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raí GLASS FUNCH BOWL Among the uiauy beautiful pieces of Libbey Cut Glass at ME. ARNOLD'S JEWELKY STORE there is a very handsome Punch Bowl and Ladle. It is now ou exhibition with many other choice goods suitable for Christinas Presenta in his Show VVindow on Main Street. It will pay yon to look at it. Oí eourse you know the place- prettiest in the city. Win. Arnold Leading Jeweler. i Your Best Friend- - Whether lady or genil i tleman will be deL lighted with a bottle % ï of our fine perfume L % for L 1 CHRISTMAS. L1 Come in and see wfcat L we have. ? I Mummery's Drug Store, f No. 17 F.. Washington St., Cor. 4th Ave. 8S LOW HOME SEEKER'S RATES O. H. Sc T. R'Y. To SOUTHERN POINTS. Home Seekei's excursión tickets to all principal Sontliern points, at the rates of one fare for the round trip plus $2.00, will be on sale at all C. II. & D. coupon poiuts, November 27, December 2, o, 9, 10, 16, and 17, with liberal limit for return. Those looking for new locations or desirinfí a cheap Southern trip, can ascertain all particulars by calling upon or addressing any Agent of the C. H. & D. Railway. TO FARMERS. The Ypsilanti Robe and Tanning Co., feeling certaiu that they can ' inake it an object to you, invite yon to cali at 25 South Huron St., Ypsilanti, and examine samples of goods of our inakp. Onr business is to Tan Ftirs and Hides, and manufacture to order Robes, Coats, Capes, Gloves and Mittens, or we will pay Cash for Hides. CUSTOM WORK. We will do Custom Work, tanning hides for ownors at reasonable figures. Farmers can thas secure firstclass Robes at nominal prices. AVe make a specialty of MOTH-PROOF ROBES frorn hides of cattle, whicb to be appreciated must be seen. Cali and see us. YPSSLAHTI ROBE &TANN1NG Co. 25 South Huron St., YPSILANTI, - MICHIGAN. Ï20 DOLLARS BV PER M0NTH ín Your Own Localitv made easily and honorably, -without capital, during jour spare hours. Any man, womán.boy, orgïrl can do the work hanciily, without experience. Talking unuecessary. Nothing like it for moneymaking ever offered bef ore. Our workers nhvü .-. Is'o time wasted n learning the business. We teach you in a night liow to succeed from the lirst . You eau make a trial without os ;f. We start you, ftir ig needed to carry on the I fully, and guaraátee failure if you but follow onr ie, plain instructions. Reader. iL jou are in need of ready motiey, ana want lo know all about t!ie best paying business before the public, send us your address, and we will mail you a document giving you all the particulars. TRUE & CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine. Wa, trnstworthy gentleme nr ladies to travel in Micblan for es tablislu-'l. rellable liouse. Salary $7öO anii ex pense. Bteady posltlon. Endose referenc and self-addressed Ktamped envelope. The Do mlnion Corapany, Tliird Floor, Omaha Build I ng, Chicago, 111. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT havingbeen made. in the condilonsof payment of acénaln mortgage, m. e be -miidavof May, A D., 1887 by Jerome . rreemanand Enun V. Freeman, bis wifc . t- uTiius E. -Beal, whereby the power o' - berein coótained Bas beoome 0 nitlv, viiich moxtgage was recorded in the ornee . he Register of Deed for the l'oimty oi v asuon the arst day of June, A. D., Ib87, lu ,i lier (il of Mortgages On Page 543 and i n phlch mortgage there is claimed to be due t he date of this ootice the sum of eis:it mndred and twenty-eight dollars, and nopr ■ teedings at luw or in equlty havlng heen nist - to collect tbe said sumí of mom-v orai v p'o'i I ' forje herebj gtven, thal i the H;ih day oí Janíiary A. 6., 189;t eievi i 'clock, in tlie Eoreuoou of saict day at i i Bontli front door of the (Jourt tl Citv of Am. Arbor, State of Michigan, i . ■ said mortfrage will be foreclösed, and tha ands and tenements by the said mortgase conyeyed will be sold at public auetlou or ven!,.;. to the highest bidder to Batisf: rlncipal and interest of said mortghge. and ;he ci!st and expenses of these proceedngs includiug au attorney's fee of twentyBve dollars provided for therein. The land, tenements and premisos in the said mori"8ge mentioned and then and tnete to be soldare descrlbed M follows, to wit: ll il, os0 oertain iii s or pareels of lanas situiited in the City of Ann Arbor, Mlch known bounded und described as toilows: The west part of lots four and live in Bloeit A, Eastern Addüion tothe Vlllage, now Citv.of .rdingtothe recorded plat thereof, being the sana' lauds formerly owned li one John Kaue. Dated Ann Arbor, October lh. 1895. E. Ii. Nobris, JüKioa E. Bkai,, Attorney forMortagee. Mortgagee. Mortgage Sale. Defanlt havlng been made In the eonditions (.f i.a ineiii ofaoertaiu inortgage made the thirtielh day ofMaroh, A ü.,ls93byG. S Ñixon to öeorge M.Clarken lo secare paynientofapartof the purctiaae priue of tbe lauds and tenements llierein uut herein loued, wbereby the power ofs oontained has become opwative, i;",. was rei ofDeeds loi thirtieth day of Mun-li aforesaid ia LiberSl of Mort . and whlch rno was : dersii ned by -deed of assignmeni .Tuly, v. I ■ ■ ■ : miiii of flve hundnd atlaw ty havlng been In .un oí money or anj . Nottce is therefore hereby g'ven that on the lóih day of February, lock in the i ,; the B iiith front door ■ - in Arbor, S sai,l ,,,, II be fnreeloged and . md tenements by the said mortgage eonvey■d wil) be sold al publicauetlon 01 dder tosalisty me principal ■ lonable attorne'ys fee provtded for theri Xhe l tients nul pre i-s m Ihe saiii rnorlRage mentionedand Uien aud there to beo erlbed as foltows: All tbat certaln parcel of land sltuatea in thecityof Aun Arbor, being a pari ol the ïorh-east quarter of section No thirty. in rown Two, sontb of rángéslx east, sih Mieliii'aii. boöndedasfollows, ro-wii: Begln; the söuth lincMif Huron Sire. I point twenty rods westerly ol lineofsaid i .ction, whicli point, is alsotbe northeasterly corner nf landa formi rly occupiedby Ira Allen, au3 rauninglbenceKoiitlisrly paralell with the (Sast line of Raid section, twelve rod"; Theuce easterlj paralel! witb Hu run street, eight röds; Thene northerly parallel with tlie easï line of satd sectio'n. twel vé rods to Hnron street; Thence westerly alodg Huron street to t{ie place of beginninK Uated, Aun Arbor, Mich., Nov. 19,1895. FBEDEKICK ö. SCTII.F.iriIKll E. B, Norbis. Assigneeof Mortgagee. Attorney lor Assignee of Mortgagee. OTATB OF MICHIGAN, County of WashteAt a"ess?on of the Probate Court for the County Washtenaw. holden at the -l'robate Officeinthe eityoi Ann Arbor. on Monday, tii ! and day of December, in the year one thousand elght hundred and alnety ftve. PreseutJ. WiUard Babbltt, Judge oí Pro In the matter of theestatftof Henry Tower, deeëased, Sereno B. Bassett, executor i last will anil testament of saiii deceased, comes into court and represents that he is now prepared to render his flnal account as sucii executor. Thereupon itorderc.l, th:it Fnday. the 27th day of December, next at ten q'tlock In the forenoon, be assigned for examintng and allowingsqcb account, and that the devisees. legatees and helrs-at-law ol said dïceased., aod all other persons interested in said est te, are reqhired to appear al a session of said court tlien to be holden at the Probate Office. In the City of Aini Arbor, in said county. and show cause, if any there be. vvliy the said account should not be allowed. And ït la fnrther ordered that said executor give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof by causing i eopv of thls order to be publishei) In the Ann Albor Courier, a newspaper printed and cireulatfd In said county. three successiye weeks previous to said day clearing. 6ABBm (A true copy,) Judge of Probate. m. G. Doty. Probate Register. NOTICE TI) CkETUTOKS. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washte5 , Notice is hereby glven. that by an order of he Probate Court for tfce County of Washteuw, made on the I6th dny of December A. D. syr. six months trom that (late were allowed orcreditors to present tlieir claims agalnst ae estáte of Andrew J. Lucas late of ounty, deceased, and tliat all oreditorg oi aid deceaaed are required to present their lalms to sald Probate Court, at the Probate fflcein thecitvof Ann Arbor, for examinaiou aud allowancü. on or before the I6tb day f June next. and that sucb claims will be ïeard before said Court, o the ltith day of [aren and on the Hith day of June next t ten o'clock In the forenoon oi cacb. of DatedÁnn Arbor. December 16, A. D. 1896. J. WILLAUD BABHITT. Judge of Probate Estáte of Austin if. Wood. QTATK OF MICHIGAN. Couuty of WashJ tenaw, ss. At u sessiou of the Probate Court for the Couuty of Washtenaw, holden at ae Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on 'uesday, the 17th day of December, in the on, thousand eight lnmdred and nlnety-flve. Present J WlllardBabbltt.Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Austin A. Yood. deceased. Leonhard Grnner the admlnlstrator with hé wlll annexed of sald estáte; comes lnto court and represents that he Is now prepared ;o render his annual account as such adminisThereupon t is ordered, that Tuesday. the 4th day of January at ten u'cloek in the noon, be assigned for examlning and allowlng account, and that the devisees, legatees nd helrsat la ol sed, an.l all qs interested in said ire rei'ourt, at the Probate Office, in the ■ said Count; re be. why the sald account llowed. And it is further ordered, that Faid admlnistrator give notice to lencj i ■■mit, aud the heai inted Ine. ' [Ah L róbate. W. G. Doty, Pri PBOPQSñLS FQR WOOO, Sealed proposals for about KM corda of hará nood, fonr feet Unía, sawecJ enda, yotmg. body of stra iy. hard ma econd growth wliite or yellow mOand pa-k, in qi ties of not. less than ten eords, and eorda ol 1 ; "(l quallty, be received by the underslgned imtil the 16th day oi r. 1895, inclusive. The wood tobe delivered withln the next thirty days after awardlng the contract, nt the school houses, in snoh quaatities aa dlxecteo. The rlghi lo rejéctany and all offers is resi cved. ■'■ '" M1" ''■'■■ , u etary. Hamllton Bloei. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Highest Medal and Diploma. Nerve fe. Bloou e r schenectadv. N.Y. fwANTED H Men to work for us who desire to mak e i mouc-y this lal! and winter it"'?g i Rhiok times. Kxoelli'tit chance. Lib■ er-il jiav If you have spare time, ont 9 of work, or looking tor a paying busiI ness write ine at ouce. 1 Pred. E. Yoang, Nurseryman ROCHESTER N. Y. ösiükÊ ñto Dutch Process tKo' Malies ar Gbemicals are tised in the pre.paration of w. Baör tart reakfast Gocoa, ■which is absolutely pure -and soluble. It has more than tkree times the strength of Cocoa mied with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more economioal, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easilï DIGESTED. Sold by Crocers everywher. Wjaker&GOoDorchesteraMass, SCHIFFNJ ANN'S Asthma CureS IV ever f aila to give instaat relief in the worst Sg casos, and cifeet enres where otlitrs I:til. n lril eactasp I ■ i;iBts or by Mail. H ladrsra DB. B. gOHIFFMANN. St. Fnl,nn.B CA!V I OI5TATN A PATENT? Fora prompt answer ünd an taonest opinión, write to SÏlJN N & CO., who liave had nearly flfty yenrs' ëxpeVienïï in the patent business. Öommunirations striotly ccmfldential. A Hainibonk of lafonmtion concerning Patenta and how to obt un iliem eunt íree. Also a catalogue of mecnanical sna soientiflo tooks sent liee. Patenta taken tbrounh Munn & Co. receive snecial noticeintno iScicutific Amencnn, and thus are hrouprht wideiy before the public witnout oost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, oleprantly illnstrated, has by far tha lareost circulation of any scientiflc work in the world 3 a car. Specimen copies sent Tree. Buiidins Krfition, monthly, $2.5Öa year. Single cODies 'iti cents. Every number contnm beautiíul platea, in colors, and pliotouraphs Of new houses. with plans, enabling builders to show the latcst rtesicus mul seeure contracta. Address MUÜN L CO., ÜUW YOKK, 3Ö1 BKOADWAT. ÖE2L DIEFFENBACH'S fíjffis PROTAGON CAPSULES SiïX s"ro Cnre for We"k Men, aa JRtw feWi provedby reporta of leadingphyJl'3=:'i Y sicians. State age in ordcring. KlfmBI OlPrice. SI. Catalogoe Free. kE' HÍ0'Á O L1 A safe and spcccly I &ÍLáeJE3i íl I 85 ure for Gl..-, JmSSWmL I Strlcture nnd til ■fik amiatural discharges. Pricei-ï2. Wf REEKSPECIFICToay SmüSii SiJard&kinEilBeases, Scrf nlana sores andSyphintJo Affcctions, vritU out mercury. Prieu, S8. Order from THE PERU DRU6 & GHEMiGAL CO. ffi 189 Wisoonsia Street, HILWAUKEïWIS. UNYONECAN 5p At the expense of little !2r $$L1 mor-y and hs spare ÈBÏÏp$$$3 Íl time obtain a fair work-pV ing education. ■ flBPv t ISTUDYATHOMEJ THROUGH THE SPRAGUE UNIVERSITY OF CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCT1ON, i Comptisingthelcadingcorrcspondenceschoolsintheivorkl. ) SUBJECTS TAUGHT. t I Uil The School of Law prepares pupils for admission j l l All to the bar, by an extended, thorough course. Hns 4 over I,6oo studenta in cvery part of the country. ( i iminillllOlli This school traches joumalistlc i UOURNftllSSïl ssy "" ; t rnnlf IfrrnlUO This school s conductid by ï Í RnnK-KrCrnlu ■" of u, .;iitt ndersof ( UUun lifc.L.1 II1U book-keeping in America. SniinnT Ullin TlUs school tóachessliort-haniby 4 'KnllK I -HUriU thsbcstsy: ■■'' - i BREEK and LATÍN g I] t tion to Üie most advancsd work in tilt f The nbo-9 schools tencli by the t enco inotiiOii onlv, and recoguize 110 rivals n { 5 thoir resiiLCtivo fleWs. ,5 5 . M Address, stating in 5 1 "". .nare! :■ Sr interested, and J ts m J .,"■; - ■ ','■-. Each school has sef 1 ' . '■' yfi J. COTNER, u'H., J Sec'y . DETROIT, V Relief in Six Hours. Distressing Kldney acd Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "New Great Soutli American Kldney Cure." ïiils new remedy l& ffreat surprise on account of lts eleeoillng promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urtnary passages In male or female. It relieves the retentlon of water nnd pain In passing it almost knmedlately. IÍ you want quiok relief and cure tnla Is yoiir remedy. Sold by H. J. Brown, druffgist. Ann Arbor, Mlch..


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