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Pinckney claims 33 wldows. Thrre Is nu unlucky nnmber and tivo 3 's ! The farm of the late Castte Curtís, r.í Webster, was old at auction yesterday. Wallace Jones, oí Sharon, who has ■ 11 is t-eported mueh improved. Au Ypsü.inüan has made almost 50,000 gallons of the devil'e kindling Avood this season. Kcv. J. "W. Stacey expccts to sett'e in Welbeter as pastor oï the Cong nal chureh tinTlie Chelsea B. Y. P. IT. will give a neckti social Fridny evening, at the homo oí M.r and Mrs. Wm. Lalrd. There are several pupils in the high school at Manchester, who have not been absent or tardy since their connection therewith. , Gotlieb Andrés, treasurer of Dexter township, wiU be at the Dexter Savlngs Bank tlie last three Öaturdays in December to receive tnxes. Therese Otto dited at the home of parents in the tffwn of Lyndon, Friday morning, December th, '95, aged 19 years, 8 montlip, 2-4 days. Hou. Wm. Ball, of Hamburg, wlU read a paper at a meeting of the association oí breeders of improved stock, at, commencing toda y . The windmiU in front of the fxchange, on the Mabi street of Jianchester, has been taken down, and the appearance of the street impioved theresby. Taxpayers of Lima wil lplease take notice that the treasurer wil lbe at Jerusalem Dec. 21, at Chelsea Dec. 28, and at Dexter Dec. 31, '95, to receive taxes. The singing school here under the able management of Prof. Sage, of Aun Arbor, is in l'ull blast. The class ncmbers about 50, old and young.- Chelsea Herald. The ladies of the Congrega Honal -hurch, Dexter, hokl a fair and art l&an at the opera house in that village, commencing Friday. Curios and art work are in demand. Russian BCiefitists, after an investigation, report that of 597 trees struck byl ightning in the lorest r.ear Moscow, 302 were white poplar. Farmers are advised tO' plant poplars as natural lightning conductora. Aun Arbor'a city tax for the pa.-t year foots up to $1G.O5 per thousand dollars If of the peopie who kick so hard againet paying their village tax here, $5 per thousand, liad pipperty in the county capital, ■ouldnt. they tear their hair ?- Dexter Leader. The graduating daas or' this school does not like the distorted way in whicli ihe Washtenaw editor iï the Ann Arbpr Argus wrote up the intenrions of ihe class. They think he muel liave served time with some ircus as iunny man and contortio - Pinckney Dispatch. A large majority of the members of the present congrega weré raise fai U' i fjirrn is eat men, more far. The farm k until they reach j Tic'1 oi-der froni tJie peasioii eiaüy ent Wheelioner o; pensions that ho must i;oi on any mail matter reci ■ is office. This m Chat the largo nuniber of letters sent ro the agent upon which postage ni 8 uu; been paid will hereafter be sent to ihe dend etter office, including tlie ■ ouchers which it bas been almost the general custom of pensioners to serd to Detroit -without putting the necessary stamps on the envelopes. -.enter Tost (i. A. E., Ypsilanti, wil! i Jan. 3. Yi!sü;uiti will without doubt adopt standard time soon. Very sensible, Mrs. Mary Strang, nee Kimnie-1, wife Superior, dieil "d 27 years. The Adrián Press loeatea George Letter át Ann Arbor. Juust '■ the giggling down at Ypsi. Chei -'' uew membera the past year. fivm of S. H. Dodge & Son, Ypsilanti, Jewelers, say they propose io go out oï that trado entire'y. Al Ypsflanti they claim that thermometer went down to 14 deg. below zero last Friday morning . Attorney Lee N. Brown, oí Ypsilanti, has been admitted to practice ■e the Interior departme:it at Washington, D. C. Trof. ft. John. formerly. ol the Normal faculty at Ypsilanti. has returned from a three year's tour in Europe. spent In study. Mayor Pingree, of Detroit, delivered tlie oommeneement address at C'.eary College, Ypsilanti, last week, and captured his ciowd. The Epworth I.eague of Ypsilanti, about 1Ü0 strong, took a sleigh ride out to Benj. D. Kelly-s one dar last week, and had an elegant time. Or Fe-. 2.5th M S3 Mary P. Ho . 1 tt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (bas. Howiett oï' Ypeilanti town will be married to Mr. Albert Gunsolly, of Plymouth. Clarence "Westfall and Miss Ida Tan Iiorn were married Thursday evening, at the home of the bride's mother in Ypsilanti, Eev. Dr. Eyan offieiating. TÍiey will reside on Bower st., after returning home. The Telephone Co. has placed a new and improved switchboard in position in their office at this place. Tliis was made necessary by the number oi fii-ms tliat are putting 'phones in thëir offices.- Clielsea Standard. M 's. Geo. Penciil, of Toledo, lias leen risiting her mother. Mrs .Sty'e. - Ypsilantlan, Ii there is anythitig that a newspaper likes it is a pencll of the right style.- Ann Arbor Oourier. "Y1!, ive sliould re-maik. -Adrián Press. That wou'd mark twain. of cotirse. Eev. Mr. Gardam of Fairbault, Minn. has accepted a cali to become pastor of St. IUke's chureh in this city ar.d will enter upon his dut es here some time in January. Mr. Gardam lia beer. dean of the Cnfhedral in Fairbault, and chaplain to Bishop Wliipple. TJie chureh is to be congratulated on securing so capable a man. - Ypsilañtian. Fred 13. Palmer, fomierly of Ypsilanti, wli o bad been a brakeman ior n number of years on the M. C. K. B., dieü very suddenly at Detroit last week!. I!V was hurt In a ;oasth:g accident somo three years ugo, and it is thought that its eifecta saused his death. lic veas 81 years o'd, and tins were brought .o iirlal. AM , ii meeting oí the stock'■' the Dexter Sa vin named wore e thn I ■ kei t, E. R. Cl lias. Van Iíiper, 8. T.. Jenney, Y'. D. Bmith, H. Wii-t Ist vïcf president, tase; 2d vice . Benton ; cáshier, H. TVirt Newkirk ; e, K. ■ter. Mr. Bireh is a wood dealer at Sturgis. He livs on Wahrat Ili'l, corner of Elm and Oak B cross the road from Dr. Wood. hbor to Mr. Beach,, He sells ten cords of wood i'or $12.50 which onght to make kim very poplar. - Adrián Pres. "Ye wood pile it on a little thicker by Buggestíng that he probably boards. - Morthville Record. Tliis might not be iu a cord with the fact. Better iix him.- Monroe Democrat. Rail away, gentlemen. A. lady lias oponed up a elass in the Cernían language ai Dundee. i Wlllie Fuóss, of Sa'lne, dletl :ilurilay. L'er. 7, ai ter an illness oí UO i years. Rev. Eto-b't Bramfitt will preách il:e coming year ïor the Presbyterlans oí Plymouth. A Company lias leen formed at Aayiíc lo supply the village -.- i li e utric iighte. Sírs. Barí ara Schieh, wi ■ of .Tacón SciTeh of Saline d!ed Dec. T. af((■; a loan' Illness. i ;,:- V-. M. C. A. of XorthvilU' lias I en ni) a lecturé course. Flve tainmenta for $1 . Joha H. Riley, a pointer, hing , ca ;o i "■.. Ypeilantl, died Friday, and burial took place oía Suaday. Setter come to Aun Arbor lliursday evenlng and hear Bob Burdetíe at the Presbytrian clnueii. Only 35 cents. P. A. "Wilson and Fred Üchmiüt wih tnelr famiUes, moved back Irom Anit Ai'bor tne first oí the week.- Sa"UncV ESÜy Baker, oi Stockln-idge, aged 80 years, (Ved on Saturday. He v, .-V slieriff of Inghám county -wli u Lincoln was presiö At Ypeilantl the Business Men's Assoclation ' :ht out the Kpvinkling cart and proposes to run sprinkling oí - ttself. CL.) ' l -. C. Whéelcr opeued a ñew grocery at Salem Monda y muil■ & Wheeler. W and keep 'em Bussey. The NorthviHe Record has met wlih such prosperity thatit has been obüged to odd auoiher column 't o its p umi is now ;i. se ven column paper. ■" for it. Harry Qnowball, is a Whittaker (ad, but not every "Whiitaker school boy lias been aWe to throw h;m against thé fence, by any ineáns.- Adrián Press. The Hrst marriage aiiniversary, of Mr. and Mis. Lee X. Brown, oí Yp.-ilati was made the occasion of a purpiise last Thursday evening 'oy abov.t 2.". oí fchetr friends. Fred Palmer and mother drove ov r to Ann Arbor; Saturday. He w ut over to have an operation yerioimed and expects tö remain tliere ior a week or two. - Clinton Local. George Washington, a former uusky denizen of Ypslfenti, was tent to the Detroit Houvse of Correction from Owosso, for all'owing a $14 diamond to "fall nto liis pocket." It a.: a bad all for George. George Lemon, of Whttmoré halce, died on Friday of last week, after an extended illness caused by cáncer iu the stomach. Funeral services were ald Monday from the family ieidence, and the rematas, interred at Hamburff. The marrlage of Matthew S. l)u fey of this city and Florence Shovan. oí .ly,onae, was celebrated at St. John's church this morning, Rev. Frank Kennedy officiating. The young oouple wil! occupy a pleaaant home on Prospect st., at once.- YpsiXantl Sentinel. One Xpsilanti norse won mie of the races at Ann Arbor Friday. .uid the owner of another ïpsilanti horse is kicking Hke a good fellow beca use I e didn't set theother prize, claiming un[air tieaiment. It is very neHlom that twö horse racers eau agree anyway The Ann Arfcor lailwaj steam shovel and two train crews ave now operating near Temple and oxtensive ork is being done in stralghtening (he curves and iínproviúg the graÉe of the line between the Muskegon riVer and Lnke George.- Cadi la i News and Express. A 'Manchester lad, cOntrary to his papa's iujunction went skating on ice that was too thin. He secured a touch down in 14 minutes, went home and the old man kicked soal witu ease. This gave the ba.wl to ilie young-ster, and tlie game was o f ior tbat doy.- Adrián ! '., ■ ■' fbition of rare and vahiable i tn one of 1 li esed to a fair for the -a.'e and useful articles (o ie fiieW by the young people of the Con. t onal church, in t h nse A warm dim er wiili on Satuiday, irom to 2 p. m., at 15 !Ltd.


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