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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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kak&bfSü CT&resems 'Kksbrs # sSINFUL HAaiTS IN YOUTHi LATER EXOESSES IN MANHOOD 7 K MAKE NERVOUS, OISEASED MEN 5 tl #TliC Í3EQ6ÍS T ' isnorance and follyin jouth, overesc-ition of mind and body indnc-j, 11 I IJL lltuUL! od by lust and exposuro aro constantly wreckinr; the lives and futnrer jhappiness of thonsand ; of promising yonng men. Some Lads and wither at an early age, BHt tho blossom of mankood, whilo othors aro forced to drag out a weary, iruitlosa and melancholy exiBtenco. Others reach inatrimony bat find no solace or comfort there. The! j victims are. found in nll stations of lifc:-Tho farm, tho office, tho workshop, the pulpit,! Hthe trades and Ihe professions. , S RESTORED TO MAMHOOD BY DRS. K. & K. Wm. A. WALKEE. Wm. A. WALKEIi. MKS. CHAS. FERRY, CHAS. FEREY. Kbefoee teeatment aftee TBEATMENT Divorced but united agaiu pi L ISW NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT."ft mg Bi in in Wm. Ai Walker of 16th Street says:- "I have snfteredj Y& oYPbiI SS nntold aftonies f or my "gay 10 e." I was indiscreet whenl KK -■. .m yonne and ignorant. As "Oneof the Boys" Icontractedf M ElVIISSIONS ISyphilis and other Private diseases. I had ulcera in thel Bi ftTriMri if- ■- mouth and thi'oat, bone pains, hair loóse, pimples on S S I RICT face, finaer níiils carne off, e-nissions, became thin andS !ft Allnrn despondent. Seven doctors treated me with Mercury,f 1 (.IJ KEU Potash, eto. They helptd me bnt coald not care me.l q ___ FinailafriondindQcedjnetotryUrs.Kennedy&Kergan.r flTnoir New Method Treatment cured mo in a few weeks. Their treatment is wonderful.f SYou feel yonrself gaining every day. I have never heard of their failing to cure in asingle case." J "CURES GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED T KCapt. Chas. Ferry 6ays:- "I owemy life to Drs. IL t K. - h At 111 learned a bad habit. At 21 ) Imd all the symptoms IMPOTEIMPV " Q-if bcminal Weauness anit Ëpetiriatorrho3a, Emissions il" w a bliw i n {flkWiTc ('rüining and weakening my vitality. 1 married at ARIf%íTrfF'l P j24 onder advice of my .'.actor, bnt it was a Ij jRadexperi'nce. Ineightetn inontlis we were divorced. I FMIQIOIM H BLtheuconsaltedDrB.K.&K.,-who r.-Mtored me to manhood tlTIIOOIVillO _. [Sbytheir Nf.w Method Tmumcit. I "eltanew Hfethrillthrough OIIRFD to jniy uerves. We were united !r;r..'n andaré haipy. Thiswas J1-L [II ïsix years ago. Drs. K. & K, aio ecientific spacialists and I heartily recommend them." S &TWe treat and cure. Vc.ricocr'.; EmUsiont, Nervous Debility, Seminal d Weakness, Gl et, Stricluft, SyphiUs, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abusen Kidney and Bladdet Diseases. V 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK K iRFADFR ï Areypuavictim? Have yon lost hope? Areyou contemplating mar-JS b ?T ,t Has yonr Bloocl been diseased? Have yon any weakness? Ourtó in New Method Treatment wm cure vou. Whatit liasdono for others it will rto fnr r, W WCONSULTATION FRÊE. No matter who has treated you, write for an hoMst opinira F?eeH Sof Charge. Charges rèasonable. BOOKS FREE--'Tna Golden MonUor" (illSatrated) onK 10 Diseases of Men. Inclose postage, 2 cents. Sealed. ' Q E-NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI-B WVATE. No medicine sent CO. D. Nonames on boxes or envel-" Popes. Everythmgeonfidentlal. Question list and cost of Treat-O öment, FREE ■ jk No.l48SHELBYSTw DETROIT, MICHAS kK=BRS K6(K=PR5 K&KsQRS .Ka.L


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