brouRht widely bef ore the public without coat to the inventor. Tliis splendid paper, issued weelrty, elegantly illustrated, bas by f ar the larsest ciruulation of any scientiilc worts In the world. 3 a year. Specimen copies sent free. Building FAiit;on, monthly, Ï2.50 a year. Single copies, 35 cents. Every number contains beautiful platea, in colors, and plrotoKraphs of new ïiouses, with plans, enabling Duilders to show the latest deslims and secure contracta. Address MUM & CO., NEW YOUK. 361 BKOADWAT. OESL DIEFFENBACH'S Íf3r PRDTAG0M CAPSULES; '"vïX Sure Cl"'e for 'Weofe Men, aa LH c proveo byreportaof leadinKphyrKÉk LA S'C'ans. State age in ordering. pS SS1O W& t I'"CO, SI. C::t!ti!Buc Free. p R"umI & Ufa 9 &■ A8pfe and sp6 1 JmUwBBBL S SS WJ étrlcture and al] ttgJUJMwWHBftV unnatuiUiischarges. PriceS. íÍREEKSPECIFICSTo ïjJiatM 9andS!vinDIseases,Scror n!o3 Sorea acSSyphilüic Affections, witb. out mercury. Prloe, SS. Order from THE PERU DHÜG & CHEMICAL GO. SS. IW Wisconain Etrc.ct, MILWATJSEE, 'WIB. 5 At the expense of little S.Ja ::A Vj Í mo-y and h.s 'spare JglÊ$!-'):J i } time obtain a -(air v'or; , ' t ing education. j ■ ■. ISTUDV AtHÖMEi THROUGH THE SPR&GUE U53IVERSÍTY { OF CORRESPONDENCE INSTBUCTION, 0 Comprising the leadingcorrespondsncc schools in theworld. f SUBJECTS TAUGHT. 1 I lili The School of Law prepares pupils for admission I KIS t0 the lar by an ext?ntied' thorougli course. Has J 5 i over i,6oo students in every part of the country. i miinil 1 1 IOMÜ This school teaclies journalistic ' JQURNftüSffl sgy - e fou ; í 800K-KEEPING SfitfAKSaiS UUUI HLLI UliU book.k.epinir n America. PIinflT lik MR Thl school teadiesshott-híndby t t SHlIn I -HUÍS!! '1= best sj-steni. and from f J CIIUIII llhUU ginning Oie i expert vrark. , innrrl _J I RTIU This school J UI1LLH OIIU in I II ,istljry f,0IL tlle foun,ia. J 5 ti on to the most advanced work in tlïe classics. The above schools teacli by the 5 J ence metliod ouly, and rccogiiiie no rivals i 5 their respectivo llelds. . 5 - Adrlress, stating in J Relief in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dlseases relieved in six tours by the "New Great Soutli American Kidney Cure." This new remedy Is a great surprise on account ol lta exceedlng promptness tn rellevlng1 pain In the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of Uie urtaary ipaesages In male or témale. It relieves the retentlon of water and pain in passing tt alraoat lanmediately. If you want qulck relief and euro thla Is your rfvmpdy. Sold by H. J. Brown, dnjggist, Ann Arbor, Mich.


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